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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Daughery, Jack & Rita Amway




  • Diamond 1981
  • Double Diamond 1995

Success story

 In addition to becoming Double Diamonds, the Daughery's served as leaders of the ILD system until Jack Daughery stepped down and passed leadership to David Humphery. They joined Amway in 1973 under the leadership of Ron Puryear and achieved Double Diamond status in 1995. The WWDB system used to be linked with them, but they eventually broke away to start their own support organisation.

Downline Diamonds

  • Daughery, Jack & Rita, Double Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Johnson, Leif, Crown, United States, GlobalNet
  • Morales, Frank & Barbara, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • DuBose, Bob & Jeneane, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet/WWDB
  • Johnson, Ed & Yvonne, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Biegert, Brad & Cheryl, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet/WWDB
  • Ochs, Bob & Judy, Diamond, United States, INA
  • McEachern, Dennis & Susie, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Boettcher, Dan & Martha, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Jones, Steve & Lauri, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Floor, Jim & Margee, Executive Diamond, United States, INA
  • Dendy, Joe & Linda, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Carlton, Jim & Marcia, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Minter, Cliff & Kathy, Executive Diamond, United States, INA
  • Jaramillo, Randy & Carol, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Singelton, Michael, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Payne, Bob & Sue, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Payne, Richard & Janet, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Sitcler, Roger, Executive Diamond, United States, TEAM
  • Lovett, Dave & Bethanne, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Broome, Clarke & Diana, Executive Diamond, United States, INA
  • Batista, Richard & Cathy, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Bellacera, Jim & Denise, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Alexander, Greg & Cindy, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Strom, Terri & Judy, Diamond, United States, GlobalNet
  • Cuccia, Jay & Jan, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Vanni, Dave & Micki, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Cheng, Chosen & Mely, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Carbonaro, Nick & Sallye, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Robinson, Dan & Jeanette, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Holiday, Craig & Carole, Executive Diamond, United States, INA
  • Leets, Tim & Lisa, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Stanley, Steve & Sharon, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Sprenz, Paul & Linda, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Turner, Spike & Sue, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Lieber, Doug & Linda, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Sallee, Beverly, Crown, United States, Network TwentyOne
  • Griffiths, John & Janet, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Herlacher, Vic & Ann Marie, Diamond, United States, INA
  • Engstrom, Thomas & Christina, Diamond, Sweden, Network TwentyOne
  • Henderson, Tony & Mary, Triple Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • Hoffman, Mike & Bridget, Executive Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • Jones, Paul & Jeanette, Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • Forde, Neil & Trish, Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • McBain, Alan & Gwen, Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • Hogg, Murray & Morrow, Jackie, Diamond, Amway New Zealand, Network TwentyOne
  • Mansson, Ulf & Elisabeth, Double Diamond, Sweden, Network TwentyOne
  • Eriksson Hakan & Suzan, Diamond, Sweden, Network TwentyOne
  • Hagman, Jan & Pia, Diamond, Sweden, Network TwentyOne
  • Hjort, Rolf & Agneta, Diamond, Sweden, Network TwentyOne
  • Humphrey, David & April, Executive Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Bulette, Keiji & Jean, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Davis, Fred & Dottie, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Kiefert, Hank & Karla, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Kremer, Arnie & Jan, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Matthews, Rick & Mary Jane, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Mace, Chuck & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Hettema, Steve & Tonya, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Marta, John & Pam, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Holpp, Fred & Madelon, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Burns, Chuck & Roxi, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Timko, Dave & Mary, Diamond, United States, WWDB
  • Berman, Don & Janice, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Lockwood, Keith & Yanny, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Ashlock, Tom & Judy, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Israel, Jeff & Pam, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Long, Dennis & Connie, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Becker, Ted & Michelle, Diamond, United States, ILD/WWDB
  • Strong, Gator & Connie, Executive Diamond, United States, WWDB


  • Moore, Jeff & Andrea, Executive Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Somers, Doug & Wendy, Diamond, United States, ILD
  • Carseldine, Stu & Beth, Executive Diamond, Australia, ILD
  • Hand, Ted & Sue & Rob, Diamond, Australia, ILD

Success Story

When the Daugherys first saw this company proposal, they had no idea what a fantastic future it would pave the way for them and their family. They merely saw it as an opportunity to maybe move ahead on their debt. At one point, Jack was the manager of a fresh produce warehouse, while Rita was a beauty salon owner and operator. 

“We were both used to putting in long hours,” Jack explains, “but through this business, we have also seen a great deal of personal growth.” Our daughter, Janet, had a better understanding of the baby-sitter than we did when we started our firm. 

Now that we're both working full time for our businesses, we can spend more time with our families while also assisting others in achieving their goals. In addition, Rita has witnessed her husband evolve into a powerful leader and an all-around excellent person.

The Daugherys' quality of living has significantly improved since becoming Double Diamonds. They and their three German Shepards currently reside in Spokane, Washington, in a 9,000-square-foot home with "all the built-in luxuries" on a seven-acre estate that they built themselves. Their residence is equipped with personal offices as well as a large conference room where they conduct business operations for their thriving global corporation.

Jack and Rita like driving their own cars and travelling in their 45-foot Featherlite bus, which they purchased for their wedding. They're always thinking about where they're going on their next vacation. Jack also owns three Harley-Davidson motorcycles, which he transports behind his bus in a bespoke trailer built just for the purpose. 

Jack organises a yearly motorcycle event in which as many as 50 men come together to travel designated routes and share their own personal experiences. ”Our business has provided us with the freedom to do what we want, when we want, and from anywhere we want. This is unquestionably the best way of living!”

Daugherty, Jack Amway, and Rita Amway are three people who have each had a great effect in the sectors of labor that they have chosen for themselves. Every single one of them has a motivating tale to tell, and the path that led them to achieve success is illustrative of the power of hard effort, persistence, and drive.

Daugherty shall serve as our point of departure. William "Bill" Daugherty is a former officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who worked for the agency for more than 20 years. In 1963, he became a member of the CIA and was stationed in a number of different countries, including Mexico, Brazil, and Venezuela. He was instrumental in the resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis and was also involved in the inquiry into the Watergate scandal. The work that Daugherty did for the CIA has been the focus of a number of books and films, and he is widely regarded as one of the most accomplished intelligence officials who has lived during his era.

Now let's talk about Jack Amway. Jack Amway is one of the co-founders of Amway Corporation, which is a business that offers products related to health, beauty, and home care. Jack and his business partner Rich DeVos established the company in 1959, and since that time, it has expanded into a multinational organization that employs more than 20,000 people across the globe. Amway's rise to prominence as one of the world's most successful direct selling firms was largely due to Jack's savvy in business and his ability to effectively manage others.

And last but not least, we have Rita Amway, an artist as well as a philanthropist. Rita and her husband Alex Hillman established the Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation in order to provide financial assistance to a variety of charitable organizations that work toward advancing health and social justice. She is also a well-known and skilled artist who has shown her work in galleries all across the country in the United States. Rita's paintings are renowned for their vivid hues and daring compositions, and her artwork is largely influenced by the continents of Africa and Asia, where she has been.

The lives of Daugherty, Jack, and Rita Amway each have their own distinct narratives, but they all have one thing in common: a dedication to working one's hardest and accomplishing one's goals. Each of them has triumphed over obstacles in the pursuit of their different goals, and the accomplishments they have attained are evidence of their dogged determination and unwavering commitment.

The work that Daugherty did for the CIA was frequently risky and difficult, but he never wavered in his dedication to his duty and was able to assist in the defense of his country against external dangers. Rita Amway's altruism and artistic talent have made a tremendous impact in the lives of a large number of people. Jack Amway's business zeal and leadership abilities were important in growing Amway into the profitable company it is today.

on summary, Daugherty, Jack, and Rita Amway are three people who have left an indelible mark on the industries in which they have worked. Their lives serve as a model for many people to follow, and their accomplishments are evidence of the potential that can be unlocked by consistent effort, dogged determination, and unwavering commitment.

Daughery, Jack & Rita

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