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Saturday, September 4, 2021

How To Waste Money Doing Laundry The Amway Way

 "We sell hope, not soap," according to the Amway motto. However, for those of you unfortunates who purchased the laundry soap, here is the Amway guide on doing laundry.

1. Purchase Amway laundry soap on a regular basis. Legacy of Clean SA8 3x concentration is approximately $30.00 in price. The consumption rate is 100 uses per bottle, and Amway recommends that you use it seven times a week on average. Because of this, you will be doing laundry every day, so don't complain about it. Even if there are only a few of socks in the washing machine, you have to run it every day. According to the great Amway deity, the sooner you run out of Amway laundry soap, the sooner you can purchase another pricey container of the product.

Don't forget to intimidate everyone you know into purchasing Amway's laundry soap. You must learn to overcome their obstacles, such as the fact that Walmart offers a wide variety of laundry detergent options. When you can spend more money for the same size of Amway's Legacy of Clean, why would anyone want to buy All Small & Mighty 3x concentration that does 100 loads and costs roughly $10.00? You must deceive your customers into believing that the reason they are paying three times as much money on laundry soap is because Amway's laundry soap is three times more concentrated and that the high price represents the high quality of the product.

2. Rinse thoroughly with hot water. Using Amway laundry soap will need you to do so if you want to have any chance in hell of actually getting your clothing clean. As for the environmental damage and greater costs associated with running a laundry load on hot all of the time - and remember, Amway suggests that all good little ambots do 7 loads of laundry per week, which is at least everyday - just remember the Amway IBO tagline - "who cares?"

3. Always use your dryer to dry your garments to prevent wrinkles. After all, it doesn't matter if other people are saving money and being ecologically conscious by line drying their garments. When you use your dryer instead of hanging your clothing on the clothesline, you can save money since you can purchase Amway Fabric Softener Sheets for the dryer, which come in 2 x 200 count boxes for roughly $17.00 each. Do you want to have a good chuckle at the expense of those cretins who use the clothesline? Additionally, Amway produces linens in a scent dubbed "Outdoor Fresh," which eliminates the need to hang your clothing on a line, allowing you to save both energy and money! Isn't it interesting how ambots refer to those who are environmentally conscious and choose to hang their clothing on a clothesline rather than using a dryer and Amway dryer sheets? Losers!

In the event that any of your friends point out that Snuggle sells 200 count fabric sheets for $6.00, recall your old standby response that the reason Amway products are so expensive is to reflect the great quality of the things you sell. Remember to look for someone who is dumb asses enough to stock up on 400 high quality fabric sheets and tell them to toss several sheets into the dryer at a time because if they did one sheet per load it would take them years to buy another box from you again and you would most likely have given up on Amway by that time. -

4. Buy an additional bottle of Amway laundry soap. Always remember that Amway's laundry soap is not particularly effective at getting your clothing clean, so it is a good idea to overfill the container over the line on the cap when filling it with the detergent. The additional bonus is that you will use up your laundry soap much more quickly and will be able to get new Amway laundry soap very soon, allowing you to get that old PV BV up there sooner!

5. If your washing machine breaks down, you must purchase a whole new washer and dryer, even if the previous dryer is in perfect working order. Never ever consider going to Charlie's Discount Appliances Emporium! It's too dangerous! Before you get a new washer and dryer, you must first obtain permission from your Platinum and then seek the bag of shit's opinion on where to purchase them. He will know someone in another leg or crossline who will be able to sell you a new washer and dryer, if you ask him nicely. Expect to pay a high price for your new machines if you want to save money. After all, the IBO who sells them needs to make a good commission in order to be able to purchase more Amway equipment and grease the palm of the Platinum in exchange for the reference on the transaction.

6. Do not waste your money by purchasing a washer and dryer that are energy efficient. When it comes to conserving energy, being environmentally friendly, and saving money, keep in mind the Amway IBO mentality of "who cares!"

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