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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Big Brother is Watching

Someone in the town of Ada, Michigan has taken an interest in Anna Banana.

No secret exists about my dissatisfaction with Amway's shoddy, expensive products. With that complaint, I'm going to have to wait in a long line.

In particular, many bloggers have focused on Amway's compensation plan, emphasising how the tool business is the only way to truly make money in Amway, and that you can only make decent money in Amway once you have crossed many people in order to reach a level where you are able to participate in tool sharing profits. That is not something I intend to do.

If there is anything I dislike about Amway, aside from their shoddy, overpriced products, it is the way they turn a blind eye to abuses perpetrated by higher-level pins on their downline. As a matter of principle, I believe Amway has a moral obligation to exercise greater control over their representatives, who are in the business of signing up Independent Business Owners (IBOs), finding customers to purchase Amway products, and holding meetings under the pretence of running their own Amway business.

Ambot's upline, the idiots who misled and mistreated him, tried to pull us apart under the guise of being highly religious people and Amway enthusiasts, are the focus of my attention. The jerks at the top of the pyramid who bring emotional and financial pain. Individual lines of sponsorship and what they say in Amway meetings are not something that the corporate Amway is involved in or interested in. Complaints are ineffective. When you call in and speak with a service representative, you will either receive a boilerplate letter stating that they are looking into it or you will be given the brush off.

That is why people like me start blogs in order to spread the word about what is actually going on within the LOS, Amway meetings, and how people are treated by their upline. Amway would not do anything about it, so the masses on the Internet are educating people on what they will be getting themselves into if they decide to become involved with Amway.

My narrative is by no means original. So many people who write blogs, publish books, and appear on TV or radio shows have said it in very similar ways over and over again.

It's time for you to pay notice, Ada, Michigan. Anna Banana is available for purchase. If you don't want me to tell you what happened to my husband and how I had to watch him being abused by the upline assholes, and ultimately how I was treated, I'll tell you what you have to pay for my silence. Choose a number between one and nine, the larger the number, the better the result. Then add six zeros to the end of it. 

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