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Sunday, July 25, 2021

Demeter Rachel & Janos Amway

 European Diamond Advisory Council

  • Member in 2006
  • Member in 2007





  • Pearl 1992
  • Diamond 1993
  • Executive Diamond 2000
  • Founders Executive Diamond August 2006


  • Founders Sapphire June 2008




Ice Skating is a popular sport.

Janos began his professional career in a brewery. Following that, he competed in multiple European championships in figure skating after that. Then he resumed his professional skating career as a member of the Holiday on Ice revue, when he met the woman who would become his wife, Rachel. His business was profitable, but as an Eastern European, he received a far lower income than his Western counterparts. When he learnt about the company in Mexico, he resigned from the revue to demonstrate that he is not only entitled to a second-class lifestyle, but that he is also entitled to a first-class one.

By this time, the family has grown to include four sons. Today, they live in a wonderful house outside Budapest, where they can take advantage of the incredible lifestyle they have created for themselves. He and his wife spend a lot of time together and travel all over the globe.

Janos leads hundreds of people from Budapest and assists them in achieving their objectives. Despite the fact that he has achieved a first-class living, he enjoys his profession and has long-term intentions to establish a global corporation.

For many years, Janos worked extremely hard to develop their network, but he now believes that he could have worked three times as hard if he had known how fulfilling it would be.

Demeter Rachel and Janos have played a vital role in Amway's Hungarian and international lives for for over a decade, and they continue to do so. They were able to obtain the most of their business expertise by relying on their top line and putting in the necessary effort and diligence over time.

Moreover, their work has gained worldwide recognition: Janos has been a member of the European Development Association since its founding. “We have always attempted to provide our children with a kind of road map to follow. We now believe that we have achieved success because the lads are looking forward to establishing their business with bated breath. It's always a pleasure to see parents collaborating with their children on projects. Our success will only be sustained if we have aspirations, if we have goals, and if we have faith in those goals and targets.”

They are currently residing in the United States of America.

Janos and Demeter Rachel are a successful Amway distributor pair who have developed an excellent business within the direct selling sector. They are known as Demeter Rachel and Janos. They are renowned for their unwavering commitment to the Amway product line, their unwavering dedication to the members of their team, and their extraordinary abilities as leaders.

Rachel and Janos's adventure with Amway began well over a decade ago, and they made rapid advancements through the levels of the organization during that time. They were successful in assembling a sizable group of distributors by adhering to the Amway business strategy, which entails cultivating relationships with other people while also educating them about the company's offerings.

Their capacity to encourage and inspire the members of their team has been one of the factors that has contributed to their level of success. They are always willing to go above and beyond to assist their team members in achieving success, which has earned them a reputation as a leader who is encouraging and supportive of others. They have shared their knowledge and expertise with thousands of Amway distributors all around the world by hosting a variety of training events and workshops and by hosting a number of these events themselves.

Rachel and Janos are both powerful advocates for the health and wellness goods that are offered by Amway. In addition to their leadership abilities, both of them are passionate about these products. They have witnessed personally the good effect that these items can have on people's lives, and as a result, they are dedicated to assisting others in achieving their health and fitness objectives through the utilization of these products.

Rachel and Janos have achieved a great deal of success and recognition within the Amway organization during the course of their careers. They have been honored for their outstanding performance and leadership inside the organization, and as a result, they have been promoted to the prestigious Founders Platinum and Founders Diamond ranks.

In the present day, Rachel and Janos continue to expand their Amway business while also concentrating on other business opportunities. They are dedicated to creating a great influence in their neighborhood and beyond, and they have a strong interest in assisting others in achieving their own goals of success.

In conclusion, Demeter Rachel and Janos are an amazing example of the power that can be achieved in the direct selling sector via the application of hard effort, devotion, and leadership. Their narrative of achievement serves as motivation for an innumerable number of people who are interested in pursuing the business opportunity offered by Amway in the hopes of realizing their own ambitions and desires.

Demeter Rachel & Janos

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