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Thursday, September 2, 2021

What’s The Difference Between Amway IBO’s And Sewer Rats? Nothing!

What’s The Difference Between Amway IBO’s And Sewer Rats? Nothing!
 A blog reader makes the following observation:IBO rats stalk people in malls, eat from shabby food bars, pay twice as much for water, and are always on nutrilite pills, among other things.Yes, without a doubt. People in malls and grocery stores are being stalked by IBOs who are hunting...

Living The Amway Ambot Dream: Eat Drink Duplicate

Living The Amway Ambot Dream: Eat Drink Duplicate
 One of the search parameters that an Amway ambot used to find his way to this site was "eat drink repeat Amway."That tells me that the same nonsense I was exposed to at Scamway meetings is still being taught in today's society.At every Amway cult meeting I attended, we were told that...

Being In Amway = In “The Business” Of Giving Away Your Money

Being In Amway = In “The Business” Of Giving Away Your Money
 It used to make me laugh when the Diamonds would come up on stage at Family Reunions or Free Enterprise Days and talk about how they got into "the business," how "the business" has improved their life, or how "the business" has enabled them to acquire all of the material possessions...

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