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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Henderson, Sean & Miranda Amway

 Success Story (Executive Diamond)

When Sean and Miranda first became interested in the Amway Business Opportunity, the personal benefits were the most appealing. They were very frustrated in their sporting careers as Professional Showjumpers due to the limitations of the sport in South Africa. Sean and Miranda saw the Amway Business as the vehicle to create financial options for themselves so that they could compete at a better level.

Their first goal was to replace Miranda's income from her regular job, which they did in nine months. From then on, their goal was to replace Sean's income which they achieved within three years when they went Emerald. Sean and Miranda are lucky that their sport is so expensive as this gave them the drive to get to Diamond which would give them true financial freedom, meaning they no longer had to rely on sponsorship for support in order to compete at top level. 

One of Sean's main sporting goals is to compete in the Olympics, not just as a competitor but as someone who has a real chance of being in the top ten in the world. Sean and Miranda love sport and spend their mornings either on their horses or mountain biking together. 

Their other main hobby is snowboarding which they enjoy when they go to the snow for about four weeks a year. Sean and Miranda initially saw this business as a means to benefit personally by becoming financially independent, but since qualifying Diamond, their main goal and driving factor is to help as many other people as possible benefit in the same way by guiding them to Emerald and Diamond levels. 

They believe that everyone is put on earth and has the potential to impact lives some people through music, others through business, some people may be through charity work. Sean and Miranda believe this business is their life purpose and by working towards their dreams and goals, they are able to help so many other people live a very different life. Every day they realise how blessed they are. They have the choice every day to work or not, but Sean and Miranda see building this business as a lifestyle because there is no better reward in life than to make a difference.

As Executive Diamonds, Sean and Miranda have definitely not arrived; it is simply a small stepping stone towards their real goal: Crown Ambassadors. While pursuing this ultimate goal, they aspire to have a positive impact on and change the lives of countless people. 

A Case Study in Success (Diamond)

"Our background is in the sporting world as professional showjumpers, which has been our life and passion since a young age and which we hope to continue.

Because we were professionals, we had to rely on sponsorship to help us fund our sport and, ultimately, our careers. Despite the fact that we believed it was a wonderful concept at the time, it had never been a major priority in our lives due to the fact that our sporting careers were our love and desire.

 This dream was dashed when we both qualified for the World Championships in 1998, but were forced to attend as spectators rather than athletes due to the inability of our sponsors to provide financial support. 

While on this tour, we were approached by sponsors who offered us the opportunity to live and compete in Europe, which is the pinnacle of a showjumper's professional career. We travelled over Europe with our horses for 18 months, competing in various events.

The reality of being sponsored quickly dawned on us: no matter how amazing an opportunity appeared to be, being sponsored still meant that our lives were in the hands of someone else. We realised at that point that, in order to compete on a global scale, we would have to take responsibility for our own financial future.

This is when we took the choice to relocate back to South Africa and devote our efforts to growing the company. In total, it took us two and a half years to replace both of our earnings, and since then we have had the freedom to design our lives, which means that every morning when we get out of bed, we can choose whether or not we want to go to work. We initially regarded this as a means of providing us with the financial independence we needed to pursue our dream of competing without the help of sponsors.

This firm has provided us with the time, money, and transportation to assist other individuals in making positive changes in their life, while also allowing us to pursue our sporting endeavours." 

Qualification History

  • 2006 - Diamond
  • 2007 - Executive Diamond
  • 2010 - Double Diamond
Both Henderson and Sean Amway, as well as Miranda Amway, are examples of people who have been instrumental in the development of their respective industries.

 While Sean Henderson has gained recognition for his work in the field of business and entrepreneurship, Miranda Amway has established herself as a prominent figure in the world of fashion and modeling.

Sean Henderson is a successful entrepreneur who has founded several companies over the years. He is widely known for his expertise in the field of e-commerce and has been instrumental in the growth of several online businesses. 

Henderson began his career as a software engineer and went on to work with some of the greatest technology businesses in the world, including Apple, Microsoft, and Google.

In 2012, Sean founded his first company, a technology consulting firm that provided services to businesses looking to improve their online presence. The success of this venture led him to start several other companies in the e-commerce space, including a luxury retail website that specializes in high-end watches and jewelry. Today, Sean is widely regarded as a leading expert in e-commerce and is a sought-after speaker and consultant for businesses looking to grow their online presence.

Miranda Amway, on the other hand, is a well-known model and fashion influencer. She has worked with some of the largest names in the fashion business and has been featured in various magazines and advertising.

 Amway began her career as a model in her early twenties and quickly rose to prominence due to her striking looks and unique sense of style.

In addition to her work as a model, Miranda is also a fashion influencer, with a large following on social media. She regularly shares her fashion tips and recommendations with her followers, and has even launched her own fashion line. 

Amway is known for her commitment to sustainable fashion and has been an advocate for ethical and environmentally-friendly clothing production practices.

Despite their vastly different career paths, Henderson and Amway share a common trait - a relentless drive to succeed. 

Both individuals have achieved remarkable success in their respective fields through hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. 

Their accomplishments are evidence of the value of tenacity and the significance of pursuing one's interests in life.

Henderson, Sean & Miranda

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