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Friday, September 3, 2021

How To Cancel Communikate

 It seems like every day, dozens of individuals come to my blog after searching for “how to cancel Communikate” or “how to communicate” (ha ha!). With someone at Communikate, to be precise.

One of our readers shared the toll-free number for Communikate, which is 1-866-333-3204, in another post. I have not attempted to contact that phone number. To be honest, I'm not sure where this number goes, so call at your own peril!

I'd like to point out that one of the silliest things we used to hear from the bastards in our upline when they wanted us to sign up for Communikate and help the Amway cult leaders become even wealthier was that it was referred to as a "personal assistant." As a personal assistant, I normally think of someone who travels with the person who pays their income, assisting them in keeping their lives organised and assisting them with their daily tasks. There are a variety of tasks that they can choose from: grocery shopping, picking up the kids from school, walking the dog, running errands, meal planning, keeping the house tidy and organised (not necessarily as a housecleaner), stopping by Starbucks to pick up snacks, or whatever else they have agreed upon.

What does an Amway ambot believe a personal assistant is responsible for? In their minds, hiring a somebody to act as their personal assistant means renting a toll-free phone line that takes phone messages, forwards phone calls, and participates in conference calls.

What the fuck is going on? A personal assistant is not an automated phone system, according on what kind of fucking moron you are. A filthy Amway ambot who has been brainwashed! Those deluded fools are completely unaware that they are being conned, and that their beloved cult leaders are making a tidy profit if they are foolish enough to sign up for Communikate, also known as "kate" or personal assistant.

The vast majority of people that join Amway do so for a year or less before quitting. Suddenly, they are faced with the challenge of terminating this voice mail system that is not worth the $36.95/month (or whatever amount the ambots are contributing to it these days). Signing up with Amway is simple, but trying to get out or get your money back is almost as difficult as promising your firstborn child to the company.

Here's what one of Communikate's former employees has to say about the company.

I used to work for Webley (the business that owns communikate), and yes, it is a scam; the uplines receive kickbacks as a result of pushing the product. They have made it extremely difficult to cancel now; you can no longer cancel by phone because there were too many cancellations! They now offer chat support, but you cannot cancel your subscription using chat; instead, we are supposed to call them and pressure the Amwayers to continue using Communikate Unsolicited advice: Accounts will never go into collections if you simply change your payment method to anything incorrect. The account will then close itself within a few months. Have any questions, feel free to ask them.

The amount that uplines receive varies according on the exact deal that they have with the respective group, such as BRITT, WWG, and so on. It ranges from $5 to $10 each person who registers. People who have reached the "Diamond" level receive special attention. Another amusing suggestion: It is true that several of our clients' debit cards have been cancelled as a result of Webley's egregious invoicing practises. While we bill monthly for the service (36.95), we ALSO bill separately for usage, which is often between.25 and.75 cents per minute for the majority of users. 99 percent of banks classify these inconsequential, foolish charges as "possible fraud" charges, and therefore "freeze" the cards if they are used. Numerous people have had significant payments for various recurring services reversed as a result of Webley's incompetence and refusal to make even the most insignificant of good faith efforts to properly serve their clients. You are now aware of the situation!

That's all there is to it. A little inside information about the arrangements that the Amway cult leaders make with Communikate in order to obtain a piece of the pie is provided. Just in case there are any doubting ambots out there who don't trust the tool fraud.

According to the sound of things, if you want to cancel Communikate, the quickest and most straightforward alternative could be to phone your bank and report that your credit card has been misplaced, and have a new one issued. After the second attempt to charge the previous credit card number fails, Communikate will try again.

And less money in the pockets of certain Diamonds the following month! It would be wonderful to be present when the Diamonds are arguing over how they would divide the money from the Communikate!

Alternatively, you may be listening in on the phone when the Diamond calls the Platinum to inform him that someone in his downline has just cancelled Communikate!.

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