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Friday, September 3, 2021

The Scamway Drama

 The Amway fraud has ensnared the mother of one of our readers. Another heartbreaking narrative as a loved one watches Amway tear their family apart, instil false hope and dreams in her mother's mind that she would one day be wealthy, and brainwash her with bullshit Amspeak is being written. Add a dash of warped religion to the mix, and the Amway cult is hard at work destroying another another household.

Hello, Anna. I was looking for a way to aid my mother and came across your blog while doing so. Thank you for sharing with Ambots all of the negativity that comes from people all across the world. Because there were so many of your blog posts and comments, I was unable to read through them all. However, based on some of the numerous pieces of information I've gleaned from your blog, is simply standing by and watching them 'Ambot' hopelessly the only solution? Please accept my apologies if I have missed something. Like many others, I am relieved to know that I, or my siblings, are not alone in the midst of all the Scamway turmoil as a result of your site.

Unfortunately, the Ambot in my situation is my mother, whom I used to admire and love greatly but who has since passed away. Since I was a child, my mother has been divorced and remarried. My brothers and I stayed with our grandparents, while my mother went to live with my step-father and step-siblings. My mother has had a difficult upbringing, and her second marriage has not been a joyful one either. She fell into a state of melancholy and discovered Amway. She immediately visualised herself as financially independent and as able to break free from this asshole (my stepfather) and take care of the rest of her children and grandchildren (all her childrens). We are all aware that this will not work out and have attempted to reason with her, but, like so many others, we have failed. If we tried too hard, we could fail miserably at times. Her life is now centred around Amway. This is especially true when she associates Christianity with Amway. Things got progressively worse from there. It's almost as if GOD had a plan for her to do this.

In order to maintain family harmony, we have no choice but to support her by listening to her business plan and attending weekly Friday night meetings with her $ percent # upline at her home (to the point where my wife and I have to work overtime in order to excuse ourselves from the stupid meeting... when we are so desperate to see our baby at home... we can't go home..).

It's a complete and utter misery for the entire family. Despite everything we've done and despite our willingness to compromise. She is still under the impression that we are not on her side. Her concept of assistance is that we must all ACTIVELY participate, which is absurd given that we all have our own responsibilities.

As is customary, they will begin to analyse everything that you are involved in, including your employment and other activities. I used to cherish the limited family time that I had with her because it allowed us to chat about everything and everything under the sun, but now I am terrified of seeing her because she will link everything to AMWAY and talk exclusively about this blatant scam. Why has it deteriorated to this point? What I'm feeling right now is that the person that I used to adore and respect has passed away. It is perfectly acceptable to simply let it go if the other person is a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/best friend. However, this is my MOTHER... I don't know how I can possibly give up on her.

Those scumbags took advantage of a depressed victim who was vulnerable and brainwashed them with a fictitious fantasy. Being the oldest in the family, I felt quite powerless when I realised that I couldn't pull MUM back into the fold. I wish I could simply walk away, but I am unable to do so. As an attempt to assist my mother, I purchased her a ticket for her and me to attend a motivational presentation by Nick Vijicic in the hopes that she will change her perspective on life, become more optimistic about her future, and realise that Amway is not everything, but guess what... She opted to attend an AMWAY bullshit seminar rather than accompany me to the speak because she believes that the AMWAY nonsense is more essential than the conversation.

I'm truly at a loss for what else I can do at this point. Please accept my apologies for the lengthy post. Thank you for taking the time to read and for allowing me to write instead of keeping it all inside, which is killing me.

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