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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Really FED (UP!)

We had slept in on the Sunday of Free Enterprise Days because we were not planning on attending the church service. For me, there's just a little too much cult brainwashing to handle. The alternative was for us to go for a drive and arrive at the venue's parking lot around 11:30am, where we were able to find a great parking spot near the exit to avoid being stuck in traffic at the end of the day, and then sit in the car for a few minutes because the service was still going on and IBOs weren't being let in for the afternoon FED session yet.

Ambot's cell phone chirps, informing him that he has received a text message from some jerk in his organisation. I tell him to disregard it. He checks his phone nonetheless, and it turns out that the text is from his pompous prick sponsor, aka Captain Fuck Up, who he has never met.

He informs Ambot that the pompous piece of shit Platinum has convened a very important meeting in his hotel lobby, near the escalators, that all downline members are required to attend. We have to be at the location by 11:45 a.m., and the time right now is approximately 11:42 a.m.

The hotel is a few minutes' drive away, and curiously, we had just driven past it a few minutes before we found ourselves there. Ambot is in a state of complete panic. We must get there as soon as possible!

He refused to listen to my voice of reason, claiming that it didn't make any sense. First and foremost, the hotel check-out time has already passed; why would they continue to linger at the hotel? Second, the sack of shit was a devout Christian who was unlikely to miss the early morning church service on Sunday. Third, the bag of shit had made a huge deal out of the fact that, as a result of his status as Platinum, he had the privilege of assisting backstage during the church service. The fourth question is why the sack of crap would drive all the way back to his hotel room, which he had already checked out of, instead of holding his "extremely important meeting" (better known as a bullshit brainwashing session) at the arena, where he was previously present for the church service.

Ambot, on the other hand, refused to acknowledge that they were most likely already in or surrounding the theatre. I wished to remain in the same place as we were. As opposed to this, Ambot exceeds the speed limit on his way to the hotel, runs faster than I've ever seen him move, and easily outdistances me. In the hotel lobby, I finally catch up with him. While searching for more IBOs, he is racing around like a madman. It occurs to him that they might be holding their meeting in the fire exit and he unlocks the stairway doors to find out. If any hotel employees have seen his cherished upline, he's going to badger them.

He is really disturbed by the fact that he is unable to locate anyone, and we eventually return to the venue. The good parking spot I'd found earlier has now been snatched by someone else. We proceed across the parking lot and onto the lawn in front of the theatre, where we see our gang gathering around the venerable cult leader, and Ambot dashes over to participate in the celebration.

It turns out that the conceited jerk sent Ambot a fictitious text message instructing him to go on a wild goose chase throughout the city just so he could have a good laugh. Fuck you, you filthy jerk!

Yup. These are individuals with whom I would like to conduct business. 

Completely Sick of It! A Narrative of Annoyance and the Search for Solutions

Emotionally speaking, life may be like a rollercoaster, with highs and lows, ups and downs, and everything in between. Frustration can often take center stage and envelop us in its grasp, making it difficult to breathe. One of these frustrating experiences that the most of us have had at some point is the sensation of being "really fed up!" You might ask: "Fed up with what," and I'll tell you. The answer to that question is that it could be a number of things, including personal obstacles, societal problems, or even global problems. We will go into the depths of dissatisfaction and explore various solutions to overcome it in this essay.

Personal Challenges: 

The origin of frustration may frequently be traced back to an individual's daily struggles. When things don't go as expected, all of us have felt the sting of disappointment at some point or another. Maybe it's the never-ending battle to accomplish what we set out to do or the sense that we're just spinning our wheels in the same old pattern. These annoyances have the potential to leave us exhausted and unsure of our capabilities and value to ourselves. Nevertheless, it is essential to keep in mind that failures are an inevitable part of life, and that they serve as an excellent teacher for personal development. We can handle these problems with resilience if we adopt a growth mentality, if we set our expectations in a realistic manner, and if we seek assistance from the people we care about.

Unrest in Society and Politics In addition to the problems we face in our own lives, we may also feel frustrated about the status of society and politics. Seeing injustice, unfairness, and corruption so pervasive in our communities is disappointing to say the least. Concerns like as inequality, poverty, and the deterioration of the natural environment can leave us with a sense of helplessness and disillusionment. The trick, on the other hand, is to transform our anger into productive activity. Ways to effect change and contribute to making the world a better place include participating in nonviolent protests, volunteering for organizations whose missions resonate with us, and even pursuing a career in public service.

Global Challenges:

In recent years, the world has been confronted with a multitude of global concerns, leaving many people feeling exhausted. Changes in the climate,

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