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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Work "the business" 10 to 15 hours per week

 It seemed like we were hearing the same things over and over again at every Amway scam conference we attended. One of them was that by working only 10 to 15 hours per week, we would be able to become wealthy. Working only 10 to 15 hours per week, our upline claims that we may earn an additional $800 to $1000 per month by following their instructions. As we attended more sessions, that amount grew exponentially higher and higher.

Brad Wolgamott, the keynote speaker at one of the meetings, "fired up" the audience by guaranteeing them $100,000 a year if they worked only 10 to 15 hours a week for him. Working part-time in your spare time is perfectly acceptable. After a few minutes, he had increased the amount to $750,000. Because if it were truly that simple to earn close to a million dollars per year by working 10 to 15 hours per week, then everyone on the planet would be doing Amway business.


Working 10 to 15 hours per week on "the business" is a reasonable expectation. I wish that was the entire amount of time Ambot squandered. Unfortunately, his careless sponsor and upline failed to note all of the time he spent demonstrating the plan to prospects several times a week, or attempting to persuade prospects to demonstrate the plan to them, during this period. They also failed to mention all of the time spent travelling around to Amway meetings, picking up tools from upline's house, which was about an hour away, and driving back home late at night since the guy didn't get home from his "day job" until after 10 p.m., among other things. All of the time spent on the phone or sending text messages to upline, placing orders, hunting down prospects, attending Amway meetings at least once a week, attending Amway seminars at least once a month, attending major Amway functions four times a year, as well as the costs associated with travelling there, eating, and lodging were overlooked by the negligent cult leaders.

In addition, Upline failed to specify when people are expected to fit in their employment in order to pay for all of this Amway nonsense.

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