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Friday, July 2, 2021

Galan, Theo & Maribel Amway

Galan, Theo & Maribel Amway
 Double or Executive Diamond 2009Diamond-005base memberGalan, Theo, and Maribel, the Double Diamond, in the Dominican Republic; the WORLD CROWNSSerulle, Elias, and Lourdes, the 2012 Dominican Republic, Evolution Global TeamGalan, Theo, Jr., Dominican Republic, WORLD CROWNS (2015)StoryTraditional...

Dutta, T.D. & Suparna Amway

Dutta, T.D. & Suparna Amway
Dutta, T.D. & Suparna Amway Our uplines, Kanti and Lata, Kanti and Hemi, and Bill and Peggy Britt raised our hands to declare us new Diamonds, which was truly a dream come true. A lifelong experience: You stood in front of thousands of people, cheering, laughing, and sobbing while...

Reardon, Carl & Marsha Amway

Reardon, Carl & Marsha Amway
Reardon, Carl & Marsha Amway Making good choices puts your life in order, and that enables you to reach incredible goals. A few years ago, Carl and Marsha made good decisions, and they are happily married with three adorable daughters. Discusses Marsha; "Networking has extended...

Foley, Tim Amway

Foley, Tim Amway
 United States Silver QualificationsDiamondDiamond PlusDiamonds three times overCrown was established in 1998.1998 Crown AmbassadorCrown Ambassador of the Founders in 2005Colombia2008 is a Triple Diamond year.Crowned in 20092013 Founders CrownDiamonds in the DownlineTim Foley, United...

Chavez, Luis & Lulu Amway

Chavez, Luis & Lulu Amway
 Life's CirclesLuis Chávez emigrated from Mexico to the United States in search of a better life. He had no idea it would entail sketching circles.“When I first saw the Quixtar IBO Compensation Plan, I was working in construction,” Luis says. “At the time, I didn't understand how the...

Alvarez, Ignacio & Dora Amway

Alvarez, Ignacio & Dora Amway
Alvarez, Ignacio & Dora Amway This page does not have any text at the moment. You can look for this page's title on other pages or logs, but you don't have permission to make it. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

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