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Friday, September 3, 2021

Amway Losers

 During a visit to a friend's home, Ambot shared with us his honest and sincere belief that he was a loser following his departure from Amway. In part, this was because he had been brainwashed into believing that the very fact of his leaving Amway automatically made him a loser, something he didn't want to believe.

The use of this technique is part of the brainwashing technique used by our Platinum team members on a regular basis, as well as from the stage when we heard Emerald and Diamond speakers refer to anyone who quits Amway or who is otherwise not interested in signing up with Amway, according to our Platinum team members. No, I'm not claiming that this is a unique experience or that just the morons I know in Amway take advantage of it. It appears to be taught system-wide as part of upline abuse, as evidenced by the large number of people who have taken to the Internet to claim they have heard the same thing about loser reinforcement.

When I was growing up, the term "loser" referred to a member of the baseball team who did not participate in the game and hence did not win it. I suppose that because of the way I was raised, I was never taught that the term "loser" was a negative term to be used as an insult against other people. It was a word that, to be honest, never stuck with me for very long. Just though someone was on the baseball team that lost the game on that particular day, it's possible that the outcomes would be flipped the next day and I'd be on the team that lost.

As we were being shifted from one team to another on a weekly basis, the phrase simply sailed off our backs. It took us a couple of hours after the game to realise that we had been labelled losers, and we were fine with that. For a brief while, it was just a bunch of kids making fun of each other. If we didn't win this time, we were losers all the same. We'd do better the next time, and we'd come out on top.

Unfortunately, it is not how the Amway cult's adherents perceive the term "loser." The upline refers to others as "losers" in an insulting manner. They threaten ambots with the term "loser" in order to deter them from quitting.

So, who is it that is calling me and Ambot losers now that we have left Amway? The unattractive young man in his twenties who drives about in a junker car that is constantly breaking down. The one who has a part-time job as a salesperson and works 40 hours per week for $10 an hour. The child who is still living at home with his or her mother and father. The adolescent who spends his money as quickly as he earns it. Even more quickly now that he is an Amway Independent Firm Owner (IBO) and is required to invest all of his money in his own business.

What about our Platinum, who is still employed in a full-time position? Oh, he spouts some nonsense about how God has instructed him to continue working there in order to "assist" his poor co-workers in need. Wow, what a gentleman! What a dedication to one's profession! Later, out of the kindness of his heart, he spends his evenings and weekends "assisting" others who are trying to start their own businesses in the same field. What about the Emerald, who was still working during our time in the Amway hellhole, but I don't recall if it was a full-time position or if it was a temporary or part-time position. It appears that he has since retired. It's essential to maintain the Scamway image!

Is it true that my Ambot is a loser? Who has been in business for many years, has lived in a lovely house for many years, drives great automobiles that don't break down frequently, has retirement money, takes nice trips, and generally leads a very good life? That person.

Our acquaintances were driving around in ancient junkers, had horrible credit, were behind on their rent (none of them owned homes), and were being harassed by bill collectors on the phone, among other things. Oh, the joys of being a broke Amway failure, I tell you.

With the exception of the losing baseball team, I had never given any credence to the word "loser." Since becoming involved with Amway, I have come to associate the term "loser" with IBOs - people who believe they are better than everyone else, who offer fake friendship, who lie, and who generally make other people's lives miserable by causing them emotional and financial distress - with which I disagree.

Since we were able to break free from those Amway losers, our lives have returned to normal. Actually, it's better than usual. The albatross has been freed from its tangle of feathers. We are able to take a deep breath once more. We can see Amway and its loser independent business owners (IBOs) for what they truly are.

Those Amway failures weren't going to be able to manipulate me. The only losers I know are the IBOs that point fingers and sling that phrase about in order to make themselves feel bigger and more significant. The air of superiority that Amway Ambot exudes toward the rest of the world.

So here's a finger pointing directly at you. You IBO losers are the most obnoxious bunch of jerks I've ever encountered.

Amway is a firm that has been established for several decades and engages in multi-level marketing (MLM). The business offers a wide range of items for purchase, such as items for maintaining one's health and wellness, personal care items, and cleaning materials for the home. People who become Amway distributors are led to believe that the organization offers them a rich business opportunity; yet, in practice, the vast majority of those who become engaged with the corporation wind up losing money and seeing their personal relationships deteriorate as a result of their involvement. These people are commonly known as "Amway losers."

Amway is structured as a pyramid system, which is one of the primary reasons why there are people that are unsuccessful with the firm. Because of the way Amway is organized, distributors are required to find and sign up new distributors, who then find and sign up even more distributors, and so on. The pyramid will eventually topple because this structure cannot support its own weight, and when it does, the great majority of those who participated in the scam will be left with enormous financial losses.

There are people who lose money with Amway for a number of reasons, one of which is that the firm maintains a high-pressure sales environment. Distributors are under continual pressure to produce sales and attract new distributors, and unfortunately, this often comes at the expense of the personal relationships they have with their customers. Because they are so intent on increasing their sales and constructing their downline, many Amway distributors have discovered that they are unable to keep up with their personal relationships, including those with their friends and family.

In addition to the high-pressure sales environment, Amway demands its distributors to commit a substantial amount of money at the beginning of their business with the company. Distributors are required to make product purchases before they may distribute those products, and they are also expected to pay for any necessary training as well as any other associated costs. These costs have the potential to quickly stack up for many people, putting them in a large amount of debt as a result.

The presence of a cult-like atmosphere around Amway is likely the part of the company that causes the most cause for alarm. Many Amway distributors have said that they experience feelings similar to that of being members of a cult because the leadership of the firm uses a number of psychological strategies to maintain their loyalty. Some examples of these strategies are sending love bombs, isolating the target, and instilling dread in them. As a consequence of this, many people who become engaged with Amway find it difficult to quit the organization, even when they become aware that the company is not living up to the promises it has made.

Those who do not win an Amway competition frequently report feelings of disappointment, aggravation, and embarrassment. It's possible that they put a substantial amount of time and money into the company, only to discover that they don't have anything to show for it. They may have caused harm to their personal relationships and lost the trust of friends and family members who had previously cautioned them against becoming engaged with Amway.

In conclusion, Amway losers are those who have been duped into joining the company by the allure of a potentially rich business opportunity, only to discover that the reality is far different from what they were led to believe. People can end up with substantial amounts of debt and broken personal relationships as a result of the firm's pyramid scheme structure, high-pressure sales environment, and cult-like attitude. Additionally, the company operates like a cult. Although it is possible for some people to earn a profit with Amway, the great majority of people who join the organization wind up being unsuccessful and are referred to as "Amway losers." Do your homework and proceed with caution if you are thinking of participating in a multi-level marketing company like Amway. It is crucial that you do this.

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