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Friday, September 3, 2021

Amway Ambots Are Nosy Bastards

 When I worked with Amway, putting up with the jerks in our line of sponsorship, World Wide Dream Builders, was just as horrible as wasting our money on costly, shoddy Amway items, which was even worse. However, if it weren't for the persuasion and pressure exerted by the filthy upline bastards, we would not have been wasting our money on shoddy Amway products in the first place.

When you join the Amway cult, you quickly learn that everyone else in the cult is a nosy bastard who wants to know everything about you. I'm one of those individuals that, if something isn't my business, I stay the hell out of it. I'm not sure why this is, but I just am. Years ago, while I worked in an office, workplace gossip was rife. It happened to me that employees would start telling me something about someone, and I would respond something like, "That doesn't sound like anything I need to know," and walk away from the conversation. I don't need to know about anyone else's business if it doesn't have any bearing on my own. The same may be said about those who have attempted to obtain information from me. Nope. I'm well-versed in the art of keeping my mouth shut.

Okay, that's not going to happen on my blog. My goal with this blog is to spread the word about what it's really like to be a doomed member of the Amway cult and having to deal with upline - the world's biggest fucking asses who are nothing but fucking scumbags who are so fucking nosy and make it their business to poke their noses into places where they have no business.

Those stupid ambots at Amway seem to believe they have a right to know everything about everyone. During the previous year, one of the most popular search terms that attracted bots to this blog was anything having to do with Ganesh and Neha Shenoy, their marriage, and the reasons for their separation and divorce. It's not like it's anyone's business. Oh, wait a minute. These are Amway cult members known as ambots. That is, they turn it into a profit-making venture. When it comes to Amway Independent Business Owners, that is part of the job description. The Shenoys aren't the only ones who are being questioned about their relationship. Whatever the search term, the searcher has almost certainly found their way to the blog. Recently, nosy ambots have been searching for information about the marriage and/or divorce of Brad and Lesley Wolgamott, Scott Harimoto, Dean Kosage, Jim Head, and a whole host of other Diamonds whose names do not immediately spring to mind because, well...I couldn't give a shit about any of them anyway.

In the absence of dirt on a marriage or divorce, they are looking for information on the type of cancer Jim Dornan had or still has, as well as other private data about the lives of persons associated with Amway.

I receive a large number of requests for Amway sex. What do these people who are looking for information think? That ambots are uploading sex films on the internet for everyone to see? Although it is possible that they are, you will not find any links to any Amway IBOs having sex on this site.

When my family and I were members of the Amway cult, I had to put up with a lot of nonsense from people in our upline who wanted to know everything that was going on in our lives. After I informed them that my private life was none of their fucking business, they pretty much left me to my own devices. What a look of horror on those prude's faces when I admitted that I had dared to offend my upline by using such foul words! Yeah, I have a great deal of admiration for liars and crooks that operate under the Amway banner! And then those whining asses crybabies would make their way further up the line and complain that I wasn't being very pleasant. Take a look at the picture! You're fucking Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) that are out to ruin people's lives and defraud them of their money. When I'm dealing with a bunch of fucking sick horrible bastards like you, why the hell should I be polite to you?

Due to the fact that our filthy upline undoubtedly knows more about our life than I would ever want them to know, my Ambot has probably spilled more information about them to them. I made it very clear to him that if I wanted those cretins to know anything about me, I would tell them myself. He seemed to understand. I figured if I didn't tell them anything, those upline bastards would be able to confidently believe it was none of their business and they could fuck themselves.

One of the main reasons ambots desire to know intimate information about other ambots' lives is so that they can hold it against them at a later stage, such as when they are attempting to quit their jobs. It's a form of ambot blackmail. So it's no surprise that ambots are some of the nosiest people I've ever encountered in my life. When lying and scamming are no longer effective, an ulterior purpose must be used.

Is it possible that I'm the only one in the world who has the ability to tell nosy ambots to go to hell? Continue to stay out of other people's lives, you filthy Amway jerks.

And considering the Amway WWDB Family Reunion 2021 is coming up - in July? - and is now a top search criterion, I figured I'd toss in a few key words to confuse any ambots looking for additional information, as if my blog wasn't already at the top of the search engine results page already. The World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2020 is also included because I've only had a few of dumb ambots try to travel back in time and seek for information on it, so I'll toss that in there too.

The Amway Family Reunion is a snoozer!

Similar to that, nosy Amway ambots are a pain in the neck!

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