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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Amway Ambots Believe Everyone Will Be Dead Or Broke By Age 65

 According to our bucket of shit Amway Platinum, 95 percent of the people will be dead or broke by the time they reach the age of 65. And what about the remaining 5%? They were in charge of their own enterprises.

I mean, what the fuck is going on????!!!!

What source does this liar and scumbag receive his information from? Given the fact that I've seen other bloggers come up with comparable statistics, I'm betting that our sack of shit Platinum didn't come up with this mind-boggling figure on his own. He was most likely repeating anything told by a liar in the Amway Emerald or Diamond programme.

As for asking him about where he obtained these statistics, that's up to you. Never put yourself in the shoes of your superiors! Despite the fact that he confessed he believed it was on the census. Yeah, I recall reading such questions on the census form: "If you are under the age of 65, are you still alive?" and "If you are beyond 65, are you still alive?" as well as "Are you in financial trouble?" As if I needed any more evidence that our Platinum is a complete and utter fool.

As for those who die before the age of 65, unfortunately, people die for a variety of causes, and there is no point in getting into depressing detail. I was unable to locate any information on the Internet regarding the percentage of people who died before reaching the age of 65. If I am unable to locate it, how can those deceitful IBOs locate it? They are unable to do so! That is why they are deceivers!

People are living significantly longer lives in this day and age. We have made significant advancements in medical and scientific research, and, on the whole, people are leading better lives by watching what they eat, exercising, and refraining from smoking. People who maintain a healthy lifestyle are able to live well into their 80s and 90s with ease. And the majority of the people I know in those age categories are either well-off or at the very least of comfortable means, according to my observations. They own their own homes, receive Social Security benefits, and have savings and investments from which they can supplement their income.

How does the sack of shit Platinum know how many individuals are broke by the age of 65 - the real proportion - and how does he get that information? In my lifetime, I don't recall ever taking part in any form of government study that asked the question "are you broke." I'm not sure how many people would admit to it if asked in a survey, to be honest!

In the absence of any proven data that 95 percent of the population is dead or bankrupt by the age of 65, I am forced to conclude that Platinum is a liar in the most egregious sense of the word. If he chooses to repeat lies that started farther up the chain of command, he is still a fucking fool for repeating them without providing any evidence to support their accuracy.

Is there anyone who doesn't believe that I can't stand our Platinum? It's a joke, of course!

There are a lot of people that make poor decisions about their future. That does not imply that they will be bankrupt or dead before the age of 65. There are a lot of folks who are not in the business of running a business. That does not imply that they will be bankrupt or dead before the age of 65.

Other events may take place as well. A spouse could pass away, a job loss could result in other financial difficulties, such as being unable to pay the mortgage, or illness or injury could make earning a living practically hard to do.

The individuals described in the preceding paragraph are the types of people who IBOs frequently prey on in order to recruit them into Amway. Awful ambots lure people into the Amway system by instilling false hopes of financial independence in their minds while they are already in a bad state of affairs and a terrible financial situation. These are the people who can least afford to lose their hard-earned money.

Let us now go on to the falsehood about the 5 percent of the population who do not die or go bankrupt by the time they reach the age of 65 just because they run their own firm.

Owning your own business creates an invisible shield around you that protects you from being killed in an accident or dying from a sickness before reaching the age of 65.

According to ambots that have been brainwashed, this is the case. What our lying sack of sh*t Platinum wants them to believe, or at the very least what he wants them to believe.

People who have been brainwashed into believing that they would be successful and never go broke are also among those who have been made to believe this.

Another deception perpetrated by the deceptive upline. Businesses fail for a variety of reasons, often resulting in significant personal financial losses to the firm owner from which they may never be able to fully recover. This includes bogus Amway enterprises as well!

Due to the $150 registration fee, $300/month in Amway products for personal consumption, and a few hundred dollars more each month in Amway tools and functions, the upline brainwashes ambots into believing they are legitimate business owners. According to the upline, this signifies that they are a member of the fictional 5 percent of business owners who will survive past the age of 65 and will never go bankrupt.

OK. Request that the Amway liar offer verification of those figures before you agree to participate in this fantasia. To see what they come up with will be intriguing to watch. It's going to be difficult to get out of that deception!

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