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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Oh shit no! Not Amway! Not again!

 My husband has a friend who I don't care for. One of those untrustworthy, unreliable, and undependable individuals who makes a commitment to be somewhere and then either fails to show up or calls to say he will not be there. After that, she ignores any phone calls. When he becomes mad, he disappears, not to be heard from again for months on end. I enjoy the periods of time when we don't hear anything from the bastard. I'll just refer to him as "the arrogant prick" for the time being. That's the kindest thing I can say about him, in all honesty. From then, things only get worse.

In a short period of time, he began showing up frequently, calling my honeybunch on the phone frequently, and my sweetheart began going out to see him and not returning home until very late at night, sometimes well past midnight.

Then one day he informs me that the conceited jerk has joined forces with Amway and is hosting a grand opening at his home, inviting us to join him for refreshments and to take a look at his garbage. I don't want to attend, but I'm going to accompany honeybunch just in case he's enticed to buy any Amway nonsense and I'll be able to prevent it from happening.

Amway is not something I am interested in. Our involvement with Amway began many years ago, thanks to the efforts of my honeybunch. He joined under the auspices of a woman he knew whose mother had purchased a Platinumship, presumably in order to impress his acquaintance. It irritated me. The products were pricey and not things I would normally purchase, and we were required to dress up and attend meetings and seminars on a regular basis. After losing a few thousand dollars and failing to sign up anyone, we decided to call it quits. It was a costly lesson to learn. I had hoped.

Fast forward a few years until the grand inauguration of the pompous jerk's establishment. I'm not impressed at all. He has some XS energy drinks that have a bad taste, as well as some stale snack bars. He's put a bunch of Amway merchandise out in the hopes of making some sales. I chatted with his wife and informed her that we were previously active with Amway and that none of the Amway-related activities piqued my attention. I made it plain to my husband so that he wouldn't feel obligated to purchase any of the shite I was selling.

Later on, he informs me that he has been sneaking away to Amway meetings with the arrogant jerk and that he has decided to rejoin the company once more.

The fact is that I am incredibly enraged!!!

The two of us got into a tremendous argument. We had paid off all of our debts except our mortgage, and I knew we were on the verge of going into debt because the upline would be riding his backside about buying more and more and more so that somebody upline could fulfil their goals at the expense of us.

To cut a long storey short, Honeybunch signs us up for another year with a little "down payment" of $150 to get us started on our journey as business owners.

The nightmare begins to unfold.

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