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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Ambots MUST Attend ALL Amway Meetings

 On television, I overheard a statement that I believe to have said "pyramid of friends." I didn't pay much attention to how the phrase was utilised because I didn't understand it. When I heard the word pyramid, I instantly thought of Amway, and when I heard the word friends, I immediately thought of those phoney fake Amway bastards who become your immediate friends when you join the Amway cult and who you never see again once you leave the Amway cult. YAY!!!!!! They are only buddies for as long as they are able to make money off of your generosity. When the money runs out, those feckless Amway bastards are no longer your friends, and they will never be again. They weren't really your buddies to begin with, to be honest with you.

For those who have squandered their time at an Amway meeting, they are aware that the cult leaders have a chalk board and draw a slew of circles on it. One circle at the top represents you, and then they draw a couple of sticks and circles below that, claiming that these are the people who will replicate your actions by drinking one Amway beverage and eating one Amway food bar every day. However, they normally design six circles because everyone should be able to find six persons in each circle. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The circles, despite the fact that they are circles, are formed in such a way that they form a pyramid, with you at the top and your small empire of brainwashed ambots at the bottom of the pyramid. Moreover, you earn billions of dollars per month since all of the ambots at the bottom of the pyramid generate millions of dollars in revenue for you.

Here's how things really are. There's no chance the new indoctrinated gaga ambot will discover even one sucker to fall for the Amway fraud, let alone two or six. In addition, the new ambot is located at the bottom of the pyramid with a slew of other little worker bee Amway ambots, which is a sad state of affairs. These are the guys who have enough money in savings or credit card room to spend hundreds of dollars on Amway products every month in order to impress the assholes in their Amway upline with how much "business" they have. A bunch of dum fucks who are taking the whole "purchase from your own store" nonsense much too seriously. The fucking assholes that sponsored the one ambot into the Amway fraud will be the next rung on the Amway pyramid to be reached. Their compensation is a little percentage of any sales made by the idiots in their downline through Amway. And it continues in this manner as it climbs the pyramid. Everyone receives a small commission from the Amway ambots that are located underneath them. They are given fucking stupid names as they progress up the Amway pyramid, such as the Fucked Up Eagle and Double Fucked Up Eagle, as well as the Sack of Shit Platinum and Double Fucked Up Sack of Shit Platinum, Rip Off Ruby and Emerald Bastard, and the Fucking Executive Diamond and Double Fucked Up Executive Diamond respectively. There are fewer people on each upper level of the Amway pyramid that are pissed off at the Amway ambots who are lower than them on each level of the Amway pyramid. With each step higher up the pyramid, however, it's likely that the Amway assholes make more money than the Amway ambots who are lower down in the hierarchy. Ambot should expect to earn between $2,000 and $3,000 each month when he reaches the Emerald level on the pyramid, which is really far up there and where he likely has close to 1000 individuals below him on the pyramid. This is according to books and YouTube videos of former Amway Emeralds who have revealed how much money they really made while representing the company. Former Emeralds with 1000 ambots in their downline report that despite claims made at Amway meetings that Emeralds make over $125,000 per year, this isn't actually the case. It's more like $30,000 per year. Amway ambots are required to perform mathematical calculations. When it comes to Amway ambots, an Emerald is believed to be the most powerful. Now here's the person who expects the humble ambots to suck dick and kiss ass, and with 1000 little worker bee Amway ambots below him, he's only making $30,000 per year, which is completely messed up in my opinion. Who knows a thousand people?

According to Amway's literature, the Diamonds earn approximately $150,000 per year from their positions a little higher up on the Amway pyramid. Although they make a lot more respectable salary than Emeralds, one has to wonder how many people below them in the pyramid they had to take money from, lie to, and treat like trash. To reach this level, you must be devoid of conscience, and morality are worthless in the eyes of the beholder. When you reach this level in the Amway tool scam, there is the possibility of profit sharing, and it is also feasible to make extra money by selling tickets to Amway ambots farther down the pyramid to come hear you speak. Who would want to pay money to hear some fucked up Amway idiot talk on the subject of business? Instead of spending that money, you may go to the cinema or a rock concert. Even these venerable cocksuckers, though, aren't at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid. There are additional Diamonds who hold executive positions and are in charge of different Amway cult factions. These are the people who are making the actual money and who have the power to dictate how much money the bastards at the bottom of the Amway pyramid make.

And who is at the pinnacle of the Amway corporate pyramid? That would be the company's founders or their heirs, to be more specific. The actual money in Amway can be found in the distribution channel. Constantly enrolling unsuspecting customers in their costly buyers club and selling generic and subpar products at exorbitant prices. Because everyone would buy from their lower-priced/higher-quality competitors in the actual marketplace, such as drugstores and food stores, they would not be able to get away with this in the virtual economy. Consequently, the owners must establish an exclusive buying club and hire cult leaders who can brainwash these cretins into believing that they are the owners of their own business, that they are paying more money and receiving higher-quality products, and that these factors indicate that they are superior to everyone else in the world.

That is the Amway ambot pyramid in its entirety. The bottom of the Amway pyramid is constantly crumbling away because people come to their senses and realise they are losing money and that they have been brainwashed by a cult. As a result, those higher up on the Amway pyramid must constantly replenish the stock and patch up the pyramid in order to find more suckers to become members of the Amway pyramid cult.

Avoid participating in the Amway pyramid scheme. That is the most difficult pyramid in the world to attempt to scale. Do you want to climb a pyramid? Travel to Egypt or the Yucatan Peninsula. It will be significantly less expensive than ascending the Amway pyramid.

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