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Tuesday, September 7, 2021

August 26 - 3 Years Baby!

 In the three years following the conception of Married to an Ambot, this bunch of bananas has gone a long way. More than 450,000 people have visited the site. Wow! At the moment, the blog has approximately 1000 visitors each day. If you compare it to other web pages, it's not a lot, but it's probably more than Amway personnel are interested in hearing from people who enjoy visiting to this site to read about Amway asses.

The bananas that make this site possible deserve a heartfelt thank-you. Most importantly, we want to express our gratitude to all of our banana-loving readers who have found something of value or entertainment and have continued to visit us, allowing us to continue our work. The people who have contributed tales, moderated comments, posted and kept things operating smoothly on this site as well as others who have spent countless hours on the phone discussing their Amway experiences are gratefully acknowledged and thanked. I'm not sure this site would have been able to survive without everyone's help. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed stories over the past year. This blog's contributors have really stepped up to the plate to keep the content flowing. Indeed, we all have the same tale, it is just recounted in a slightly different way. Everyone has experienced the Amway theme of losing money, destroying relationships, being exploited by the bastards in our Amway upline, and falling victim to the tool fraud.

Having nearly everyone in my former Amway upline leave Amway, either because of termination or resignation, and defect to Monavie was somewhat of a wrench in my works. It's just that now that they're no longer affiliated with Amway, it's not nearly as entertaining to curse them out. There's nothing like sucking the fun out of this site since those cretins don't want people to have a good time, but you simply have to push through it. One of my friends compared it to constantly berating an ex-boyfriend, and then finding out that he died in a terrible automobile accident, and realising that it's no longer pleasant to trash him anymore.

Nonetheless, I know they are still the same jerks who are spouting the same old garbage, and as far as they are concerned, they have devised a more profitable scheme to make money.

Some readers have shared heartbreaking tales of how Amway has ruined their lives, and we have collected them here. Many people have stopped by to express their gratitude for exposing the truth about what occurs when you are trapped inside the Amway cult and how it has prevented them from making the same mistake. Another group of readers has a family member or friend who has dedicated their life to adoring the Great Amway God, and they have come to this site for solace. Another group of Amway employees who pop by for a drive-by whining session with their prepared Amway propaganda garbage is the Amway employees. Some of them are rather amusing, such as the customer service representative who can't spell worth a shit and so demonstrates the poor level of quality Amway aspires for when employing employees. As if people who have dealt with those cretins didn't already know what they were talking about!

Consequently, thank you to all of the bananas who are fans of my blog and who help to make it all worthwhile.

Married to an Ambot celebrates his birthday today!

The 26th of August is a significant date for many married couples and families all over the world because it is their anniversary. Whether it be the anniversary of a marriage, the anniversary of a first date, or some other significant milestone, anniversaries give a one-of-a-kind opportunity to contemplate the past and rejoice in the present.

The 26th of August is referred to be the "leather" anniversary for couples who are celebrating their third wedding anniversary on that date. This custom extends back to the medieval era, when leather was regarded as a material that was not only long-lasting but also highly functional and denoted toughness and fortitude. In modern times, the "leather" anniversary is typically commemorated with gifts made of leather goods, such as a leather coat, pocketbook, or watch.

Nevertheless, apart from the customary presents and symbolic meanings, the third wedding anniversary is a significant milestone for any marriage. By this stage, many couples have navigated the early difficulties of a new relationship and have developed a deeper level of confidence in each other as well as a greater level of commitment to the partnership.

It is common for couples to start making more significant choices about their future together around the third year of their relationship. These choices may include moving in together, getting engaged, or having children. During this time, couples often find themselves navigating new opportunities and challenges together, which can be both an exciting and occasionally terrifying period.

The 26th of August is an opportunity to honor the love and devotion that is shared between two people, just like it is with any other anniversary. It doesn't matter if you spend the evening alone or with a large group of people; what's most important is that you take the time to think on the events of the past and to look forward to the future with hope and optimism.

On August 26th, couples who are celebrating their third wedding anniversary have the opportunity to take stock of the development and maturation that has taken place in their partnership over the course of the previous three years. It is an occasion for them to rejoice over their accomplishments, reflect on the difficulties they have overcome, and reaffirm their devotion to one another while looking to the future.

In conclusion, for couples who are celebrating their third anniversary on August 26th, a remarkable milestone has been reached. This day provides a vital opportunity to reflect on the past, appreciate the present, and look forward to the future with hope and optimism. Whether it is commemorated with conventional leather gifts or a celebration that is more personal, this day offers an important opportunity. I hope all of you who are celebrating an anniversary today have a wonderful day!

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