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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Phone calls and text messages at all hours

When it comes to phone calls, I believe that calling between the hours of 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. is reasonable, barring any emergency.

When our phone calls at 10 p.m., 11 p.m., or later in the evening, I know my heart will fly up my throat. When it comes to your elderly parents, you can't help but fear the worse.

After my husband became involved in Amway, his sponsor and upline believed it was acceptable for them to contact him through phone and text whenever they desired. When his phone rang after we'd gone to bed, or when I heard a chime indicating a text message, it made me feel uncomfortable. Also, the fact that he felt had to be a good Ambot and pick up the phone or promptly send back a text message would annoy the living daylights out of me. After then, it would just keep going. It would ring again a few minutes later, this time on the cell phone. Again and again. Again and again.

Ir would irritate me, and I'd tell him to ignore my feelings. The trouble is that if he didn't react to a text within a minute, one of those upline bastards would call him and inquire as to whether or not he received the text.

Earlier in the day, Ambot had pre-purchased a $25 ticket to an Artistry workshop. He discovered he was double booked on the night he was scheduled to attend and that he had another function he had to go because he is a member of the board of directors and there was a large membership vote taking place that night. He informed his superiors by calling some jerk in his upline. In any case, I doubt the jackass really gave a damn about what happened because he had no intention of attending the Artistry seminar in the first place. I have no idea if he advised anyone in his immediate upline, or if he advised anyone in his immediate upline, or if he advised anyone in his immediate upline, or if he advised anyone in his immediate upline.

We got home from the meeting and went to bed early that night. The phone rang at 11:30pm after I'd switched on the late news at 11pm and we were still awake when it phoned. I was on the verge of falling through the roof. My mind was racing with images of car accidents and hospital emergency rooms.

The wife of the 4000 pin upline couple is calling the Ambot to chastise him for failing to attend the Artistry meeting, and the Ambot answers.

I mean, fuck you for calling at that hour of the night just to slam him in the face. Couldn't the phone call have been put off until the next day? What's the point of having a phone in the first place? Adults have the ability to make their own decisions. Ambot should have inquired as to whether he might receive a refund of the $25 he had paid for the unused ticket.

Let's go back to the list of the five things that are most important to an IBO, in the following order: God, spouse, family, work, and Amway. I suppose I could classify the meeting Ambot attended that night as work-related in nature because he did earn a little payment for attending meetings. But that's a stretch. Amway is the last company on the list.

So what is it that you're calling him to reprimand him over, bitch????

After 20 years, have you still not achieved Platinum status? Wow, that's fantastic! You're a rock star, girl! Your late-night scoldings will alienate your downline and force them to resign as a result of your dumb ass behaviour. What a great way to motivate your downline! 

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