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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Amway Ambots Financially Irresponsible

Amway Ambots Financially Irresponsible

 Scumbag They prey on the less fortunate and those who are down on their luck, deluding them into believing that within a few months they will be making thousands of dollars every month in Amway and that within 2 to 5 years they will be gazillionaires with barrels of money rolling in every month while they do nothing. These Amway parodies frequently prey on those who are already in a difficult financial situation, luring them in with promises and visions of riches. Unemployed people, recent immigrants, people working at minimum wage, students, and so on.

There are Amway ambots that went to college and have professional jobs, and they all want to believe that they will make it big in the Amway fraud by following the instructions. And these are clever, educated individuals who, one would assume, would know enough to conduct their own investigation before being duped into a "opportunity" that seems too good to be true. People who aren't stupid enough to fall for a fraud like Amway. You probably know people who might have a better chance of saving money for a down payment on a house or for retirement if they didn't spend all of their money tithing to the Great Amway God.

Everyone, from all walks of life and all economic groups, can be found to be financially irresponsible at some point. They take out a car loan on an extremely expensive luxury car with enormous monthly payments instead of shopping for a car that is more in their price range or purchasing a car with whatever cash they have on hand. The same is true when it comes to purchasing a home. They take out the improper type of mortgage loan for their situation. They spend more money on a house than they should have and struggle to keep up with the mortgage payments. They obtain credit cards and spend wildly, yet they do not pay the balance in full each month on the card. As a result, they pay only the bare minimum and struggle for the next 20 or 30 years to pay off their credit card debt, since as soon as they have some extra space on their card, they spend it all again. Just because someone holds a position of authority, such as a CEO or a doctor, does not imply that they are financially responsible or make sound financial judgments.

A membership in Amway's pricey buying club comes at a high financial expense on a monthly basis. You must spend approximately $300 per month on Amway products in order to earn a commission of approximately $10. If you want to earn more commission, you'll have to buy more of their costly crappy merchandise. Yes, you should shop at your "own" store. The vast majority of ambots spend more than $300 each month on shoddy, expensive Amway products. If there is a significant function that month and how much it costs to go there, stay in a hotel, and dine out, the additional expenditures in Amway might be anywhere from $200 to $500 each month in addition to the base salary. And it only gets better from there. Each month, they pay $50 to be a member of the Amway cult sect to which they are affiliated. Communikate is an additional $30 or $40 each month. CDs, books, and tickets to Amway meetings are all available. It all adds up in the end. A membership in the Amway cult costs hundreds of dollars every month, perhaps $500 to $1000 per month, to maintain one's status. For a commission of $10 per sale?

Are you not maintaining a profit and loss statement?

Without a doubt, this is not the case! Amway is the company in question. They don't do the kinds of things that actual firms do.

As a result, do people who are already financially reckless have a higher risk of falling for the Amway scam? These individuals are completely oblivious to where their money is being spent. By the time they realise what has happened, they are almost certainly already in danger and unable to pull themselves out of the hole. That's the price you have to pay to keep your Amway cult leader satisfied.

People who are financially irresponsible believe these stupid Amway idiots who claim that all you need is a dream (and a credit card!) to get wealthy in the Amway business opportunity. Everybody is so preoccupied with their materialistic fantasies that they lose sight of the fact that all of their money is flowing into the Amway shithole and that the ambot isn't getting any richer as a result of all of their efforts. If you're lucky enough to have a downline or a consumer who purchases something, what do you expect when you're only paid pennies in commission each month? Pennies! The person in question is neither a car salesman or a realtor who is selling houses for a commission where they may make more than pennies on the dollar. Scamway is the person you're looking for. Only the cult leaders who have their own cult sects, as well as the owners of the companies, are profiting. Not low-wage commission salespeople, either. Register with Amway for $100 or $200 and you will be able to call yourself a "company owner." LOL!!!!! Scammers!!!!

Would these same folks respond to advertisements that claim they can earn $10,000 per month stuffing envelopes if they send $20 to learn how? For example, suppose you receive an email from the king of Yawma (yes, that's how you spell it backwards, LOL!!!!) who is hiding and needs to sneak out $10 bazillion dollars and transfer it to your bank account, and you send him back $9 bazillion dollars and keep the other bazillion for your trouble and commission.

They’re all scams that rely on people’s dreams of getting rich and they don’t need any special skills to get rich doing these things. Simply put, be a hopeless romantic.

Amway relies on financially irresponsible people to keep the scam going on.

Amway Ambots are often criticized for their lack of fiscal responsibility, which is one of the most common grounds for such criticism. Amway is a firm that engages in multi-level marketing, sometimes known as MLM. The company portrays itself as a chance for individuals to become financially independent and successful by selling Amway products and recruiting others to join the business. However, the reality is that very few Amway Ambots truly attain this degree of financial success, and many end up in debt or financial trouble owing to the enormous costs that are involved with the MLM system. Despite this, there are still some Amway Ambots who have been able to achieve this level of success.

The steep entry price is one of Amway's most significant operational flaws. In order for individuals to become Amway distributors, they are required to pay a variety of fees and expenditures as well as acquire a beginning kit. After that, they are encouraged to make additional product purchases and to participate in training sessions, both of which can be rather pricey. Many Amway Ambots incur debt in order to fund these fees because they are under the impression that they would eventually be able to make enough money through the MLM system to cover their initial investment and attain financial success.

The unfortunate truth is that the vast majority of people who sign up to become Amway Ambots never actually reach the degree of success that was promised to them. Because of the way the MLM system is designed, only a small proportion of distributors ever generate big profits, while the vast majority of distributors struggle to break even or even end up losing money. This could be the result of a number of different things, including as the high price of Amway items, the difficulty of recruiting new members, and the fact that many people are suspicious of multi-level marketing companies and consider them to be scams.

As a direct consequence of this, a good number of Amway Ambots find themselves in a financially unstable situation. They may have obtained loans or gone into debt in order to finance their Amway business, but they are unable to generate sufficient money to pay off their debts or meet their expenses. This may be due to the fact that they are unable to generate enough income. They may be subjected to persistent pressure to make additional purchases or participate in additional training activities, despite the fact that they are not observing any genuine return on their investment.

In some instances, in order to make cash, Amway Ambots could even turn to actions that are unethical or even illegal. This can involve charging inflated pricing for Amway items, making false claims about the benefits of the products, or deceiving prospective recruits about the prospects for financial success in the Amway business. The reputation of the Amway brand as a whole takes a hit as a result of these actions, which not only cause harm to the individuals who are involved.

In general, the recklessness with money displayed by Amway Ambots is a severe problem that draws attention to the shortcomings of the MLM business. The reality is that very few people are able to achieve the level of success that Amway promises, despite the fact that the company may offer financial prosperity and freedom. Because the high costs connected with the MLM system can lead to financial distress and even bankruptcy for many Amway Ambots, it is necessary for individuals to carefully assess the risks and costs before joining the MLM business. Amway Ambots can get more information about the MLM system here.

Amway Ambot Prank Call

Amway Ambot Prank Call

 Okay, so this isn't the type of prank phone call that will make you laugh out loud, but it is entertaining nonetheless. Even though the caller, who was disturbing an Amway Ambot in vengeance for all of the Amway Ambots out there who bug the living daylights out of everyone else, probably thought it entertaining, what was said in the message itself is something that could actually be happening in the near future. After taking Amway Nutrilite Vitamins, his father ended up in the hospital, and the prankster wants to know what was in the shit because the elderly man has been poisoned. He also plans on suing the Amway bastard who is in charge of the team that sold the product. Throughout it all, I keep thinking to myself that, while it is not really entertaining, this could be something that is genuinely taking place right now. Especially in light of the fact that Amway jerks are constantly claiming that their snake oil, which they sell, cures all ailments. Numerous people have inquired as to why the prankster chose to contact the upline Amway asshole instead of contacting Amway's customer service desk, which is also known as the "I couldn't give a damn" department. If you suspect an Amway asshole has lied to you, you can file a complaint with the company's headquarters. The slackers who work at Amway's corporate headquarters will tell you that they are not liable for any lies told by any of their commissioned salespeople and that you should take your issue up directly with the lying Amway asshole who made the lies in the first place. That's exactly what this caller did when he got on the phone. As soon as that is done, the fucking Amway asshole passes the phone to the caller and instructs him to log on to and type in the vitamin he's interested in into the search field, which will supply him with all of the information he needs on what's in the vitamin. And then the Amway jerks go about labelling everyone else "lazy" as well, don't you think? Amway is a fucking slacker asshole who does nothing! Hopefully, the prankster terrified the living daylights out of that Ambot!

Ambots MUST Attend ALL Amway Meetings

Ambots MUST Attend ALL Amway Meetings

 On television, I overheard a statement that I believe to have said "pyramid of friends." I didn't pay much attention to how the phrase was utilised because I didn't understand it. When I heard the word pyramid, I instantly thought of Amway, and when I heard the word friends, I immediately thought of those phoney fake Amway bastards who become your immediate friends when you join the Amway cult and who you never see again once you leave the Amway cult. YAY!!!!!! They are only buddies for as long as they are able to make money off of your generosity. When the money runs out, those feckless Amway bastards are no longer your friends, and they will never be again. They weren't really your buddies to begin with, to be honest with you.

For those who have squandered their time at an Amway meeting, they are aware that the cult leaders have a chalk board and draw a slew of circles on it. One circle at the top represents you, and then they draw a couple of sticks and circles below that, claiming that these are the people who will replicate your actions by drinking one Amway beverage and eating one Amway food bar every day. However, they normally design six circles because everyone should be able to find six persons in each circle. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The circles, despite the fact that they are circles, are formed in such a way that they form a pyramid, with you at the top and your small empire of brainwashed ambots at the bottom of the pyramid. Moreover, you earn billions of dollars per month since all of the ambots at the bottom of the pyramid generate millions of dollars in revenue for you.

Here's how things really are. There's no chance the new indoctrinated gaga ambot will discover even one sucker to fall for the Amway fraud, let alone two or six. In addition, the new ambot is located at the bottom of the pyramid with a slew of other little worker bee Amway ambots, which is a sad state of affairs. These are the guys who have enough money in savings or credit card room to spend hundreds of dollars on Amway products every month in order to impress the assholes in their Amway upline with how much "business" they have. A bunch of dum fucks who are taking the whole "purchase from your own store" nonsense much too seriously. The fucking assholes that sponsored the one ambot into the Amway fraud will be the next rung on the Amway pyramid to be reached. Their compensation is a little percentage of any sales made by the idiots in their downline through Amway. And it continues in this manner as it climbs the pyramid. Everyone receives a small commission from the Amway ambots that are located underneath them. They are given fucking stupid names as they progress up the Amway pyramid, such as the Fucked Up Eagle and Double Fucked Up Eagle, as well as the Sack of Shit Platinum and Double Fucked Up Sack of Shit Platinum, Rip Off Ruby and Emerald Bastard, and the Fucking Executive Diamond and Double Fucked Up Executive Diamond respectively. There are fewer people on each upper level of the Amway pyramid that are pissed off at the Amway ambots who are lower than them on each level of the Amway pyramid. With each step higher up the pyramid, however, it's likely that the Amway assholes make more money than the Amway ambots who are lower down in the hierarchy. Ambot should expect to earn between $2,000 and $3,000 each month when he reaches the Emerald level on the pyramid, which is really far up there and where he likely has close to 1000 individuals below him on the pyramid. This is according to books and YouTube videos of former Amway Emeralds who have revealed how much money they really made while representing the company. Former Emeralds with 1000 ambots in their downline report that despite claims made at Amway meetings that Emeralds make over $125,000 per year, this isn't actually the case. It's more like $30,000 per year. Amway ambots are required to perform mathematical calculations. When it comes to Amway ambots, an Emerald is believed to be the most powerful. Now here's the person who expects the humble ambots to suck dick and kiss ass, and with 1000 little worker bee Amway ambots below him, he's only making $30,000 per year, which is completely messed up in my opinion. Who knows a thousand people?

According to Amway's literature, the Diamonds earn approximately $150,000 per year from their positions a little higher up on the Amway pyramid. Although they make a lot more respectable salary than Emeralds, one has to wonder how many people below them in the pyramid they had to take money from, lie to, and treat like trash. To reach this level, you must be devoid of conscience, and morality are worthless in the eyes of the beholder. When you reach this level in the Amway tool scam, there is the possibility of profit sharing, and it is also feasible to make extra money by selling tickets to Amway ambots farther down the pyramid to come hear you speak. Who would want to pay money to hear some fucked up Amway idiot talk on the subject of business? Instead of spending that money, you may go to the cinema or a rock concert. Even these venerable cocksuckers, though, aren't at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid. There are additional Diamonds who hold executive positions and are in charge of different Amway cult factions. These are the people who are making the actual money and who have the power to dictate how much money the bastards at the bottom of the Amway pyramid make.

And who is at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid? That would be the company's founders or their heirs, to be more specific. The actual money in Amway can be found in the distribution channel. Constantly enrolling unsuspecting customers in their costly buyers club and selling generic and subpar products at exorbitant prices. Because everyone would buy from their lower-priced/higher-quality competitors in the actual marketplace, such as drugstores and food stores, they would not be able to get away with this in the virtual economy. Consequently, the owners must establish an exclusive buying club and hire cult leaders who can brainwash these cretins into believing that they are the owners of their own business, that they are paying more money and receiving higher-quality products, and that these factors indicate that they are superior to everyone else in the world.

That is the Amway ambot pyramid in its entirety. The bottom of the Amway pyramid is constantly crumbling away because people come to their senses and realise they are losing money and that they have been brainwashed by a cult. As a result, those higher up on the Amway pyramid must constantly replenish the stock and patch up the pyramid in order to find more suckers to become members of the Amway pyramid cult.

Avoid participating in the Amway pyramid scheme. That is the most difficult pyramid in the world to attempt to scale. Do you want to climb a pyramid? Travel to Egypt or the Yucatan Peninsula. It will be significantly less expensive than ascending the Amway pyramid.

A Pyramid Of Amway Ambots

A Pyramid Of Amway Ambots

 On television, I overheard a statement that I believe to have said "pyramid of friends." I didn't pay much attention to how the phrase was utilised because I didn't understand it. When I heard the word pyramid, I instantly thought of Amway, and when I heard the word friends, I immediately thought of those phoney fake Amway bastards who become your immediate friends when you join the Amway cult and who you never see again once you leave the Amway cult. YAY!!!!!! They are only buddies for as long as they are able to make money off of your generosity. When the money runs out, those feckless Amway bastards are no longer your friends, and they will never be again. They weren't really your buddies to begin with, to be honest with you.

For those who have squandered their time at an Amway meeting, they are aware that the cult leaders have a chalk board and draw a slew of circles on it. One circle at the top represents you, and then they draw a couple of sticks and circles below that, claiming that these are the people who will replicate your actions by drinking one Amway beverage and eating one Amway food bar every day. However, they normally design six circles because everyone should be able to find six persons in each circle. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The circles, despite the fact that they are circles, are formed in such a way that they form a pyramid, with you at the top and your small empire of brainwashed ambots at the bottom of the pyramid. Moreover, you earn billions of dollars per month since all of the ambots at the bottom of the pyramid generate millions of dollars in revenue for you.

Here's how things really are. There's no chance the new indoctrinated gaga ambot will discover even one sucker to fall for the Amway fraud, let alone two or six. In addition, the new ambot is located at the bottom of the pyramid with a slew of other little worker bee Amway ambots, which is a sad state of affairs. These are the guys who have enough money in savings or credit card room to spend hundreds of dollars on Amway products every month in order to impress the assholes in their Amway upline with how much "business" they have. A bunch of dum fucks who are taking the whole "purchase from your own store" nonsense much too seriously. The fucking assholes that sponsored the one ambot into the Amway fraud will be the next rung on the Amway pyramid to be reached. Their compensation is a little percentage of any sales made by the idiots in their downline through Amway. And it continues in this manner as it climbs the pyramid. Everyone receives a small commission from the Amway ambots that are located underneath them. They are given fucking stupid names as they progress up the Amway pyramid, such as the Fucked Up Eagle and Double Fucked Up Eagle, as well as the Sack of Shit Platinum and Double Fucked Up Sack of Shit Platinum, Rip Off Ruby and Emerald Bastard, and the Fucking Executive Diamond and Double Fucked Up Executive Diamond respectively. There are fewer people on each upper level of the Amway pyramid that are pissed off at the Amway ambots who are lower than them on each level of the Amway pyramid. With each step higher up the pyramid, however, it's likely that the Amway assholes make more money than the Amway ambots who are lower down in the hierarchy. Ambot should expect to earn between $2,000 and $3,000 each month when he reaches the Emerald level on the pyramid, which is really far up there and where he likely has close to 1000 individuals below him on the pyramid. This is according to books and YouTube videos of former Amway Emeralds who have revealed how much money they really made while representing the company. Former Emeralds with 1000 ambots in their downline report that despite claims made at Amway meetings that Emeralds make over $125,000 per year, this isn't actually the case. It's more like $30,000 per year. Amway ambots are required to perform mathematical calculations. When it comes to Amway ambots, an Emerald is believed to be the most powerful. Now here's the person who expects the humble ambots to suck dick and kiss ass, and with 1000 little worker bee Amway ambots below him, he's only making $30,000 per year, which is completely messed up in my opinion. Who knows a thousand people?

According to Amway's literature, the Diamonds earn approximately $150,000 per year from their positions a little higher up on the Amway pyramid. Although they make a lot more respectable salary than Emeralds, one has to wonder how many people below them in the pyramid they had to take money from, lie to, and treat like trash. To reach this level, you must be devoid of conscience, and morality are worthless in the eyes of the beholder. When you reach this level in the Amway tool scam, there is the possibility of profit sharing, and it is also feasible to make extra money by selling tickets to Amway ambots farther down the pyramid to come hear you speak. Who would want to pay money to hear some fucked up Amway idiot talk on the subject of business? Instead of spending that money, you may go to the cinema or a rock concert. Even these venerable cocksuckers, though, aren't at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid. There are additional Diamonds who hold executive positions and are in charge of different Amway cult factions. These are the people who are making the actual money and who have the power to dictate how much money the bastards at the bottom of the Amway pyramid make.

And who is at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid? That would be the company's founders or their heirs, to be more specific. The actual money in Amway can be found in the distribution channel. Constantly enrolling unsuspecting customers in their costly buyers club and selling generic and subpar products at exorbitant prices. Because everyone would buy from their lower-priced/higher-quality competitors in the actual marketplace, such as drugstores and food stores, they would not be able to get away with this in the virtual economy. Consequently, the owners must establish an exclusive buying club and hire cult leaders who can brainwash these cretins into believing that they are the owners of their own business, that they are paying more money and receiving higher-quality products, and that these factors indicate that they are superior to everyone else in the world.

That is the Amway ambot pyramid in its entirety. The bottom of the Amway pyramid is constantly crumbling away because people come to their senses and realise they are losing money and that they have been brainwashed by a cult. As a result, those higher up on the Amway pyramid must constantly replenish the stock and patch up the pyramid in order to find more suckers to become members of the Amway pyramid cult.

Avoid participating in the Amway pyramid scheme. That is the most difficult pyramid in the world to attempt to scale. Do you want to climb a pyramid? Travel to Egypt or the Yucatan Peninsula. It will be significantly less expensive than ascending the Amway pyramid.

WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2014

WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2014

 This indicates that Amway will be hosting another large event in the near future, since another instalment of the horror gallery is scheduled. FED 2014 is being held by World Wide Dream Builders in Irvine, California, September 26 – 28, 2014, Portland, Oregon, on October 3 – 5, 2014. FED 2014 will also be held in Denver Colorado on October 10 - 12, 2014. FED 2014 will also be held in Edmonton, Alberta, on October 17 – 19, 2014. Take a look at what they've done. There are no overlapping dates. The Amway cult leaders are most likely flogging the ambots into submission so that they attend all four FEDs.

So, what exactly is on the agenda? On Friday night, as is customary, a ceremony will be held to honour those who have served in our military services. The fact is that these brave men and women who serve our country are deserving of our gratitude, and they should be honoured and thanked for their service. But in the context of an Amway cult meeting? Yes, it has now morphed into a terrifying factor. Afterwards, the cult's adherents will be inspired by some nationalist ambot named Rick Green. This carries on for a few hours before coming to an end at 11 p.m. But don't get the impression that you're getting off light and that you'll be returning to the hotel for a good night's sleep. THE NIGHT OWL!!! Yes, keeping the ambots awake makes it easier to brainwash them and coerce them into agreeing to anything they are told. Cult leader Amway's mantra: "You will purchase a large number of Amway products as well as Amway equipment."

The Amway cult gathering on Saturday is all about getting the essential tools, and that's exactly what they'll be talking about. I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!!!!!! The leaders of the Diamond Cult will speak about how they achieved success in Amway. I'll just give you the gist of it. Awaitressing in a fast food restaurant was her day job at the time. He was employed by a porta toilet company, and he was in charge of cleaning the shithouses. Then they were introduced to Amway by a personal friend. Given their prowess as liars and fraudsters, as well as their willingness to abuse individuals in their downline, they have finally found their calling. Take a look at this slide presentation to see just how wealthy they are. Or, at the very least, wealthy enough to hire a film crew and rent props from a high-end automobile showroom. Each of these lowlife Ken and Barbie Ambots will tell a slightly different storey as they march across the stage in formation. On stage, Ambot Ken dominates the conversation, while Ambot Barbie sits in a chair behind him and directs his attention elsewhere on the stage. Meanwhile, brainwashed ambots leap out of their seats and rush to the stage, pounding on it and chanting Amway slogans until they are forced to return to their seats by arena security. In the mind of a brainwashed Amway ambot, arena security equals dreamstealers!

This year they are supposedly going to try something different and educate Amway ambots how to attain their goals in their pretend business on Sunday, which will be more of the same as usual. The majority of what you've said is in accord with what the Night Owls teach. Purchase additional Amway products, as well as additional Amway tools.

What a complete waste of time and resources!

No one knows how much it will cost because World Wide Destructive Bastards is keeping the cost of their services a closely guarded secret. It used to cost $125 to get one. Cult leaders who speak to brainwashed ambots might expect to make a tidy profit on their efforts. There could be a few dollars more in it now. Usually, some irate woman who is married to an ambot will show up here with the exact amount she wants to spend. According to my recollection, someone came by last year and stated that it cost $130 to purchase a ticket to enter the building and worship the Great Amway God.

In order to attract the Amway ambots' attention to this site, let's include some terms that will allow them to learn the truth about what it's truly like to waste time and money in the Amway fraud. Some Amway ambots are so messed up that they don't even know what year it is, or else they believe they have the ability to turn back time or move forward in time, so I included the previous year and the following year as well as the current year.

WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2014 is a free event hosted by Amway.

WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED 2014 are a series of free business events organised by the World Wide Web Development Board.

Amway Free Enterprise Days (FED 2014) are a series of free business events sponsored by Amway.

Amway Free Enterprise Days (FED 2014) are a global movement of dream builders.

FED 2014 (Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World)

WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2013 is a free event hosted by Amway.

FED 2013 (Worldwide Free Enterprise Days) is an annual event organised by the World Wide Web Development Board.

FED 2013 (Amway Free Enterprise Days) is a day dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship.

Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2013 are a global dream-builder event that takes place every year.

FED 2013 (Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World) is an annual event that brings together entrepreneurs from around the world.

WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2015 is a free event hosted by Amway.

WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED 2015 are a series of free business events organised by the World Wide Web Development Board.


Amway Free Enterprise Days FED 2015 are an annual event that brings together people from all around the world to build dreams.

FED 2015 (Free Enterprise Days for Dream Builders Around the World)

The World Wide Dream Builders (WWDB) are a bunch of jerks!!!

Amway is a jerk!!!

Free Enterprise Days are a rip-off!!!

All of Amway's WWDB functions are terrible!!!!

Who Wants To Listen To A Screeching Amway Ambot?

Who Wants To Listen To A Screeching Amway Ambot?

 I'm sure there are many wives, family members, and friends of ambots out there that despise having to listen to the awful Amway tapes or CDs that were purchased on a weekly basis. They tell you to put your money into your Amway business, but what they really mean is to put your money into our tool fraud, which will make us Amway cult leaders even richer.

These tapes and CDs, according to your Amway upline, were essential to growing your business! The tapes must be purchased if you are serious about growing your business. That was the Amway cult leader's broken record recording, played over and over again.

Each and every one of those CDs failed to provide any useful business advice. The most of them are what could be loosely described as motivational, or more accurately, "look how I overcome life's hurdles to become successful at Amway." Each of these bastards tells a slightly different version of the same storey. The wife is employed by McDonald's. The husband is employed as a shit shoveler on a pig farm. Their low earnings barely pay their basic living expenditures on a regular basis. The Amway business concept was then demonstrated to them by a personal friend. The Amway functions were out of reach because they couldn't scrounge together the necessary funds. And how come every one of them had to borrow $20 from a cousin in order to fill up the gas tank in their car in order to drive to a party? And now, have a look at them: They toiled away, abusing their downline, and today they live in a home with a fleet of luxurious automobiles and vacation on the beaches of the world.

It's horrible enough to be forced to listen to this trash. But here's the thing: Ambot turned up the volume on the stereo. In the end, it resembled one of those fiery Southern revival meetings under a huge tent that I've seen in movies, when the preacher screams at his audience from the top of his voice, pleading with them to repent and believe in Christ as their Savior.

With the sound turned up to 11 or 12, you can listen to any of those Amway tapes or CDs and have the same results: ARE YOU CORE? WHAT'S the point????? ARE YOU TAKING DOUBLE X ON A DAILY BASIS? What will happen to you if you don't take NUTRILITE VITAMINS? DO YOU KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN? YOUR BODY WILL GO OUT OF OPERATION AND DIE!!!!

Oh my God, I'm speechless. Those cassette tapes were a pain in the neck! All of those fucking Amway jerks were yelling at the top of their voices to get their attention. What was more worse was that sometimes we'd be travelling somewhere with friends or relatives when Ambot would turn up the music on the audio. This is quite rude! With some Amway idiot on a CD screaming: DON'T DRESS LIKE A SLUT FOR BUSINESS MEETINGS!!!!!!!!! how are we meant to have a dialogue with our guests?

It's awful enough listening to that garbage at normal volume, but cranking it up to the maximum volume the car stereo can handle? Ohhhh. Shudders. It was a terrifying experience.

Then there are the stacks of CDs that have never been opened or listened to in their entirety. Everyone assured us that our sponsor and/or upline would return them and issue a refund to us. That, however, was a fabrication. When Ambot returned to the station, he requested that his sponsor Captain Fuck Up return the CDs that had not been opened and repay his money. Captain Fuck Up refused, claiming that he was broke and lacked the financial means to reimburse him. He's broke, of course, because he's working for Amway! Ambot worked his way up the chain until he found someone who would sell him the items for ten cents apiece. Yeah even at ten cents a piece, that's a lot of money for that shit, but Ambot bought them for $2 to $5 a piece, with the majority of them being on the higher end of the scale ($5; there weren't many that were cheaper than that, but there were some) and the money was paid to Captain Fuck Up, who wasn't always able to deliver the CDs he'd purchased due to the fact that he was a disorganised asshole

I still come across the occasional Amway CD that has become wedged between books or real CDs of singers we enjoy, or that has been jammed towards the back of a cupboard, and when I pull anything out, this piece of garbage Amway CD falls out and instantly makes a one-way journey to the trash can.

Yes, we are just another couple of suckers who were taken advantage of in more ways than one while working in the Amway business.

Yes, it is time to send another FUCK YOU to Amway in a large, bold letter.

Real Amway Ass Pictures

Real Amway Ass Pictures

 Just when you think you've seen everything that Amway ambots search for online and find their way to this blog, another one pops up on your screen.

“Real Amway Ass Pictures” were the search criteria.

After all that, I'm going to throw out the argument that everyone in Amway is an ass, so any photo of someone in Amway implies you've just discovered a picture of an Amway ass, no matter who it is. It's a joke, of course! LOL!!!

However, it is possible that this searcher is hunting for images of an Amway ambot mooning the camera. The Amway way of saying kiss my ass is a way for people in Amway to sneer at the rest of the world, you know, all those losers who aren't in Amway, and it's the Ambot way of saying kiss my ass because he's a true "business owner" and you aren't.

In the past couple of years, there has been a searcher on our site whose search criteria had something to do with looking for nude photographs of a Diamond couple or maybe it was just the Diamond wife, I can't recall which. All of these pervert searchers seem to blend into one big mass of confusion.

Who, if anyone, can recall seeing anyone standing on the stage who they'd like to see in a nude photo? Either the whole shebang or just the ass. It's terrible enough that you have to look at these cretins while they are completely clothed, let alone when they are naked. That is just incorrect!

Now, if anyone has nude images of an actor who has appeared on People magazine's list of the sexiest men on the planet, we're all ears!

The ass of some Amway cult leader, on the other hand, who wants to see that? While the rest of the world may not give a fuck about these nudies, brainwashed Amway ambots, on the other hand, appear to be really interested in them.

Amway ambots have proven to be considerably more deranged than we had previously suspected.

And much larger a**holes than we anticipated! It's a joke, of course!

Real Amway Success Stories: Revealing a Picture of Achievement is the Title of This Book

Over the course of the past six decades, the worldwide direct selling enterprise Amway has been an integral component of the business environment. Amway is a company that has received a lot of praise as well as a lot of criticism due to the vast range of consumer items and business opportunities that it offers. The manner in which members of the Amway community are portrayed to have achieved success is one facet that has been the topic of much debate. The purpose of this piece is to investigate the truth that lies beneath Amway's success stories, particularly in regard to the method in which photos are utilized as symbols of accomplishment.

Getting to Know the Business Model Behind Amway

It is necessary to have a solid understanding of Amway's business model before digging more into the matter at hand. Direct selling is the business model used by Amway. Under this model, individuals can become independent distributors and sell Amway items to end users without going through Amway first. Distributors are eligible for commissions and bonuses based not just on their own sales but also on the sales of team members they have recruited. Individuals are presented with the possibility to construct their own businesses and achieve financial success thanks to this concept.

The Function of Photographs Within the Story of Amway:

When reading about people who have achieved great success with Amway, it is not uncommon to come across photographs that show them living lavish lifestyles, going on exotic vacations, and possessing wonderful material belongings. These pictures are frequently shown to prospective Amway business owners as evidence of the heights of success that are attainable through the company's marketing opportunity. Having said same, it is essential to examine these photographs with a critical attitude and to take into consideration the context as a whole.

Aspirations and Motivation Photographs depicting lavish ways of living and expensive belongings might act as inspiration for people who want to start their own businesses. They have the ability to motivate people to think big, make plans, and put in a lot of effort in order to achieve the degree of success they see for themselves. These photographs have the ability to create confidence and drive by presenting visual representations of what can be possible in the future.

Tools for Marketing and Promotion: 

Photographs that show Amway distributors rejoicing in their successes are regularly utilized as marketing and promotional materials by both the corporation and by individual distributors. They want to demonstrate that there is possibility for achievement within the Amway business in order to entice people to become new distributors. However, it is essential to keep in mind that these photographs are the result of painstaking curation and do not in any way represent the entirety of the Amway distributor base.

Personal Accomplishments:

 The Amway business has been responsible for a significant positive change in the lives of many of the company's distributors. By putting in a lot of effort and showing a lot of dedication, certain people have been able to become financially independent, buy the house of their dreams, and take holidays of the highest caliber. These images might serve as a tribute to their path through the Amway industry as well as a reflection of their personal achievements.

The Brutal Truth About...

It is essential to recognize that not every Amway distributor will accomplish the same level of success in their business, despite the fact that some people have enjoyed extraordinary levels of prosperity as a direct result of their involvement with the company. The reality is that developing a successful business needs a great amount of labor, perseverance, and a variety of personal qualities. This is true regardless of the industry being pursued.

Laborious Effort and Dogged Persistence:

 There are endless hours of laborious effort, unwavering dedication, and dogged determination standing behind every prosperous Amway distributor. Consistent effort and a dedication to one's own growth are required in order to cultivate a successful firm, which is essential for luring clients and building a capable workforce.

Personal Circumstances and Abilities The level of success an individual achieves inside the Amway business is dependent on a number of factors, including their own capabilities and personal circumstances. The amount of success a someone makes can be highly influenced by a variety of factors including available time, abilities to network, sales experience, and leadership capabilities. It is essential to have the realization that the degree of achievement that is portrayed in photos might not be attainable for everyone.

Because Amway has been around for several decades, some areas may be more saturated than others. This presents the company with a number of challenges in terms of conducting business. Creating a successful company in an industry that is already highly competitive can provide additional hurdles. In addition, it is necessary for business owners of any kind, especially Amway distributors, to be able to successfully handle economic ups and downs, shifting consumer tastes, and intense competition.


Individuals who are looking for inspiration and motivation to follow their aspirations of becoming entrepreneurs might benefit greatly from viewing photographs that highlight the achievements of Amway distributors. It is essential to handle these scenarios from a practical standpoint, despite the fact that certain individuals may achieve extraordinary success within the Amway industry. The described level of success may not be feasible for many people because it demands a significant time commitment, a great deal of effort, and a number of different aspects of one's personality. It is necessary to place a strong emphasis on one's own personal development, to learn from others who have already achieved success, and to make effective use of the support and resources offered by the Amway community in order to forge a unique route toward one's objectives.

Part Time Online Shoppers – Is it Scamway?

Part Time Online Shoppers – Is it Scamway?

 Someone forwarded me a link to what appears to be a bogus job posting on Craigslist, which was most likely posted by some scheming Amway jerk. The title of the advertisement reads Online Shoppers Wanted Anywhere Work Part Time. According to the advertisement, it is a global health and wellness organisation that will teach you how to turn your shopping dollars into monthly residual income by following their lead. Ads like that do not last long because they are detected as scams and because they do not represent a legitimate job opportunity. It is not necessary for Amway ambots to be moral or ethical while they lie and defraud others; in fact, they are only a few of the requirements for becoming an Amway Ambot. The majority of people who are seeking for work can detect a scam ad like that from a mile away.

It's possible that the advertisement was placed by a different MLM jerk, but it screams Amway from every pore. You're probably familiar with Amway ambots, who walk around bragging about how they get paid to shop online. After that, they frequently include items from their own inventory. As a result, the title of "online shopper" has been taken by this. And it's a part-time job. Amway ambots go around deceiving prospects into thinking that working with Amway is merely a part-time job requiring 10 to 15 hours per week in your spare time. Increase that figure by a factor of two to four to get a more accurate estimate of how much time you'll squander inside the Amway cult.

The phrase "worldwide" appears in the advertisement as well. Could someone just mention WWDB, which stands for World Wide Destructive Bastards?

Do you work for a health and wellness company? Countless times have I heard similar nonsense at a meeting of the Amway cult, which claims to be a health and wellness organisation. Remember, you're flogging pricey, shoddy vitamins, energy drinks, excellent water, and so on?

Amway scammers do not post phoney job advertisements on Craigslist, so those who are seeking for work and checking out the listings on the site do not have to waste their time picking through them. It is a waste of time for someone looking for job to click on an advertisement only to discover that it has been posted by an Amway fraudster. It's difficult enough to get work without having to deal with MLM scammers.

And do these screwed up Amway bastards, who are in violation of Craigslist posting regulations (no multilevel marketing), really believe they are going to sign up some fools they have lured in with a bogus job ad? Fortunately, the vast majority of individuals who see the advertisement will flag it as a hoax, and Craigslist will eventually remove it.

The time has come to put a loud and clear FUCK YOU out there to the con artists and liars who post bogus job advertisements for Amway and another loud and clear FUCK YOU to Amway for allowing it to happen. Obtain command of your fucking commissioned salespeople, you fucking flogger of pricey bad things!!!

I’m In The Wrong Room!

I’m In The Wrong Room!

 I can't tell you how many times I've sat through an Amway boring plan meeting, wondering what the heck I was doing there the entire time. Every time the piece of shit Amway cult leader yaps away, he repeats the same line of bullshit over and over. There isn't any difference between which Amway cult leader is speaking. Either the sack of crap Platinum, the bigger sack of shit Emerald, or the biggest sack of shit of them all, the Diamond, will be the winner of the lottery. Every one of them phoney bastards claims the same thing: that they can make rapid money in Amway. Working 10 to 15 hours per week on a part-time basis, you can become a millionaire in 2 to 5 years. Then sit back and watch as gazillions of dollars in residual revenue pour in every month while you do absolutely nothing at all.

Freedom! Delete that vile piece of work!

And take a look at all of the cult followers who are standing there watching their beloved Amway leaders as if they are hearing this nonsense for the first time. And they actually believe it! They have a soft spot for the fucking asses in their Amway upline. They take pleasure in overspending their money on costly, substandard Amway products. They take great pleasure in boasting about how wealthy they have become in Scamway. Their favourite things to do are hug one other and bestow phoney affection on other Ambots.

All the while, I'm thinking to myself, "Damn, I'm always in the wrong room!"

I have a strong dislike for the members of the Amway cult. I despise going into debt by overspending on their inferior products when I can get better quality at a reduced cost at the grocery store instead. After spending a couple of years wasting your money in the Amway scam, I'm not interested in listening to some lying, scumbag Amway cult leader spewing out the same old nonsense about how wouldn't you like to tell your boss to "fuck off" and be financially free for life. No one wants to be loved on by the strange members of the creepy Amway cult, and I don't want that to happen.

Amway is a cult of greed that has taken over the world.

Fuck! I've entered the incorrect room!

Is there a room full of normal folks who aren't filthy weird Amway cult members hiding somewhere? Where is the space where people don't go berserk over costly crappy things under the mistaken belief that a high price tag indicates a high level of quality? What happened to the room where folks didn't have to listen to the same old drivel from some fucking sack of shit Amway cult leader night after night after night? What is the location of the room where people do not worship the big Amway deity? It's hard to imagine a place where they aren't offering teensy quantities of XS cat piss water in Dixie cups and an Amway snack bar that has been split into 30 small sections.

The room where they're watching a football game on a large screen TV and providing beer and nachos is where I need to go.

How to Be an Obnoxious Know-It-All: join the Amway Cult!

How to Be an Obnoxious Know-It-All: join the Amway Cult!

 What truly annoyed me about the Amway ambots I had to put up with was that every single one of those cretins claimed to be an expert in EVERYTHING. No matter what the subject was, those fuckers were well-versed in it, regardless of whether it had anything to do with Amway. My life has been littered with the largest group of bullshitters I've ever met, and they have all been Amway jerks.

Until our time in the Amway hellhole, I had never dealt with the hubris of those pretentious Amway bastards on such a large scale or with such a high level of mass concentration. Fortunately, that is something I have never had to deal with since we were able to get away from those Amway jerks!

Whatever you want to call it, those Amway jerks profess to be experts at it. Maybe the fact that they run pretend enterprises and are pretend business owners gives them all the legitimacy they need to pose as pretend experts on any topic under the sun. I don't know.

I'm not suggesting that there aren't any ambots out there who don't have specialised knowledge in a certain field as a result of their employment, schooling, or life experiences. What I'm referring to are the Amway bastards who, simply by virtue of the fact that they are Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs), are now considered to be card carrying know-it-alls.

Those ambots are all well-versed in the field of automobiles. Unfortunately, none of them follow their own fucking advise and continue to drive around in shitmobiles that are 20 or 30 years old and constantly breaking down due to a lack of maintenance. The majority of automobiles experience mechanical difficulties by that age and require a complete rebuilding. Being an Amway Independent Business Owner (IBO) implies that you are perpetually broke because you must give all of your money to the Amway cult leaders, leaving you with no money left over for auto upkeep or to save up for a new car.

They are experts in all things plumbing and electrical, despite the fact that the vast majority of them have never had a hammer or a screwdriver in their hands before. I came upon a house where an Amway "specialist" was at work. Some of the ceiling lights were falling out of their fixtures, and he said that he was constantly getting electrical shocks when he touched plugs and switch outlets. Oh my goodness, I have no idea why! The tile in the bathroom was not properly grouted, and it was crooked and uneven in places. Due to the constant interruptions caused by phone calls and texts from the jerks in his Amway upline, it was taking him an inordinate amount of time to complete his painting.

When it comes to filling out your income tax forms, those Amway jerks are specialists in the field. “Everything you buy from Amway is a tax deduction! Take possession of that toilet paper!”

Those Amway jerks call themselves "counsellors," despite the fact that they have never received any proper training in counselling for behaviour problems, emotional disorders, marital troubles, or any other issue. “The facts don't matter at all!” Not if you're an Amway jerk, which means you're an automatic expert on everything!

Do you need medical advice? Make use of an Amway Ambot. Once diagnosed, they'll recommend purchasing some overpriced, shoddy Amway pills as the only course of action for you. Snake oil is the cure-all for all ills! Amway holy water is available in case quantities. What's the difference between Dr. Ambot and a Nigerian con artist, you might wonder. Nothing! Their stories are complete fabrications intended to defraud you of your hard-earned money.

Amway ambots are self-proclaimed experts on everything - they're Amway assholes who know everything. If an Amway product isn't working for someone, the ambot will advise them that they aren't drinking enough water or that they need to take additional vitamin supplements. Amway ambots are violent in their defence of Amway's "premium" products. There is nothing wrong with them; the fault is with the person who is using them. That is correct, that is the old standby answer of blaming the victim from Amway. The same can be said for Amway's high-end tampons. If they leak after 30 minutes, it means that we ladies are putting them in incorrectly. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the lower overall quality of these products, could it? The very mention of a male giving tampon advise causes most women to burst out laughing uncontrollably! That, however, is what an Amway jerk is all about! Everything is in the hands of experts!

Amway jerks that are arrogant, pompous, and know it all are the biggest bunch of idiots I've ever met in my life, and I had to put up with them. Troublemaking bastards who can't seem to keep their fucking fucking fucks together.

The one thing I'm really good at is posting about Amway jerks and how they truly treat their employees. No Amway know-it-all who is an expert in everything will ever be more knowledgeable than I am when it comes to cursing out the fucking assholes in my Amway upline!

Everyone Hates It When They Get Amwayed!

Everyone Hates It When They Get Amwayed!

 Yes, it is once again time to play a favourite jingle! It's possible that you'll have to play it twice. The lyrics should be listened to once and the Amway criminals should be read two times.

Does Amway have Any Good Products?

Does Amway have Any Good Products?

 A searcher found their way to this page after searching for "does Amway have any excellent products."

The short response is, of course, NO!

Then there's the notion that the definition of a good product is a matter of personal preference. In the case of an Amway Ambot, if you inquire as to whether Amway has any decent products, they will lavish lavish praise on every single Amway product and boast that Amway provides high-quality products that are superior than anything else the consumer might purchase. I mean, as if we needed any more evidence that the Amway ambots are a bunch of indoctrinated lying asses, right?

Basically, anything that Amway sells that you can put in your mouth and eat, drink, or swallow is not good for you. You should avoid XS energy drinks, which taste like a combination of cat pee and the worst cough syrup you've ever tasted, unless you enjoy drinking them. Their Perfect Water is a bunch of garbage that is promoted by adoring Amway ambots using dumb ass methods that are the same as if you were to use tap water. Even though Amway sent a memo requesting that the water tricks be discontinued, the vast majority of Amway ambots have a fuck you attitude toward their company and continue to do them nonetheless. In the event that you enjoy eating granola or meal replacement bars that taste like cardboard and are wrapped in low-quality chocolate, Amway is your go-to seller of shabby, pricey food bars! The price of Amway Nutrilite Vitamins is much more than the price of vitamins purchased at a drugstore. Despite the fact that an Amway employee who works in the warehouse where Nutrilite manufactures this crap showed up to say they are just average vitamins that Amway sells for significantly more than the cost to produce them, Amway ambots will tell you that Amway doesn't use fillers in their products despite the fact that an Amway employee who works in the warehouse where Nutrilite manufactures this crap showed up to say they are just average vitamins that Amway sells for significantly more than the cost to produce them And who the hell knows what kind of "fillers" are used in vitamins, whether they are produced by Amway or by other companies? Has anyone ever purchased vitamins and taken a close look at the pill container? There are generally a slew of other substances used as well. It's comparable to purchasing potato chips. Have any of you taken notice of the numerous additional components in there except the potato, oil, and salt? In order to catch the attention of Amway assholes who are upset about the entire "filler" situation, question them about the fillers in Amway's energy drinks and meal bars.

Consider hand soap, toilet paper, laundry soap, and the other pricey awful things that Amway sells; is there anything in those categories that should be taken into consideration when addressing the searcher's inquiry of whether Amway sells any excellent products? No, not in the traditional sense. Amway distributes products that, when compared to what can be purchased at a grocery shop or drug store, could be considered generic at best, but are more appropriately classified as subpar in most cases.

I'm not aware of any "excellent" products that Amway sells, to be honest. It turns out that one of the canned juices they sell has a flavour that is nearly identical to one that I can purchase at the grocery store. With the exception of the fact that I can get a half gallon of juice for less than the price of a single can of Amway's juice. Consider that Amway does not sell those cans individually; they are packaged in a box, therefore I'm trying to figure out how much each can costs. What do you think of Perfect Water? Ambots attempts to defend the high pricing by claiming that the bottle costs $2 and that you would pay that price if you went to 7-11. Just off the top of my head, I don't recall ever walking into a 7-11 and purchasing a bottle of drinking water. A slurpee, without a doubt. Alternatively, a cup of coffee. No, I don't think I've ever purchased a can of coke from a 7-11 cooler, to be honest. A carton of 24 bottles of Amway water will cost you approximately $50 dollars. A box of 24 bottles of water costs less than $4 at Walmart. Water is simply water. Whenever I want water, I'm more inclined to drink it straight from the faucet. And no, I am not need to purchase one of Amway's pricey water filtering systems in order to accomplish this. But, given that it was just brought up, let's focus on it for the time being. How much do they cost? $1000? And how about replacing the filter, say, twice a year? What is the price of Amway filters? It's possible that some ex-ambot is attempting to get rid of all of the pricey awful things he had to buy when the assholes in his Amway upline berated him for not buying more more more and he had no choice but to stock up on supplies. It will almost certainly cost more than that from Amway. What exactly is the problem with a Brita? Either a pitcher or one of those filtering devices that attach to the kitchen sink would suffice here. In either case, it's under $50. It's far under $50! Furthermore, their filters are not prohibitively expensive to replace. Does Amway's filtration system perform better than the competition? I seriously doubt it; it's probably about the same price as its more reasonably priced competitor.

Returning to the searcher's question, "Does Amway sell any high-quality products?" It depends on whether you ask an Amway ambot or someone who used to work with Amway; the answer will vary substantially.


In the event of a disagreement, an Amway ambot will vehemently argue and will keep you awake all night defending his favourite Amway products.

Amway The Scamster Company

Amway The Scamster Company

 Keep in mind how Amway ambots deliberately position or use Amway products in the hopes that others would inquire about them and possibly purchase them from them.

Ambot is drinking Perfect Water and gushing about how this is the nicest water he's ever tasted and how he gets it from his own firm, when Prospect walks by and notices him.

Prospect: Hey, how much does that Perfect Water set you back a gallon?

Ambot: a bottle costs $2.

Prospect: All right, I'll go ahead and get one and try it out.

Ambot: Oh, we don't sell them individually; you have to buy them in bulk. I'd like $50, please.

Prospect: Are you playing a joke on me? Do you really want to pay $50 for a case of water? Go ahead and screw yourself.

The fact that nothing has changed at Amway since the 1990s is thanks to John Doe.

My boss introduced me to a scammer company in the early 1990s, and the rest is history.

The Glister spray was constantly sprayed into his mouth in front of all of the other staff. Someone will eventually inquire, "Hey, what are you up to there?" "I purchased it from my own corporation," he explains.

We had no idea that was the first of many lies that would be thrown at us. This time he says something like "hey, if you want to be financially free, I'm hosting a meeting over at my house." The second fabrication. We were taught not to refer to the company as "Amway," but rather as "the umbrella corporation," and that if we were questioned if we sold any Amway items, we should answer that we did. The third deception. I went to a couple meetings, a lecture to meet the Diamonds, and a few other money-sucking events that were unnecessary.

Heck, I even did "dream building," which is a process in which your upline drives you around to look at luxurious homes and expensive automobiles.

There were two things that helped me break free from amway's mesmerising influence. 1. The speakers at the seminars and conventions. There they sat, bragging about all the items they bought, where they went hunting, and all sorts of other unimportant details about themselves. After he finished congratulating himself, he threw up a few circles and scrawled the word Amway in large letters on the ground, and he was finished talking. I was enraged at the time. 2. I was unable to afford their items any longer. At the time, they strongly recommended that you spend $150 each month on Amway items. The only problem was that $150 didn't buy us too much, so we had to travel to Wal Mart to obtain the remainder of the home supplies we required.

We soon stopped purchasing Amway items entirely and began repaying all of the debt we had incurred as a result of our relationship with Amway. Whether concentrated or not, their products are simply too expensive for what they provide.

Amway Ambots Love Trading Business Cards!

Amway Ambots Love Trading Business Cards!

 Once upon a time, while we were in Amway, the jerks in our upline informed us that we were now "business owners," and that it was our responsibility to come up with a name for the company. Never mind going through the right channels to properly register the business name in case someone else has already done so. Simply choose a name and put it to use. Afterwards, because you "own your own business," you have the freedom to name yourself whatever title you want.

The ambots are then instructed to create business cards to hand out to prospective customers and clients, prompting them to go out and purchase business card sheets so that they can create their own cards on their computers. In most cases, ambots distributed these business cards among themselves because no one else was interested, and they would all exclaim with delight as they received all of the fakey nicey nice over-the-top compliments. I noticed more messed-up pieces of shady faux businesses on these cards than you could possibly conceive in one place.

As with every nightmare, However, I don't recall any of the bogus ass business names that ambots picked for their fraudulent businesses, but I do recall some of the titles that they used. In addition, the business cards were a complete disaster. The jobs that you do from home where you use a clip art application on your computer to put a picture of a beach, a mansion, a sports vehicle, or sacks of money on your business card are called "home created jobs." The Amway logo was not used by any of the ambots, but I do recall some of them using images of Amway products, which was probably a violation of Amway's policy, but ambots couldn't care less about such inconsequential issues.

As a result, I'd get handed these business cards that said something along the lines of

Managing My Fucked Up Phony Ass Amway Company

Ambot is a jerk.

Bullshit's president and chief executive officer

Vice president of operations, president, CEO, manager, and vice president of operations - those vice president positions would appear on the wife's business cards! That is how things work at Amway. In every situation, the wives come in second place. What the fuck am I thinking? I have no idea! Wives are way down the list of priorities than second!

As part of operating a fictitious business under an impersonated company name, You can give yourself a fictitious business title in order to appear powerful and important.

What are some better titles for Amway Ambot business cards that should be included? Or, at the very least, more truthful titles:

Stupid fucking Asshole



It's A Sack Of Sh*t

Dumb Fuck is a slang term for someone who makes a mistake.

Bastard is a phoney.


Bastard is a troublemaker.

Bullshitter in the lead

Mr. Bitch's Miserable Son-of-a-Bitch

Ass Kisser is an abbreviation for Ass Kisser.


Bastard is a negative character.

An enraged piece of sh*t

Son of a Bitch with a sneering snide grin

These ambots spend their days at work daydreaming about how wealthy they will become as a result of their affiliation with Amway, how they own their own business, and how this distinguishes them from everyone else they work with. They even have business cards to demonstrate this.

It is not enough to put on a business suit, pretend to be busy on your mobile phone, and play 8pm warrior while attending Amway meetings, or to distribute fake ass business cards with fictitious names and titles to pass yourself off as a legitimate business owner to the public.

America's Richest Families Full Of Amway Ambots?

America's Richest Families Full Of Amway Ambots?

 Here's a link to a Forbes list of the wealthiest families in the United States. For some reason, it appears at the bottom of the list; thus, scroll up to see it.

This article provides some insight.

No one should be surprised to learn that the owners of Walmart are the richest people on the planet, with a net worth of $152 billion. Their closest family rival has a net worth of $60 billion less. The Kennedys, one of America's most well-known families, are in a seven-way tie for lowest place on the list, with a combined net worth of just $1 billion.

But let's get to the good part since Amway ambots are constantly swinging by here to gloat about how Amway Diamonds are worth billions and billions of dollars, which means they must be worth more than the Kennedys, don't you think? Fortunately, there is a search bar at the top of the list, so I entered some Diamond names such as Puryear, Britt, and others. Nothing. They have been left off of the list. How is this possible? Ambots turn up here on a regular basis, gloating about the riches of their cult leaders. Keep in mind that there are billions and billions. I put Duncan's name in and get a hit! The tenth position on the list is worth $25.4 billion!!! Wow!!!! OK Don't get too thrilled just yet. It turns out to be some sort of oil family from Texas. Not some ruthless leader of a pyramid scam!

So let's go after the owners of Amway, since everyone knows that's where the big money is at these days.

DeVos. There's nothing there. According to Amway ambots, he is not quite as wealthy as they claim!

Van Andel is a fictional character created by author John Van Andel. Now I've gotten a hit on my hands. The property is worth $4.7 billion. Forbes magazine ranked me as number 57 on their list. They didn't make all of their money from narrowing down the Forbes description; they also spent time pounding the pavement and selling their cleaning supplies door to door. They have investments such as the Ambot, which is frequently mentioned, and Peter Island, which is owned by the Van Andel family fortune. That is exactly what you should do with your money: look for methods to invest it so that it generates more income for you. You'd assume De Vos would be someplace on the billionaire list in the same area as their partner, but it appears they've been following their own drumbeat.

Occasionally, I have enraged Amway ambots who come up at my door yelling that there is a bigger possibility of becoming wealthy in Amway than there is in Walmart. Yes, please tell us another fairy tale, you naive cretins! I still believe that marrying one of Amway's heirs is the most effective method to become wealthy. In addition, that is definitely a smart strategy to get money from Walmart as well. Assume, however, that you do not marry into one of these family fortunes and that you are a salaried employee. We know from reading the fine print on Amway's literature that only a fraction of 1 percent of the company's commissioned sales force makes any money. Every now and again, I get calls from Amway employees who work in the various warehouses, complaining about their slave pay and deplorable working conditions. It appears doubtful that you would become wealthy through Amway, therefore let us have a look at Walmart. Walmart managers earn approximately $100,000 per year. I'm sure they receive performance bonuses as well, which would bring their earnings into the same ballpark as what Amway reports a Diamond makes in a year. The wages of store employees are likely to vary widely depending on their job, the number of hours worked in a week, and other factors, but the majority of employees earn thousands of dollars every year.

The amount would be hundreds of dollars more than what an Amway ambot would bring in.

A Mistress Called Amway

A Mistress Called Amway

 The majority of the time, it is our husbands who are approached by a friend who informs them of an incredible business opportunity. A home-based business in which people spend 10 to 15 hours per week and can earn an additional $1000 or more per month by selling Amway products and recruiting other Independent Business Owners (IBOs) who will in turn purchase Amway products and recruit others to do the same, and so on and so forth. For the first few days, the wife might be sceptical. You've probably heard the expression "if anything sounds too good to be true," which means that it probably is. On paper, the numbers appear to be favourable, but in practise, it does not appear to be possible that this will be accomplished.

When our spouses become enthusiastic about anything, we want to encourage and support them. Within a short period of time, we cease to be supportive and begin to get increasingly frustrated with the situation. In the background, the husband is acting as though he had a mistress on the side. Undeniably, this is what he does. Amway is the name of a mistress. In between Amway meetings, he's out of the home for countless hours, only to sneak back into the house in the wee hours of the morning after we've all fallen asleep in our beds. He's blowing out his savings account on his mistress. He doesn't have the cash on hand, so he borrows it through a line of credit, a home equity loan, or credit cards. You know that when he whips out the plastic, he's really pretending that he's not paying for it. After all, it is only a fictitious enterprise. That is, until the invoices start to arrive, at which point paying back actual money isn't quite so pretend any longer.

After a while, the wife is fed up with the situation. She never sees her husband, and their bank account is steadily depleting as their debt continues to rise at an alarming rate. "Either you choose your mistress or you choose me." As a result of their realisation that they are not going to receive the money that was dangled in front of them during their initial investigation of this wonderful business opportunity, most men cease attending Amway meetings and wasting their money. They are fortunate in that this is the case.

So goes every wife's nightmare storey about her husband's Amway mistress, condensed into a single paragraph.

We're fortunate enough to have our ambots come to their senses in several instances. Usually, it's because they've had enough of the abuse from their upline and have come to the fact that the promised riches aren't ever going to materialise. All of his ambots, who had vowed to be best pals for life, had deserted him overnight. Some men, who genuinely liked these women and believed they liked him, may find it difficult to deal with. Wrong. They only cared about his money because he was assisting them in realising their ambitions.

Another huge fat FUCK YOU to Amway has been sent out.

Too Many Amway Meetings!

Too Many Amway Meetings!

 If attending one Amway meeting on a given night were awful enough, the nightmare of horrors is that there are generally numerous Amway meetings scheduled for the evening, and some ambots have the misfortune of having to attend them all at the same time. It is possible to have a "pre-meeting" with the Platinum or even the Emerald, but only if you have made an appointment and if the fucker believes that your presence is worthy of his time and attention. Due to the fact that ambots all have J.O.B.s, no matter how hard they try to convince you that they are "business owners" and "own their own business," these appointments would be scheduled in the early evening after the Platinum and the ambots have finished their day's work, so let's say this appointment would take place between 5pm and 7pm and last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes or longer, depending on the circumstances. This is frequently held at a fast food restaurant or a coffee shop, and the meddling bastard demands to see a budget, a contact list, or to ride everyone's backsides for not bringing prospects to meetings and for not having enough customers to fill the restaurant or coffee shop. If we were "fortunate" enough to be given the first appointment, we were supposed to purchase a coffee and snack for the Platinum. Even if we weren't the first to arrive, the Platinum would occasionally turn to Ambot and request that he bring him a burger. There was no money exchanged, and Ambot, of course, sprung into action because the cult leader had massaged his ego by referring to him as a server. That's correct in more ways than one! You fucking lowly IBO, please bring me a burger and a coke!

The Amway board of directors meeting was either held at the home of a cult leader or at the home of someone else. They began at 8 p.m. local time.

At 8 p.m., there are better things I could be doing, such as watching some good television shows that are on at that time. Ambot used to impersonate the jerks in his Amway upline and scream at me, saying, "How is watching TV making me any money?" Ambot was a jerk. At the very least, we weren't wasting our money by staying at home and watching television! Time and money squandered at Amway meetings are not the same thing!

The conceited pile of shite. Platinum is a huge fan of the sound of his voice. It was his custom to spend the first hour of every meeting reciting the same old bullshit stories, typically about how wonderful of an immoral cult leader he is or about something that had happened recently. Alternatively, doom and gloom scenarios including all of these firms closing their doors. Following the Jim Jones manual for holding cult meetings, the most of the time, and with a nice dose of religion thrown in, is nothing but ranting and raving.

It may take him an hour or more to finally own his mistake and use the dreaded A word. When he was asked to present the Amway business plan, he would use a whiteboard and flash cards. Consume, consume, and duplicate. Find like-minded individuals and train them to do the same. If you can find enough individuals to work for you, you can earn $300,000 per year.

The board meeting lasts three hours because he keeps getting sidetracked and going out on various rants about various things that are happening in the news that an ambot mind regards as unfavourable. The sack of excrement gets a kick out of spreading negativity and scaring his ambots into compliance.

I was eager to return home before I even got to the airport. As soon as it gets dark, I just want to get the heck out of here. Please return home. Go to a bar and have a good time. Take a trip to McDonald's. I'd rather be anywhere but here, listening to this piece of garbage!

The cult leader then finally takes a well-deserved rest. Yay! We are free to return home. Then there's the terror! It ain't over yet, people! Because no one can deceive a prospect sucker into going, and because everyone in the room wants to be hailed as a "serious business builder," anyone who isn't a "serious business builder" or who brought guests can take them home, which very about ensures that everyone remains. Everyone else, including us sad bastards, is stuck for round 2, or possibly round 3 if you were unfortunate enough to be a part of the pre-meeting nonsense. Ambot will occasionally be able to snag a ride home with someone else and will urge me to go home. 'Yee hoo!' I said. I'm not going to remain around in case Ambot or the cult leader decides to reverse their collective brainwashing.

My attendance at far too many late-night classes was a mistake. These meetings will go for another hour or two after that. It is very common for Amway cult gatherings to go on long beyond midnight on Saturday and Sunday. When cult members are exhausted, it is much simpler to brainwash them into submission. Now is the time when the conceited sack of shit criticises the way others dress, the car they drive, their hairstyle, the people with whom they associate, and so on. Bitch bitch bitch. Bitch bitch bitch. Most of the time, he rails at the group for not sponsoring anyone or bringing prospective members to meetings. His downline movers and shakers will be highlighted, and he'll sing their praises for the duration of the meeting, gushing about how they're the ones who are going Platinum and Diamond. That's not the case! Including him, who is a fucking jerk!

There will be no instruction. There is no business advice. There are a lot of rants. That encapsulates what individuals are really doing late at night at Amway meetings, according to the participants.

You're being indoctrinated!

The Dangers of Attending Excessive Numbers of Amway Meetings: An Intensive Look at Their Drawbacks

Amway is a direct selling firm that is well-known for the variety of items it offers, and it has become a well-liked option for people who are interested in gaining financial independence and taking advantage of business chances. Amway encourages its representatives to participate in meetings and other gatherings, with the goal of promoting teamwork and fostering business expansion. The company places a strong emphasis on forming teams and fostering networking opportunities. In spite of this, a worrying pattern has developed over the past few years, and that is an abnormally high number of Amway meetings. This article explores into the potential drawbacks of attending an excessive number of Amway meetings and the influence those meetings have on individuals as well as their overall level of professional achievement.

Time Constraints and Opportunity Costs: One of the biggest difficulties with attending an excessive number of Amway meetings is the significant amount of time commitment that is required for attendance at these events. There is a possibility that representatives will have to attend a large number of meetings each week, leaving them with little time for their personal responsibilities, their families, and other significant areas of their lives. Spending an inordinate amount of time on meetings has a large opportunity cost, as it may lead to neglecting personal relationships, hobbies, or even professional advancement outside of Amway. This might be a significant cost.

Reduced Concentration on the Activities at the Heart of a Successful Business While it is undeniable that meetings are necessary for both coordination and learning, attending an excessive number of them can distract from the activities at the heart of a successful business. Amway representatives have a responsibility to devote time and attention to activities such as product promotion, sales, the acquisition of new customers, and the development of their network. When a disproportionate amount of time is spent in meetings, the overall effectiveness and productivity of these necessary operations may decline, which may impede the growth of the organization.

Fatigue and Burnout The habitual attendance at multiple meetings on a regular basis can lead to both physical and mental tiredness, which can ultimately result in burnout. The constant participation in gatherings such as meetings, seminars, and conferences can be overbearing, leaving Amway representatives feeling exhausted and without the enthusiasm required to maintain their Amway business. This exhaustion can have a negative affect on their overall performance, which may result in a drop in sales as well as a lack of excitement for the Amway opportunity.

Loss of Individual liberty Although Amway places a strong emphasis on teamwork and collaboration, attending an excessive number of meetings can occasionally lead to an erosion of individual liberty. It's possible that representatives will feel compelled to conform to the collective viewpoints or strategies that are discussed at meetings, which may stifle the representatives' capacity to make individual judgments and inhibit their creative potential. Because of this loss of autonomy, the representative's capacity to react to specific market conditions and take advantage of particular skills and an entrepreneurial spirit may be restricted.

Financial Consequences Attending an excessive number of Amway meetings can have a negative impact on a representative's finances. The expenditures of frequent travel, lodging, and other incidental expenses can quickly add up, which can have an influence on personal finances. In addition, if representatives do not make efficient use of their time during meetings to improve their knowledge and abilities, the return on investment in terms of greater business growth and increased income may not be sufficient to justify the costs that have been paid.

Even though Amway meetings play an important part in promoting teamwork, learning, and collaboration among representatives, it is critical to find a balance in your schedule. An excessive number of meetings can result in time restrictions, a reduced emphasis on essential company tasks, exhaustion, a loss of individual autonomy, and a pressure on financial resources. It is essential for Amway representatives to assess the frequency and objectives of meetings, making certain that the time spent at these gatherings is utilized in a way that is both fruitful and significant. Within the framework of the Amway business model, achieving a sustainable level of success as well as a sense of personal fulfillment will eventually come from making an effort to strike a good balance between attending meetings and participating in other activities that create businesses.

The Gloves Come Off When Dealing With Amway Scammers

The Gloves Come Off When Dealing With Amway Scammers

 At his place of employment, one of our readers is being hounded by his supervisor to join the Amway scam:

I just wanted to drop by and express my admiration for your blog. Reading it from beginning to end, I appreciate your forthright opinion as well as the horrific stories provided by other Amway victims. Thank you for sharing your storey, I appreciate it.

Of all people, it was my employer who brought me here. He has no idea that he is the one who got me here. He has no idea that I am aware that he is a participant in the Amway pyramid scam. He believes I'm an easy mark, a new recruit who is susceptible to brainwashing.

Subtly grooming me to become a part of his fraud, or "business opportunity," as he refers to it, has been taking place.

This man is devilishly cunning, and if it hadn't been for my negative experience with Primerica (another pyramid scheme), he would well have gotten me.

XS energy drink is constantly in plain view, and there's always a bottle of his Perfect drinking water nearby. This is a subtle form of product placement. In response to my scepticism about his miracle water, he did the Tip/Balance/Twist tests, which are shown below. The young man boasts that he will be a millionaire within a decade. Mysterious gatherings that necessitated the wearing of a suit and tie. It discusses how I could save money on household products if I purchased them directly from the manufacturer.

This all culminated in a conversation one evening after work, during which he discussed an impending business conference he would be attending with his partners. I inquired about additional information, but he responded that it was top-secret and that he would have to consult with his partners first.

The following day, he informed me that he had discussed my candidacy with his partners, who agreed that I would be an excellent candidate. Is it possible for me to attend their next meeting, and do I have a suit?

Because of my previous experience with Primerica, I was interested in learning more about the company so that I could conduct some preliminary research and make more informed selections. I inquired as to the nature of his business and whether he had any literature pertaining to it.

The Puryear and Duncan families provided testimonies, and I was granted a link to WWDB as a result of their reaction.

I realised right then and there that something was seriously, seriously wrong. A lot of the testimonial was just feel-good ass kissing, with these individuals rubbing their affluence in my face throughout the whole thing. I don't care how large your yacht is; I'm interested in the facts and data about your company. None of the testimonials had any specific business information that could be verified.

I became dissatisfied with this concealment and went on a search for WWDB, the Puryears, and the Duncans. This lead me to Amway and the innumerable horror stories of people whose lives have been damaged as a result of their involvement with the company.

After a lot of effort, I was able to track down the information I was looking for. And, as I suspected, the whole thing was a ruse. These "Diamonds" at the top of the food chain are acting in a play. They barely make six figures, with the majority of their income coming from their equipment and talks (NOT the Amway business model!). They put themselves in financial danger in order to deceive their cult into believing they are wealthy!

And if you're not in that fraction of a percentile at the top, you're actually losing money. Then you're pushed into spending money on things you don't need, alienating friends and family members, and taking on debt all while being assured that success is just around the corner!!

No, thank you very much. I'm going to keep my job. Ultimately, I know that I earned my paycheck and that I did not have to sell my soul in order to obtain it.

As a result, thank you so much for this blog! Your efforts, as well as the quantity of information available on this site, saved me a great deal of agony and heartache. I'm so relieved that I was able to avoid going down the scAmway route.

When I speak with my boss about his "business possibility," I will politely inform him that I am not interested in the chance. If he continues, the gloves will be taken off of him.

The Amway Cult Is WAY OUT THERE!

The Amway Cult Is WAY OUT THERE!

A reader describes his attendance at Amway cult meetings as follows:


I went to three of these sessions with the help of a buddy (note to the term HAD in the title). On three different nights (a Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday), I was reminded of the Waco Texas slaughter. It was particularly disturbing on a Tuesday night.

Positive thinking and motivation were the only topics discussed. They advised people to rid themselves of NEGATIVE emotions and to avoid harbouring any negative thoughts in their heads. Take a step forward and think big; hope big; and live positively! Everything in our industry is a positive experience: hear positive, see positive, and stay positive. Create a joyful atmosphere by smiling and laughing, making plenty of new friends, demonstrating your products, introducing them to the company, and making them feel welcome. Tell them how fantastic this enterprise is, and make sure they understand how big of a deal they are getting by becoming a part of it! "Remember, everyone out there STILL has an employer, they still have debt, they have no personal time, and they rarely see their spouse (if they are married)," he continued. Put yourself in their shoes and make them ponder what they're missing out on by not participating in something like this!”

What really frightened me immensely was his subsequent statement... Please remember that if you are even the slightest bit negative, please leave; the doors are wide open; DO NOT RETURN... Because depression does not exist in this industry, the media will tell you that you are depressed if you do not believe them... The term "angry" or "rage" does not exist in this profession; rather, the people who work in it try to convince you that you are angry or incensed... Skepticism has no place in this business, which is something our educational system has consistently emphasised from the beginning of time... When it comes to business, there is only you and your will to change, to better yourself. When it comes to being as big as the world, to go as high as the sky, to build the new you out of the ashes, when it comes to being in business, there is only drive and success, the opportunity to make it big and tell your boss he can keep his job, the opportunity to work once a month if you feel like it, and the opportunity to work as much as you want... ect.

I left at approximately 10:47 p.m.; we'd been there since seven; and after that, I was introduced to several major players. They inquired as to whether or not I would be attending, and if not, why not. I merely stated that the meeting felt like a revival (EEeeek), and they simply looked at me with a grimace. I also mentioned how much I enjoyed my job and how excited I was about what I planned to do after I graduated from college.

The whole idea of being optimistic all of the time is just not for me...


Pay Up NOW For WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED

Pay Up NOW For WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days FED

 The Amway World Wide Dream Builders Family Reunion 2014 is coming to a close, and the upline jerks are already putting their hands on their hips, demanding cash for the next Amway function, Free Enterprise Days, which will take place in April.

The tickets to WWDB FED were around $125, give or take about $25, but they were on the higher end of the spectrum. Amway's pricing are not decreasing in value! I'm confident that someone will eventually come to the blog and post this year's price.

Amway Free Enterprise Days are normally conducted in October, except for one year when, I believe, someone in the WWDB made a mistake and failed to book the arena in time, and the event was held in November. It is one of the four key functions of Amway World Wide Dream Builders in terms of brainwashing the general public. Because of the Family Reunion brainwashing, it is critical that the assholes in the Amway upline receive paid from their downline either at Family Reunion or immediately thereafter while the ambots are still high from the brainwashing. They have a sense of purpose. They're enraged to the extreme!!! They're going all out! They're going to make Amway very wealthy very quickly!!!! You are on the verge of achieving your goals! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile, the jerks in the Amway upline got their hands out of their pockets. Gimmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Where has the money gone to fund FED? NOW!!!!! Ambots must pay up IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!

My searches for "how to quit Amway" spike around the time of Amway functions, and I believe there is a reason for this. The upline Amway bastards want to acquire the ambots' money as soon as possible for the next event before they have an opportunity to quit their jobs.

You will have a difficult time getting your money back once the selfish assholes in your Amway upline have taken it for the next family celebration, in this instance WWDB Free Enterprise Days FED, if you decide to leave. The better alternative is to inform those fucking idiots in your Amway upline that you'll purchase the ticket from the World Wide Web when the time comes closer to your flight.

Most people would agree that telling the fucking idiots in your Amway upline that you aren't going to FED at all and will not be purchasing tickets is the best choice available. Once they understand that their beloved cult leaders will not be getting any money from this ticket sale, just wait till they have a hissy fit! In Amway, it is through the tool scam that the actual money is generated. The sale of tickets to hear the Amway cult leaders speak generates substantial earnings for the cult leaders.

Keep your money in your pocket. You shouldn't purchase tickets for the WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days 2014! Or any other year for that matter!

Do you have any idea what goes on at the WWDB FED? It's the same nonsense that happens at every single Scamway event. They will stride onto the stage with stories that are nearly identical to one another about how they were dirt poor and in debt and how they have now become filthy rich. Yes, they are filthy to the extreme! I became wealthy by injecting sorrow into the lives of those who are at the bottom of the economic pyramid.

There is no training available. There is no business guidance available. The only thing you'll find is an endless stream of "if I can do it, so can you" motivating nonsense.

If you've been to one Amway event, you've probably been to them all.

So let's put a few keywords out there to see if we can catch some Amway bots. And because they're so messed up from being brainwashed by the Amway cult leaders that they don't remember what year it is, I'll throw in the previous year and the following year as well. And please don't laugh. 2011 and 2012 are still being sought after by searchers! That is exactly what occurs with Amway. Assholes in your upline brainwash you into believing that simply because you are a member of Amway, you have the ability to turn back the hands of time! Holy fucking fuck!


Amway Free Enterprise Days will take place in 2014.

Free Enterprise Days 2014 are being held by the World Wide Web Development Board.

FED 2014 (Federal Election Commission)

World Dream Builders FED 2014 is an annual event that brings together people from all around the world.

Amway FED 2014 is a convention that takes place every year in the United States.

The Amway Family Reunion will take place in 2014.

The WWDB Family Reunion will take place in 2014.


Amway Free Enterprise Days are taking place this year.


FED 2013 (Federal Election Commission)

FED (Festival of Dream Builders) 2013 - World Wide Dream Builders

Amway FED (Festival de l'Amway) 2013

The Amway Family Reunion will take place in 2013.

The WWDB Family Reunion will take place in 2013.


Amway Free Enterprise Days are taking place this year.

Free Enterprise Days 2015 are being held by the World Wide Development Bank (WWDB).

FED 2015 (Federal Election Commission)

World Dream Builders FED 2015 is an annual event that brings together people from all around the world to build dreams.

Amway FED 2015 is a convention that takes place every year in the United States.

The Amway Family Reunion will take place in 2015.

The WWDB Family Reunion will take place in 2015.

Free Enterprise Days are a rip-off!

WWDB is a snoozer!

Amway is a jerk!

An in-depth look at the contentious event titled 

"Pay Up NOW for WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days (FED): An In-Depth Look at the Event"

Amway Free Enterprise Days (FED) is an annual event that is put on by the WWDB organization, which is a key network within the Amway multi-level marketing (MLM) sector. The WWDB stands for "World Wide Dream Builders." The FED event has been the subject of a great deal of controversy and criticism, despite being promoted as a chance for participants to improve themselves, be motivated, and make connections with others. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of the occurrence, drawing attention to the contentious issues that have arisen as a result of it and illuminating the effects that it has on those that take part in it.

Acquiring Knowledge about the WWDB and Amway:

In the context of the Amway multi-level marketing structure, WWDB is an independent company whose primary mission is to provide Amway distributors with training, support, and mentoring. Amway is one of the most successful multi-level marketing firms in the world. The company sells a variety of items through a system of independent distributors. The World Wide Distributors' Business (WWDB) serves as a training and motivational platform for Amway distributors, focusing on personal development and business-building techniques.

The Function and Organization of the FED:

Amway's Free Enterprise Days (FED) is an event that takes place once a year and is coordinated by WWDB. The purpose of the event is to encourage and inspire Amway distributors. FED events often take place over the course of numerous days and feature a roster of speakers, trainers, and successful distributors who discuss their personal experiences and offer advice on how to achieve similar levels of achievement. A price is charged to attendees in order to cover the costs of hosting the event, which may include the renting of the venue, the payment of speakers, and the organization of logistical details.

Issues of Controversy Concerning the FED:

The large registration cost required to participate in FED activities is one of the most contentious aspects of this organization. Participants are frequently asked to pay the fees up advance, which can impose a financial strain on those who may already be suffering with the costs related with their Amway membership. The fees can be rather costly, and participants are generally requested to pay the fees up ahead.

Critics assert that FED events place a disproportionate priority on recruiting new distributors into the Amway business rather than actually offering training and instruction, and they say this is one reason why FED events have received criticism. Attendees can get the impression that they are under pressure to bring new recruits, which would make the recruitment-focused nature of MLMs even more evident.

Exploitation of Financial Resources: A number of people have voiced their worries regarding the financial burden that FED events place on participants, in particular on distributors who may be financially weak. Because of the focus placed on immediate payment and the promise of future rewards, members of multi-level marketing organizations are at risk of having their finances exploited. Unrealistic expectations might be created as a result.

Cult-like Atmosphere: FED events have been condemned for being accused of cultivating a cult-like atmosphere, in which attendees are encouraged to unquestioningly accept the counsel and teachings of the speakers and leaders of the events. It is possible that as a consequence of this, individuals will develop an unhealthy dependence on the WWDB organization, which may cause them to lose their ability to think critically.

Impact on Participants:

Strain on Participants' Finances The high costs involved with FED events, in addition to the continuous expenses tied to Amway, can create a major strain on participants' finances. This can result in greater debt, a precarious financial situation, and a strain on one's personal resources.

Emotional Manipulation The intensely motivated environment that exists at FED events, along with the drive to recruit new members and accomplish goals, can lead to emotional manipulation. It is possible for participants to suffer emotions of guilt and inadequacy, as well as a constant sense of pressure, in order to conform to the recommended tactics and procedures.

Relationships Can Be Put Under Stress The all-consuming nature of multi-level marketing (MLM) engagement, especially attendance at FED events, can put a strain on personal relationships. The unrelenting pursuit of corporate goals and the pressure to attract friends and family members can lead to strained connections as well as the erosion of trust and intimacy in a relationship.

Reduced Autonomy Participants may discover that, within the structure of WWDB and Amway, both their autonomy and their ability to make decisions are severely limited. It's possible that the persistent promotion of particular ideologies, attitudes, and behaviors can stifle independent thought and impede critical analysis of the MLM business model.

Finding Your Way Through the Controversy:

Participants are encouraged to conduct an in-depth analysis of the costs, advantages, and any dangers involved with attending FED activities in order to make an informed decision. It is essential to take into account one's own personal financial situation, as well as the availability of other education and training opportunities, and the degree to which the activity is congruent with one's own beliefs and objectives.

Planning Your Finances You should make it a priority to prepare your finances and create a suitable budget in order to ensure that attending FED activities will not put an undue burden on your finances. Think about the repercussions this decision will have on your finances over the long run, and compare the potential benefits against the costs.

Independent Research: Conduct independent research in order to acquire a full grasp of the MLM industry. This information should include the experiences of formerly participating individuals as well as the criticisms directed against MLM events such as FED. Seek out a variety of viewpoints so that you can make decisions based on accurate information.

Establishing and Maintaining Boundaries It is important to establish and maintain clear boundaries within personal relationships and to communicate those boundaries in an open manner. Recognize the significance of one's own personal liberty and make it a point to check that participation in a multi-level marketing opportunity does not put one's fundamental principles or the relationships that are meaningful to them at risk.


Within the multi-level marketing (MLM) world, the WWDB Amway Free Enterprise Days (FED) event has generated a substantial amount of criticism. Concerns have been raised concerning the effect that this will have on participants as a result of the high expenses, recruitment-driven focus, financial burden, and potential for emotional manipulation. It is essential for anyone who are contemplating attending FED events or taking part in MLM endeavors to engage in critical analysis, independent research, and responsible financial planning before making any commitments. Individuals are able to make educated decisions that are congruent with their beliefs, ambitions, and overall well-being when they uphold their personal boundaries and keep their autonomy.

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