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Thursday, September 2, 2021

What’s The Difference Between Amway IBO’s And Sewer Rats? Nothing!

 A blog reader makes the following observation:

IBO rats stalk people in malls, eat from shabby food bars, pay twice as much for water, and are always on nutrilite pills, among other things.

Yes, without a doubt. People in malls and grocery stores are being stalked by IBOs who are hunting for fresh victims to infect with their diseases. Rats, and specifically IBO rats, are scavengers. IBO rats may consume the guts of a dead porcupine that has been hit by a car, but they prefer to eat the icky food bars that are available. It's the same thing. Both of those need the consumption of a disgusting, unsanitary rat. Paying twice as much for water? Surely you're joking. When you shop at Walmart, a 24-pack of water costs less than $5. Amway sells 24 packs of Perfect Water for roughly $50, which is ten times the cost of the Perfect Water.

Rats are nocturnal critters, which is similar to Amway IBO rats and their late-night meetings, which are also nocturnal. When the lights are turned on, they flee for cover in order to avoid seeing the reality. Scurrying around late at night hatching schemes to wreck other people's life is not uncommon. Have you ever seen one of those Hoarders television shows? Almost every episode features houses with rats in them, either dead or alive, that have wreaked havoc on the property of the owners, who don't seem to mind that they're sharing their home with these horrible creatures. Amway rats infest people's houses in the same way as their rodent relatives do. When they manage to get inside, they begin planning how they will demolish all of the lovely things the owner has in their home and replace them with shoddy Amway products. They are eventually successful.

Some of those upline rodents came through our house with Ambot, and we didn't even know it. They arrived armed with a worksheet that listed household items that people frequently purchase in order to demonstrate how Amway sells products that are comparable to those listed on the worksheet. Unlike Ambot, I did not accompany the Amway rodents on their journey of devastation, where they preached about how we should get rid of illicit products and instantly replace them with costly, subpar Amway trash. I'm curious as to why the rats were interested in looking in the bathroom cabinets to discover which brand of tampons were in there!

The following is taken from Wikipedia: "Rats are seen as aggressive and dirty creatures who prey on humans, steal food, and transmit sickness."

I'd think that description is also extremely accurate with Amway IBO rats, at least in my experience. The folks I met at Amway were some of the most cruel human beings I've ever encountered in my entire life. Gracious materialistic jerks who lured Ambot into spending all of our money on Amway products and tools, then used our credit card to pay for the purchases after the funds had been depleted. Better known as assisting the upline in raising the PV to the appropriate level so that they may fulfil their monthly targets. And what happens when the money stops flowing? Those Amway rats start an attack, shrieking insults such as "loser" and "quitter," as well as statements such as "you'll be broke for the rest of your life." It is not until they have caused divorces, bankruptcies, and foreclosures that Amway rats are truly content.

Unclean? Although IBO rats may regularly bathe in Amway soap products, being dirty can manifest itself in a variety of different ways. It also refers to breaching the law in some cases. Every Amway rat I've come across has been guilty of something unethical, such as lying, scamming, fraud, mistreating others, and so on and so forth.

Parasitic? Disease and viruses are spread through the air. That's right, Amway IBO rats do that. It is the infections and viruses that they disseminate that are responsible for the breakdown of marriages, the breakdown of families, the breakdown of bank accounts...

Is it okay to steal food? Essentially, Amway rats rob good food by convincing their downline that their purchasing and eating habits should be changed to accommodate Amway items and services. Instead of using fresh fruits and vegetables, Amway Nutrilite vitamins can be used instead.

Consider the similarities between Amway IBO rats and the plague that swept through London in 1665, which was most likely caused by fleas carried by the rats that had overrun the city. Before the great fire of 1666, which aided in the eradication of the disease, it was thought that an estimated 100,000 people had died.

The exact number of persons who have been killed or maimed by Amway IBO rats is currently unclear. Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions? Millions? They come out to leave comments on blogs like mine because they are virulent parasitic creepy Amway rats but when confronted with the truth and unable to back up their lies with anything more than the standard response "because my beloved Amway cult leader says so —- so there!" they retreat back into their sewers. What will it take to completely kill the Amway rats and eliminate them off the face of the earth?

The only good rat is a dead rat, as the saying goes. And it's possible that won't happen again. It is still necessary to dispose of it.

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