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Saturday, September 4, 2021

My Husband Is Married To Amway

 My spouse is engaged to be married to Amway! Although they are my words, someone made their way to the blog by Googling "my spouse is married to Amway," which led them to the blog.\

We've all been there and done that. Eventually, the resultant child was born: a blog named Married to an Ambot!

When your husband is married to Amway, which also means he is wedded to the bastards in his upline, it is an awful feeling of helplessness. There was a time when your spouse made a promise to his wife that he would love, honour, and cherish her. Unluckily, after joining the Amway cult, he stopped honouring and valuing his wife and has since come to value Amway and the Amway a**holes in his upline as much as he did before joining.

The Amway cult organisation we were a part of was referred to as WWDB (World Wide Destructive Bastards) since all the bastards in this cult want to do is destroy other people's life, which is exactly what they did.

As soon as your husband's Amway upline finds out about his wife's involvement, they immediately start dragging her into the cult. If the wife has also been brainwashed, it will be much easier to persuade the two of them to spend hundreds of dollars each month on shoddy, expensive Amway products, CDs, and books, and to attend every Amway meeting and function.

If your wife is anything like mine, she will probably go to a few so that she can get a sense of the creepy brainwashing worshipping nonsense that goes on at Amway cult gatherings.

It's unlikely that the wife will attend anything – whether it's an Amway meeting or a Rolling Stones performance – if that son of a bitch is going to be in attendance. If your wife is anything like mine, she will not show up anywhere if that son of a bitch is going to be there.

If your wife is anything like me and can't stand the piece of shit Platinum Amway cult leader, she will avoid any situation where that fucker is present.

If your wife is anything like mine, and she can't stomach any of the screwed up piece of crap bastards in the Amway upline, she will avoid any situation where such fuckers are in attendance.

Because I don't want overpriced, useless, substandard Amway products in the house, my wife is going to go out and buy reasonably priced products that she actually needs and wants that taste good or get the job done rather than face the doom and gloom and hell from the Amway cult for refusing to support their business.

If your wife is anything like mine, she will tell you that if the only clients you have for your business are yourself, you are a fucking moron!!!!

The amount of money that is being drained out of them as a result of her husband's marriage to Amway is not going to impress his wife in the least bit.

Thanks to his marriage to Amway, his wife will be less than pleased with the amount of time her husband will be compelled to spend with the jerks in his Amway upline as a result of her husband's employment with the company.

The wife is going to despise the change in her husband's personality as a result of his being brainwashed by the Amway cult and being married to an Amway executive. Suddenly, the kind gentleman she married has transformed into an arrogant condescending sneering Amway asshole who believes that he is superior to everyone else merely because he is a member of Amway and they are not.

In addition, the husband gets worried about anything that he perceives to be "negative." Anyone or anything who holds a different viewpoint than his piece of shit Platinum or any other Amway cult leaders falls under this category. Exactly. The wife may thank her husband for becoming the indoctrinated demon ambot he has become by being married to Amway.

They are now brainwashing the ambot into believing that his wife is an unsupportive, negative, unchristian dream stealer and that he would be better off if he did not have her in his life. All of this is part of the underlying aim of WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards, who want to keep their cult followers away from anything that has the potential to shut off the money supply coming upwards to them and their leaders. The only thing that makes Amway bastards happy is causing other people's life to fall apart around them. Another source of happiness for the wife is the fact that her spouse is married to an Amway representative.

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