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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Mortgage Your House To Bless The Great Amway God

 I received a letter from a reader who had mortgaged their home in order to purchase Amway products.

People act in this manner for what seems like no apparent reason.

All of this is part of Amway's "Sell the Hope, Not the Soap" marketing push. We attend Amway events when the Diamonds take the stage and tell their storey of overcoming adversity. Every one of them has the same rags to riches storey, but they all tell it in a slightly different way. My suspicion is that these cretins got together to brainstorm what fables they could tell to the ambots in the audience, who were eager to eat every false word from their favourite cult leaders.

It is customary for the Diamond family's hard luck stories to begin with the husband and wife both working low wage jobs when a beloved friend came along to teach them the Amway business plan. All of them appear to have borrowed $20 from their aunt in order to put petrol in their cars so that they could attend the first Amway gathering. And the rest, as they say, is history. This is the stuff of which Amway fairy tales are formed. To get to Amway functions, Ambots are ordered to do whatever it takes by their cult leaders to get there. They neglect to mention that the real reason they require a large number of attendees is that it is at these occasions that the Diamonds generate the majority of their money from the Amway tool fraud. Their shady counsel includes skipping a few meals, skipping a mortgage payment, or taking out a second mortgage on your home, among other things. You'll have enough money left over to attend Amway gatherings as a result of this.

These ambots are subjected to great amounts of brainwashing in order to cause them to do stupid things in order to make their cult leaders even richer.

Are you considering mortgaging your home in order to purchase Amway products? How many of the shoddy, expensive Amway products does one individual really require? I think it all depends on whether or not they intend to reach their 1000 pin goal on their own - with no help from their downline or clients - that month. Alternatively, 2500 pin or 5000 pin could be used. For example, if you take any of those PV pin figures, that means that the dumb ass ambot is spending thousands of dollars per month to get to that level.

The ambots were brainwashed by their fucking assholes in the Amway upline into mortgaging their home for no other reason than to assist their upline in meeting a target that month. It's likely that it had something to do with an upline Diamond failing to meet qualification requirements, and everyone downline who owned a home was compelled to mortgage it and purchase Amway items as compensation. You assist your upline, and one day someone in your downline will assist you in the same way you assisted your upline.

That's a load of shit!

Is it possible to state "inventory loading"? A clear indication of a pyramid scheme.

My experience with cults has been limited, so I can't claim to comprehend what is going on in the brains of these people who do crazy dumb asses things like mortgaging their homes to purchase Amway items just so they can receive a little credit and praise from their upline.

Even draining my savings account and piling up credit card debt to appease the Amway cult leaders seemed like a bad enough situation. Putting your home at risk, which is likely your most valuable asset, the location where you have a roof over your head and a warm, dry place for your family to live and store their belongings, just because some upline jackass wants more PV to accomplish their monthly goal, is a terrible move on your part.

I've heard far too many stories from former Amway Independent Business Owners who have lost their homes as a result of the Amway scam. In addition, our upline attempted to coerce us into taking out a second mortgage so that we could purchase even more Amway crap from them. Ambot was convinced that this was the correct thing to do solely on the basis of the words of some upline Amway douchebag. Unfortunately for him, his name is not the only one on the deed, and I'm not going to put up the house because some vile fucking Amway guy who I despise has instructed me to do so.

In order to express our gratitude to all of the fucking Amway bastards in our upline, let us simply say FUCK YOU.

Yes, that's right. It's no surprise that those filthy idiots worked so hard to bring our marriage to an end. Once the ambot's money supply runs out and the wife/husband refuses to use their credit card or sign away the family home or car, there is nothing left for those cretins to do but end the relationship completely.

As all good tiny Amway cult leaders must do in order to survive.

It's been dubbed "revenge" for the PV not being as high as they desired.

Can you imagine what would happen to a house that was put into foreclosure as a result of the Amway scam? Evicting the family, the sheriff then goes in with a crew to remove their possessions and store them in a storage facility. And what exactly are they taking away? Plenty of $50 Perfect Water bottles, as well as XS piss water boxes, nasty Amway Nutrilite snack bars boxes, and enough bottles of Nutrilite vitamins to clog every toilet in the Trump Tower, are on the way.

Afterwards, if the evicted don't pay the storage fees, the property is put up for auction. Can you tell me whether you saw that one on Storage Wars? Jarrod and Brandy spend a few hundred dollars for the unknown objects hidden inside an abandoned locker, and they end up having boxes and boxes of Amway stuff in exchange.

Bring the dumpster right over here!

Understanding the Risks and Implications of Taking Out a Mortgage to Bless the Great Amway God is the Subject of This Book.

The choice to take out a mortgage on one's home is a major one in terms of one's financial situation and should not be done lightly. Leveraging entails using the value of your property as collateral in order to obtain a loan, most commonly from a financial institution. However, as stated in the article's heading, the concept of "blessing the Great Amway God" by taking out a mortgage on one's home raises a number of problems and calls for a more in-depth investigation of the context. Within the framework of the Amway business model, we will investigate the idea of taking out a mortgage on one's home in this article. Specifically, we will investigate the potential downsides, repercussions, and factors to take into account before making such a choice.

To better understand Amway, consider the following: Amway is a direct selling corporation that sells a variety of consumer goods through a sales force comprised of independent distributors. Individuals can become distributors for the company and start earning money by selling Amway items and recruiting people to join the business as distributors themselves. This is the core of the company's business plan. Distributors have the opportunity to earn commissions and bonuses depending on the total sales volume generated within their own networks of downline distributors, which they are strongly encouraged to establish.

The Concept of a Blessing in the Form of a Mortgage:

It would appear that the term "mortgage your house to bless the Great Amway God" combines aspects of financial commitment and religious language in order to convey the idea of devotion to the Amway business and its possible rewards. Any statements that link mortgaging one's house to Amway's success are likely rooted in individual interpretations or misconceptions, and it is vital to highlight that Amway itself does not promote or endorse such actions. This is a crucial fact to keep in mind.

Implications and Dangers Involved with Mortgages:

When you take out a mortgage on your home, you expose your property to the possibility of losing it. In the event that you are unable to make the required loan payments, you run the risk of having your home foreclosed on. Before you even think about taking such a move, you need to make sure you can afford the mortgage payments by conducting a thorough analysis of your current financial status.

Dependence on Amway: If you take out a mortgage on your home in order to invest in the Amway business, you may find yourself with an unhealthy level of dependence on the company's achievements. The direct selling industry is quite cutthroat, and there is no assurance that one will be successful there. It is not a prudent strategy to derive one's whole income from Amway because the company is vulnerable to the ups and downs of the market as well as shifts in the preferences of its customers.

The payments on your mortgage take a sizeable amount of your monthly income, which means you will have less money available for other expenses. You run the risk of missing out on other investment possibilities or achieving other financial goals if you devote a significant amount of your income to the repayment of your loans. It is crucial to compare the prospective rewards of mortgaging your home to those of other investment possibilities before making the decision to do so.

Impact on Emotions and Psychology The strain of using your home as collateral for a business enterprise can generate emotional and psychological distress, such as worry and anxiety. It is essential that you give careful consideration to the emotional toll that a choice like this could have on you and your loved ones. It should be of the utmost importance to look out for their health and safety.

Ethical Considerations The employment of words pertaining to religion or spirituality with the intention of endorsing financially risky behaviors can be exploitative and manipulative. Skepticism and a critical evaluation of any claims or promises made in this context are both crucial components of a successful response.

Using Good Judgment When Making Financial Decisions:

It is essential to adhere to a sensible decision-making process if you are debating a significant choice regarding your finances, such as whether or not to get a mortgage on your home. Take into consideration the steps below:

Examine Your Current Financial Situation by Taking into Account Your Income, Expenses, and Obligations to Pay Back Debt. Do the math to establish how much you are capable of borrowing and whether or not you can easily afford the mortgage payments.

Conduct Extensive Research on the Amway Business Model Conduct extensive research on the Amway business model, including its track record as well as the possible risks and rewards that may be involved. Seek the guidance of knowledgeable persons or specialists in the financial industry who are able to provide an unbiased evaluation.

It is important to spread out your investments and not put all of your eggs in one basket. To lower your exposure to risk and increase the amount of possible return on your investments, you should think about diversifying them over a variety of asset classes and business opportunities.

Seek the Counsel of specialists: Speak with financial advisors, accountants, or legal specialists who are able to provide customized advice based on your unique set of circumstances. They are able to assist you in gaining an understanding of the potential hazards, as well as the legal and tax ramifications, that are associated with mortgaging your home.

The decision to mortgage your home is a significant one, so you should conduct thorough research, use good judgment, and take into account all of the potential risks and repercussions before making the commitment. It's important to approach statements like "mortgage your house to bless the Great Amway God" with caution and seek the guidance of an expert, even though the phrase "mortgage your house to bless the Great Amway God" may sound enticing. In the end, keeping one's financial situation stable and making decisions based on accurate information should take precedence above any promises or endorsements that sound religious in nature.

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