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Friday, September 3, 2021

Why Did Amway Send Me A Box Of Shit?

 Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh? A searcher discovered Married to an Ambot by Googling "Why did Amway give me a package of shit?" and ending up at the site.

That's right, I needed a good chuckle right then and then while I was evaluating how readers were making their way to my website.

Not sure if that's the wife of an ambot or just some unfortunate client that was duped into purchasing pricey, substandard Amway products from an Independent Business Owner.

I really understand and relate with this individual. Getting boxes from Amway was something I dreaded since I knew they would be full of overpriced gimmicky things that we didn't need and were unlikely to utilise. Every time an Amway box arrived in the mail, I knew that Ambot had racked up yet another round of charges on my credit card. Every time a shipment of Amway stuff arrived in the mail, I knew it was because some jerk in his upline had berated him for not purchasing more items. Get that PV BV up to the top of the hill. Apparently, some asshole further up in the Amway upline has a target to accomplish, and they couldn't care less about the financial troubles that it is bringing the cult's adherents. Simply go out and purchase more Amway crap!!! Never, ever question your upline!!!

Yeah, it appears to be a good time to send out another big fat FUCK YOU to those greedy assholes in our Amway upline once again.

So, what exactly does Amway include in a box of goodies? Has anybody considered that now could be a good time to incorporate some key words?? Vitamins from Nutrilite are packaged inside a box of Amway crap. The same can be said with XS energy drinks. The twist tube shits have to be included in the sale of these. Amway food bars are packaged in a box containing Amway excrement. Consider Perfect Water in a package full of Amway junk, for example. Let's not forget about the laundry soap, dish drops, and other Amway cleaning goods that can be found in the same Amway boxes of shit as the aforementioned shit.

It's all about selling hope, not soap, in this business.

It all boils down to putting the Amway stuff in a box.

What is it about getting the mail and discovering that, horror of horrors, Amway has sent you a package of shit that makes you want to throw up? In addition, Amway did not bring that box of garbage because they were motivated by goodwill. They mailed it because someone used their credit card to purchase a package of Amway stuff and paid an excessive amount of money for it. The same type of items as those sold by Amway can be found at grocery stores and medicine stores for far less money. And the good news is that the products purchased at regular retailers are most likely not substandard. At the very least, they won't be pricey schlock like the ones Amway gives in their box of trash.

Perhaps a more appropriate inquiry in response to the question "why did Amway send me a box of shit" is "how can you get Amway not to send you a box of shit?"

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