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Saturday, September 18, 2021

Qualifying Prospects

 To put it bluntly, I believe that sponsoring someone who you dislike is a horrible idea.

While this may seem like a tangential point, I believe that while recruiting Amway IBOs, it is wise to cross people off your list who don't like you, or even more critically, if their spouse doesn't like you, from your list. Please leave them alone!!!

These asses are instructed to "consult with upline" before making a go at the prospect, and if the spouse does not agree, to do whatever it takes in order to sign up the prospect regardless. What does it matter if it ends up destroying their relationship? After all, it was already in difficulty if the spouse does not agree to the partner's participation in the Amway plan in the first place.

I was a victim of an abusive sponsorship programme known as World Wide Dream Builders. When someone was not interested in Amway or was unable to "build their business," their belief was that there must be something wrong with their marriage or relationship, according to them. That was an accusation I'd heard many times before. Their regular response to any and all questions. “Something is wrong with their marriage,” says the author. What does it matter if there isn't? It's none of your concern in any case. Nobody else is interested in other people's private and personal life. Unless, of course, you are a member of a cult whose acronym would be more suited to read World Wide Destructive Bastards, because they destroy people's lives, marriages, families, and financial security, among other things.

After several meetings where the Platinum pile of shit talked about qualifying prospects, I decided to start my own business. "If I don't like you, I don't want to do business with you," he'd add on more than one occasion. And then he went on to say that he had moved on to the next candidate. "Next!" 'I did all in my power to make that bastard dislike me,' I said. I even recall our pompous jerk sponsor repeating the same line to Ambot, which I thought was hilarious. Liar! That conceited jerk would take anyone he could get his hands on. Money, money, and more money to that avaricious and destructive bastard. Unfortunately for him, the ball was in Ambot's court. This is one son of a b*tch who should have heeded his own words of caution. Years have passed since I've known him, and he is well aware that I despise him and will not have anything to do with him. Surely, I should have been classified as someone who dislikes something. Even worse, the liar can't be trusted to follow his own advise.


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