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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Amway Ambots ARe Better Than Everyone Else?

 One of the things that bothered me the most about our Amway upline was their condescending attitude toward people who were not affiliated with the company. These snobbish, snooty Amway ambots were of the opinion that they were superior to the rest of the population, and they were right.

They boasted about their BMWs and Cadillacs to their friends and family. In their excitement, they failed to remark that their automobiles were 20 or 30 years old, falling apart, and in poor mechanical condition. I'll never understand how someone driving an old clunker can be considered superior than someone who has acquired a recent model car with cash, perhaps not of the most expensive luxury variety, but one that looks good, has a clean interior, and isn't breaking down all the time. But then, I was never a brainwashed ambot in the first place.

It is the IBO's who dress in business suits and remind everyone that they are dressed for success, which distinguishes them from everyone else who is dressed in casual apparel. The dress rule for these 8pm Amway warriors is to wear suits to all Amway meetings and gatherings, which, in their delusional beliefs, elevates them above everyone else who is resting in shorts and tees, hanging out on the patio with a beer, or watching television at that hour. The fact that they would sneer at people relaxing in the evening and say, "How is watching television making you any money?" makes them superior. At the very least, people are not losing money by paying ten dollars to attend an Amway indoctrination session. For those meetings, it's possible that it's more than that now. Someone who had recently attended an Amway brainwashing meeting said that it had cost them $15.

Due to the fact that the cult leaders had brainwashed the ambots into believing that "serious business builders" arrived at least an hour early, we'd have to arrive an hour early at Amway cult meetings. As a result, the IBOs who arrive before 8 p.m. are even more superior to the remainder of the IBOs who arrive later in the evening.

Yes, if you arrive early enough, you will have time to put up seats and reconfigure the living room! That will make those IBOs feel extremely superior because they were assigned to that task by some cult leader in the Amway organisation.

So what do these superior ambot bastards do when they arrive an hour early for the meeting? They do nothing. In order to project an air of superiority over any other ambots who aren't on the phone, they stand around with their cell phones plastered to their ears. The more knowledgeable individuals on the phone are clearly conducting Amway business. Everything is going swimmingly! Isn't it obvious from the amount of time I spend on my phone?

Afterwards, they demonstrate their superiority by being the first ones to kiss the Diamond's arse, who is giving a speech that night. After he's finished brainwashing the audience, they rush to the front of the stage. It's important to get close enough to press flesh on them while also allowing some of their superiority aura to rub off on you.

When you add them all up, it becomes clear why Amway Independent Business Owners are superior to everyone else in the world. That's what their little brainwashed minds have been led to believe.

There is no way I can see how some brainwashed ambot who is losing a boatload of money in the Amway scam is superior to myself.

I'm afraid I'll never understand it. But, then, I'm not a brainwashed ambot.....................

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