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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Amway Functions Are A Shit Show

 One of our readers sends in a storey, but I'm quite sure he got the titles of the Amway brainwashing seminars mixed up. FED takes place in October unless the WWDB organiser makes a blunder and fails to book an arena in time, in which case it takes place in November. The Amway Dream Night event takes place in January. For those of us who despise attending Amway phoney cult activities, we are fortunate in that this is the shortest event, lasting only a few hours and squandering our time. This Ambot was forced to participate in a day-long Amway dung show.

That is true for those meetings - I attended one (FED) in January 2019 when we had breakfast at 8, where we were confined in that enormous hall for the entire day (and yes, I was lazy enough not to walk all the way down the hall, cross it, and then go up to get out of there). When you drive for more than 6 hours, get only a few hours of sleep, and prepare to arrive at the venue early, this is what happens! What is it for? Is it enough to only DANCE before the function begins? I could have done it at home. ), and we eventually received something to eat after 7 p.m. because we weren't allowed to bring anything into the hall before that time.

The crowd went nuts when they saw all of the new Diamonds on stage. I mean, one of the ladies was being so ridiculously amusing that I couldn't even keep up with what she was saying. People were laughing at jokes that I had already heard on the audios, as if they were hearing them for the first time!!!!

I was feeling more depressed than enraged - one thought kept running through my head: I travelled all the way to this city for this trash.

After that, I stopped attending any of the weekly, monthly, and other types of seminars/meetings that were held. They were all preaching the same thing, and I didn't want to be the one to pay for it! My upline and sponsor encouraged me to attend because they believed that only those meetings would help to strengthen my faith. Instead of believing, I was witnessing my wallet being emptied out.

They also instructed IBOs to share their joy in a WhatsApp group (one group for all IBOs) following each meeting, product training session, and online PASE session conducted through zoom video chat. I was perplexed as to why I felt the urge to share everything there. Every day was more along the lines of "Mark your attendance."

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