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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Amway Is Killing Me!

 By searching for “Amway is killing me” on Google, a searcher came across this blog and decided to read it.

I don't know how or what to do, either literally or symbolically.

I've read comments on other sites and in the book Merchants of Deception where people said that being associated with Amway was a death sentence for independent business owners.

Tired IBOs perished while driving home late at night after attending an Amway meeting. They fell asleep at the wheel and were killed in a car wreck as a result of the accident. Two employees at Amway headquarters who worked in the technology department (I believe) were married to other people but were having an affair; the man killed the woman before committing himself, if my recollection serves me right, and the woman was slain by the man before committing herself. I read it a while ago and haven't gone back to it to give it another look.

There are almost certainly many more stories out there that we are not aware of. I'm sure some IBOs have committed suicide as a result of losing everything they owned, including their home and family, as a result of their Amway experience. All of these deaths were terrible. I believe it is realistic to claim that Amway has played a role in the deaths of certain Independent Business Owners. The exact figures will almost certainly never be known. Who has the time to keep track of morbid details in cases where people were slain and Amway was the common denominator? Exactly who does? So why don't Amway ambots talk about how low divorce rates are in Amway when compared to the rest of the world? After all, how many people have died as a result of Amway's products?

“Amway is putting me to death.”

What about in a figurative sense? It is common for people to use words such as "If you don't show up with my pizza by dinnertime, I'm going to kill you." It is unlikely that they are referring to a mentally ill individual when they say they are prepared to take the person's life if their slice of deep dish pepperoni does not arrive on time. More than likely, they will simply be irritated and will not attempt to slit the person's throat.

“Amway is putting me to death.”

This is an interesting search topic, and I'm curious as to how Amway is putting this person to death.

In my instance, Amway was attempting to kill me by using my husband against me on the orders of his filthy upline and that son of a bitch Platinum, who was also trying to kill me. As a result of his association with Amway, he was transformed into an unsightly, sneering, condescending son of a bitch who looked down his nose at people who did not want anything to do with Amway and treated them like shit in the manner in which he had been trained to do so by the jerks in his Amway upline.

Amway was putting me to death by stealing our funds.

Amway was putting me to death by snatching our precious time.

Amway was causing me a lot of grief by flooding my home with its shoddy items.

By putting up with a conceited piece of sh*t named Platinum who insisted on my husband's devotion and adoration, Amway was literally killing me.

Amway was causing me physical and emotional harm by hurting my emotional well-being.

Amway was killing me by making me sit through meetings and festivities that I didn't want to be a part of.

Returning to the first searcher, who complains that "Amway is killing me." I sincerely hope he meant this merely as a statement of exasperation and not as an indication that he is seriously considering killing himself or committing suicide as a result of Amway.

Wishing you the best of luck in your search. I hope you are able to obtain the answers you require in order to free yourself from the Amway cult. There is a route out of the Amway hell hole, and it is called entrepreneurship. I hope you are able to locate it.

As a final note, let us once again send Amway a heartfelt "FUCK YOU!"

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