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Friday, September 3, 2021

Wake Up When You’re Done Sleeping

 Count the number of times you've heard one of the Amway presenters say anything to the effect of "wouldn't it be nice to wake up in the morning when you're done sleeping" or something along those lines. Our piece of shit Platinum has stated at every meeting that his wife gets up once she has finished sleeping, and I am certain I have seen him say it. When you have school-age children, it appears to be a little reckless. Their children were teenagers at the time - a boy and a girl who were, I believe, 13 and 14 years old. Why would Mom want to make sure her children are getting themselves out of bed on time, eating a nutritious breakfast, preparing their lunches, and making sure they get out the door in the morning? Would Platinum Dad be the one to do all of this? Unlikely. He's a chauvinist pig who considers childcare to be "women's work," and he believes it should be regulated. Then it's highly possible that his wife will get out of bed as soon as it's necessary rather than when she's finished sleeping.

It is the Platinum's belief that the primary reason his wife gets out of bed after she has completed her sleep is to scoff at the downline who have jobs and who set their alarm clocks daily and get out of bed in time to get to work

To understand the concept of "waking up when you're done sleeping" is something that I have a difficult time grasping. In the first place, most parents of school-age children don't just lay in bed and doze until their children are ready to go to school. Maybe, and this is a big maybe, until the youngster is a junior or senior and capable of getting himself or herself out of bed on time, dressed, eating breakfast, and getting to and from school every day. Parents of younger children must get them out of bed and dressed, prepare breakfast, pack a lunch, and walk them to school unless the younger child has older siblings who can accompany him or her to school. I would imagine that the majority of stay-at-home moms are up by 7 a.m. or earlier. After everyone has left the house, it is likely that they will not return to their beds.

Unless, of course, you're a lazy ass IBO who's doing all in his power to adhere to his upline's advise about not getting out of bed until you've finished your sleep.

I had a friend who, after relocating away from Los Angeles, made the decision to home school her son. I wasn't sure why she would do such a thing, but it became crystal evident when I remembered that she was not a morning person in the first place. Ambot and I paid her a visit a couple of years ago. We got up whenever we wanted, about 7 a.m. or so, but she didn't get out of bed until at least 10 a.m., and often later. Like her daughter, her son was still asleep when she finally got around to waking him up. She couldn't seem to get her act together first thing in the morning to get her child off to public school, so she waited until the afternoon. When it came to her desire to get out of bed once she was finished sleeping, home schooling worked better for her. They are not affiliated with Amway. In other words, the old upline's belief that the only persons who are permitted to leave their beds once they have finished sleeping are those who have reached a specific level in Amway is completely debunked.

I rarely get up in the morning and set my alarm clock. If I set my alarm for 5 a.m., it's typically because I have to drive someone to the airport at that time or because I have somewhere else I need to be at that time. Whether I use an alarm clock or not, I would say that I rarely wake up when I am finished sleeping. I am frequently roused from my sleep because someone else in the house is moving around. Once I'm awake, I'm awake and I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep. The fact that anything or someone wakes me up at 2 in the morning, or 4:30 in the afternoon, is a major irritation. I haven't finished sleeping yet, but I've been roused. When I wake up at that time of the morning, the only thing I can do is bake muffins for breakfast.

Just though Platinums and Diamonds extol the virtues of staying in bed until you are fully rested does not imply that this is something that everyone should strive to achieve. Most of them, I'm sure, have never heard of Benjamin Franklin or the adage "early in the morning, early in the evening makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."

I wouldn't say that I go to bed early in general, but now that we're no longer in Amway, I'm able to get to bed before midnight more often than not. It is arguable if a 7 a.m. wake-up call is considered "early." Numerous individuals rise earlier in the morning than that! Is it beneficial to my health to get up early in the morning? When I wake up in the morning, I walk the dog and eat something light before heading to the YMCA, where I either swim or practise yoga. I suppose I'm in good health.

What percentage of IBOs maintain a healthy lifestyle? The Trim weight reduction technique appears to have been attempted by a large number of people, and let's just say that they are not walking ads that the diet plan actually works! They also encourage the consumption of vitamins rather than the consumption of a nutritious diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. We notice over and over again in the board plan that the key to Amway success is to consume large quantities of energy drinks and snack on food bars. They are likely not getting enough exercise because they are too preoccupied with following their own advise and lounging around in bed until they are ready to get out of bed.

I have a lot on my plate. I have locations to see, people to meet, and activities to do on my itinerary. I won't be able to achieve anything until I get out of bed. The more quickly I can do my tasks, the more free time I will have. Because I am no longer an IBO, I have a great deal of spare time. Getting out of bed a little earlier in the morning allows me to complete almost everything I need to do by noon on most days. Fortunately, I have a large amount of the day ahead of me to do anything I want with it.

Let's make a comparison with an IBO. Let's say the slacker drags his or her arse out of bed at noon. Make the bed, then proceed to the kitchen to create a meal consisting of an energy drink, a food bar, and vitamins - there won't be any kitchen cleanup involved in this! Following that, it's likely that you'll be checking your email, sending text messages, and making a lot of phone calls. It's late in the afternoon and the laundry and housecleaning haven't been completed by that point. What about mowing the lawn? When was the last time you mowed the grass or weeded the garden? Do you remember? Who has the luxury of time for that? Next comes downline counselling because people are starting to get off work now, followed by the board plan meeting at 8pm and the night owl meeting at 11pm. Arrive back to your house around 2 a.m. and repeat the process the next day.

Many individuals consider lying in bed to be a complete waste of time. As a general rule, I've operated on the assumption that the sooner I can complete tasks, the sooner I can unwind. Because the day is slipping away from me, I refuse to stay in bed till noon even if I could. Occasionally, a movie I'm interested in watching will come on at 8 a.m., and I'll stay up and watch it. When I wake up the next morning, I realise I've missed my YMCA classes and am behind on everything else I wanted to accomplish.

Getting out of bed when I am finished sleeping does not work for me.

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