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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

ILD Amway

ILD Amway
 Quixtar/Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) can benefit from ILD's Professional Development Programs. This line of affiliation was established in 1995 by Double Diamonds Jack and Rita Daughery, as well as other Diamonds in the Daughery downline, following the group's breakaway...

EFinity Amway

EFinity Amway
 Quixtar Business Support System eFinity, led by Founders Crown Ambassador Tim Foley, was the first system to receive accreditation under the Quixtar Professional Development Accreditation Program.QualifiersFounders Crown AmbassadorUnited StatesFoley, TimSpainDe la Calle, Angel &...

Diamond Alliance Amway

Diamond Alliance Amway
 QualifiersFounders Crown AmbassadorUkraineYena Natalya (2007)Crown AmbassadorRussiaYena, Natalya (2008)Triple DiamondUkraineKoryak, Alexander & Nina (2008)Founders Double DiamondRussiaBekmushajev, Maral & Zhanbolat (2010)Double DiamondItalyGatti, Fernando & Ragni, Antonella...

Founders Distinguished Service Award Amway

Founders Distinguished Service Award Amway
 FDSA is an abbreviation.The Founders Crown Ambassador 40 level was previously known as Founders Distinguished Service Award and was originally presented in 1995 as a result of IBO achievements exceeding corporate "predictions" and exceeding company "predictions."Qualification for the...

Victor, Jenah Amway

Victor, Jenah Amway
 The Crown of the Third Generation. The business of Joe and Helyne Victor / Ron and Debra Victor is currently handled by Ron's daughter Jenah Victor, who is also the daughter of Ron (dec) and Debra Victor, as well as the granddaughters of Victor, Joe, and Helyne highlightSearchTerms('founders...

Angkasa, Robert & Sonja Amway

Angkasa, Robert & Sonja  Amway
 After graduating from university, Robert worked as an engineer and banker for a number of companies in Sydney before being employed by a well-known private bank in Indonesia. Obtaining this position was a significant personal achievement for him and was something he had long desired....

Tu, Johnson & Jennifer Amway

Tu, Johnson & Jennifer Amway
 Chronology of Achievements09/1988 – Joined07/1989 – Direct Distributor08/1989 – Ruby11/1989 – Pearl04/1990 – Emerald02/1992 – Diamond06/1992 – Executive Diamond08/1994 – Double Diamond08/1995 – Triple Diamond08/2000 – Crown08/2001 - Crown Ambassador highlightSearchTerms('founders...

I Tong Cheol & Kim Myo Soon Amway

I Tong Cheol & Kim Myo Soon Amway
Chronology of Achievements:05/1991 Joined10/1993 Direct Distributor02/1996 Emerald07/1996 Diamond04/2000 Executive Diamond08/2000 Double Diamond08/2001 Triple Diamond + Crown08/2002 Founders Crown08/2004 Crown Ambassador  highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Stewart, ken & donna Amway

Stewart, ken & donna Amway
 Kenny and Donna Stewart held the position of Crowns within Amway. They have subsequently divorced, and Ken Stewart's firm was shut down by Quixtar as a result of a lawsuit filed in federal court against the company. The term "whistleblower" was used in the downline. Jeff Probandt and...

Johnson, Leif Amway

Johnson, Leif Amway
 Downline DiamondJohnson, Leif, Crown, United States, GlobalNetMorales, Frank & Barbara, Diamond, United States, GlobalNetDuBose, Bob & Jeneane, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet/WWDBJohnson, Ed & Yvonne, Diamond, United States, GlobalNetBiegert, Brad & Cheryl, Diamond,...

Jeon Gye Hyon & Park Gi Cheol Amway

Jeon Gye Hyon & Park Gi Cheol Amway
 Chronology of achievementsJoined: May 1994Platinum: September 1995Ruby: March 1996Sapphire: February 1997Emerald: April 1997Diamond: June 2000Executive Diamond: August 2001Double Diamond: August 2002Founders Double Diamond: August 2002Triple Diamond: August 2008Founders Triple Diamond:...

De Souza Fabio & Sheyla Amway

De Souza Fabio & Sheyla Amway
 Inception1991QualificationsCrownDownline DiamondsDe Souza, Fábio & Sheyla, Crown,2019 United States, Brazil, ColombiaRamirez, Gustavo & Diana, Diamond, Colombia 2009Ortega, Diego Andres & Martha, Diamond, ColombiaBobadilla, Jose de Jesus, Corona, Colombia 2013Castillo,...

Somers, Angie. Amway

Somers, Angie. Amway
 InceptionAugust 1984QualificationSilver 1984Platinum 1985Emerald 1997Diamond December 1990Executive Diamond 1993Double Diamond 1997Triple Diamond 2010Downline DiamondSomers, Angie, Triple Diamond, Australia, Network TwentyOneAbrahams, Michael & Julia, Diamond, Australia, Network...

Siatyee, Nancy & Kim, Kevin Amway

Siatyee, Nancy & Kim, Kevin Amway
 Chronology of Achievements2009 Founders Diamond2011 Executive Diamond2013 Triple Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary1020304577818891919'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Kirner, Franziska & Manuela Amway

Kirner, Franziska & Manuela Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2007Member in 2012InceptionMarch 1982QualificationsDiamond 1991Executive Diamond 1992Double Diamond 1994Triple Diamond 2004DownlineGschossmann, Sabine & Guenther, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Sissy Petra & Alois Szuchar Amway

Sissy Petra & Alois Szuchar Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2006Member in 2007Member in 2012Inception1987QualificationsHungaryDiamond 1994Founders Diamond August 2006Executive Diamond August 2006Founders Executive Diamond 2007Double Diamond August 2010Founders Double Diamond 2012AustriaEmeraldDownline...

Tanaprakob, Sak & Bonsiri Amway

Tanaprakob, Sak & Bonsiri Amway
 Mr. Sak died abruptly on January 22, 2012, according to his family. His wonderful family, friends, and business associates from all around the world will miss him dearly. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary6450559380286386737'); highlightSearchTerms('amway,...

Soopanaraphan, Rachaya Amway

Soopanaraphan, Rachaya Amway
 Khun Rachaya is a Thailand ABO with a double diamond in her ring. She received her bachelor's degree in education from Burapa University. Her very first employment was that of a teacher. On the recommendation of Ruby ABO : Mr. Thawatchai-Mrs. Thawatchai, she began working in the amway...

Ledbetter, Suzanne Amway

Ledbetter, Suzanne Amway
TeamBuilders was formed by Curtis and Virginia Ledbetter, as well as Suzanne Ledbetter, who are also Double Diamonds. Jody and Kathy Victor are collaborators with the Ledbetters. Joe and Helen Victor, Jody's father and mother, were among the first founding members of the AWA Board of Directors....

Ledbetter, Suzzane Amway

Ledbetter, Suzzane Amway
 Our Mission Statement: To leave a legacy of faith, hope, and freedom for future generations. Families are being strengthened, leaders are being developed, and teams are being formed with the vision to dream, the bravery to struggle, and the perseverance to win!Our company motto is...

Kim Jong Hwa & Hong Yong Joo Amway

Kim Jong Hwa & Hong Yong Joo Amway
 Chronology of achievementsJoined: August 1995Platinum: May 1996Ruby: May 1999Sapphire: March 1997Emerald: August 1997Diamond: March 2002Founders Diamond: August 2005Executive Diamond: May 2007Double Diamond: August 2008 highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Category:Turkey Amway

Category:Turkey Amway
Category:Turkey  See also main article Amway TurkeyPages in category "Turkey"The following 15 pages are in this category, out of 15 total.AAkcakanat, Tanju & BesteAmagram - TurkeyAmway TurkeyBBolukbasi Merih & NiluferDDinler, Ali & ÖzgeDornan, Jim & NancyEEfe, Bunyamin...

Category:Ukraine Amway

Category:Ukraine Amway
Category:Ukraine  See also main article Amway UkrainePages in category "Ukraine"The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.AAmagram - UkraineAmway UkraineAndronatiy, Anatoliy & MarynaArkhipova, Vira & Mautanov, OleksiyAstachow Olena & DennisBBludov,...

Category:Thailand Amway

Category:Thailand Amway
Category:Thailand  See also main article Amway ThailandPages in category "Thailand"The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.AAjjimarangsee, Dr. Pongsak & Dr. PorntipBBank and VeenaBoonariya, Viroah & SiriphanCChalerychit, Chatchai & JutaratChalerychit,...

Category:Taiwan Amway

Category:Taiwan Amway
Category:Taiwan See also main article Amway TaiwanPages in category "Taiwan"The following 63 pages are in this category, out of 63 total.AAmway TaiwanAndy ZhangBBai Jun YiBarry Chi & Holly ChenCChen Mei Li & Wu Ji QiangChen Tsai Lung & Yang Yueh HwaChen Ying RuCHIANG, Wo...

Category:Switzerland Amway

Category:Switzerland Amway
 Category:Switzerland AmwaySee also main article Amway SwitzerlandPages in category "Switzerland"The following 20 pages are in this category, out of 20 total.AAmway SwitzerlandBBriano, Martina & Bosshard, KurtCCalvet, Adrienne & LucienCattin, Katy & MichelDDobler, CorneliaFFreiburghaus,...

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