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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ambots Claim Amway Doesn’t Advertise

 How many of us recall attending Amway meetings and hearing the cult leader lie about how Amway doesn't conduct any advertising and instead uses the money that would have gone toward an advertising budget to pay off huge bonuses to independent business owners (IBOs).

Every Scamway meeting I attended, I was subjected to this nonsense.

So, how many of you have seen Amway advertising on television? Typically, you aren't aware that it is an Amway commercial until the very conclusion of the commercial. Something similar to attending an Amway meeting where the cult leader might not speak the dreaded A word at all, or if they do admit that this is an Amway gathering, it will usually be later in the evening.

How many people have attended Amway meetings when the cult leader brags about Amway owning a sports facility in Orlando? That is yet another fabrication. The city owns the property. Previously, the Orlando arena had been branded with the names of numerous companies before Scamway took over. Known as bidding for advertising, this practise is replicated in many other cities around the country, particularly those with arenas. Specifically in Orlando, Amway had its name on the original arena; so, upon construction of the new arena and the awarding of the first-rights to acquire advertising, which they did for a total of $40 million dollars over the course of ten years. I believe I'm relying on a news release from the city that I saw a few years ago when it came to the financial number in question.

I mean, what the fuck is going on!!! Amway is spending $40 million on advertising, rather than using that money to pay commissions and bonuses to the commissioned salespeople in their fleet, according to the company. What causes this to happen? Amway meetings are attended by cult leaders who claim that the company does not pay for advertising. WTF????????!!!!!!!

Even if people don't tune in to watch beauty pageants on television, they are aware that they take place. Many businesses pay to have their products advertised on these shows. There is a swimsuit firm that spends a lot of money for the advertising that they receive from the participants who are wearing their product on the show. The same can be said for the hotels where the candidates stay, which are listed on the show. The same can be said for the evening gowns, shoes, and make-up that the contestants don.

Amway sponsors a beauty competition in order to promote their Artistry make-up to the competitors. After then, whoever is crowned Miss America receives a one-year contract with the company to serve as their spokesperson. Amway spends a significant amount of money on this advertising. What the fuck is going on again????!!!!! How is it possible that Amway is paying for this advertising rather than using the money to pay out incentives and commissions to IBOs? Now, if you believe the brainwashed Amway ambots, they will pop up here and lie that Miss America plasters on Amway stuff out of the kindness of her heart, and that the pageant is the one that pays Amway for the privilege of having their cosmetics utilised on the show in exchange for their sponsorship. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Typical Amway deception. And why do dumb fuck ambots show on here and spout off bullshit like that in the first place, just so everyone can laugh at their expense? Is it really their hope that beauty pageants will just allow firms to flog their wares out of the goodness of their hearts, or are they asking for financial sponsorships instead? And, if she isn't being paid to be a spokesman for Amway Artistry cosmetics, does the woman in the crown feel the same way about the company? Suppose they instructed her to go out and buy the costly junk and put it on, would she still do it or would she tell Amway to go fuck themselves? After that, she should hunt for another cosmetics brand that will pay her to serve as a spokesman.

We've all seen advertisements for products in television shows and movies. You are aware of the parts of the screenplay in which someone eats in a genuine restaurant, shops in a real store, stays in a real hotel, or consumes something edible or alcoholic. The corporation is spending a lot of money to ensure that the product placement takes place. Finding supporters and investors for a film is essential if the project is to be successful in terms of recouping their initial investment and then some. Companies who pay for product placement have a win-win situation because they do not have to pay anything back.

Someone came by to tell me that Amway had paid for product placement in Transformers for a Nutrilite product, which I was unaware of. That is fucking nasty, to say the least. However, if this is right, you can be certain that Amway spent a significant amount of money to advertise their product in the most recent instalment of this series.

But, once again, why is Amway spending money on advertising rather than increasing the compensation of their commissioned salesforce?

When you hear some lying Amway jackass tell you the fairy tale about how Amway doesn't pay for advertising, tell them they're full of crap and to get out of their way. Every year, Amway spends millions of dollars on advertising to reach customers.

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