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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Lewis, Dave & Marge Amway

Lewis, Dave & Marge Amway
 Downline DiamondLewis, Dave & Marge, Diamond, United States, InterNETGrabill, Parker & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETBumstead, Steve & Candi, Diamond, United States, InterNETBrown, Ron & Lily, Diamond, United States, InterNETHutson, Dave & Jude,...

Vagyi, James Amway

Vagyi, James Amway
 QualificationsRussiaDouble DiamondHungaryExecutive Diamond 1997Crown 2019UplinesAngie Somers through Abrahams, Michael & Julia| businessDownlineVagyi, James, Executive Diamond in Hungary and Double Diamond in Russia, Founder of Diamond AllianceSzalai Gyongyi & Mathe Gabor,...

Gidofalvi, Attila & Katalin Amway

Gidofalvi, Attila & Katalin Amway
 QualificationsCrown August 2005Terminated2008Rules violations (Zero Tolerance) for operating in countries where Amway had not yet opened:Ukraine, Russia, before those markets openedBelarus and SerbiaReports are he is now working with Forever Living mlm. highlightSearchTerms('founders...

Demeter Rachel & Janos Amway

Demeter Rachel & Janos Amway
 European Diamond Advisory CouncilMember in 2006Member in 2007Inception1991QualificationsHungaryPearl 1992Diamond 1993Executive Diamond 2000Founders Executive Diamond August 2006SlovakiaFounders Sapphire June 2008DownlineWolf Andrea & Serdult Imre, Executive Diamond, Hungary, Network...

Colas, Alcimon & Marie-Chantale Amway

Colas, Alcimon & Marie-Chantale Amway
 Engineer/EconomistInception1993QualificationsEmerald 1996Diamond 1996 highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary2758482324434664641'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Marroquín, Jorge & Vivi Amway

Marroquín, Jorge & Vivi Amway
 QualificationsDiamante highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary1415623720637982395'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ', 'summary1415623720637982395'); highlightSearchTerms('amway...

Charoni Elena Amway

Charoni Elena Amway
 Inception1996QualificationEmerald 1998Diamond August 2006Success StoryElena first became aware of the strategy in 1996 and set a goal for herself to "go Diamond" and achieve financial independence as soon as possible. While having four children, she rose from a lowly 6 percent to become...

Von Badewitz, Hubertus Amway

Von Badewitz, Hubertus Amway
 DownlineEderer, Hilde & Norbert, DiamondFerber Christa, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary6054998293249743331'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Sundberg, Merlin & Hedwig Amway

Sundberg, Merlin & Hedwig Amway
 DownlineKratzer, Irmtraud, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary3213168232269711549'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ', 'summary3213168232269711549'); highlightSearchTerms('amway...

Spörer, Christine & Michael Amway

Spörer, Christine & Michael Amway
 Spörer has 1 frontline Diamond:Toth, Darina & ArpadBoth Christine Sporer and Michael Amway are examples of persons who have significantly advanced their fields of study through the contributions that they have made. Archaeologist Christine Sporer is from Germany and has focused...

Scherible, Pia Amway

Scherible, Pia Amway
Inception1976Story Pia and Jokey Scherible founded their company in 1976 with the support of Pia's sister Mueller-Meerkatz and her parents, Peter and Eva. They qualified for Diamond with a score of 24.Scherible has one frontline Diamond on his team (with 1 Crown Ambassador, 1 Crown,...

Nimsgern, Johann & Gabi Amway

Nimsgern, Johann & Gabi Amway
 Nimsgern have 2 frontline Diamond:Kurz, Guenter & Karoline, DiamondMayer, Hermann & Susanne, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary4971973750555823653'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Oechsle, Nicole & Matthias Amway

Oechsle, Nicole & Matthias Amway
 Inception1988QualificationsRubi 2000Diamond August 2004 highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary2584809658126963166'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ', 'summary2584809658126963166'); highlightSearchTerms('amway...

Maron, Gerda Amway

Maron, Gerda Amway
 DownlineKleemann, Gerhard & Gerda, Diamond highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary3809428538091086021'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ', 'summary3809428538091086021'); highlightSearchTerms('amway...

Leno, Nick & Estelle Amway

Leno, Nick & Estelle Amway
 Downline DiamondLeno, Nick & Estelle, Diamond, United States, InterNETCovino, Bob & Sue, Diamond, United States, InterNETGriesbach, Rick & Diane, Diamond, United States, InterNETHarn, Myunghark & Janet, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETHarn, Jakyung & Myunghark,...

Kummer, Bob & Shelly Amway

Kummer, Bob & Shelly Amway
Kummer, Bob & Shelly David and Darlene Duncan's circle includes Bob and Shelley Kummer, who are Founders Diamonds. They were the Duncans' sixth Platinum leg and their first Diamond leg in the tournament. They received their Emerald qualification in 1993, Founders Emerald...

Koning, Larry & Julie Amway

Koning, Larry & Julie Amway
Koning, Larry & Julie Larry and Julie Koning are Diamonds who have their headquarters in California. As of right now, they are classified as Emeralds. They received their Emerald qualification in 1993 and their Diamond qualification in 1995. Executive Diamond Glen...

King, Roy & Sally Amway

King, Roy & Sally Amway
King, Roy & Sally  Roy and Sally King met at Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, North Carolina, where Roy was a member of the Al McGuire basketball team and Sally was the school's homecoming queen. When Roy graduated with a bachelor's degree in accounting, he immediately...

King, G.W. & Edna Amway

King, G.W. & Edna Amway
King, G.W. & Edna  When G.W. and Edna first saw this business concept, they recognised its potential, but they never imagined it would grow to be as significant as it has been for them. Their first goal was to earn an additional $10,000 every year and put it aside for...

King, Don & Hannah Amway

King, Don & Hannah Amway
Downline DiamondHassmann, Roman & Gita, Executive Diamond, Czech Republic, InterNETSimkovi Jiri & Eva, Diamond 2008, Czech Republic, InterNETRek, Zbigniew & Sophia, Double Diamond 2009, United States, InterNETMaksymovicz, Jarek & Krystyna, Founders Diamond, Poland, InterNETDorota...

King, & Keithel Amway

King, & Keithel Amway
 A Case Study in SuccessAt the time of the discovery of this business opportunity, Keithel and her late husband, Bob Schaubert, were operating dairy farms and ranches in North Dakota. “At the time,” Keithel says, “we were looking for another method to make a living because we were...

Kim, Eugene & Sarah Amway

Kim, Eugene & Sarah Amway
 QualificationsUnited StatesEmerald 1994Diamond 1996They are the upline for a significant portion of WWDB's business in Korea..They only have one Diamond on the front line:Leonard and Esther Kim, 200-plus-year-old founders and Crown Ambassadors 40 FAA from 2002 to the present. highlightSearchTerms('founders...

Keller, Ray & Karla amway

Keller, Ray & Karla amway
Keller, Ray & Karla  They lived miles away from everyone, but it was only a detail; they had made a promise."Ray and Karla Keller were on the fast track. They had well-paying jobs in Florida, a corporate car and a comfortable home. But Ray wanted an airplane and Karla...

Jorge, Art & Myrna Amway

Jorge, Art & Myrna Amway
 Downline DiamondsJorge, Art & Myrna, Executive Diamond, CanadaCamello, Mariano & Lucia, Executive DiamondFlores, Manuel & Roberta, DiamondGalvez, Rey & Del, DiamondReferences North American Amagram 8/1988 highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ',...

Jones, Jim & Julie amway

Jones, Jim & Julie amway
Jones, Jim & Julie  Is "keeping up with the Joneses" just a catchphrase, or is there more to it? At the time of their initial introduction to the Amway Business in 1977, Jim and Julie Jones were living a lifestyle that most people could only dream of. His earnings placed...

Johnson, Marshall & Sherunda Amway

Johnson, Marshall & Sherunda Amway
 When Marshall Johnson first visited this establishment in 1977, he was a member of the Baltimore Colts' professional football team. With two previous knee surgeries on the same knee, "the future looked a little dicey," Marshall says, particularly given his position as a wide receiver...

Johnson, John & Mary Ann Amway

Johnson, John & Mary Ann Amway
 Johnson, John & Mary Ann When Maryanna came upon the business presentation, the timing couldn't have been better. As a wife and young mother, she wished to find a means to generate some additional income in order to pay the monthly payments and get out of debt as quickly...

Joachim, Tom & Estelle Amway

Joachim, Tom & Estelle Amway
Joachim, Tom & Estelle  Grow up, get a decent education, get a nice career, and work real hard climbing the ladder of success," was the mindset Tom and Estelle were following when they were introduced to the Britt team.They both had been hard workers all their lives, and this...

Jakubik, Mike & Lynn Amway

Jakubik, Mike & Lynn Amway
Jakubik, Mike & Lynn Terminated during the Team In Focus dispute. highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary6963715648926687476'); highlightSearchTerms('amway, true, ',...

Hutson, Dave & Jude Amway

Hutson, Dave & Jude Amway
 Downline DiamondHutson, Dave & Jude, Diamond, United States, InterNETDobbrastine, Cliff & Cheryl, Diamond, United States, InterNETKline, Tim & Cindy, Executive Diamond, United States, InterNETMiddleton, Mark & Patty, Diamond, United States, InterNETRichardson, Jim &...

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway
Huffstetler, John & Amy  It's no surprise that John Huffstetler has a history of huge aspirations and hard-earned success, which helps to explain how a fortuitous encounter turned into an opportunity of a lifetime for him.It happened in 1989, during his final year in law school,...

Herren, John & Maria Amway

Herren, John & Maria Amway
Herren, John & Maria  "The furniture had vanished without a trace. There was only one phone, a red one, in the centre of the room.""While working in what John calls a "big-time rut" for three years prior to beginning their firm, John and Maria Herren put in 10-12 hours...

Hayes, Jim & Barbara Amway

Hayes, Jim & Barbara Amway
 DownlineAlmeida, Henrique & Marlene, Double Diamond, BrazilMauricio Bianchi & Rosana Almeida, Diamond, Brazil InterNETFeleda, Joe, Diamond, United States, InterNET highlightSearchTerms('founders crown, true, ', 'summary6852688026374177161'); highlightSearchTerms('amway,...

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