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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway

Huffstetler, John & Amy 

 It's no surprise that John Huffstetler has a history of huge aspirations and hard-earned success, which helps to explain how a fortuitous encounter turned into an opportunity of a lifetime for him.

It happened in 1989, during his final year in law school, while he was working as a law clerk for a law firm in Raleigh, North Carolina. 

At the courthouse, John came face to face with a stranger who appeared to be in need of aid. When they first met, they struck up a chat, and the gentleman soon urged him to take a look at his business plan. 

In fact, John recalls, "I'd never even heard of this firm before that, and it was the first and only time someone had ever volunteered to show me the business plan."

All it needed was a single word. According to John, the lifestyle that can be accomplished through this business, a lifestyle that includes having both leisure and money, was what initially drew him to the venture. "The practise of law did not provide the opportunity for both."

John, who enjoys reading, watching movies, and participating in all sports, is not one to let an opportunity pass him by.

 Prior to attending law school, he spent a year at the Air Force Academy and played college basketball, with aspirations of one day becoming a professional basketball player. 

"As he explains, "things just didn't work out," he shifted his attention to schooling and law school instead. I originally planned to be a lawyer, but it just so happened that this opportunity presented itself out of nowhere. As a result, I made the decision not to allow all of my formal education stand in the way of creating something better."

Following the commencement of his firm, John worked as a corporate lawyer for North Carolina's second largest bank for a year before deciding to focus all of his efforts and time on it. "The business took off, so I started committing more energy and time to it," he recalls.

 "I've never been one to give up. I ruptured two discs during my freshman year of college, but I returned to play basketball the next year.

 My company didn't take off immediately away, but I persevered and eventually succeeded. In the same manner that I had always listened to my instructors in the past, I began to pay attention to my upline. 

That's when things really started to take off for my company."

John's spacious transitional-style home, which sits on a gorgeous forested tract in central North Carolina, serves as the headquarters for his company. 

It is "very serene and not terribly congested," he says, delivering his words in a beautiful and welcoming southern drawl. 

In addition, the firm has provided John with the most valuable of all commodities - time. "Even though I have been rewarded monetarily, my time is more valuable than money because it is the only thing we can never get back."

As a result of starting his firm as a single man, John now shares his time and his aspirations with his wife, Amy, who is also working to grow the company alongside him. 

Aside from the prospect of one day having children, they are excited about passing on the dream of free enterprise to others throughout their lives and throughout the world.

 "One of the things that motivates me the most is being able to assist other people in their endeavours," John adds.

Huffstetler, John & Amy Amway

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