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Friday, September 10, 2021

Recent Search Criteria to Land On Married to an Ambot

Recent Search Criteria to Land On Married to an Ambot
 My blog ranks rather high in the search engines for just about anything related to Amway, so I decided to compile a list of the terms that some of my visitors have used to find their way to my site over the course of the last day. Following that, I'll provide my thoughts on the search!Because...

If You Don’t Attend Amway Meetings What Happens?

If You Don’t Attend Amway Meetings What Happens?
 If you don't attend Amway meetings, what happens? is the inquiry put by an ambot who appears to be on the point of quitting, into the old Google search engine.First and foremost, you will have a wonderful sense of relief at having been able to escape from an Amway cult gathering. There...

How To Lose Money In Las Vegas Without Gambling!

How To Lose Money In Las Vegas Without Gambling!
 They say that the "extremely important information" presented at Amway functions 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years ago is not the same "highly important information" taught now, and that we old timer bloggers are in possession of out-of-date knowledge.Bullshit!With the exception of the...

How Not To Throw Up After Taking Double X Vitamins

How Not To Throw Up After Taking Double X Vitamins
 The following search criteria were used on Google: "how not to throw up after taking Double X vitamins."I'm not going to hit you. In this case, the searcher landed up at x, double knockout.html.There were a variety of reasons why...

Buy Your Tickets for WWDB Amway Puryear Family Reunion 2012!

Buy Your Tickets for WWDB Amway Puryear Family Reunion 2012!
 It's time to start thinking about keywords because IBOs are desperately looking for information on the World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion! This is an annual Amway function that takes place in July.The Puryear Family Reunion will take place in Boise, Idaho, from July 13 to July...

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