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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Your Dreams Will Have An Expiration Date If You Join Amway

Your Dreams Will Have An Expiration Date If You Join Amway
 If you decide to join Amway, your dreams will have an expiration date.Amway is a ruse to get you to buy into a pipe fantasy. Having your own business is a dream come true. It's every person's ambition to have a home, a fleet of sports vehicles, luxury vacations, and so on. Amway cult...

Would You Buy Travel Services From An Amway Ambot?

Would You Buy Travel Services From An Amway Ambot?
 According to what I've read, Amazon is planning to offer travel services. Possibly, they are already doing so on their web-based services platform.That got me thinking about whether or not Amway will mimic and provide something similar. You know how Amway's commissioned sales representatives...

Where’s Your Name List Demands Amway Cult Leader

Where’s Your Name List Demands Amway Cult Leader
 Our Amway upline instructed Ambot and me to compile a list of everyone we knew and send it to them. As a result, they provided us with a prompt sheet to utilise to assist stimulate our memories and realise that we know more people than we believe we do. All of our friends and acquaintances...

Amway Ambots Ordered To Snipe Prospects At Grocery Stores

Amway Ambots Ordered To Snipe Prospects At Grocery Stores
 Typically, I do one large food shopping trip each month, with smaller trips for perishable items as needed in between. Due to Amway meetings taking up so much of Ambot's time, we had gotten behind on our grocery shopping and were running low on supplies. We had planned a night out...

Amway Ambots Know Nothing About Basic Financial Planning

Amway Ambots Know Nothing About Basic Financial Planning
 I received a newsletter from my financial advisor, and a handful of words caught my attention enough that I decided to turn it into a blog post.Having a solid financial education is essential for building a solid financial foundation for the future.andAmericans are woefully underprepared...

4 Sneaky Ways Amway Tricks Ambots To Spend More Money

4 Sneaky Ways Amway Tricks Ambots To Spend More Money
 All of these are common problems that Amway ambots face when the jerks in their Amway upline tell them what they should be doing or how much money they should be investing into their Amway "business," which is a real bummer when you realise that these fucking Amway scammers didn't...

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