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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Better Things To Do In Denver Colorado Than Amway WWDB FED 2013

Better Things To Do In Denver Colorado Than Amway WWDB FED 2013
 The Crowne Plaza DIA in Denver, Colorado, is one of the locations where Amway World Wide Dream Builders is presenting Free Enterprise Days as part of its Free Enterprise Days campaign. The World Water Development Board FED will be held there from October 4 to 6, 2013.In lieu of attending...

You Didn't Try Hard Enough! Screeches The Amway Ambot

You Didn't Try Hard Enough! Screeches The Amway Ambot
 "You didn't put up enough effort!" Is the rallying cry of brainwashed ambots in battle.It's something I've heard numerous times. At Amway meetings, as well as through comments on this site. The arrival of some brainwashed ambot who has been dutifully studying at Amspeak College leads...

Critical Mass Is Impending Screech Out The Amway Ambots!

Critical Mass Is Impending Screech Out The Amway Ambots!
 Is it possible that critical mass is approaching? Is it true that doom and gloom are upon us? It appears that something has gone horribly wrong in a breakaway group of the Catholic church!At Amway meetings, we were told about the need of critical mass. “It is now that you should join...

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