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Saturday, September 18, 2021

How To Be Good Amway Cult Leader

 Here are some observations I've made based on my observations of our sack of shit Platinum on the characteristics a person must have if they want to be a successful Amway Cult Leader.

The Amway business is not a good career choice if you don't have these characteristics or are unable to be coachable and learn them. Whatever your goals are, Amway is a lousy investment in general.

Dictatorship in its absolute form. This was largely made plain to me by our sack of shit Platinum, who spoke more than any other speaker, including Emerald and Diamond, in my opinion. He insisted that everyone in his downline "ask permission" before doing anything before doing anything. We are constantly reminded to "submit to upline" and never to dispute upline's authority.

There is no accountability. It is acceptable to boast about your achievements, bank account, material things, business profits, and so on, but you must never provide proof to anyone who inquires. If anyone in your downline asks for proof, simply respond with the phrase "never question upline."

There is an intolerance for questions. “Never, ever question your upline! Who do you think you are, asking me such a personal question? It is true that everything I say is true!”

Inability or unwillingness to divulge financial information pertaining to the budget, expenses, or an independently audited financial statement. Platinum, our sack of shit, never showed us any of his financial information, despite the fact that he wanted to see all of ours.

Incite unfounded fear of the outside world, which is not limited to Amway. Our Platinum was constantly talking about coming doom, nefarious conspiracies, and other such doomsday scenarios. Every every day! What else is there to choose from except Amway? Everyone's prayers have been answered. You will have financial security for the rest of your days. The rest of the world is bound to have a job and to work for someone else's company.

It is necessary to be able to deliver lengthy sermons on negative. At Amway meetings, negativity dominates the conversation - doom and gloom, businesses closing, social security not being there when you retire, and so on and so forth.

It is necessary to be skilled in insulting others, particularly those who have left Amway. The fact that success is just around the bend is in itself a compelling cause to stay. Amway cult members always make the incorrect decision when they decide to leave, and they are also negative and vicious. People who leave Amway are quitters, losers, broke losers, negative, dream stealers, and so on. A good Platinum cult leader must guarantee that his cult followers realise that those who leave Amway are quitters, losers, broke losers, negative, dream stealers, and so on.

Increase the likelihood of being shunned. It is important to make sure that IBOs understand that they are not permitted to associate with former friends who have abandoned the Amway cult.

It's necessary to be skilled at exploiting cult members. Hurling insults at the ambot and then telling them that you are doing this for their own good and that you still love them is a bad combination.

It is necessary to be skilled at dissolving relationships. Platinums in the Amway cult must learn to distinguish between the ambot and their friends and family members.

Must be comfortable destroying other people's financial security, including but not limited to encouraging cult followers to incur credit card debt, take out line of credit or bank loans, telling them to skip mortgage payments so that they can purchase more Amway products or attend the next function, and so on and so forth

It is quite effective at creating emotional discomfort. These tactics can include a combination of ruining relationships, inducing bankruptcy or foreclosure, separating cult followers from friends and family, and everything else they can think of to bring about unhappiness and stress in the lives of cult followers, including the use of drugs and alcohol.

Cult followers who refuse to leave their wives or who otherwise defy the cult leader's orders are particularly vulnerable to punishment.

It is necessary to constantly be correct. Everyone knows that they will never be able to win an argument with the cult leader, who is all knowing and always correct. Especially when they have knowledge that differs from that of the Amway cult leader, the mainstream media and the Internet are almost always erroneous. The only person who knows the truth is the leader of the Amway cult. Everything, as well as everyone else, is incorrect.

Capable of manipulating information as a way of brainwashing others. Must have the ability to brainwash all cult members into believing that the Amway cult leader is always delivering the truth and that the information provided should never be questioned. Do not take any information from anyone other than Amway's cult leaders at face value. Cult leaders must master the ability to manipulate information in order to deprive their followers of the ability to think for themselves.

Deception is something I'm good at. This is extremely important in promoting the Amway deception.

Ability to discredit an information source rather than disputing whether or not something is true. To divert cult adherents' attention away from the truth, it is necessary to be skilled at diversionary and character assassination techniques.

Must have a massive ego and the capacity to recruit a large number of cult members to stroke it.

The ability to employ sleep deprivation as a technique of brainwashing others is demonstrated. When ambots are kept up until one, two, or three o'clock in the morning during cult meetings, they get so weary that they are inclined to accept that anything they hear at that hour is true, which is how this is accomplished.

Having the ability to argue for hours on end about how Amway is not a pyramid system

You have a knack for love bombing, which involves making quick friends for new cult members and showering them with hugs and smiles as well as nicey nice behaviour, among other things.

Good salesmanship - you must be extremely skilled at pressuring people into purchasing pricey things that they do not want or need to purchase.

Understanding of the Bible and biblical words. All cult leaders must persuade their followers that they are doing their Amway company in the name of Jesus or God, and that Jesus or God desires that they conduct their Amway business as well. It is necessary to be skilled in twisting scriptural references to fit Amway's needs. First and foremost, love oneself. Love thy money second, after all.

There is no conscience. In Amway, it is critical not to have a conscience if you want to be a cult leader. You are defrauding people of their money, lying to them, inflicting emotional and financial hardship to others and destroying families by engaging in this practise.

It's necessary to be greedy. Good Amway cult leaders must be preoccupied with money and material items in order to succeed in their business.

Must have a messed-up, unstable, and nasty frame of mind. Human beings who are normal, well-balanced, and caring do not need to apply to be cult leaders in Amway...

With Amway, you have the ability to create in the minds of your cult followers a fantasy of a life full of riches that they will have within 2 to 5 years, with millions of dollars in residual income flowing in each month so that they can easily afford their new luxurious lifestyles, all thanks to Amway. Or to put it another way, the ability to sell the hope rather than the soap.

Must rigorously adhere to Amway's cult leader catchphrase, "Lie and deny," at all times. That is the key to achieving success in the Amway business.

It's necessary to be skilled at bullshitting. This includes lying about your own (imaginary) accomplishments, boosting people up by whipping the crowd into a frenzy of excitement about being a member of the Amway cult, and other forms of manipulation and deception.

It is possible to be unconcerned about the people you step on as long as you are making money.

The most crucial thing. It is necessary to be able to lie and claim that Amway is not a cult. Until new recruits have been signed up and the brainwashing process has begun, the truth about the hidden Amway cult must not be divulged.

My list is based on my observations, and it is not necessarily a list of characteristics that the Amway business would prefer their Platinums to possess; however, this is the reality of how they turn out and behave in the real world. As a result, Amway the corporation chooses to turn a blind eye to this behaviour (namely, abuse from the upline) and refrains from taking action against the troublemakers. When you cut into a Platinum, you cut off a source of income entirely. It is exactly this type of IBO activities, as well as bloggers like us who expose them, that contribute to Amway's poor reputation. The vast majority of businesses accept responsibility for the activities of their personnel. Amway is not one of them. It is preferable for dissatisfied customers and former workers to take their grievances to the Internet rather than bring them to the attention of the company's corporate headquarters, ensuring that everyone searching for information receives the full picture. Being a decent corporate citizen is completely out of the question in this situation!

Not everyone is as enthusiastic about Platinum cult leaders as Amway is!

The Internet allows some of them to be candid about their experiences, such as us, so that everyone is aware of the horror that awaits them if they become engaged in Amway because of the lying sack of sh*t destructive Platinums!

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