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Tuesday, August 10, 2021

FiredUp Letters - Section 4: Personal Growth Amway

FiredUp Letters - Section 4: Personal Growth Amway

  FiredUp Letters - Section 4: Personal Growth 

After reading the other letters from high achievers, I felt compelled to contribute my thoughts.

Several years ago, I was a complete disaster. I'd been agoraphobic for 22 years and couldn't bear the thought of leaving the house. I had a tiny child who began to question why Mommy didn't want to take him to the park, or to the movies, or to his friends' homes, as he grew older.

I felt like my marriage was coming to an end, and there were evenings when I contemplated taking my own life. I prayed to God several times, pleading with Him to assist me and fix the difficulties, and I also blamed Him. What was it about others that made it appear like they had it so much easier?

After that, I met my next-door neighbour and learned about the Plan. I joined up with the belief that, even though I was unable to participate, my spouse would be able to. Book titles like "What to Say When You Talk to Yourself" and "What You Say Is What You Get" were loaned to me by my upline.

After more than five years, I can confidently state that I have transformed to the point where people no longer recognise me. I am proud of myself and have learned to love others rather than to be afraid of them. Allow me to inform you that God frequently responds to a prayer with a plan for change and instructs you to get to work right away.

Share the Plan with everyone, and don't make snap decisions based on appearances. You have the ability to effect change and, perhaps, save lives. I have rediscovered the pleasures of life. Amway and all those that haven't given up on their dreams are to be praised.

The following is an email from M. H. in Temple, Texas:

Shad, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me.

I've been in the Amway company for over four years now, and I can honestly claim that it has assisted me in making significant changes in my life, such as overcoming my addiction to drugs and alcohol, as well as my pessimism, which used to be a part of my everyday existence.

Personally, I had almost given up hope of ever finding something worthwhile to strive for that would be worth the time and work it would take to devote myself to it and believe in it.

The business has altered my perspectives on nearly everything in life, and it has provided me with the knowledge that there is still a place where true success and achievement are valued and held in high regard, and where ordinary people can achieve extraordinary levels of success and accomplishment, despite their circumstances.

I had no desire to get married prior to starting the company, but I have now been married for more than three years and couldn't be happier. It is the highest point in my life that I have ever experienced in terms of faith, belief, self-confidence, and sense of accountability.

Additionally, my Amway business has aided me in being a more effective employee and manager of my time and budget. I've stopped comparing my potential to succeed to the shortcomings and restricted thinking of others and instead focus on my own abilities. Anyone who believes that the business solely promotes consumerism hasn't seen the whole picture of the business and how it assists individuals in making great changes in their lives hasn't been exposed to it.

—BGM & CMM, based in Chicago, Illinois.

Shad, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me.

Thank you so much for the 'PepTalk' letters. I really appreciate them. When you wake up in the morning and hear such great reinforcement and encouragement, it's a breath of fresh air.

The vast majority of individuals trust the news media to shape their beliefs for them, never realising that positive affirmation and self-determination are both options available to them. I would want to say that I just made the decision to be optimistic one day, but that did not turn out to be the situation.

Many friends in the Amway industry assisted me in realising that if I wasn't where I wanted to be, I could make a difference by changing my attitude. But he didn't stop there. He went on to say more. They embraced me for who I was and introduced me to a system that would assist me in doing tasks that I was unable to complete on my own.

Despite the fact that I am far from perfect, my life has turned around completely since I was enslaved by drugs, booze, and a marriage on the verge of collapse. Isn't it interesting how you may find yourself in a business that provides you with so much while also providing you with the opportunity to give back — the opportunity to serve others?

—E. L. Doctorow

I want to express my gratitude to those of you who are Amway distributors. Those of you who are considering this opportunity should know that the benefits this business may provide for you and your family will be well worth the time and effort invested.

I've had the privilege of working in this industry for the past seven years, and it has been the most rewarding experience of my life.

You can achieve many different levels in this business opportunity, but I believe the most important of these options is the potential to assist yourself in growing and becoming a better person in your daily activities.

So, give yourself a chance and go for your goals. Moreover, ignore those who are critical of your efforts; critics can be found in every endeavour that leads to success. Always strive towards greater heights.

C. N. from Michigan

As a Vietnam War veteran of the United States Marine Corps, the group to which I belong has proven to be an amazing source of support for me. As soon as I am able to trust and love people again, I will. Personally, I believe that this business has saved my marriage, my family, and, most likely, my own life through its efforts.

Godspeed and God's blessings,

—Kenneth K.

The transformations that have occurred in my life since becoming an Amway representative have been tremendous. The friendships and information I have received as a result of this experience astounds me and fills my heart.

It seems like there are a lot of us out there who have come into this profession after having been knocked down in life, and it takes us a long time to claw our way back up. Over a period of much too long, we were persuaded to feel that we were unworthy of better or that there was nothing better out there for us to find.

This business, on the other hand, trains us differently. It restores our dignity and pride, which we had so readily and carelessly surrendered in the past. I'm still learning and have a long way to go, but I've come to the conclusion that there is a solution to the problem. Even if I were to receive nothing else, I would have received vast riches in the process.

L. B. —L. B.

I wanted to share with you the wonderful impact that the Amway business has had on my personal life. I hope you will find this information useful. At the time of our entry into the firm several years ago, my self-esteem was at an all-time low. As a result of my feelings of insecurity around other people, I was unable to go to the grocery shop alone. I was also unable to attend parties or other social gatherings where I would have to engage with other people. I'd have panic attacks all the time. I also did not believe that I would be liked by others.

I've been able to overcome all of this because of my business. I have a large number of pals on whom I can rely. The fact that I am lot more secure and comfortable with myself as a person has made me significantly happier.

However, even though we have not achieved all of our financial objectives (yet), we have made money and the financial ideas we have learned, such as how to get out of debt, have proven to be quite beneficial. Because of the nature of the business, we are convinced that we would not have acquired these lessons otherwise.

In our marriage, my spouse and I have a stronger bond, and we have a set of common goals. Knowing where we are headed and having fun getting there is a win-win for everyone! It is refreshing to be surrounded by good individuals who are encouraging and who have our best interests at heart, especially in the face of so much negativity in the world at large.

The only gain we could have gotten out of the business would have been my conquering my enormous fear of people and increasing my self-esteem, and every dime we spent on books, recordings, and functions would have been worth it. But it has turned out to be so much more. We are really grateful that our sponsor entered our lives. This business has been a fantastic adventure so far!

—R.S., Felton, California

In this letter, I would like to express my gratitude for the six years that I have worked as an Amway distributor. The quality of my life has significantly increased, largely as a result of the personal growth that you may achieve via working in this industry. Despite the fact that it has generated some substantial revenue for us, the most significant asset has been our personal growth.

My wife and I are both teachers, however this business may be run in your spare time to the point where it generates more cash than your normal job allows you to earn. At the very least, you'll want to have a distributor explain the concepts to you. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

—V.T. and M.T. from Pennsylvania.

I've been an Amway distributor for one year, and I have to admit that it has been an educational and adventurous experience thus far. You see, I am a 27-year-old who is sceptical, stubborn, and self-sufficient, and I am looking for something more in life than the traditional 45-year "work and retire" strategy.

The only business option that allowed me to own my own personal business that I could afford was Amway, and it was the only one I could afford. The return on my investment has been absolutely incredible!

As a result of my involvement as a distributor, I have gained a greater understanding of business, financial, and personal growth. Knowing myself, I know that if I had not been a distributor, I would not have learnt this information.

My self-image, confidence, and business savvy have all significantly increased as a result of the wonderful environment that my up-line distributors have built for me. When I joined, I was not looking for personal improvement; instead, I was hoping for money! I had never realised the significance of personal development until I started working in this industry. Having worked in the financial industry, I understand the working ideals and the delicate balance between financial and personal management that one needs have in order to be truly successful.

—R. M. from Dallas, Georgia

FiredUp Letters - Section 3: Values & Lifestyle Amway

FiredUp Letters - Section 3: Values & Lifestyle Amway

 FiredUp Letters - Section 3: Values & Lifestyle 

 The decision to become Amway distributors was one of the best decisions my wife and I ever made. We had reached the end of our ropes by the time we spotted this opportunity. When we were married, things were difficult. We didn't think we would be able to make it more than a couple of months financially, and we had no hope that anything or anybody would be able to assist us.

We have been in the industry for two years, and we have transformed into a completely new group of people. The cheerful atmosphere, as well as the books and cassettes, have completely transformed our outlook on life. My wife and I have the best marriage in the world, and it is getting better every day. I consider myself quite fortunate to have her.

In terms of money, we are in a much better position. My wife has already resigned from her position with the state, where she had worked for 12 years, and we have set a date for my retirement, which will be in just 10 short months. After a year of having mom at home instead of sending them to daycare for 9 hours a day, my children are completely different children.

Even if we never made another cent in the business, the effort would have been worthwhile simply because of the individuals we have become as a result of spending the past two years in such a great environment.

Thank you, Amway, for making a difference in my life.

My regular company brings me into contact with a lot of folks that are quite negative and have been battered down. If we let our support staff to work with us, I find that the attitudes I learn in the Amway company carry over into my personal and professional life as a result of working with them.

As a result, we've noticed a difference in the attitude of our youngest son (our two older daughters didn't receive nearly as much positive impact early on, but they do now, despite the fact that they're in college and attempting to make it on their own). Our youngster even reminds us from time to time when we are feeling down.

—T.L. and C.L., both of Lander, Wyoming

With a teaching degree from Eastern Kentucky University, I've spent my whole professional working life in the insurance, real estate, banking, and retail marketing industries.

A stranger dropped off an advertisement package with a blue dot tape one day and changed everything. I listened to the tape numerous times before returning his phone call. That phone call was the most significant call I had ever made, and I had made thousands of phone calls in my life before that.

After 47 years on this planet, my life has steadily shifted from that of a workaholic to that of a husband, parent, and leader who is one hundred percent happier than I have ever been in my whole life.

My life now has value and significance that nothing will ever be able to take away from me.

—D. M.

The first time I went to an Amway meeting, I couldn't quite grasp the business concepts, despite the fact that they seemed to make sense to me at the time. But, even in that case, I couldn't help but notice the nice atmosphere and the positive individuals around me. I couldn't discover a single person with a long face among a hundred others.

That prompted me to look into what was causing the people involved to have such a happy attitude and to have such a great influence on others. I discovered that the business was built on the principles of honesty and trust among its employees. I discovered people who trusted one another and, perhaps more importantly, believed in themselves. People stood up for their beliefs.

I've noticed an increase in the number of professionals entering the industry, including software consultants, doctors, and private business owners. persons who have faith, courage, and a strong desire to achieve success

It is my personal thank you to God for placing me in a positive environment where no one tells me, "You can't do this," or "You can't do that," but instead tells me, "If one man can do it, so can you."

—D. N., from Los Angeles, California

When I was a detective with the New York Police Department, I was introduced to the Amway business. At the time, I was assigned to the Narcotics Division of the Department of Justice. For nearly 12 years, I worked in a variety of ghetto neighbourhoods throughout New York City. During this time, a good buddy who was active in the Amway business volunteered to take me to a meeting, which I declined for the next five months. I finally consented to attend the conference that would change the course of my entire life.

The first night I went to the meeting, I pretended to be a detective, trying to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn't find anything incorrect. My chair nearly fell out from under me when they began to demonstrate the potential of the marketing plan and the facts. However, it was my friend's invitation to a business seminar that sealed the deal for me. This was crucial for me because it was the first time I met truly wonderful individuals.

You see, I was working in a pretty unpleasant environment, and I was beginning to believe that there were no nice people left in the entire world. I wasn't a fast learner when it came to business, but I ultimately got started and expanded the company to the point where it could supplement my pension, allowing me to leave the Police Department in good standing. This was also an important aspect of the Amway company's overall operations. My father was now 87 years old, and I had never had a close relationship with him.

Well, because to the Amway business, I was able to spend the final two years of his life with him, laughing, fishing, and learning about the events of his life as well as the events in my family's life. You could never place a price on time, which is something that can never be repurchased at any cost. These are just a few of the reasons why I believe the Amway business is the greatest business of all time, and there are many more. I will be eternally grateful to Rich and Jay for restoring my life to normalcy for me.

—M. G.

Almost a decade has passed since we became Amway distributors. We have never been dissatisfied with the firm, and we can honestly state that things have only gotten better and better with each passing year.

There is an opportunity for you to expand your range of alternatives in your life. Fortunately, the chance to surround yourself with high-quality people exists. Knowing that there are no prejudices in business, only hard effort and results, provides everyone with an equal chance to achieve in life. No one should be surprised that Amway is a hugely successful company all across the world. They take care of their distributors in the proper manner.

We upgraded to Diamond status a few years ago. Despite the difficulties, life continues to be lovely. Amway works for those who are willing to put in the effort. Dreams are possible and do come true.

—J. & J. & J. & J. & J. M.

Thank you for creating such an excellent website! My wife and I have been working on growing our Amway business for a few years now. I am 33 years old and we have three children. We have experienced some financial success, having reached the Direct level after only one and a half years in business.

While working as a manager for a large insurance firm, I was disenchanted with corporate life, knowing that my future was being dictated by decisions made by upper management that had little to do with my ability.

I took the time to find out the facts since I was aware that what my grandparents had done 20 years prior did not correspond to the programme I had been subjected to at that time. It was one of the most important decisions of our lives when we made the decision to get started, and that decision was one of the most difficult.

We've made wonderful friends, travelled to places we would have never otherwise visited, and earned a little money along the way. Our daughters are also exposed to a good environment in which we make goals and talk about our objectives, which is really important to us. How many families truly do it these days, you might wonder.


There is a great deal of negativity in the world these days. Since I've been in this company, I've never seen such a strong sense of support and encouragement. It's just fantastic. Everyone is positive, self-assured, compassionate, and loving. It's an honour to be affiliated with such a wonderful set of people. I am honoured and delighted to be associated with this company and with these individuals.

—V. L.

The Amway business has been a part of our family's life for approximately six months. I've always been the type of person that looks for any and all opportunity to start my own business. I attempted to do so in the past, but the cash flow problem proved to be too much for me to handle successfully. I didn't let that "failure" deter me from pursuing my ambition of being my own boss.

As I continued to work at my job and explore for new prospects, our lives were drastically altered by the birth of our son, who was born prematurely. We have had to work very hard to get him, but he is well worth it. We didn't really see a financial escape because he may remain reliant on us for the rest of his life, until we learned about the Amway plan, which changed our minds.

At first, I was unaware of the huge potential that this chance possessed. We originally saw this as a way to earn an extra $200-300 per month to help alleviate the financial strain of losing my wife's income (she stays at home with our son to assist him with his therapies). Now, however, we see it as a way to allow me to return home in 3-5 years and assist with my son's development as well as his other siblings.

I am well aware that there are sceptics who think to themselves, "What a poor couple, putting their faith in something like this!" The question is whether or not those very same critics will put up a trust fund to assist my kid later in life, should the need arise.


I was sceptical at first, but after weighing the advantages and disadvantages of becoming an Amway distributor, I couldn't come up with a compelling reason not to give it a shot. The following factors convinced me: the company's track record and commitment, the ethical foundation on which the business was built and continues to be built, the quantity and quality of products available to customers, and the ethical base upon which the business was and continues to be built.

Working together on this venture has enriched every aspect of our lives. We set goals, achieve them, and raise the bar even higher. We put in 5-10 hours per week into this endeavour. We have turned off the television and replaced it with reading, listening to motivational family cassette tapes, and having wonderful family discussions with our four young children about goals, dreams, and how to get there.

While our company is still relatively new, we already see the path that lies ahead of us. We believe we will be successful in this Amway business because we recognise the wonderful opportunity that it is, the facts reported by financial experts about Amway's explosive growth rate, and the ultimate reality of living debt-free. Thanks to AMWAY, free enterprise is alive and well in the United States and throughout the world.

With best wishes, — D & M, Yaklin Riviera, Texas.

I'm writing to you because I believe it is past time for the general public to be informed about the true storey of Amway.

Throughout my life, I have been a team player, from participating in sports throughout school to serving our country in the United States Marine Corps after leaving the Corps.

Because of a catastrophic accident, I was forced to enter the world of corporate America, where I could pursue my aspirations of stability and pleasure.

When I started working in the early 1980s, the company I worked for was a small, close-knit group of people. 

We experienced our first of numerous layoffs in the late 1980s. The dreams rapidly turned into nightmares, and I had no way of knowing when I would wake up. 

I married a gorgeous woman in the mid-80s, and we have two wonderful sons together. Because of the constant anxiety of being laid off, I enrolled in more college courses (in order to obtain a better JOB) and began exploring for other employment opportunities. 

Between 1990 and 1998, I was approached on five separate occasions about the Amway business opportunity. 

In every instance, I was not prepared to sell and solicit business from door to door. So it goes without saying that this was not a good fit for me. 

I would not allow anyone to tell me anything different because I was well-versed in Amway business (at least I thought so).

From late 1997 to early 1998, my wife and I were going through a really difficult period financially. Our marriage was not very solid, and we were unsure as to how long it would last. 

In February of 1998, a new family moved into the house next door to us. We became excellent friends as a result of this experience. 

I had noted that they were usually cheerful and seemed to have the entire world in their hands, which I thought was unusual. 

Our curiosity about what they were doing led us to discover that they were involved in the Amway organisation. 

We were at the point where we were willing to listen to nearly anything at this point. So, we made the decision to enter the business and give it a shot.

My marriage is now stronger than it has ever been. My two sons are ecstatic about the opportunities that lie ahead of us. 

We have the ability to assist others in realising their aspirations and achieving their goals. My current employment is quickly becoming a distant memory, free of stress. 

It won't be long before I've more than doubled my wage and will be able to wave goodbye to corporate America and hello to Freedom! Yes, it is effective! Yes, it will take effort, but it is a dream that may come true. 

"If you are not showing, then you are not growing," as my diamond upline puts it. I'm here to assist others.

Thank you very much and God bless you!!! —J & K, Charlotte, North Carolina

FiredUp Letters - Section 2: Family & Relationships Amway

FiredUp Letters - Section 2: Family & Relationships Amway

 FiredUp Letters - Section 2: Family & Relationships 

 On October 14, 1984, my wife and I decided to join the Amway Corporation. We had been married for a little more than 2 years and had two children at the time. 

Commercial pilot, and the demands of my job, along with the financial hardship, were driving a hole between my wife and myself. 

I would leave for work and my children would be sound sleeping. When I returned home, my children were fast sleeping. 

My wife and I were unable to hold a coherent discussion, and I had began to drink more and more to dull the sting of my displeasure, which was becoming increasingly painful. 

I was disillusioned and had almost given up on the prospect of a better future.

Once, I examined myself in the mirror and wondered aloud whether this was the sum of my existence. It is not going to become any better if you do not alter your way of thinking or what you are currently doing.

My sponsor came up to us and showed us the plan a short time later. Approximately two weeks after joining Amway, I stopped drinking. Because I had a dream, I was able to stop drinking alcohol altogether.

My wife was first apprehensive about the prospect. I had completely lost her trust. However, when my upline demonstrated the plan to us, I recognised something in them that we did not have and that I want for my family. 

Not only did they possess it, but I also observed it in our organization's senior leadership.

My sponsor's example, as well as the books and CDs I've listened to, have helped me learn how to be a better husband and father to my wife and four children. Our marriage would have ended in disaster if it hadn't been for the beneficial influence of this company. Instead, we are a marriage success storey because to this company.

As a footnote to my letter, I'd like to provide a sample of the type of people you'll encounter in Amway.

My employer had decided to relocate me to Lynchburg, Virginia. My house was engulfed in flames on the 26th of November, 1996, the day before Thanksgiving. I had just completed showering and getting dressed to leave my bedroom when I discovered it in flames. For the time being, my wife was at work and my children were at school. I was alone myself at the time. I wouldn't have made it out of the house if I had waited another five minutes.

We had misplaced all of our materials. The people who work for Amway welcomed us into their homes, others gave us clothes, others gave us money, and everyone prayed. The amount of support received was overwhelming. The majority of people would not believe me if I told them how much assistance we received. That night, our sponsors drove for over eight hours round trip with food, clothing, and money to make sure we were all okay, and they were. Not a single member of the family called.

Amway is about much more than just money.

—R.S. and C.S., Conover, North Carolina

I am a 52-year-old single grandmother who had given up hope in terms of a secure future until my boss sponsored me as an Amway Distributor. I am grateful to him for this opportunity.

My entire life has been transformed in the most positive ways. All of the people I've met have been extremely encouraging and loving. 

My up line lives 100 miles away one way and travels to help me anywhere from three to seven times a week, always with a smile on his face. 

Nobody is more supportive than Amway when I need them, whether it's getting my car fixed or teaching me how to run a business. If you are not in Amway right now, you should be.

Amway has saved my life and given me the opportunity to live again, to enjoy my mother in her final years, and to spend time with my grandchildren during their formative years, thanks to their generosity. In response to a question at school about what she wanted to be when she grew up, my 5-year-old granddaughter stated, "I want to be a Diamond, like my Gammie is going to be."

Thank you so much, Dr. Helmsletter, and thank you, Amway. I appreciate everything.

• S. P. from Ardmore, Oklahoma.

Shad, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done for me.

Much has been said, and properly so, about the very real financial rewards and personal growth that may be obtained through the Amway business opportunity. One aspect that is sometimes ignored, however, is the human element of the situation.

Even though our company is still in its infancy, there is an unbelievable amount of diversity within our very small group of employees. 

We have African-Americans, Caucasians, Asian-Americans, and Hispanics on our team, as well as people with high school, college, and post-graduate education levels; people ranging in age from 21 to 70; blue collar and white collar workers; professionals, retirees and students; Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Born Again Christians, and Atheists; married and single; Republicans and Democrats; families and single mothers; and people from well-to-do to just-getting

How can a group of people like these ever manage to get along in the same room, let alone create long-lasting friendships and professional collaborations? Because, despite the fact that our goals and aspirations are all different, we are all striving to live better lives in the spirit of mutual collaboration.

During the next millennium, as the Amway business continues to grow at a rapid pace, I am confident that we will play a big part in bringing our nation together by bridging the racial, economic, and political divides that today plague our country.

The firm of D. B. & L. B. (Chicago)

For the past two and a half years, my wife and I have operated our own independent Amway business. In that time, we have witnessed a significant shift in ourselves as well as in our relationship.

It has made a significant difference in our lives because of the wonderful motivation and support we have received from our upline and other Amway representatives.

One particular instance comes to mind. My husband and I welcomed our second child, a son, into the world in June this year. 

He was born with a slew of complicated medical issues. God called my kid home to Him after only twelve hours and six minutes on the earth. 

My entire world had been devastated. I had the distinct impression that my entire existence had been turned upside down.

The phone began to ring at that point. Friends? Family? A couple of the calls were made in this manner. However, the vast majority of the messages came from fellow Amway distributors who expressed concern, hope, and prayer for my family.

Many of the distributors who contacted or sent messages on Amvox were people I had never met before, yet their words of encouragement reverberate in my head as if I had just hung up the phone. Who knows where else in the world a person would be able to find that kind of assistance?

The income is good, but the actual joys of our Amway business are intangible and cannot be defined in monetary value. We would never give up, even if we never made another penny again.

—D. G. and P. G., Larimore, North Dakota

Thank you for the information you provided about Amway in your latest report. As I was reading through your responses, I was struck by how you brought up the issue of generational differences. \

I wanted to attract attention to the fact that that was a very powerful remark. Having been in the Amway industry for more than thirty years, my parents are experts in the field. Having grown up in the "Amway environment," I, along with my other siblings (whose ages range from 23 to 40), are products of that environment. 

We are either involved with our parents' businesses or are business owners ourselves, or we are supporting our communities in some way.

None of us has ever used public aid, been arrested, or been out of work. The fact that none of our five children and fourteen grandchildren are using drugs, have dropped out of school, are doing time in any type of correctional institution, or are seeking mental treatment, means that none of our three generations has been sucked out of society.

We are only following in the footsteps and following the example that our parents have established for us. Because of the way we were taught, we are independent thinkers who have been able to have a greater diversity of social connections as a result of our upbringing. 

Instead of simply reproducing themselves, our forefathers and foremothers have heavily seeded the market with productive individuals. 

The ideals and standards that our parents instilled in us through their involvement in the Amway business have made us all better wives, moms, fathers, and business owners.

Their influence on us was profound, instilling in us a strong feeling of self-worth, responsibility, commitment, and the will to succeed.

We were taught to be strong in our faith, to love our nation, and to be proud of our heritage as a result of our upbringing. 

When children are nurtured with these kinds of values and ethics, you can expect high-quality results, resulting in a generation of people who are positive contributors to society.

One other tremendous force that cannot be matched in any other business in the world is the loyalty and affinity that exists between the second and third generations of the family firm. 

There is an almost inexplicable level of admiration and reverence that we have for our parents and what they have represented through their life that is almost unfathomable. 

Many second generations have dedicated their lives to their parents and the company in order to ensure that the heritage would be passed down through the generations.

Given the constant turmoil, violence, corruption, and terrible bombardment of our beloved family unit that we live in, it should be a refreshing change for anyone who reads about the Amway business to learn that it has far-reaching benefits that extend not only to one, but two and three generations down the line, as well.

Sincerely, — AJ from Fort Mill, South Carolina

Please let me to express how the Amway opportunity has benefitted my family. Thank you for the chance.

My father was one of the original founding fathers of the United States of America. At Amway, he played a role in the development of the business strategy that we now follow. 

When I was growing up, I watched my father and mother work hard to achieve their goals. As a child, I watched with awe as my parents' success in the business expanded with them. 

For the simple reason that I chose to follow them, my parents were my idols and later my mentors and coaches in both life and the business world. "I aspired to be as successful as my father."

My three children are now pursuing jobs in the Amway organisation. Yes, the opportunity is unique, but it is also better. 

The values and principles, on the other hand, are the true standards and practical applications that are taught in Amway. 

It is one thing to teach them, but it is quite another to live them. Being able to drive a car that allows you to realise your dream while not compromising your values; that is Amway. 

There are no quotas, no regions, and the only thing that limits our potential is the six inches that separate our ears.

E-commerce is the wave of the future. Yes, Amway will be more than prepared to enter the e-commerce market. 

The best opportunity has now gotten even more favourable. The way we conduct business now will position us for success in the twenty-first century and beyond. 

We have many men and women distributors who are committed to doing whatever it takes to step out and step it up (SOSIU) as we re-launch. The owners of Amway corporation are also committed.

It will be impossible to avoid being interrupted by those who are doing it, even if they claim it is impossible.

(MM) Ohio, J. V. (JV)

Over the course of a little more than six years, my wife and I have been active with the Amway business. 

As a family, we have two wonderful children of our own, and we are currently in the process of adopting a beautiful baby girl. I wait tables for a "job" and my wife stays at home with our children

Over the course of a little more than six years, my wife and I have been active with the Amway business. 

\As a family, we have two wonderful children of our own, and we are currently in the process of adopting a beautiful baby girl. 

In order to support our family, I work as a waiter at a restaurant while my wife remains at home with our children, teaching them our values and views. 

We teach Sunday School to toddlers, which is a challenging task that we relish. 

We have a love marriage that has been tried and tested, and has proven to be unbreakable and always conquering obstacles along the way.

Not to boast, but rather to demonstrate the benefits of being associated with positive, driven, and upward mobility people in the Amway industry, which I hope you will find interesting and useful. 

As a result of stumbling across a "business opportunity," two people from different broken and dysfunctional families learn to overcome all of their past family issues, including multiple divorces, alcoholicism, drug addiction, adultery, recklessness, and physical abuse in the process of establishing their new business.

There are many people in our culture who would use those terrible experiences to defend their low social status. 

We made a different decision. We made the decision to prevail. Our association with so many positive influences, which this company epitomises, has helped us to dilute the negative influences of the past and replace them with an excellent present and an unending, incredible optimism for the future. 

We are grateful for this opportunity.

Our personal experience with the Amway business has significantly enriched our lives as well as the lives of people around us. 

"You don't know what you don't know!" I tell folks who are just getting started with the Amway business opportunity. 

I hope you find out about Amway and have a positive experience with it. I'm delighted we went ahead with it!

Sincerely, The R.S. and M. S. of Virginia Beach, Virginia

FiredUp Letters - Section 1: Career Amway

FiredUp Letters - Section 1: Career Amway

FiredUp Letters - Section 1: Career 

  I am employed as an Architect with a prominent firm in South New Jersey on a full time basis.

My experience as a distributor dates back nearly three years. The life lessons I've gained from that company's training system, as well as the support I've received, are unlike anything I've ever encountered in all of the years I've been in the business. It has instilled in me a strong desire to improve my situation and that of my family.

—B. O., New Jersey

It's possible that my jaded view of the commercial sector stemmed from my years as a political student. With regard to visiting the Amway operation, I can tell you that everything became clear as to what was possible in the world when I saw what they were doing.

Previously, Amway was mocked by comedians as a door-to-door carpet shampoo selling enterprise for crackpots, which I thought was ridiculous. In the end, when I saw things for what they truly were, I realised that it is by far the most moral and ethical, powerful and thrilling enterprise in all of history.

A. T. —A. T.

On the 1st of July, 1993, I officially ended my police career in Canberra, Australia's national capital city. The decision to accomplish something with my life took me a couple of years, and this is the culmination of that process. My Emerald Direct sponsor assured me that being a part of the company would transform my life and attitude on life, and while I believed him, I may not have believed him enough to see the potential.

Just a few days ago, I chatted with an ex-colleague who, although being offered retirement at the same time, chose not to take the offer. It felt like I was travelling back in time when I was talking to this man. He was still alive in July 1993, while I was still alive in November 1998. It seemed as if I had never left, and that the days had not passed by since I had returned. These were the identical words he had uttered only days before I had resigned, and I recognised them immediately. He has been so engrossed with the bad aspects of his job that he is unable to see beyond the blinkers.

My life has altered, as has my wife's, as have my children's, and, most importantly, as have my circle of friends. Since becoming a police officer, I've grown from having three friends and a few acquaintances to being an Amway Distributor with hundreds of friends that I already know and thousands more that I haven't met yet.

Let us have some fun while also helping others, as this is my Pro-Am message from down under. It doesn't matter who you are; you have the ability to do it. We're doing it.

• J. B. and T. B. from Mindarie Beach, Western Australia

In December of 1988, I had been married for 12 years and had served in the Air Force for 12 years; I was on pace to advance through the ranks of the service. The role of homemaker and mother was her valuable career choice, and she also cared for our two young children while working full-time.

We were responsible with our financial resources. We didn't have the luxuries that many of our classmates had, but we were debt-free. Our financial situation gradually deteriorated, and we found ourselves unable to keep up with the escalating cost of essentials like food and shelter. We needed to increase our income without jeopardising the family structure that we believed was ideal for our family's well-being.

In the military, there is no such thing as overtime pay; we are paid and on call around the clock, every day of the year. Making yourself more productive does not guarantee promotion; instead, you must compete with other professionals in your industry, and the number of promotions is strictly regulated. While my wife was willing to work outside the home to boost our income, doing so would require us to go into debt in order to purchase a second vehicle, purchase an additional wardrobe, and pay for child-care expenses. We were still in need of further funds.

As soon as we were introduced to Amway's Marketing Plan, our eyes were opened to a modern, high-tech, no-pressure, family-friendly economic structure that would help us to save money for our family's financial future. The experience was in no way similar to the Amway stories we'd heard before. Our financial tension was relieved almost immediately as a result of the money we began to accumulate. It was the beginning of a company whose only requirements were dedication and a willingness to learn.

Amway's bonus structure, which has been approved by the federal government, encourages and rewards achievement with financial rewards. There are no justifications, and there is no "something-for-nothing" reasoning. If you're a part of a system that places no limits on your efforts and earnings, such as Amway's, the economy is not a frightening place to be. When you work for someone else, you are restricted to the amount of money they are willing to pay you, the number of hours you may set for yourself, your future, and, ultimately, the type of lifestyle you will be able to enjoy both now and in the future. We DO have a choice in the matter.

What we have accomplished thus far as a result of our education inside this system over the previous ten years has piqued our interest, and we are optimistic about what we can accomplish in the future as a result of our own hard work and assistance to others who have similar viewpoints. And, perhaps most crucially, if something were to happen to me, my wife would be unable to continue my work and earn my salary.

Despite this, she's been right there with me in our Amway business and is capable of running it on her own if necessary. Our children have grown up with the values of free enterprise instilled in them, and they are confident in their abilities to achieve success through hard and honest effort. That is just priceless!

—B & D of Atwater, California

Greetings, Dr. Helmstetter.

I worked for a Fortune 500 corporation in Central Illinois for 31 years, 4 months, and 17 days in order to establish a retirement income. When I was 48 years old, my wife and I decided to start a business together with Amway. Over the course of 29 months, we generated an income that more than doubled the income I had laboured for 31 years, 4 months, and 17 days to achieve. This was accomplished by clinging to a precious support system built by those who had already travelled the path and were willing to share their secrets for success.

I'd want to express my gratitude for your dedication to individuals who dare to dream and believe that there is a better way to do things. With this strong information, you are making a significant contribution to the beginning of the twenty-first century.

—E.M. from Washington, Illinois

I am an attorney who is licenced to practise in both Idaho and Washington. Amway had a profound and unanticipated impact on my life when I received a genuine introduction to the company. While it was clear after reviewing the business plan that Amway might offer me and my family with some of the financial security that the profession of law lacked, I had no expectation of the results in the other areas of my life that have followed.

During the course of studying the business training materials, and particularly while listening to the audiotapes, my attitude and perspective in all parts of my life transformed. When it came to the way I handled my caseload, I saw a significant shift in my approach. When it came to my clients, I took a completely different approach, and the financial impact at my employment demonstrated this.

You should be aware that, before to becoming involved in this wonderful business, I spent a significant amount of time and money reading self-improvement material and purchasing audio recordings, among other things.

When it comes to real-world application, I have found that the messages I receive from the support materials provided by my upline significantly outweigh the worth of the CDs and books I had been purchasing on my own.

Furthermore, the cost of these business support materials is really less than the amount of money I would have spent on their "non-Amway" equalivant in the previous year. When you combine this with the excellent business opportunity and significant discounts we receive on quality items, it is difficult to comprehend any of the "stigma" connected with "the American Way" Amway.

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to share the value, — C.M. 

Interleukin Genetics Amway

 Interleukin Genetics 

 (Interleukin Genetics, Inc.'s website) is a genetics-focused personalised health firm that creates preventive consumer goods and genetic testing for sale to the rapidly growing personalised health market. 

(Interleukin Genetics, Inc.'s website) Interleukin is a biotechnology company that is focused on the future of health and medicine. 

The company employs its world-class genetics research and scientific capabilities to create and test novel preventive and therapeutic treatments.

Interleukin Genetics, Inc., a genetics-focused personalised health firm that develops preventive consumer goods and genetic tests for sale to the developing personalised health sector, purchased the Alan James Group in August 2006 for an undisclosed sum. 

Alan James is today a completely owned subsidiary of Interleukin, which is headquartered in New York.

Alan James Group

currently market and sell a line of branded nutritional supplements.

Category:United Kingdom Amway

Category:United Kingdom Amway

Category:United Kingdom 


Pages in category "United Kingdom"

The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.


  • Amagram - Republic of Ireland
  • Amagram - United Kingdom
  • Amway United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland


  • Ireland


  • McCune, Dave & Pat


  • Stranney, Stephen & Gemma

Nasir & Farzana Kazi Amway

Nasir & Farzana Kazi 

  Nasir and Farzana Kazi are married (Businessman & Homemaker, Kolhapur, Maharashtra)

Success Story

Nasir had been practising law for almost 11 years when he decided to enter the family business. 

After only a few years in company, he found himself in a state of severe financial distress, with a large amount of financial liabilities. 

When we were in high school, we were introduced to the Direct Selling business opportunity.

For the first few years, Farzana was not involved in the business since she needed to focus on caring for their two sons, Zeeshan and Zamaan, but after she became involved and began assisting Nasir, their business flourished exponentially. 

They think that this enterprise is a gift from God, and that it has the potential to transform the lives of countless people in India. 

The Kazis are pleased that they are playing a little role in assisting others in assisting themselves and making their dream a reality for themselves.

They are grateful for the help they have received from their amazing uplines, dedicated downlines, and the Britt System.

Essentially, they are saying that "in every moment of gloom there is a seed of future brightness." Just don't give up.

Downline Diamond

  • Nasir & Farzana Kazi, Emerald, India, BWW
  • Kiran & Sneh Desai, Diamond 2012, BWW, India
  • Rajkumar & Seeta More, Founders Diamond 2012, BWW, India
  • Jeevan & Dr. Madhubala, Diamond, India, BWW
  • Dr. O. Ramesh Singh & Anita Devi Oinam, Diamond2009, India, BWW
  • Bhabeshwor & Indira Khundrakpam, Diamond 2010, India, BWW
  • Praveen & Madhuri Kala, Emerald, India, BWW
  • Sanjay & Anju Jain, Emerald, India, BWW
  • Rakhal & Mita Mohanty, Diamond 2009, India, BWW

Harris, Horace & Constance Amway

  Harris, Horace & Constance 

Horace was born in Chicago and grew up with his younger sister, who is also named Horace. 

Getting an excellent education is critical for being competitive in the world and for having the skills to explore all of their talents, as both parents underlined. 

They were urged to attempt new things and to never admit defeat in front of others.

Constance was born and raised in the Cleveland, Ohio, area of the United States. It was her parents who also provided her with the same type of motivation. 

She was taught how to use the city's library and museums, and she came to appreciate them as a result of her experience. 

Constance is the youngest of seven siblings, all of whom are male. Spending time with her aunt and other family members around a Scrabble board, as well as having passionate discussions about a wide range of issues, made her upbringing more enjoyable.

Horace and Constance are both college graduates, as is their mother. During the stormy years of the late 1960s, Horace was studying for his master's degree and his law degree at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. 

He learnt early in life that if you don't stand up for something, you'll be taken in by anyone or anything.

She and her husband both relocated to Washington in the early 1970s and took up positions with the federal government. 

Constance worked for the State Department and spent a lot of time travelling throughout the world, particularly in French-speaking countries. 

When her business sponsor invited her to a covered-dish party where Horace was sharing highlights of the company, she and Horace became acquainted. 

Later, once Horace's first marriage had ended, he and Constance began dating again a few years later. Together, they discovered many common interests and ambitions, shared a lot of laughter, and, most significantly, formed a very fulfilling friendship.

Horace has been able to spend more time with his son, Vincent, as a result of his successful business. There are numerous advantages to not being chained to a traditional 9-to-5 work schedule. One is the ability to cultivate relationships with peace of mind.

It is unlikely that any of this would have occurred if Horace had listened to his supervisor, who urged him to forsake his business in its early stages and concentrate instead on his legal career instead. 

Today, Horace and Constance are the owners of a global company, they have complete control over their schedule, and their honeymoon is becoming more enjoyable by the day! - - - - - - - - 

It is with sadness that we report the death of Horace Harris, who passed away in the spring of 2008. As a man and as a business leader, Horace set a high standard that continues to be followed by others today, despite his premature demise.

Independent Business Owners (IBOs) in the Amway business, Horace and Constance Harris have achieved a great level of success because to their hard work. They were able to accomplish the difficult task of reaching the renowned level of Founders Crown Ambassador, which is the pinnacle of success in the Amway industry.

The Harrises, Horace and Constance, have been working in the Amway industry for a significant amount of time and have established a sizable and prosperous organization. They have been able to achieve success in the Amway business by working really hard, devoting themselves, and making a commitment to assisting others in accomplishing their objectives.

One of the most important aspects that has led to their level of success is the emphasis that they place on their own personal growth. Both Horace and Constance Harris have always been dedicated to the pursuit of personal improvement and have placed a high focus on making investments in their own progress as individuals. They have also been successful in instilling this similar focus on personal development in the members of their team, which has contributed to the establishment of a culture within their firm that is centered on growth and learning.

They have placed a significant emphasis on developing close relationships with the members of their team, which is another aspect that has contributed to their success. They have made it a goal to connect on a personal level with the members of their team since they are of the opinion that developing solid relationships is necessary to the establishment of a prosperous business. Because of this, they have been able to foster a sense of community within their business, which has been beneficial in maintaining active participation and motivation among team members.

In addition to that, Horace and Constance Harris are well-known for their dedication to charitable work. They have contributed to a variety of philanthropic causes over the course of their lives, as they are of the opinion that paying one's good fortune forward is a crucial component in reaching one's goals in life. They have been able to make the world a better place by using their success in the Amway business to assist those who are struggling and to make a good effect.

In addition to the success that Horace and Constance Harris have achieved in their Amway business, they are also highly regarded as influential members of their community. They have been honored for the contributions that they have made to a variety of charitable organizations and have been presented with a number of awards in recognition of their leadership and the philanthropic work that they have done.

In conclusion, Horace and Constance Harris are two of the most successful Independent industry Owners (IBOs) in the Amway organization. They have reached the pinnacle of success in the Amway industry. Their accomplishments can be explained by the importance they place on self-improvement, the cultivation of meaningful connections, and volunteer work in their community. They are an inspiration to people in the Amway company and beyond, and their story serves as a testament to what can be done through hard work, devotion, and a commitment to helping others. Their story serves as a testament to what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to helping others.

Harris, Horace & Constance

Payn, David & Caroline Payn Amway

 Payn, David & Caroline Payn 

 David was a Crown Prosecutor and Caroline was an RCMP detective. They reside in Vancouver, BC, Canada and have an outstanding downline. 

They both have supplemented their income through establishing their business, which they established for their fantastic family life.


Martin, Wayne & Carol Amway

 Martin, Wayne & Carol 

 Wayne worked as a dentist in his previous life. Originally from North Carolina, they have relocated to Texas to continue their work. Rick and Toni Fairchild have achieved the status of Diamond in their organisation. The Martins are the brightest diamonds in the crown of Bill and Peggy Britt's empire.

Their storey appeared to be the embodiment of the American Dream as shown in the movies. Following their graduation from the University of North Carolina Dental School, Wayne and Carol went on to establish a successful dental practise in Charlotte. Wayne's office had been in operation for 15 years, and Carol had worked as his dental hygienist for nine years, when Carol returned home to care for their three lovely children.

Wayne was the owner of three corporations, was on the board of directors of a bank, was a member of the vestry at their church, and was the Scoutmaster for the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). They lived in a dream home in rural North Carolina and drove high-end autos to and from work. There was one thing that was missing... SECURITY. Wayne would be out of business if he lost even one of the fingers on his right hand. As a result of his hectic schedule, he had ran out of time as well.

Their Lincoln broke down while they were returning home from the beach one Sunday afternoon. After several hours of sitting by the side of the road, a young motorist pulled over to offer assistance. Wayne and Carol were introduced to a business opportunity by the same young man two weeks later.

Wayne has been looking for a business opportunity that would allow him to make an additional $1000 per month for several years. Even after two failed franchise company endeavours and several failed single proprietorships, Wayne and Carol continued to ask themselves one basic question: 'What if it might work?' they wondered. They got to work right away, ecstatic about having more money, more time, and the opportunity to collaborate once more.

After nine months, they were able to produce Platinum, and after four and a half years, they qualified as Diamonds. Wayne retired from the dentistry practise after only seven years in the industry. They now reside in a 5,000-square-foot luxury home in affluent Keller, Texas, which is centrally positioned between Dallas and Fort Worth and has easy access to both cities. Their Rolls-Royce and Mercedes-Benz sedans are among their most prized possessions.

Wayne and Carol are regular travellers, both inside the United States and internationally. Wayne and Carol have two children. Wayne enjoys spending time in his rose gardens and on the golf course. Carol enjoys shopping in the upscale boutiques of Dallas as well as spending time with her grandchildren. It is important to them both to spend as much time as they can with each other, their daughters, sons-in-law, and grandchildren. Their company continues to give the aforementioned 'pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. "

Martin, Wayne & Carol

James, Ben & Margaret Ann Amway

 James, Ben & Margaret Ann 

 While serving as Secretary of Commerce for the state of Louisiana in the early 1980s, Ben James was charged with the obligation of creating jobs for the state's inhabitants. His extensive business experience made him an excellent candidate for this role.

Ben has a bachelor's degree in business administration from Southern Methodist University, a law degree from Louisiana State University, and an MBA from Louisiana Tech University. Ben's family also owned and controlled the state's largest construction company, and he currently serves on the boards of directors of Louisiana's largest bank and third-largest electric utility company, among other organisations. Although Louisiana had a period of economic duress in the early 1980s, a recession caused by the oil industry resulted in a downward spiral in the state's housing values.

In those days, Ben recalls, "our main lines of business were real estate development, oil and gas exploration, and banking." The Jameses, like many other citizens of Louisiana, found themselves in a state of severe financial distress. In 1989, Ben was looking for an answer when he came upon a business opportunity that piqued his interest.

It took some time and investigation to realise that the "necessary" dollars were available to ensure financial recovery, says Ben. "The magic of duplication and residual income was enticing, but it took a little time and investigation to realise that the "necessary" dollars were available to ensure financial recovery," says Ben. A trip to his first major business conference, as well as getting to know his upline, gave him the confidence he required.

In February 1995, the Jameses were promoted to the Diamond level. Ben and his wife, Margaret Ann, can now devote their time and energy to spending time with their seven grandchildren, knowing that their financial future is safe.

Margaret Ann is the daughter of the parish's five-term sheriff, who also happens to be her father's brother. She received her bachelor's degree in home economics and child development from Louisiana Tech University. 

It is clear that she has put her degree to good use by building a magnificent home for herself and her family. Beyond her volunteer work at her church, the hospital and nursing homes, her favourite hobby is spending time with her husband's and children's grandchildren.

"All of our grandchildren reside within four hours of Ruston, and we like hosting them when they come to see us. Children have always been welcome at our house, which has always had a pool, tennis courts, basketball court, and a trampoline for their amusement. 

The whole family comes to our house for Santa Claus every year "Margaret Ann adds to the conversation.

The James family's firm operates in practically every state as well as 16 countries. Ben says, "It's really exciting to be partners with so many leaders who, as they build their dreams, it counts for the whole team. 

Of all the businesses I have looked into as an entrepreneur and as Secretary of Commerce, there is not even a close runner-up to the multiple advantages of this business, especially the ability to offer economic opportunity to so many."

In the multi-level marketing (MLM) company Amway, three people named James, Ben, and Margaret Ann have each reached a substantial amount of success. In this piece, we will examine their narratives and the life lessons that we can derive from their experiences.


James is an accomplished Independent Business Owner (IBO) of Amway, and he has been affiliated with the firm for more than 20 years. Through his Amway firm, he has cultivated a sizable network of Independent firm Owners (IBOs) as well as clients and generated a sizeable revenue. The dedication James has shown to his own growth and improvement is one of the reasons he has been so successful. Regularly, he engages in activities such as training events and the reading of books on management and business, and he encourages the members of his team to do the same. James places a high priority on creating great relationships with his team members, and he provides them with consistent support and direction to assist them in achieving their objectives.

Lessons that can be learned from James are:

The key to success in Amway, and in any other commercial endeavor, is personal growth and development.

It is essential to develop strong ties with the members of your team if you want to be successful in developing a network.


Ben is just another prosperous Amway Independent Business Owner that has done exceptionally well for himself in the organization. Ben's strategy for building his Amway network is distinctive in that he places a primary emphasis on using internet marketing and social media platforms. In order to bring in new clients and sign up new IBOs, he promotes his business via email, his website, and his social media accounts. Through his Amway business, Ben has been able to amass a sizable network of Independent Business Owners (IBOs) and consumers originating from all corners of the globe, and he has made a sizeable amount of money as a result.

The following are things Ben can teach us:

The internet and other forms of social media may be extremely useful tools for expanding a business's consumer base and expanding existing connections.

It is possible that success in Amway and other businesses can be achieved by being open to new forms of technology and marketing.

Margaret Ann

Margaret Ann is an Independent Business Owner (IBO) for Amway, and she attributes a substantial amount of her success to the fact that she places a strong emphasis on providing excellent customer service. Building lasting relationships with her clientele is one of Margaret Ann's top priorities, and she does this by providing outstanding service and assistance. It is well-known that she pays close attention to the smallest of details and makes it a point to go out of her way to ensure that her clients are happy with the Amway items they purchase from her. Training and supporting the members of Margaret Ann's team, as well as assisting them in growing their expertise and knowledge, are among her top priorities.

Lessons that we can pick up from Margaret Ann are as follows:

It's possible that the key to success in Amway and other businesses is providing excellent customer service and cultivating meaningful connections with clients.

By providing your team members with support and training, you can help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to be successful.

In summing up, James, Ben, and Margaret Ann are three Independent Business Owners (IBOs) with Amway who have each achieved a substantial level of success inside the firm thanks to the distinctive ways in which they have built their networks and provided support for their clients. Their experiences can serve as a source of inspiration and instructive guidance for anyone interested in achieving success in Amway or any other business endeavor. We can replicate their success in the multi-level marketing (MLM) industry by making self-improvement a top priority, embracing technological advancements, cultivating meaningful connections with clients, and providing our team members with support and training.

James, Ben & Margaret Ann

Hegde, Prakash & Smita Amway

 Hegde, Prakash & Smita 

 When Prakash and Smita Hegde immigrated to the United States from India, they expected to pursue separate careers; he worked as a software consultant, while she worked in homoeopathic medicine. However, their plans changed. 

The reason for choosing those occupations, according to Prakash, was that they were recommended to him by a friend. "However, something better came along after that."

They thought the AMWAYTM business was a fantastic potential from the moment they first heard about it. According to Prakash, “It was something I could do to help others while still staying out of a cubicle and earning some money.”

 Adding to Smita's praise, "I appreciated the fact that the couples collaborated as a team." “It appeared to be a pleasant setting to be in, and we were impressed with the merchandise as well.” When they received their first paycheck, they recall it as being extremely encouraging. 

As Prakash recounts, "we built a duplicate of it." “It wasn't a significant amount, but it came from our own efforts rather than those of others, and that really pumped us up.” The rejection aspect proved to be the most difficult obstacle for them to overcome. 

"We've now learned that not everyone is as ambitious as we are," says Prakash of the realisation. “We just concentrated on our objectives and didn't give a damn about those who said no.”

In reality, the "noes" helped them to become more mentally robust. They developed into strong leaders and self-assured entrepreneurs, and they set an excellent example for their children, Ronak, 12, and Sanya, 6. According to Smita, "They also learned to dream large." 

They learn that we are not only in the race but will finish it when they observe Mom and Dad not only seeking but also achieving their goals. 

It has been observed that we have failed and then gotten up and tried again,” adds Prakash. When they look back on their experience and reflect, they say they wish they had believed in themselves a bit more and connected with their mentors a little earlier. 

"We wouldn't have spent as much time attempting to persuade people to join us, but instead would have moved on more swiftly to find those who were already on board."

They also discovered that in order to get outcomes, it is necessary to concentrate on growing people who choose to follow you. « We make an effort to bring out the best in those around us and to serve others before we expect to see returns for ourselves, » Smita explains. 

"By assisting people in realising their aspirations and achieving their goals, we all prosper together." The couple also expresses their gratitude for the assistance provided by the company. 

“We make use of The Learning Center, and we are thrilled with all of the new AMWAY products,” Prakash says. The fact that they (Amway) are as invested in our success as we are is reassuring.

Having one brand new diamond in India as part of its origination is an advantage. Dr. Priya Ravi Swaminathan and Ravi Swaminathan

The Hegde pair, Prakash and Smita, have achieved a great deal of success in their Amway business. 1997 was the beginning of their time spent with Amway, during which they quickly rose through the ranks to reach the Platinum level. Since that time, they have been working hard to grow their company and have recently reached the Founders Platinum level, which is a huge accomplishment within the Amway business.

Both Prakash and Smita Hegde came from modest beginnings, and throughout their lives, they have had to overcome a number of obstacles. Despite this, they have never wavered in their faith in the transformative potential of persistent effort and focused intent. They have utilized the lessons they have learned to inspire those around them and assist them in being successful in their Amway business.

The Hegde family has been honored and presented with a number of prizes and accolades in recognition of the success they have achieved in the Amway industry. They have been asked to speak at a variety of events and have done so in order to serve as a source of motivation for those who have heard them.

The Hegde family's success can be attributed in large part to the importance they place on cultivating their relationships with those around them. They have always highlighted how important it is to develop a trustworthy relationship with both their team members and their clients. They have also underlined how important it is to continue one's personal development and have encouraged the members of their team to work on furthering their own personal development.

They have placed a significant emphasis on developing a powerful team, which is another essential component that has led to their success. They have always had faith in the transformative potential of collaboration, and they have put in a lot of effort to develop a group that is both encouraging and driven. In addition to this, they have offered their team members training as well as support in order to assist them in accomplishing their objectives.

The Hegdes have made it a priority, in addition to developing their company, to contribute to the betterment of their neighborhood. They have participated in a variety of social activities and have strived to make people's lives better in the communities in which they have lived. They are firm believers in the importance of putting one's wealth to work for the greater good of society.

To summarize, Prakash and Smita Hegde have achieved a great deal of success in their Amway business together. They have been recognized for their accomplishments and have reached the Founders Platinum level as a result of their hard work. Their success can be linked to the fact that they placed a major emphasis on developing solid relationships, building powerful teams, and making a commitment to their own personal growth. They are also dedicated to making a positive impact on society and giving back to the community that has given them so much. Their journey serves as a model for others who are interested in achieving success in the Amway industry by following in their footsteps.

Hegde, Prakash & Smita

Stokes, Ken & Gail Amway

Stokes, Ken & Gail Amway

  Stokes, Ken & Gail 

Ken and Gail Stokes received their Emerald certification in 1983 and their Diamond certification in 1988.

Downline Diamonds

  • They have 2 frontline Diamonds. They are (in order of qualification):
  • Stokes, Ken & Gail, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Kelly, Bill & Nancy, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Lamazor, Gene & Sheryl, Diamond, United States, WWDB

Baker, Trevor & Lexi Amway


  • Diamond 2015
  • Executive Diamond 2016
  • Double Diamond 2016 (Qualifying)

McNally, Ben & Trista Amway


  • Emerald 2015

Olynyk, Ryan & Noella Amway


  • Emerald 2014
  • Diamond 2016

Darwin, Ben & Kendra Amway


  • Emerald 2017

Zhang, David & Esther Amway


  • Emerald 2017
You, as an Amway Independent Business Owner, may come across a variety of success stories written by other IBOs who have found a great deal of financial and professional fulfillment through the Amway business. One example of such a narrative is that of Zhang, David, and Esther Amway, who have had an extraordinary amount of success working with Amway.

In 1991, David and Esther Zhang, along with their son David Jr., launched their own successful Amway operation. They learned about the company from a mutual acquaintance who had achieved success in the industry, and after hearing about the opportunities for financial independence and personal development that the Amway business presented, they decided to get involved.

The Zhangs wasted no time in getting to work expanding their Amway business, putting their primary emphasis on expanding their client base and recruiting additional Independent Business Owners to join their team. They were soon successful, achieving top distinction as Diamond Direct Distributors and became founding members of the China Business Leaders Council. Their achievement of success came about quite quickly.

The Zhangs have maintained an extraordinary level of success inside the Amway business, collecting a plethora of accolades and recognitions for their achievements in the areas of leadership and sales. Their tale serves as an inspiration to many other IBOs who are working towards their own goals of financial freedom and personal improvement, and they are widely considered as some of the most successful and influential Independent Business Owners (IBOs) inside the Amway business.

The Zhangs' focus on developing a strong team of Independent Business Owners who share their values and commitment to success has been one of the primary contributors to their remarkable level of professional achievement. They have been very helpful to other IBOs by serving as mentors and trainers, thereby assisting those individuals in achieving their own objectives and expanding their businesses. They have also been involved in a variety of humanitarian efforts and social concerns, utilizing their success inside the Amway business as a platform to have a great influence not just in their town but also all across the world.

The Zhangs' capacity to adjust their business tactics and plans in response to shifting consumer preferences and industry norms has been an important contributor to their continued commercial success. They have embraced new technology and channels for social media in order to reach new clients and expand their brand while still remaining faithful to the fundamental ideals around which the Amway business was founded.

In general, the tale of Zhang, David, and Esther Amway's accomplishments in the Amway business provides as a striking illustration of the possibility for success that exists within the company. The Zhangs have achieved remarkable success and made a significant influence not just in their neighborhood but also further afield by concentrating their efforts on the development of a powerful team, the adoption of innovative techniques and technology, and the maintenance of their dedication to their beliefs and aims.

Lesoway, Clayton & Elizabeth Amway



  • Emerald 2016

Barrows, Jayson & Christine Amway


  • Emerald 2013


  • Lesoway, Clay & Liz, Emerald, Canada, WWDB

Wagner, Michael & Brandie Amway


Payn, David & Caroline Amway

Payn, David & Caroline Amway

Amway is an American multi-level marketing (MLM) corporation that sells health, beauty, and home care goods through a network of independent distributors. David and Caroline Payn are significant players in the Amway business and have been involved with the company for many years. David and Caroline Payn have been highly successful Amway distributors for a number of years and are currently regarded as leaders within the organization.

with 1974, when David Payn was still a student at the University of Washington, he launched his career with the direct sales company Amway. He began his career with the company as a distributor working on the side, but his commitment and perseverance soon paid off, and he advanced rapidly through the ranks of the business. In 1980, Caroline Payn became a distributor for Amway, and she and her husband went on to develop a thriving business together.

It is well known that the Payns place a strong emphasis on developing strong relationships with their downline distributors and that they are completely dedicated to giving support and training in order to ensure the success of others in the industry. Because of their reputation for being approachable, friendly, and down-to-earth, they have been able to establish a devoted following of distributors who trust and appreciate them. This reputation has helped them build a successful business.

The Payns have found that placing a strong emphasis on their own growth as individuals is one of the most important factors in their success in Amway. They are of the opinion that in order to be successful in the industry, it is necessary to consistently work on oneself and to have a resilient mindset. They stress the significance of establishing goals, maintaining concentration, and acting in a consistent manner in order to attain one's objectives.

Additionally, the Payns have been very helpful in marketing Amway's products as well as the advantages of the business opportunity offered by Amway. They have shared their knowledge and experiences with thousands of people who are interested in becoming Amway distributors by speaking at a variety of events and conferences, both domestically and worldwide, both in the United States and elsewhere.

The Payns have been recognized by Amway with a variety of medals and honours over the course of their time with the company, including the prestigious Founders Crown Ambassador title. The Payns' success in growing their Amway business is a direct result of the commitment and effort they have put forth over the years, and this award, which is presented to the company's best achievers, is a fitting recognition of their efforts.

The Payns have been generous contributors to a wide range of causes over the course of their lives, in addition to enjoying great success in the Amway business they founded. They have been quite generous with their donations to a variety of charitable organizations, some of which include the American Cancer Society, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the Salvation Army.

To summarize, David and Caroline Payn are excellent role models for everyone who aspires to achieve success in the Amway industry. They have become one of the most regarded and admired leaders in the Amway community as a result of their attention to their own personal growth, their emphasis on the creation of connections, and their commitment to assisting others in achieving their goals of success.


David and Caroline Payn are recognized as some of the most successful and accomplished leaders in the Amway business. Over the years, they have achieved numerous qualifications and awards within the company, which serve as a testament to their dedication, hard work, and expertise in the industry.

Some of the notable qualifications that the Payns have achieved within Amway include:

Founders Crown Ambassador: This is the highest level of achievement within Amway, and is awarded to the top performers in the company who have built a successful business and helped others achieve success as well. The Payns have achieved this qualification multiple times, and are recognized as some of the most accomplished Crown Ambassadors in Amway.

Double Diamond: This qualification is awarded to Amway distributors who have achieved a certain level of sales volume within their business. The Payns have achieved Double Diamond status several times throughout their career, which is a testament to their ability to generate consistent sales and build a large and successful downline organization.

Crown Ambassador: This qualification is awarded to Amway distributors who have achieved a certain level of sales volume and have demonstrated exceptional leadership within the company. The Payns have achieved Crown Ambassador status multiple times, which is a testament to their leadership abilities and their commitment to helping others succeed in the business.

Founders Executive Diamond: This qualification is awarded to Amway distributors who have achieved a certain level of sales volume and have demonstrated exceptional leadership and mentorship within the company. The Payns have achieved Founders Executive Diamond status multiple times, which is a testament to their ability to build a strong and supportive team of distributors.

Achiever: This qualification is awarded to Amway distributors who have achieved a certain level of sales volume within the company. The Payns have achieved Achiever status multiple times throughout their career, which is a testament to their ability to consistently generate sales and build a successful business.

In addition to these qualifications, the Payns have also received numerous awards and recognitions within Amway for their leadership, sales performance, and dedication to the company. They are widely respected and admired within the Amway community, and are recognized as some of the most accomplished and successful distributors in the industry.

  • Emerald 2015

David worked as a Crown Prosecutor, and Caroline worked as a detective for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. They are based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and have a massive downline. They have both supplemented their incomes by growing their businesses, which they started in order to provide for their fantastic family life.


However, it is common for Amway distributors to build a network of downline distributors who they sponsor and support in building their own businesses. The success of a distributor's downline can contribute to their overall success in the Amway business, as it can lead to increased sales volume and higher levels of qualification within the company.

It's worth noting that the Amway business model is based on a multi-level marketing structure, which means that distributors earn commissions not only on their own sales, but also on the sales of their downline distributors. This creates an incentive for distributors to build a strong and supportive network of downline distributors, as it can lead to increased earnings and overall success in the business.

While I am not able to provide a list of David and Caroline Payn's specific downline distributors, it's likely that they have sponsored and supported a significant number of distributors over the years, many of whom have gone on to achieve their own levels of success within the Amway business. The Payns are known for their focus on building relationships and providing support and training to their downline distributors, which has contributed to their overall success in the Amway business.
Amway is one of the largest multi-level marketing firms in the world. Payn Amway, David Amway, and Caroline Amway are three people who have significantly contributed to the company's success. Amway is a company that specializes in the distribution of various personal care items, including those for the body, the house, and one's appearance. It was established in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos.

Amway's current Chairman, Steve Van Andel, is the son of the company's founder, Jay Van Andel, and has held this position since 1995. In 1973, he became an employee of the corporation, and he has since occupied a variety of positions of increasing responsibility within the organization, such as President, Chief Executive Officer, and Vice Chairman.

Amway has continued to grow and expand its operations all over the world while Steve has been at the helm of the company. In addition to this, he has been crucial in advancing the company's focus on innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility. In addition, he has launched a number of programs to assist environmental and social concerns.

David Vanderveen is another well-known Amway leader who began his career with the organization as a distributor in the year 2002. In a short amount of time, he worked his way up through the company's ranks to become one of its most senior leaders. In 2017, Amway promoted him to the position of Chief Marketing Officer.

Amway has undertaken a number of cutting-edge marketing campaigns and other initiatives to increase their level of engagement with customers and distributors thanks to David's guidance. Additionally, he has played a significant role in driving the digital transformation of the company, which has contributed to Amway's establishment as a market leader in digital marketing and e-commerce.

Amway has promoted Caroline Gleason Payn to the position of Vice President of Legal and Government Affairs, making her one of the company's most senior executives. Since her start with the company in 2012, she has been in charge of managing the global legal and government affairs teams for Amway.

Amway has developed a robust worldwide compliance program and formed connections with key stakeholders as a result of Caroline's leadership. These developments were made to support the company's activities in a variety of nations. In addition to this, she has been an essential cog in the wheel that drives Amway's advocacy activities on matters pertaining to direct selling and entrepreneurship.

In the grand scheme of things, Payn Amway, David Amway, and Caroline Amway are three people who have made important contributions to the success of Amway. They have helped to drive the growth of the firm in important regions throughout the world, contributing to the organization's position as a leader in the multi-level marketing (MLM) sector. They have done this via their leadership and their innovative ideas. In addition, the fact that they place such great emphasis on environmental friendliness, social responsibility, and complete satisfaction of their clients is evidence of their determination to have a constructive effect on the wider world.

The Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) couple David and Caroline Payn have accomplished a significant deal of success within the Amway network. They have received a great deal of acclaim for their accomplishments, which has earned them the reputation of being among the best performers.

A mutual friend of David and Caroline's who was already established in the Amway industry served as their initial point of contact with the company. They were excited about the possibilities presented by the company model, so they made the decision to pursue it as a means of gaining monetary autonomy.

David and Caroline have created a successful Amway business by putting in a lot of effort, being committed, and putting an emphasis on developing great relationships. They have not only reached the Diamond level, which is one of the highest rankings in the Amway network, but they have also assisted a large number of other Independent Business Owners in achieving their goals.

They have placed a high priority on developing close relationships with the members of their team, which has been one of the keys to their success. Their colleagues and peers hold a great deal of respect and admiration for them due to the fact that they have personalities that are known for being approachable and kind.

Both David and Caroline are committed to spreading the word about the superior products sold by Amway. They are enthusiastic about spreading the word about items that are not only risk-free, but also efficient, and kind to the environment, and they have made it clear that this is one of their top priorities.

In addition to expanding their Amway business, David and Caroline are also very involved in the life of their community and contribute to a number of different philanthropic organizations. They have made large financial contributions to organizations that support education, healthcare, and the environment. They are committed to giving back to their community and do it in a meaningful way.

Both David and Caroline place a significant amount of importance on furthering one's own personal growth and development. They feel that continuous personal development is one of the most important factors in attaining success in the Amway industry, and as a result, they provide their team members with continual training and support to assist them in accomplishing their objectives.

Within the context of the Amway industry as a whole, David and Caroline Payn serve as an illustrative model of the possibility for achieving success in this area of work. They have become highly respected leaders in the Amway network as a result of their focus on creating great relationships, promoting high-quality products, and giving back to their community. Additionally, their achievements serve as a source of motivation for those who are interested in achieving success in this business.

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