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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Virtual Bitchslap To Amway Assholes

 This site provides me with the opportunity to represent the wives of all ambots. You know, those nasty, disgusting, despicable brainwashed robots who go around bragging that they're "company owners" because Amway provides their commissioned salesmen the bragging rights title of "Independent Business Owners"? They're the ones we're talking about.

Amway, you've been fucked. Real business ownership and legitimate business operations entail much more than tricking people into signing a restrictive Amway IBO registration agreement that strips them of their rights as American citizens and human beings, forcing them to purchase overpriced products, and forcing them to pay large sums of money in order to attend Amway functions.

But instead of sending a private message to my old upline, I'll simply send a public message to Amway, beginning with the words "FUCK YOU."

Once my diatribe against the Amway organisation has been completed, I'll turn my attention back to those fucking morons that work in the Amway upline.

Amway is still very much a good old boy's club to this day. There are no female leaders in positions of authority. It's very uncommon to see the spouses of the Diamonds sitting on the stage, gazing at their husband, as he dispenses nonsense propaganda to an audience of ambots who have paid a large sum of money to be brainwashed. There are no female executives in charge of the company. Never. Even at the dreadful $10 meetings, the Diamond speaker that turned up was always a man, no matter how bad the meeting was. There is no sign of a wife at any of these chump change sessions.

All of the living room sessions were overseen by either the male Platinum or the female Emerald, respectively. The wives never spoke a word to each other. If they happened to be in the room, they might have had a brief conversation in which the husband asked them to clarify anything, such as whether or not we had made a million dollars the previous year.

It was only us and another couple or two at all of the living room meetings we went to; there were many single men in their 20s and maybe a single woman in attendance. Women were present at the larger meetings where the Diamond made an appearance, but men predominated, regardless of their age. Wives were there, so about a quarter of the attendees were female.

Women can take a quick look around and form an impression very quickly, especially after the speaker opens their mouth and there is typically no room for doubt. We are currently listening to a chauvinist pig who is masculine. Are you content with your life in Stepford? Assholes!

I, and other women like me, have zero tolerance for these new male playmates who have entered our husband's life. Generally speaking, they are a bunch of fucking troublemakers that force our husbands to purchase shoddy, overpriced Amway items, fork out money to attend Amway gatherings, require his participation at every living room meeting, and tell him to do this, that, and the other thing they command. All of our lives and relationships are being ruined by these new fucking Amway playmates, and our mental health is being destroyed as well. These fucking Amway playmates demand both our husband's time and money, and they want both in abundance.

If the partnerships are able to withstand the test of time, the only thing that we women have on our side is time. The majority of Amway independent business owners (IBOs) leave the company after a year of joining. Unfortunately, a few deluded idiots may be able to hold on for a little longer, but the vast majority will finally give up, with perhaps less than 5 percent remaining. If a lady is unfortunate enough to be married to an ambot who is one of the very few that sticks with it, believing the brainwashing crap about the thousands of dollars in residual revenue that will be coming in every month for the rest of his life, she will be living in a horror factory.

Consequently, I'd like to say a big fuck you to the guy who sponsored our husbands into this disaster on behalf of all of the women who have been abused by the Amway cult around the world. To our sponsor's sponsor, we extend a heartfelt thank you. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who stands between them and the fucked up sack of shit Platinum, the wicked bastard who is responsible for the majority of the dirty job. Whether there are any legs between the Platinum and the Emerald is up for debate; nonetheless, I don't want anyone to feel left out, so any ambots in between get a fuck you from this end. The Emeralds and the Diamonds are also welcome to partake in the fuck you's. They are despicable lying sons of bitches who stand up on a platform and scam you out of your money, as well as insult you and brand you losers if you do not continue to put your money into the Scamway system.

That's all there is to it. Not everyone out there buys into the phoney rhetoric that you must submit to and adore your upline in order to be successful. Thank you to everyone who tried their hardest to get this message over to you! There are some people who do not love and revere their Amway upline and do not have positive things to say about them. This site provides an opportunity for everyone to curse out you ugly shithead ambots in a public forum.

I'd want to extend a collective thank you to everyone in our upline on behalf of ambot wives everywhere. The wretched bastards who have cost us a lot of money, caused us to lose sleep, caused divorces, caused bankruptcy, caused foreclosure, caused us to lose happiness, caused us to lose our piece of mind. You fucking Amway troublemakers won't be satisfied until you've found a method to completely demolish our lives.

Not everyone in the room is deafeningly quiet. Many people are able to express themselves freely on this site. The way we feel about you awful upline bastards, what you say, and what goes on at Amway meetings are all summed up in one statement.

The ladies who are unable to speak for themselves. These are the women that are trapped in Amway's horror. The ladies who don't like to swear, despite the fact that they really want to curse out their upline, the women whose lives have been interrupted or even wrecked as a result of their husband's engagement in the Amway cult, and so on.

I will speak up for those of you who are without a voice. Your upline is the same as my upline. We're all confined to the same Amway shithouse together. I'll put it in your mouth for you. You filthy Amway ambot jerks deserve nothing more than to be revealed for the horrible devils that you are, and we hope that you suffer the same anguish that we have had as a result of your deception.

A virtual slap in the face to every jackass Amway IBO who has ever signed up a downline in his or her company. You may believe that you are Mr Wonderful and that everyone should kiss your a$$, but you never know what your downline actually thinks of you Amway bastards unless you speak with them directly.

A Critical Analysis of Multi-Level Marketing Schemes, Including a Virtual Bitchslap to the Assholes Who Work for Amway

In recent years, multi-level marketing (MLM) schemes have attracted a substantial amount of attention and criticism due to the aggressive marketing tactics and misleading business practices that they employ. One of the most successful multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations in the world, Amway, has been at the forefront of these discussions. The purpose of this piece is to investigate the world of multi-level marketing (MLMs), with a particular emphasis on Amway, and shed light on the challenges that surround these contentious business models.

Understanding Multi-Level Marketing:

The business approach of multi-level marketing, which is also known as network marketing or pyramid selling, involves the recruitment of participants who, in turn, recruit others to offer products or services. Other names for this method include "pyramid selling." As a result of the participants' direct sales and the sales made by their recruiters, a hierarchical structure resembling a pyramid is created. The participants receive commissions on both types of sales.

Amway, a Multi-Level Marketing Giant:

One of the most successful multi-level marketing (MLM) organizations in the world is called "Amway," which is an abbreviation for "American Way." The company has been in business since 1959 and is known for its expertise in the fields of health, beauty, and home care goods. Amway is a multi-level marketing company that uses a convoluted business model in which distributors are incentivized to build downlines by highlighting the possibilities for financial success and personal development among their recruits.

The Fallacy Behind Multi-Level Marketing:

MLMs like Amway have come under fire for engaging in fraudulent business methods, despite the fact that they frequently portray themselves as legitimate business possibilities. The following is a list of some of the primary concerns with MLMs:

Recruiting New Participants Rather Than Selling Products or Services: In most multi-level marketing schemes, the primary focus is on recruiting new participants rather than selling products or services. This results in a situation in which the majority of distributors have difficulty making large profits as a result of the increased number of competitors in the market.

Exaggerated claims of income are a common tactic used by multi-level marketing companies (MLMs) to recruit new members by luring them in with the promise of huge profits, lavish lives, and financial independence. The majority of participants, on the other hand, wind up incurring financial losses, while just a small fraction of those that take part in the activity truly achieve significant financial success.

Exploitative Pyramid Structure Multi-level marketing companies depend on the recruitment of new participants who spend their time and money into the firm. MLMs have been compared to exploitative pyramid structures. The hierarchical structure guarantees that those at the top, including the corporation itself, will make the most profit, while those at the bottom will have a difficult time making ends meet.

Participants are required to acquire pricey startup kits, training materials, and a mandatory inventory of items in order to join many multi-level marketing companies (MLMs), including Amway. High entry costs are also a requirement. These preliminary expenses can be a significant load on one's finances, particularly for people who are already having trouble making ends meet.

MLMs have come under fire for making unsupported health claims about their products, which might mislead vulnerable individuals who are looking for alternative therapies. False Income Claims MLMs have also come under fire for making false income claims about their products. Additionally, income claims are frequently based on the extraordinary success stories of a select few individuals, which leads to the creation of expectations that are unrealistic for the typical participant.

A Prompt to Raise Awareness Through Virtual Bitchslapping

"Virtual bitchslap" is a term that was coined as a result of the difficulties that surround multi-level marketing schemes and the aggressive marketing practices that they employ. This term refers to the necessity of making multi-level marketing (MLM) participants aware of the dangers associated with joining such schemes by presenting them with vital facts and logical reasons.

When having conversations regarding multi-level marketing (MLM), it is essential to do so with empathy and compassion, as many participants really believe in the possibility of achieving financial success. We can, however, empower individuals to make educated decisions and protect themselves from becoming victims of multi-level marketing (MLM) scams by drawing attention to the exploitative structures, misleading business practices, and potential financial hazards that are involved.

Companies that engage in multi-level marketing, such as Amway, have come under severe attention as a result of the misleading techniques and exploitative business structures that they employ. The biggest issues that people have with multi-level marketing companies are the excessive emphasis placed on recruiting, the use of misleading revenue promises, prohibitively high entry prices, and the exploitation of vulnerable persons.

Because customers and members of society are becoming increasingly aware of the drawbacks and dangers involved with multi-level marketing (MLM), it is vital to engage in well-informed conversations and educate others about the realities of these schemes. We can safeguard individuals from the potential financial and emotional harm caused by MLMs and move towards a more transparent and ethical business landscape if we promote awareness and critical thinking among the general public.

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