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Sunday, August 8, 2021

World Information Network (WIN) Amway

World Information Network (WIN) Amway
 WIN is made up of a group of Diamonds downline members named Yager, Dexter, and Birdie. They are associated with Markerman Productions, which is owned by Jody Victor. In an announcement made on April 14, 2008, it was reported that WIN has been awarded Amway Accreditation. They...

World Wide Group Amway

World Wide Group Amway
World Wide Group  World Wide Group, LLC, also known as WWDB also known as World Wide DreamBuilders, delivers Professional Development Programs to IBOs. It is managed by a board of directors known as Management Team and has an executive team that controls the day-to-day operations...

Dunn, Jimmy & Sue Amway

Dunn, Jimmy & Sue Amway
 Downline DiamondsDunn, Jimmy & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETKennemer, Donnie & Lavita, Diamond, United States, InterNETMcConnell, Brian & Judy, Diamond, United States, InterNETSchmitz, Charlie & Kim, Diamond, United States, InterNETStewart, Ken, Crown, United...

Dornan, David & Jules Amway

Dornan, David & Jules Amway
 QualificationsUnited StatesDiamond 2010Founders Diamond 2011In the Amway industry, three of the most well-known names are Dornan, David, and Jules. They are well-known for their capacity to encourage people to achieve success in the realm of entrepreneurship thanks to their leadership...

Desai, Kulin & Mina Amway

Desai, Kulin & Mina Amway
 (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Data Processor and Homemaker)Sucess StoryWhen I first came to America, I had a lot of hopes; dreams of having a great automobile and a nice house," says Kulin Desai, "but those dreams quickly turned into nightmares." As a result of his departure from India...

D'Amico, Angelo & Cindy Amway

 Downline DiamondD'Amico, Angelo & Cindy, Diamond, United States, InterNETGrippo, Bill & Kris, Diamond, United States, InterNETPrimsky, John & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETNealis, Jim & Arlene, Diamond, United States, InterNETMitts, David & Lisa, Diamond,...

Coniguliaro, Dominick & Pat Amway

Coniguliaro, Dominick & Pat Amway
 Dom & Pat Coniguliaro are Diamonds in Quixtar based in Lancaster, South Carolina. They have a lot of experience. They received their Emerald qualification in 1977 and their Diamond qualification in 1995. They are the largest Leg of the FAA Founders Crown Ambassador Dexter Yager's...

Cole, Richard & Louise Amway

Cole, Richard & Louise Amway
 Louise Cole, nee Louise Williams, went diamond in the early 1980s while single; she later married (Paul & Louise Phillips), and subsequently divorced from him. Since then, she has remarried, and the couple is now known as Richard and Louise Cole. They were BWW Diamonds in the Mike...

Cherest, Chris & Judi Amway

Cherest, Chris & Judi Amway
 Chris and Judy Cherest are Diamond Independent Business Owners.When Judy and I first discovered this business, we were just starting out on our dating journey, with no plans beyond tomorrow, no commitments, and very few absolutes in the form of values. Because the world of average...

Chambers, Stan & Babs Amway

Chambers, Stan & Babs Amway
 When Ron Camp, Babs' brother, presented the Camps with a marketing strategy, he had just been voted Georgia Coach of the Year, and the Camps were excited. He enjoyed what he was doing, but he was well aware that, as a teacher and coach, he was finding it difficult to provide for his...

Carroll, Mike & Robin Amway

Carroll, Mike & Robin Amway
 Mike and Robin Carroll received their Emerald qualification in 1991 and their Diamond qualification in 1994.They have one frontline Diamond, Frank & Lynn Radford, who were married in 1994. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Burns, Jim & Karen Amway

Burns, Jim & Karen Amway
 James works as the chairman and professor at a medical university. It had taken him 28 years of schooling, which included a BS in biology, a DDS in dentistry, an MS in teaching, and a PhD in microbiology and immunology, as well as board certification in oral pathology, to achieve that...

Brannon, Don & Ladonna Amway

Brannon, Don & Ladonna Amway
 Downline DiamondBrannon, Don & Ladonna, Diamond, United States, InterNETBelknap, Keith & Jimmie Lee, Triple Diamond, United States, InterNETNash, Bill & Kim, Diamond, United States, InterNETMcWilliams, Don & Patty, Diamond, United States, InterNETReed, Jim & Sherry,...

Bradshaw, Charles & Martha Amway

Bradshaw, Charles & Martha Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 1994Charles and Martha met while both were in high school, where Charles was a standout football player with aspirations to win a football scholarship and go on to become a football coach. The activities of her little high school in eastern North Carolina were...

Bolin, Bob & Irene Amway

Bolin, Bob & Irene Amway
 Downline DiamondBolin, Bob & Irene, Diamond, United States, InterNETGoshen, Bob, Diamond, United States, InterNETCrisp, Bob & Jo, Triple Diamond, United States, InterNETDe Vault, Walter & Rebecca, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETNash, Barbara & Harvey, Diamond,...

Boggus, Jerry & Peggy Amway

Boggus, Jerry & Peggy Amway
 Downline DiamondBoggus, Jerry & Peggy, Diamond, United States, InterNETShirer, Jim & Kay, Diamond, United States, InterNETGurley, John & Robin, Diamond, United States, InterNET highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Berland, Vince & Laurita Amway

Berland, Vince & Laurita Amway
 Downline DiamondBerland, Vince & Laurita, Diamond, United States, InterNETRoberts, Linda & Curt, Diamond, United States, InterNET / WINCourtney, Ed & Charlotte, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETBarber, Jerry & Marcia, Diamond, United States, InterNETEvans,...

Ayers, Gary & Nancy Amway

Ayers, Gary & Nancy Amway
 Prior to launching their Amway firm, the Ayers worked as school teachers in the local community. Both of them were in their late 20s when they decided to leave their professions to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams. The Ayers family currently resides in the city of Orlando, Florida....

Allen, Kent & Jackie Amway

Allen, Kent & Jackie Amway
 Kent and Jackie Allen are BWW Diamonds from Kentucky who are involved with the organisation. They began working for Amway in 1979 and achieved Diamond status in 1994.Kent Allen and Paul Miller were classmates in high school. Kent met Jackie when they were both in high school. He was...

Alfaro, Estela & Eusebio Amway

Alfaro, Estela & Eusebio Amway
 QualificationsDiamond 2008StoryIt was when she was babysitting and cleaning houses that Alfaro, Estela, and Eusebio first became aware of the Quixtar business possibility. At the time, he was managing a restaurant. He and his wife are grateful that they discovered the business opportunity,...

Crosby, Henry & Pat Amway

Crosby, Henry & Pat Amway
 QualificationsFounders Diamond 2004Downline DiamondCrosby, Henry & Pat, Founders Diamond, United States, InterNETHughes, Roland & Molly, Founders Diamond, United States, InterNETHall, John & Terri, Diamond, United States, InterNETPark, Myung Hyung & Seon Do, Executive...

Pappalardo, Vinny & Dayna Amway

Pappalardo, Vinny & Dayna Amway
QualificationsDiamond 2008Executive Diamond 2013Crown 2018Vinnie Pappalardo owned and operated a huge retail furniture store in New York for 16 years until unforeseen circumstances forced him to close the store and lose everything. When he was initially exposed to the Quixtar® business opportunity,...

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