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Saturday, September 4, 2021

I Got Screwed Over By Amway!

 The “I Got Screwed Over By Amway Group” is a club that no one wants to be a member of because they feel they have been taken advantage of.

When viewed from a distance, the Amway business appears to be a bricks and mortar structure that stores its products, which they sell to independent business owners (IBOs), who then do with the products whatever they want with them: consume them, sell them, or throw them away.

There is no evidence that those who work inside the Amway facility are directly attempting to screw over ambots. Yes, in a roundabout way, since that is the nature of our company. When it comes down to it, I can say that aside from a couple of unpleasant encounters with the useless bastards who work on the customer service desk, I have had no contact with Amway employees, and none of the people who work within their four walls have personally screwed me over or coerced me into purchasing Amway products or investing in the tool scam, which I consider to be a scam.

The corporation delegated that filthy task to their cult leaders and attempted to maintain a gap between themselves and their commissioned salespeople. The company also denied any responsibility for the despicable behaviour, lies, and scams perpetrated by their commissioned salespeople.

Everyone who attended an Amway function was always introduced by someone from the company's headquarters, so unless this person only came on stage to say a few words and then got the hell out of there and left the building because they had better things to do than attend a Scamway meeting (and fuck don't we all! ), someone from the corporate headquarters is present and listening to some pretty outrageous stuff from the cult leaders and cult members.

The ones who messed me over were the people in our organization's upper management. In order to take advantage of me, they utilised Amway the business as a vehicle. The upline tempted us to join Amway with false promises and deceit, and we eventually joined. Most of our upline, from our sponsor to the Diamonds, assured us that we would easily make $100,000 per year. However, the amounts could range hundreds of thousands of dollars more per year depending on which upline asshole was talking and how long he had been talking for, because the compensation increased exponentially as long as the bastard droned on. One hundred and fifty thousand! Yes, without a doubt! A zillion and one! Yes, without a doubt! While you stroll the beaches of the world, you can easily generate gazillions of dollars in residual income per year while doing nothing but walking. Hell, you could easily have a million dollars rolling in while you're taking a dump!

It doesn't matter how hard Amway tries to disavow accountability for what their commissioned salespeople say during Amway meetings; they are still responsible for what they say. As a general rule, most employers are held accountable for the actions of their employees. Some might claim that independent business owners (IBOs) are not genuinely employees since they are under the erroneous idea that they are business owners and that they control their company. Despite the fact that they are no longer Amway agents, these individuals are still selling Amway's overpriced terrible items, recruiting new cult followers, and making statements on Amway's behalf, and the company bears full responsibility for their conduct.

When we joined the "I got screwed over by Amway club," we realised that we had been duped by our Amway upline and their brainwashing into spending money on Amway products, investing in the tool scam, and spending hundreds of dollars on Amway functions, including all travel expenses and admission fees.

The only way to become wealthy in Amway is to take advantage of others in their downline and recruit them into the Amway scam. This is why everyone in the downline can claim to be a member of the "I got screwed over by Amway club."

Getting screwed over by Amway Independent Business Owners while purporting to be in the business of Amway is the same as getting screwed over by Amway itself.

I am well aware that I am simply one of millions of people who have become members of the "I was screwed over by Amway club."

Membership in the "I got screwed over by Amway club" is typically reserved for those who had hoped to improve their financial situation and that of their families. The members of this club who are most adversely affected are typically those who can least afford to lose money: new immigrants, individuals on social assistance, people who are already drowning in debt, and so on.

The persons who screwed us over the most, without a doubt, were our sponsor, our Platinum, and the other members of our upline, according to me. I still hold those fucking idiots responsible for our unhappiness, and I doubt that feeling will ever totally go away, but I understand the wider picture and recognise that we were severely ripped off by Amway on behalf of their sales representatives.

Instead of investing thousands of dollars in the Amway scam, we should have used those funds to join a better club, such as a golf club, which would have provided us with more value. It's effective for me!

And, yes, let's send out another big, fat FUCK YOU to all of those Amway bastards out there once more, shall we?

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