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Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Amway Shit List

 Every Amway Ambot in the world is on my hit list right now. And most likely the other way around as well LOL! Fuck those cretinous Amway cretins!

When an ambot has had enough of being love bombed to death by Amway cult members and losing money in the Amway pyramid scheme and decides to leave Scamway, they are placed on the Amway ambot shit list, which is updated on a regular basis.

The Amway cult is a messed-up religion that places a high value on money. They entice prospects with promises of riches and hype them up to believe that, thanks to Amway, all of their material possessions will come true and that, in 2 to 5 years, they will be rolling in dough with gazillions of dollars in residual income every month and will never have to work another day in their lives.

Those who join the Amway cult will find instant friendship. And they become quick pals who are exceedingly affectionate. Demon companions! Over the top ambots who cling to your every word with idiotic grins on their cheeks as if you are the most intriguing person they have ever encountered, shower you with overly enthusiastic compliments, and want to hug hug hug you to death. And they yell and scream whenever they see you, as if you were a long-lost buddy they hadn't seen in 20 years, rather than some ambot they stumbled into last night at an Amway cult meeting, because you are.

Eventually, the vast majority of ambots catch on and abandon the scheme. The filthy Amway pyramid system has reached its limit!

Stopping buying costly Amway items equals no PV for the ambot or any of the assholes in their Amway upline when one decides to quit. Oooohhhh!!!!!!! That really irritates those Amway jerks at the top of the organisation! They aren't bothered in the least. Amway pals are only your friends for as long as you are transferring money to them from your bank account. They are only interested in you because of your money and the amount of money they can make off of you. You know there's got to be a reason why they put on that phoney ass "I love you" charade, right?

Scamway meetings are no longer attended by the ambot. That means there will be less money under the mattress of some jerk in the Amway upline as a result of this. It will be Diamond or Emerald who will ride the backs of the cult leaders in his downline if they are not making as much money as they'd want at the next cult gathering, according to Diamond. "Where has my money gone?" I scream. More ambots should be registered!!! “I absolutely require a fucking Mercedes!!!!”

Nope, the ambot who resigned isn't going anywhere and isn't going to fork over any more money. They came to the realisation that they were losing money in Amway. It's nearly tough to locate clients willing to purchase costly, mediocre Amway merchandise. They are unable to find prospects who will attend Amway meetings, let alone sign up to become an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO). They realise they've made a mistake and stop.

Perhaps they had a soft spot for some of the jerks in their Amway upline and wished to maintain their friendship with them. Nope, it is not going to happen. Amway pals are only your friends for as long as you are transferring money to them from your account. You are no longer in the game!!!

Amway cult members are informed of the ambot's departure at the next cult meeting, which is conducted by the bag of shit Platinum, who distributes the information to the other cult members. They were unable to realise their dream. Their ambitions were insufficiently lofty. They didn't put up enough effort. They had a wife that was unsupportive. They had too many dreamstealers in their heads. They swung from positive to negative. In the following Amway cult meeting, there is usually a one-hour rant. Perhaps the next couple of cult meetings. Platinum, the sack of excrement, is in desperate need of some material to keep his cult followers entertained for three or four hours.

About 6 months or so after Ambot eventually left the Amway cult, we happened to run with another Ambot at a convenience store. While I was filling the tank, Ambot came over and said hello to him. The ambot gave him a foolish smile in the way Amway failures smile and told him he wasn't permitted to speak with us anymore.

Who would have thought that command would be given?

Platinum, you're a bucket of trash!

Yup. Our departure from Amway resulted in our being placed on the ambot's hit list!

What I can't tell you is how heartbreaking this is for me! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

In the way that I care if a bunch of fucking asses from Amway don't want to do business with us is ridiculous!

Thus, you end yourself on the ambot's hit list as a result of your actions. You've decided to leave Amway!

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