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Friday, September 10, 2021

Amway IBOs Are Lousy Employees

 I've been to enough Amway meetings where the Platinum or Diamond speaker expresses disdain for anyone who holds down a regular employment position.

It is those who laugh at those who have work. They make fun of folks who are employed. They are critical of those who hold down a job. They want to know why IBOs are still working for other people and why they are still being paid. How come their Amway business isn't profitable enough for them to be able to retire?

Job-seekers are brainwashed by Amway cult leaders into believing that their jobs are wicked and that no one associated with the company should be subjected to the injustice of working for an employer and contributing to the company's wealth. The Amway cult leaders go on and on about why people should despise their jobs, why they should despise their bosses, and why they should despise their coworkers.

There is nothing that offers greater satisfaction to the upline Amway jerks than the destruction of the lives of their cult followers. WWDB stands for World Wide Destructive Bastards. All of this is part of the plan to make them even more reliant on the Amway cult leaders.

Soon, the ambots will mimic their upline and sneer at those who have jobs and exhibit scorn for people who work for someone else, as they did with their predecessors. These ambots are employed full-time themselves. It is, in fact, how they are able to afford to be members of the exclusive Amway social club. At the time of our employment with Amway, no one in our WWDB line, other than ourselves, ran their own business or was self-employed, and only a small number of crossline employees were self-employed.

Once they are armed with the horrible things that their Amway cult leaders have brainwashed them to believe about individuals who have regular jobs, it isn't long before their downtrodden demeanour seeps into the workplace. They insult their coworkers, and most likely their boss, because they are all fucking morons for having a job and working for someone else rather than themselves, rather than pursuing their own interests. They will almost certainly begin to moan about how much they despise their jobs and how much they can't wait till they are finally free, due to Amway's generosity.

You'd better keep your tongues shut, because that day might come sooner than you expect! Moreover, you will not be financially independent when it occurs!

Amway IBOs drag down the morale of a company and frustrate the other employees who are forced to listen to their brainwashed bullshit while the Amway IBO spouts his or her brainwashed bullshit.

Several ambots from our line and crossline were laid off, which I found to be a surprising number. The fact that all ambots have been brainwashed into believing that "J.O.B.s Suck" is a bad thing makes it understandable why their employers didn't want to keep them on staff. We were still at Amway at the time, and I never saw any of them get another work while we were there, and the majority of unemployed ambots took odd jobs wherever they could find them.

When one of our friends hired an ambot, he discovered that the bastard didn't get any job done, but insisted on being paid top bucks simply for showing up and spending excessive amounts of time on his cell phone, making calls, and texting friends and family. As if that wasn't awful enough, he showed in with a boom box and started blasting the latest Amway CD from his tools order. He didn't last very long in that position!

In the same way, I would never hire that cretin again.

But if that were the case, I would never have employed him in the first place! Never work for an Amway independent business owner (IBO). Their work ethic is HORRIBLE!!!

Meanwhile, an ambot from Edmonton dropped by my blog the other day to express his excitement at the prospect of being “free” as a result of Amway and no longer having to put up with his employees, all of whom are a bunch of jerks and jerkettes. That's something I'm sure his supervisor would appreciate knowing! Not to mention the fact that his employee has been fucking around on a government-issued computer for an hour (perhaps longer; I've only been on my blog for an hour) instead of getting his work done. That's right, Alberta taxpayers' money is hard at work in this government building.

This is exactly the type of attitude about jobs that ambots have been brainwashed into having by Amway's cult leaders, and it frequently results in them being out of employment very soon. Because they believe that working a J.O.B. is sooooooo beneath them, Ambots will show up to their jobs out of the goodness of their hearts, but don't expect them to do any actual work while they are there. Of course, they still expect the boss to compensate them for showing up, but they'll be too busy conducting Amway business to accomplish anything else.

This entire "showing up" ritual is a drag. Take, for example, when you show up at an Amway meeting and the sack of sh*t Platinum informs everyone that they are winners simply by virtue of their attendance. And if they continue to show up on a regular basis for the next two to five years, they will become wealthy beyond their wildest dreams, and Amway will send them millions of dollars simply for showing up on a regular basis.

Because of the reasons I've already stated, I would never hire an IBO for any position. These people are depressed about their jobs, they spend too much time on the phone or on the Internet, they want to blast Amway CDs at full power, and they have a negative attitude. When you pay someone to complete a task, you want them to complete it without interfering with texting, phone calls, surfing the Internet, recruiting prospects, selling Amway crap, blaring Amway motivational CDs, or generally being annoying.

Ambots that are sluggish and unmotivated are not welcome to apply!

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