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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

DeVos, Rich Amway

DeVos, Rich Amway
DeVos, Rich AmwayRich is also covered in the Wikipedia article.Rich DeVos' remarks are available in audio format.Exclusives from AmwayRDV-AmwayExclusives.mp3Amway's Sales and Marketing StrategyPart 1 of RDV-AmwaySalesAndMarketingPlanPt1.mp3Part 2 of RDV-AmwaySalesAndMarketingPlanPt2.mp3Capitalism...

Diamond Amway

Diamond Amway
Diamond Amway To earn a diamond, you must either:A qualifying Platinum must have 6 legs (3 of which must be in market) and have qualified at the Silver Producer level for at least 6 months during the Amway fiscal year to qualify as a Diamond.According to IBO Sales Reports and IBO Earnings...

Executive Diamond Amway

Executive Diamond Amway
Executive Diamond AmwayExecutive Diamond status necessitates one of the following:A qualified Platinum must have 9 legs (3 of which must be in market) and have qualified at the Silver Producer level for at least 6 months during the Amway fiscal year to qualify as an Executive Diamond.orAttain...

Founders Executive Diamond Amway

Founders Executive Diamond Amway
Founders Executive Diamond Amway To become a Founders Executive Diamond, you must either:A certified Platinum must have 9 legs (3 of which must be in market) and qualify at the Silver Producer level for all 12 months of the Amway Performance Year to qualify as a Founders Executive Diamond.orAttain...

Founders Double Diamond Amway

Founders Double Diamond Amway
Founders Double Diamond Amway To get a Founders Double Diamond, you must do one of the following:A certified Platinum must have 12 legs (3 of which must be in market) and qualify at the Silver Producer level for all 12 months of the Amway fiscal year to qualify as a Founders Double...

Founders Triple Diamond

Founders Triple Diamond
Founders Triple Diamond To qualify as a Founders Triple Diamond, you must:A qualifying Platinum must have 15 legs (3 of which must be in market) and qualify at the Silver Producer level for the entire Amway fiscal year to qualify as a Founders Triple Diamond.orAttain Diamond status...

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