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Saturday, September 18, 2021

How Can You Be So Dumb To Stay In Amway

 Someone recently found their way to this blog after searching for "how can you be so stupid as to quit Amway" and ending up here. This person is certainly a dumb ass brainwashed Amway IBO.

They eventually arrived at this piece, in which I stated that if you are an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO), you have most likely been indoctrinated into believing that Amway is the best business opportunity in the world. Initially, I was convinced that the ambot was going to leave me some prepared Amspeak words of crap, but it appears that they witnessed their predecessor being punished in the manner of Anna Banana and quietly walked on.

Amway cult leaders prey on a diverse range of people, many of whom are poor, but one of their most promising targets is the working class, particularly those who dislike their employment. These individuals may despise their occupations yet have been unable to find alternative employment due to a lack of skills, advanced age, transportation difficulties, or other factors. These individuals believe they have reached the end of the road in their lives. It's a promising possibility because Amway cult leaders know these folks have an income and, in some cases, credit cards, and they can bullshit them along in the Amway scam for a time, convincing them to buy Amway items and tools in exchange for their money. They instil confidence in these individuals by informing them that they now own their own firm. The cult leaders are also poisoning these workers against their employment by sneering at them, telling them that they have a J.O.B. - Just Over Broke - and that's all they'll ever be unless they become an Amway "Independent Business Owner." Abot must believe that they are superior than everyone else because they are a member of Amway, and that everyone else who is not a member of Amway is a loser before the brainwashing is considered complete. A bankrupt loser. In addition, everyone who leaves Amway is a loser and a quitter, because their dream was not large enough to begin with. Generally speaking, ambots have terrible, negative attitudes, and they are unlikely to remain much longer in their despised jobs, one way or another. However, for a small period of time, they are convinced that Amway is the only option available to them in order to escape a job they despise.

How could you be so naive as to decide to leave Amway?

The more important question is, "How could you be so stupid as to stay in Amway?"

The Amway pyramid scam only generates income for the people at the top of the pyramid - the Diamonds - who derive the majority of their income from the sale of motivational CDs and books, as well as the sale of tickets to events at which they are invited to speak. Every time an IBO in their downline purchases Amway products, they receive a commission from Amway. When compared to the proceeds from the tool scam, this is pennies on the dollar. According to Amway's own literature, less than one percent of independent company owners (IBOs) will generate money in this enterprise. That represents a failure rate of more than 99 percent. The vast majority of people are not foolish enough to venture into a business with a high failure rate. In this case, it is the cult leaders that come in to brainwash the ambots into believing they would be the longshot who truly makes money at Amway, that the figures Amway publishes are a worst-case scenario, and that within six months, they will have made $100,000. Instead of selling soap, sell hope!

If an ambot is stupid enough to stick it out in Amway for any length of time, he or she will almost certainly find themselves in debt of some kind - whether it is credit card debt or bank loans. They may lose their home if they fail to make a few mortgage payments after consulting with their upline, who suggested them to miss a payment and spend the money to attend an Amway function instead. They made a stupid decision by waking up every morning wondering if this is the day they will be evicted as a result of Amway's actions. The option of declaring bankruptcy is the next step. And because the majority of marriages are unable to resist this level of pressure, the next stage will be dissolution.

The people who have left Amway are not the ones who made the wrong decision. The Amway quitters are wise and courageous, and they have most likely spared a calamity that many ambots are destined to experience.

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