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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Amway Ambot Work Week

 Have you ever been to an Amway meeting when the cult leader makes fun of the people in the crowd who have jobs by saying things like "you dumb shits are trading hours for dollars"?

To which I respond that it is preferable to being in Amway and exchanging hours for pennies!

Both in terms of money and time. To make more money, we all have the opportunity to do so. If you work for Amway, however, this may not be the case. However, we are unable to add more time.

We all have the same 168 hours in a week, no matter who we are. So let's take a look at a typical ambot week. Suppose the ambot has a regular full-time job in addition to this. Allow 50 hours a week for the dreaded J.O.B. plus travel time to and from work to be a conservative estimate of how much time it takes.

There are 118 hours left in the ambot's week, which is a surplus.

Let's start with the morning. Get up and get all of the things done that need to be done, especially if you have children to drop off at school. Assume you work 2 hours each morning for 5 days a week, for a total of 2 hours every day.

Remove another 10 hours from the clock, leaving the ambot with a total of 108 hours available.

And since we're already at 10 hours, let's call it the amount of time an ambot has to spend on their mobile phone every week dealing with phone calls and texts from the assholes in their Amway upline.

There are 98 hours left in the ambot's work week.

It is required that the ambot listen to brainwashing CDs or read a book purchased under Amway pressure for a minimum of 15 minutes every day. I prefer to work in round figures, so let's say I spend 2 hours every week getting indoctrinated into falling for the Amway tool fraud.

There are 96 hours left.

What about Amway meetings, for example? This will vary depending on whether or not there is a weekend event taking place that will take up the entire weekend and squander any residual hours remaining. Let's pretend there isn't one for the purpose of argument. A typical Amway meeting starts at 8pm and lasts 2 to 3 hours, during which the same board plan that was given at the previous 500 meetings is shown again, plus there may be some bullshit "teachings" or night owl or whatever that drag on for an additional 30 minutes or so. “Serious business builders” are required to arrive at Amway meetings an hour before they begin, or at 7 p.m., in order to be able to sit about and bullshit with the rest of the cult. Additionally, travel time to and from the location is required. Ambots often attend at least three cult sessions per week, devoting approximately 6 hours per night = 18 hours per week.

96 hours minus 18 hours is 96 hours less 18 hours. Oh my gosh, where has my calculator gone?

There are 78 hours in a day.

How many hours per week does an ambot devote to prospecting for new clients? Going to Barnes & Noble, Safeway, the mall, the gas station, and any other location where the ambot can discover prey is acceptable. They are calling people they know and pleading with them to attend Amway meetings or purchase Amway items. Those are the 10 to 15 hours a week that the cult leaders claim you spend working Amway in your spare time, though it may take you longer to identify prospects and build your name list than that. If it's after 15 hours, call.

This leaves them with a total of 63 hours in their week.

Approximately how many times per week does an amway upline fuckass call the downline ambot and demand that they come to their location immediately? In order to do this, the ambot must abandon whatever they are doing and haul ass to the bastard. Alternatively, you could consult with your upline. Let's take a conservative approach and say that amounts to 5 hours per week of wasted time commuting and putting up with an asshole upline.

63 – 5 is the final score. Is it necessary for me to use the calculator once more? Yup. I'm not very good with numbers. 58!

What amount of sleep does an Amway ambot require? It is not going to be the same answer as to how much they require and how much they receive once they have completed their Amway duties for the day. What about the time you heard Amway cult leaders proclaiming that you can sleep when you're dead, followed by the Amway ambot's chuckle, "HUA HUA HUA?" An ambot, to use the term loosely, sleeps 35 to 40 hours per week. For the sake of not having to dig out the calculator yet again, let's call it a forty-hour work week. I get a little less than 6 hours of sleep per night.

58 hours from the previous paragraph - 40 hours of sleep

That leaves them with approximately 18 hours each week to eat dinner every night and spend meaningful time with their family, visit friends, hang out, or pursue their hobbies, the majority of which will be spent on weekends. Oh, but when you're an Amway ambot, you're not permitted to have any hobbies other than those associated with Amway.

Remember when I told you that you couldn't make up for lost time?

Quitting Amway will free up at least 50 hours each week for you!

And the best part is that you will be able to save money once more instead of wasting it on Amway products and gear.

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