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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Hutchins, Martin & Tracy Amway

 Success Story

In the lives of Martin and Tracy, two lines had a profound impact: 'If you don't alter direction, you will end up where you are headed.' and 'Is what you are doing now going to provide your the results you want?'

Martin and Tracy were in the process of selling their manufacturing company, which they had owned and operated for more than 15 years, when they came across the Amway opportunity. Ownership of their own firm provided them with a comfortable lifestyle, but they wished for an even better one. What they discovered was that hard labour alone would not provide them with the lifestyle they desired for themselves and their children. It was their belief that Amway would be a vehicle for transformation and long-term dedication, as well as an opportunity to generate a worldwide income. They were also drawn to the type of people that were involved in the development of the Amway enterprises, as well as the opportunity to work from home. Instead of producing successful individuals, they appreciated the fact that the business plan produced successful families.

Because they have both been divorced in the past, Martin and Tracy have quite different perspectives on life. Marriage and children are the most valuable possessions in their lives. In the beginning, Tracy was apprehensive about the concept because she was concerned that working in the evenings, on top of their full-time business, would mean she would have less time with her children. She has since realised that, once a business is established, there is no other business that provides the same amount of one-on-one attention as this one. They also enjoy surrounding themselves and their children with good, driven people who are concerned about each other's well-being.

It brings them enormous delight and pleasure to be able to share their achievements and way of life with their children, and this is something that the Hutchins take great pride in. They encourage their children to broaden their horizons by travelling and working abroad, learning about various cultures, and ultimately becoming 'citizens of the world.' It is crucial to them that their sons, Gareth (26) and Andrew (21) as well as their daughter, Claudia, have a diverse range of options as they grow up (18). The majority of people have been conditioned to believe that a university degree is the route to success, but Martin and Tracy empower their children to make their own decisions about their future.

The Hutchins have been associated with Amway since 1997, and they have played a major role in the growth of the Amway Southern Africa organisation since then. "You can afford to go on vacation anyplace in the world, but you can't afford to buy a company," they said in reference to the ALTS in Mauritius. When you have the opportunity to make a positive difference in other people's lives, it is one of the most satisfying aspects of your job. This group of people has discovered a world they want to be a part of, and it is their aim to be able to bring as many people as they possibly can with them onto the path to a more fulfilling existence. Martin and Tracy are committed to make a difference in the lives of others. The Hutchins are also interested in charitable endeavours, primarily supporting impoverished youngsters in the Diepsloot region. These efforts have been tremendously beneficial for them, and they intend to continue in similar vein in the future. They take great pleasure in the fact that they have inspired other Independent Business Owners to join them on this path.

In recent years, Martin and Tracy have had the opportunity to travel to a number of different nations, which has provided them with a great deal of motivation. They are scheduled to go on the Diamond Forum Circuit for the next couple of months, which will take them to Australia, Germany, New Zealand, and Colorado in the United States. In the words of the founders: "Building this business requires a dream, courage, hard work, and perseverance, but it is well worth it." They share common aspirations and goals, and they take pleasure in working as a group.

According to the Hutchins, Amway Southern Africa is poised to enter a period of rapid growth over the coming few years, and they intend to be a part of that expansion.

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