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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Busting Relationships

 The conceited pile of shite. In the words of Platinum himself, "If I don't like you, I won't do business with you." Liar! He'd do business with everyone he could get his hands on only to get his hands on the almighty dollar.

If he had chosen a better slogan, it would have been "If I don't like you and you refuse to do business with me, I'll wreck your relationship," which would have been more accurate.

I was once present at an Amway meeting where he made disparaging remarks about one of the other attendees. They were in the same car on the way back from Family Reunion, and the arrogant sack of shit spent the entire 6 or 7-hour drive pestering him to divorce his wife since she was preventing him from progressing further in the business. As long as he was married to his wife, he would never be successful in Amway. And so it went on and on and on. Platinum was even more enraged when they had a child without first consulting him about whether or not they should establish a family.

All I could think of was shutting the fucking fuck up a$$. It is none of your business what happens in other people's private life. Leave them alone, please. Are they requesting "permission" for things that are taking place in their private personal lives? Seriously, you have got to be fucking joking! As if I needed any more evidence that this is a cult leader attempting to exert control over other people's life!

Ambot and I were driving back to our apartment when I told him that the sack of shit had no business attempting to end the couple's marriage. The fact that Ambot stated the scumbag was attempting to get Ambot to leave me was not a huge surprise to me.

A new strategy was adopted by the cult leader after several months of doing his damnedest to persuade Ambot to abandon me failed. As a result of my decision to stop attending cult meetings, Ambot informed me that one night the bastard led the congregation in a prayerfest. Because he wasn't man enough for the Amway business, he was sulking and complaining about it to Ambot, and he felt he didn't deserve to be married to me either because he wasn't man enough. As part of the Amway meeting tonight, the Platinum sack of shit led the congregation in prayer for me, hoping that I would find another man and leave Ambot.

And these zealous cult members are perplexed as to why I find them so repulsive.

The only good thing that came out of that prayerfest was that Ambot finally realised how wicked this cult really was and stopped attending Amway meetings for good.

According to the Platinum's rationale (which he most likely acquired from his upline), any man who is not making progress in the Amway business is doing so because his wife is holding him back and he should divorce her immediately. Upline instantly hops on the IBO's pedestal and states that the wife isn't interested because the couple already has troubles in their marriage.

It is only after becoming associated with Amway that the relationship troubles begin. When one spouse becomes enmeshed in the cult and is continuously badgered by the upline to get the PV/BV up there and buy more things to the point of draining the bank accounts and maxing out credit cards, happy marriages can quickly turn sour. Attend more meetings in pursuit of a goal that will never come true. Add another dollar to the pot. Increase your investment by a few thousand dollars. We have to keep this cult alive and well.

Scary. And this isn't even a creepy Halloween tale to tell you about. It is actually taking place within the Amway cult.

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