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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The 12 Days Of (Amway) Christmas

The 12 Days Of (Amway) Christmas

 Thanks to one of our readers for letting us know! Honestly, I was expecting they were going to do the entire 12 Days of Christmas in Amway fashion. However, after eight days, they either lost interest or inspiration! LOL! Are there any takers for a better finish? The lyrics for days 9 through 12 have to be written by myself, because I ain't no lyricist.

Finally, one of our readers came to the rescue the following year. Alternatively, line 12 was rescued and something better than cooking the upline's turkey was devised!And then I realised that it appeared as though I had left it hanging. So when you come to the twelfth day, the instructions are to start singing it backwards!

Keep in mind that you will never find real love with an Amway upline! LOL!

On the first day of Christmas, I received the following gifts from my upline: some things that were truly shit-TY.

I received a gift from my upline on the second day of Christmas, which was more unhealthy brainwashing and mind spanking for me!!

My up-line gave me a gift on the third day of Christmas: a tin pot in which I could go to the bathroom.

On the fourth day of Christmas, my up-line gave me some bullshit from Ki -o - sak - EE, which I was not pleased about.

My up-line handed me the following gift on the fifth day of Christmas: a carton of old L.O.C.

On the sixth day of Christmas, my up-line gave me some crappy cosmetics called Ar-tis-TREE, which I promptly threw away.

When I received an order to attend F.E.D. on the seventh day of Christmas from my upline, I was overjoyed!

My up-line handed me a gift on the eighth day of Christmas: a lecture on my mediocre personal branding (PV).

On the ninth day of Christmas, my up-line gifted me with a two-hour diatribe about how I'm a no-bodies' plight.

On the ninth day of Christmas, my up-line sent me a fairy tale about which I am a fran-chi-see, which I am really excited about.

My up-line handed me a gift on the eleventh day of Christmas: lies about how easy it is to return Amway products.

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my up-line handed me the following gift: a complete fabrication about his mon-EY.....

Rudolph The Half-Assed Platinum

Rudolph The Half-Assed Platinum

 A special thanks to one of our readers for supplying us with a new Amway Christmas classic. LOL! Please refrain from drinking any eggnog while you are reading this, as your computer will become stained as a result. LOL!

Here's a Christmas carol written specifically for Amway. Make a song out of it, set to the music of "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer."


Rudolph the half-assed Platinum, to be precise.

He had an extremely large red nose, and

And if you've ever seen it, please let me know.

You'd say it looked like a rose in full bloom.

Every member of his higher up-line

They assumed he was intoxicated or insane—

Rudolph was never allowed to leave the house.

Screw any of the sluts in your organization's hierarchy.

Then there was that gloomy cold night

A Diamond showed up to say hello.

"Rudolph, with your enormous red nose, you're the best.

Would you be able to recruit new IBOs?"\

Rudolph then walked outside to conduct some sniffing.

Unfortunately for him, he did not have any luck —

As soon as the word "Amway" was introduced,

People were well aware that he was a schmuck.

They all agreed on one thing "Greetings, Rudolph—

There are no suckers in this place.

Why don't you just take your red nose and go home?

And bury it in the back of your Diamond's neck?"

Rudolph summoned up his Diamond sleigh.

as well as remarked "I'm unable to recruit from below.

What if I come over straight away?

And stick my nose down your backside?"

According to the Diamond "So, dear Rudolph, here's the deal:

It's not something we generally do.

However, if it travels at least six inches,

I'll double your PV for the next month."

Rudolph is a big hit with Amway customers.

His up-line has a huge smile on his face—

Rudolph's nose is a little darker than normal.

However, this is a brand-new Amway design.

Mr Amway Ambot Louse – Don’t Touch That With a 39 And A Half Foot Pole!

Mr Amway Ambot Louse – Don’t Touch That With a 39 And A Half Foot Pole!

 Thank you to one of our readers for sending us this Christmas poem set to music from The Grinch!

Mr Louse, you're a jerk to say the least.

You are, without a doubt, a jerk.

You have the cuddly qualities of a cactus.

You have the same allure as an eel.

Mr. Louse, you're a terrible banana, to put it mildly.

(Mr. Louse) with the greasy black peel on his face

Mr Louse, you're a terrible individual.

Termites have taken up residence in your smile.

You have all of the gentle sweetness in the world.

In the case of a seasick crocodile (Mr. Louse)

Mr Louse, you're a scumbag of a character.

You don't have any friends, believe it or not.

No way in hell am I going to touch you with a thirty-nine and a half foot pole!

Mr Louse, you're a monster in disguise.

Your heart is a hole in the ground.

Mr Louse, you're out of luck.

Mr. Louse, you've got garlic in your bloodstream.

The phrase "Ambot" is a pejorative term that is used to refer to people who are strongly involved in the Amway company, frequently to the point where they are obsessed with it. The word "Louse" is used to refer to a person who cannot be trusted or who is dishonest. As a result, the term "Mr. Amway Ambot Louse" is intended to portray a negative picture of a person who is extremely devoted to the Amway business and who might engage in behaviors that are problematic or unethical.

There are indeed members of the Amway organization who have been known to participate in unethical or misleading methods in order to recruit new members and earn sales, and this is one of the primary reasons why so many people get the impression that the Amway business is a pyramid scheme. These people are frequently referred to as "Ambots," which comes from the common perception that they are robotic in their devotion to the Amway business and the beliefs that it upholds.

The funny expression "Don't touch that with a 39 and a half foot pole!" is a reference to the timeless Christmas film "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." In the movie, the Grinch will use a long pole to keep himself from coming into contact with anything having to do with Christmas. This slogan is intended to instill a sense of wariness and suspicion in regard to anything having to do with the Amway business.

The Amway business is seen by a lot of individuals as a potentially hazardous venture that involves a lot of risk and a commitment of both time and money. Individuals are required to spend their own money as part of the business model in order to purchase Amway items, which they must then resell to other people in order to generate a profit. The vast majority of independent business owners who are involved with Amway make very little to no money as a result of their membership in the company, and many of them actually wind up losing money.

In addition, the use of aggressive recruiting strategies and the pressure to consistently bring in new members and generate sales can put a strain on personal relationships, which can result in feelings of isolation and burnout for those involved. People who get too involved in the Amway company could even lose touch with reality, leading them to behave in a way that is untrustworthy or dishonest when dealing with other people. This can happen in some situations.

To summarize, the expression "Mr. Amway Ambot Louse – The expression "Don't touch that with a 39 and a half foot pole!" is intended to portray a sense of caution and suspicion towards the Amway industry as well as individuals who are unduly devoted to it. Although there may be some persons working with Amway who are trustworthy and moral, the majority of people should avoid investing their time and money in the company because of the dangers involved and the possibility for unfavorable outcomes.

Here’s Another Way To Lose Money In Amway – Selling Amway Shit For Christmas

Here’s Another Way To Lose Money In Amway – Selling Amway Shit For Christmas

 This is a ghost from the past... a ghost from Christmases past!

That's not going to happen. Make that this is an old post from years ago, but given how near Christmas is approaching and how weird Amway is, I'm bringing it back for any new readers who may not have seen it before. This was simply another way to squander a perfectly nice Saturday doing Amway crap, not to mention the fact that I was out of pocket as a result of it. But, after all, that is what Amway is all about, isn't it? You're wasting your time and money.

Our upline leased a community hall and transformed it into an Amway Christmas shopping centre, and all IBOs were instructed to invite friends and family members to go and purchase Amway products as Christmas gifts for their loved ones.

The majority of the products on display were consumables, such as terrible snack bars, disgusting XS energy drinks, vitamins, and Perfect Water, among other things. Remember, this is the kind of item that every youngster hopes to find beneath the Christmas tree?

Each IBO was required to contribute $10 toward the cost of renting the community hall. There were approximately 40 IBOs in attendance at this occasion. You probably guessed it. The IBOs outnumbered the shoppers by a wide margin.

About two blocks away from a busy thoroughfare is the old community hall, which is located on a relatively peaceful street. There was a notice on the entrance inviting people to come in and do their Christmas shopping there. Perhaps they would have gotten more purchasers if they had moved a couple of blocks further and placed a sign on the corner of a more heavily used road.. It's possible that it won't. When it comes to shopping malls, the first Saturday in December is the busiest day of the year. Let's have a look at the numbers. A shopping centre with a large number of stores. There is a great deal of variety. A good assortment of items is available. The product is reasonably priced. Compare this to Amway shopping central, which is located in a small community hall that is infested with mice. Products that are overpriced. There is a limited selection.

There were five of our buddies in attendance. The IBO's seized on them, believing that they would generate a lot of sales. One of our pals really went out and bought a few things. The pity purchaser, who simply purchased the products in order to assist Ambot. Over $100, there was a decent sale. I'm not sure how much it was in total. It's possible that it was closer to $200.

Here's where things get a little wacky. Our acquaintance was the only one who made a transaction on that particular afternoon. Ambot was the lone IBO who made a sale out of the entire group of IBOs. We were packing up when we had our final meeting of the day and Platinum scolded the group for their lack of sales. Now, you'd think that the conceited sack of shit would have something nice to say about Ambot because his friend had made some purchases, but no. Nope. He called Ambot a new asshole, claiming that he had brought five people to the event, but just one of them made a purchase. When I say laid into him, I mean really laid into him about how those were not real friends because they did not support his business and about his general lack of success, even though he was the only IBO who made a sale that day, I mean laid into him about how those were not real friends because they did not support his business and about his general lack of success As soon as the verbal lashing was through, he informed Ambot that they still loved him and that they will always be his only true friends, as opposed to the phoney friends that don't support his company.

After Ambot stopped attending Amway meetings and purchasing products, despite all of the phoney promises of never-ending love and friendship, those phonies severed their bonds of love and friendship with him. That's a bummer. The fact that those filthy Amway liars no longer want anything to do with us saddens my heart more than I can express.

Then then, maybe I should have told that fucker Platinum to suffocate with a Christmas tree in his a$$!

Have A Happy And Amwayless New Year!

Have A Happy And Amwayless New Year!

 I hope everyone has been having a wonderful time celebrating the holidays.

Not everyone who has a connection to Amway has been taking advantage of the festivities. It was heartbreaking to see people whose lives are being destroyed by Amway stop by and spend hours reading this site on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. That so many people had to spend this time reading a blog instead of spending it with their loved ones who were obviously in Amway was sad. It was also sad that ambots prefer to hang out with other ambots, in other words, only hang out with people their Amway cult leader has given them permission to hang out with. Hope reading this blog gave them some comfort in understanding that they are not alone in feeling useless when they realise that Amway is killing their lives and that they appear to have no way of stopping it. This is the place to go if you want to learn more about Amway, the Cult of Greed, while also being entertained. People keep coming back to read about Amway Ambots being cursed out by the authorities.

Amway is a frightening evil that may infiltrate any household at any time. The only Christmas wish of those whose loved ones have been recruited into the Amway cult is that they get the hell out of there. Christmas is traditionally a time when individuals spend quality time with their families and friends. As a result, people are turning to the Internet for support from others who have been through a similar traumatic experience. Unfortunately, Amway is all about breaking families, and people are turning to the Internet to locate others who have been through a same traumatic experience.

To those who are coping with family members who are members of the Amway cult, I pray that the year 2021 is a better one for you and that your loved one sees the light and leaves Amway before too much more emotional and financial damage is done.

For reasons unrelated to ScAmway, many of us are looking forward to the day when 2020 will be a distant memory in our rearview mirror.

Our best wishes for a productive and Amwayless 2021 go out to all of our readers......

Thank you so much to everyone who has expressed a strong interest in this website!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It is common practice to use the beginning of a new year as a time for introspection, goal-setting, and initiating constructive changes in one's life. This may entail withdrawing from some pursuits or commitments that are no longer beneficial to the individual in question for some individuals. Those who have previously been affiliated with Amway may conclude that this calls for an Amway-free new year as a result of this realization.

It is not for everyone, despite the fact that the Amway business model has the potential to provide prospects for monetary freedom and personal development. It's possible that some people won't join Amway because they believe the time and energy it takes to establish a successful business isn't worth the potential rewards. Others might have had poor experiences with Amway, or they might believe that the company's business model is not congruent with the ideals they hold dear.

Those who believe that the Amway company is no longer meeting their needs may find that making the decision to start the new year without participating in the company's products or services is a step in the right direction. It can be an opportunity to reevaluate one's objectives, establish new goals, and redirect one's attention to other aspects of one's life that may have been neglected while the Amway business was being built.

Leaving Amway may not be an easy decision, especially for individuals who have put a lot of time, effort, and money into growing their Amway business. Leaving Amway may be difficult for people who have made this investment. During this time, it may be beneficial to seek assistance from loved ones, such as friends and family, as well as from a trained counselor.

It is also essential to keep in mind that leaving Amway does not mean losing up on the possibility of achieving financial independence or furthering one's own development. There are a great number of additional business opportunities and personal development tactics that can be pursued, and it is up to each individual to determine the course of action that will be most successful for them.

In conclusion, for individuals who believe that the Amway business is no longer helping them, making the decision to start the new year without participating in the company's products or services might be a step in the right direction. It is possible to reevaluate one's priorities, establish new objectives, and shift one's attention to other aspects of one's life. Finding support and looking into other alternatives will help make the change easier and more successful, even though it might not be an easy process to go through. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and fruitful new year, whether or not you are involved with Amway.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

 I hope everyone has a safe and happy New Year's Eve celebration.

My hope is that the year 2021 would offer wealth to those who have managed to avoid the Amway horror show.

And that the Amway Corporation would suffer even more losses in 2021! LOL!

Yeah! Amway is a jerk!

Numerous people have suffered financial setbacks in the last year, and many of them are not even members of the Amway cult. Others have suffered as a result of the illness or death of family members or friends.

2020 has proven to be a difficult year.

I hope that our readers who are trapped watching their spouses go deeper and deeper into the Amway cult will be able to help them see the light and leave the cult as soon as possible. Till then, I send you my best wishes for peace and hope.

Best wishes to everyone, and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass. Don’t Buy An Amway Christmas Tree!

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass. Don’t Buy An Amway Christmas Tree!

 Some ambot came to this site looking for information on how to purchase a Christmas tree from Amway.

Why in the world would you want to do something like that? That's my first thought.

Then I began to wonder if they were artificial trees or actual trees in the first place.

In any case, if Amway is selling them, you can bet they're going to be expensive!

Then I thought to myself, what a brilliant idea it would be to continue to muck up someone's search parameters by landing them on this blog again again! My Christmas Tree, oh Amway Christmas Tree, what a shame it is to have you in my home this holiday season!

The most likely scenario is that IBOFB or some other fucking Amway loser will turn there and announce that Amway has entered into a partnership with a Vermont farmer to purchase Christmas trees from his farm for $500 each. Plus, there's shipping! In the same way that motherfucker informed us about a market with which Amway is linked, where we can get three pounds of potatoes for $12.95 plus the cost of shipping to our residence. Now that's what I call a shady bargain! I just purchased 10 pounds of potatoes for $2 from a local merchant who was not out to take advantage of their consumers.

No matter who is selling Christmas trees, they are going to be a wonderful pleasure to ship and will most likely only cost a few dollars to do so. It is less expensive to buy locally.

For those looking for an artificial Christmas tree, there is plenty of mail order competition available to them. I've seen artificial trees for sale on eBay, JC Penny, Walmart, and other online retailers, among others. You purchase them, and they are delivered to your home.

In order to find out if it was possible to purchase a live Christmas tree and have it sent to your home, I turned to Google. To my amazement, such animals actually exist! They are more expensive than purchasing a Christmas tree from your local tree lot, but they are not much more expensive. I couldn't figure out how much it would cost to send the suckers, though. The last person I'd want to be is the man who has to sweep out his UPS truck after delivering a package. Pine needles strewn throughout the place!

Rather of waiting for the UPS to deliver a pricey Christmas tree that arrives with smushed limbs and lacking foliage, as well as an unpleasant rotting odour, there are plenty nurseries and organisations that sell live Christmas trees where you may go and choose one that you like.

I find the entire concept of purchasing a Christmas tree from Amway, eye unseen, for a premium price, to be completely ridiculous. People at Amway are likely to be ignorant enough to purchase costly Nutrilite vitamins and shoddy cosmetics, but it is unlikely that they will be stupid enough to purchase a Christmas tree from the firm as well.

Amway Christmas trees should be avoided at all costs! There will be no pricey Amway Christmas trees permitted in the home! Amway items are not permitted under our Christmas tree since they are shabby and pricey.

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass Amway Ambot Christmas Tree Pusher

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass Amway Ambot Christmas Tree Pusher

 One of our readers recounted his experience of breaking his asses to sell those crappy Amway Christmas trees, and we are grateful to him. In addition, she made the wise decision to leave the Amway pyramid scam as soon as possible.

When I was at AW, I created 200 fliers to promote the sale of Christmas trees sourced from AW. I drove around distributing them to people's mailboxes in their homes. And out of all of that effort, I just received one order.

After all, the tree was transported directly to the buyer, and guess what? It was bent when it arrived.

Yes. The trunk's bottom was straight at first, but it quickly curved to one side as it grew longer. What a source of considerable and total embarrassment.

The buyer was enraged, enraged, and even more enraged. I expressed my regret immediately and personally reimbursed his money. After all, how foolish is it to recommend that the poor guy mail a tree back to the company for a refund? In fact, that was pretty typical of practically every incident I had with AW during my time there. After another blunder, it's impossible to keep up.

I quickly understood that AW was a bad business move, and I continued to work at my JOB and spend time with my family, rather than focusing on AW any longer. I now have millions of dollars in my 401K IRA, as well as lots of time for family and true friends, as well as the opportunity to provide genuine service to the community - something that very few, if any, AW distributors will ever be able to claim.

Dear Santa. Another Amway Ambot Letter To Santa

Dear Santa. Another Amway Ambot Letter To Santa

 Thank you to one of our readers who got it right on the first try! LOL!

Greetings, Santa Claus —

I'd like the following ten things, if you don't mind:

1) A PV of 4000 for the following three months is planned.

2) To be "edified" by my superiors, who speak in flattering terms.

Free tickets to Dream Night, Family Reunion, and Free Enterprise Day will be given out to those who qualify.

4) Attract six new hot prospects who will eventually become IBOs, thereby completing my 6-4-2 plan.

Be able to afford the cost of the next tidal wave of books, CDs, and tapes from my up-line when they arrive.

6) To obtain a replacement for my rattletrap Amway Shitmobile, which has broken down.

7) To have enough cash on hand to make up for three missed mortgage payments to the bank, if necessary.

8) To be able to clear out my garage of boxes of SA8 and LOC that have not yet been sold.

9) To finally persuade my family and friends to speak with me once more in person.

In order to do this, I must first demonstrate a financial profit from my Amway firm after fifteen years of useless effort.

Please give me these ten things, Santa, and then I'll start to think that you really do exist. As I feel that Amway is a legitimate business and not an outrageous rip-off, so do others.


Andrew Airhead Asshole is a jerk.

Amway Distributor and Independent Business Owner

Dear Santa. An Amway Ambot Letter To Santa

Dear Santa. An Amway Ambot Letter To Santa

 In order to achieve financial success in Amway, you must consume yourself and "purchase from your own store."

Ambots are ALWAYS on the bad side of the law!

Dear Santa,

I want to make sure this message finds you in good health. Even though I'm sure you're very busy getting ready for the holidays, I wanted to take a moment to tell you one thing that would make my Christmas wish come true.

Santa, as you can see, I work for Amway as an Ambot. I have been putting a lot of effort into growing my company so that I may be financially independent. I have faith in the Amway opportunity as well as the merchandise that we provide. However, I am also aware that achieving one's goals is not a simple task.

For this reason, my Christmas wish is for the development and achievement of my Amway business in the years to come. I have a dream of being able to assist a greater number of individuals in realizing their ambitions and achieving their goals. I want to improve as a friend, a mentor, and a leader to the people in my team. I want to increase my knowledge, develop myself further, and volunteer more.

My hope is that if I put in the effort, stay focused, and have some good fortune along the way, it will come true. But I am also aware that I cannot complete this task by myself. That is why I am here to you, Santa, to seek for your assistance.

I beg of you to direct me, to encourage me, and to illuminate the path before me. I need your assistance to be a constructive force in the world and to make a difference in the lives of other people. I solemnly swear that I will put the talents and blessings that have been bestowed upon me to use in order to assist other people and make the world a better place.


We are grateful to you, Santa, for everything you do. I hope that you and your loved ones have a wonderful Christmas and a prosperous new year!

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021

Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021

 The Amway WWDB Dream Night should be renamed Amway Scheme Night, as one of our readers pointed out.

Dream Night is a big annual event hosted by Amway and World Wide Dream Builders that takes place at the start of each year. It is hosted in various locations throughout the United States and Canada, as well as, according to our Amway upline, throughout the rest of the world; however, I was unable to locate any overseas sites on the list. According to the information we received, even if we were on vacation in January, we would have no excuse to miss Dream Night because it is held everywhere!!!!!

Amway employees are a bunch of fucking liars, to put it mildly. I don't recall seeing this Amway brainwashing convention advertised in Aruba, St. Thomas, or any other popular holiday destinations where individuals who aren't broke Amway losers can afford to vacation in the past.

We don't know how Amway WWDB will hold Dream Night 2021 because all cults are notoriously secrecy about their activities. It might be done through a web-based webinar or it could be done in person. I can picture the Amway cult disobeying the rules prohibiting large-scale gatherings of people. Banquet halls and arenas would be reluctant to open their doors to a cult gathering, for a variety of reasons. Ambots will pay top dollar regardless of whether or not a meal is provided, as well as whether or not they participate in a webinar from home.

So, what is Dream Night all about? If you believe the hoopla from WWDB, it involves food as well as listening to some motivational Diamonds on tape. When it comes to Amway Dream Night, if you believe the hype from the assholes in your upline, it is a once in a lifetime chance, the must attend event of the year, not to be missed, and it puts you 6 months ahead of everyone else who didn't go, it is complete and total nonsense.

So, what exactly is the Amway WWDB Dream Night about?

The following is a paraphrasing of propaganda from World Wide Dream Builder (since I don't want to be accused of copying!) This is a sophisticated evening that will demonstrate to the ambots how to make their fantasies a reality.

It's a joke, of course! Yes, that's correct! And if you still believe this nonsense, I have some prime swampland in the Amazon jungle that I'd be happy to sell you!

One of the most exciting parts of the night - and hold on for it!!! - is when the cult leaders talk about how their dreams came true and how, if they can accomplish it, so can any of you stupid asses ambots!

I may summarise how they came to be known as Diamonds. Millions of naive ambots in their downline were duped into buying useless, overpriced Amway stuff to consume themselves, and if they couldn't find any customers, they were told they could make them up. They used intimidation to force folks at the bottom of the pyramid to attend Amway gatherings. They advised them to get CDs that contained Diamond speakers. They advised them to purchase motivational publications from which they would gain a substantial commission from the publisher or author. They successfully misled their loving ambots into buying, buying, and more buying. So proclaims the Amway cult leader: "Hand up all of your money to me so that I can get wealthy." ...and here I am, perched on top of the pyramid, sneering at you lowly dumb asses ambots!

Because those fucking idiots at WWDB headquarters changed their password in order to keep spies out, I have no idea when or where those cretins will be having Amway Dream Night 2021 in the first place. One of our readers informed us that the Amway cult leaders no longer want to hold "live" Dream Nights, but rather to broadcast them through video to be held in someone's home, theatre, or other location. I'm not sure when the Amway cult leaders want to begin doing so, but 2021 seems like an appropriate moment to begin. Interested in how much they'll charge the idiots to come and watch them!

On Scamway's 2016 list of cities to be destroyed during WWDB World Wide Destructive Bastards Nightmare Night, I do have a list of the locations. Some of them had Nightmare Nights on more than one occasion. There is no way to tell if this indicates that there are more dumb fuck Ambots in these locations and therefore they require more days, if the Ambots in those locations are being ass fucked to attend more than one night, or if the venue is so small that they require more than one night to accommodate the expected Amway cult worshippers. This list from 2016 may or may not contain the locations where those WWDB fuckers will be holding Amway Dream Night in 2021, but what the hell. It's a good enough substitute. We couldn't care less if a lot of fucking Amway losers end up in the incorrect place as a result of this listing.

  • Albuquerque
  • Anaheim
  • Anchorage
  • Ann Arbor is a city in Michigan.
  • Atlanta
  • Bakersfield
  • Belleville
  • Billings
  • Boise
  • Calgary
  • Chicago
  • Colorado Springs is a city in Colorado.
  • Dallas
  • Denver
  • Edmonton
  • Fargo
  • Fresno
  • Fort Lauderdale is a city in Florida.
  • Helena
  • Honolulu
  • Las Vegas is a popular tourist destination.
  • Medford
  • Minneapolis
  • New York is the capital of the United States.
  • Ontario
  • Oshkosh
  • Phoenix
  • Philadelphia
  • Portland
  • Reno
  • Richmond
  • Sacramento
  • Salt Lake City is a city in Utah.
  • San Diego is a city in California.
  • San Jose is a city in California.
  • Saskatoon
  • Seattle
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Whew! In addition to ensuring that IBO ambots are not feverishly searching for information on Amway WWDB Dream Night 2021, I believe I also managed to get more keywords in there.

However, if you really want to know when and where, you can go to the WWDB website and search them up, but suffice it to say that the Amway demons will be having Dream Nights in most of these unwary locations in January 2021, whether or not it is via a webinar.

And whom cult leaders would Amway send in to bullshit the ambots, you might wonder. I'm a fool if I don't know what I'm talking about. In this list from WWDB Dream Night 2016, you will notice that there is a constant presence of the same weary staff at all of the Amway activities, as this is where they make their most money from their tool scam. It doesn't matter if they're dead or alive; I'm very sure they'll show up in some form, such as a memorial sermon. However, I'll keep that year's list as is because it'll really annoy those Amway losers.

  • Ron and Georgia Lee Puryear are married.
  • Robert and Shelly Kummer are married.
  • Dan and Sandy Yuen are a married couple.
  • Scott and Cris Harimoto are a married couple.
  • Terry and Linda Felber are married.
  • Greg and Laurie Duncan are married.
  • Samir and Theresa Atallah are married.
  • Matt and Sandee Tsurada are a married couple.

Given the fact that Rotten Ronnie has passed away, I'd make a decent bet that the scammers who appear first on the above list will not be present, save perhaps in spirit or through slide exhibitions. My best bet is that Kid Puryear and his latest wife will show up. Imagine that motherfucker giving a lecture about how Amway helps marriages, LOL!

On every Amway World Wide Dream Builders function, who hasn't seen all of these cretinous cretins listed before? How come there aren't any new Diamonds being distributed by Amway, as Ambots keep reporting here, claiming that Amway is releasing hundreds and hundreds of new Diamonds every week? Oh, let's just send a big giant fuck you to every Amway jerk who shows up here talking about all the new Diamonds Amway is putting out in the world right now! That is a complete and utter load of nonsense. The Diamonds are the same people who have been sitting at the top of the Amway pyramid for years, bullshitting the followers at every Amway function they have attended. He or she is getting a little old in the tooth these days. It's just that I don't get it. I've had a slew of fucking Amway bastards show up here, bragging about how they were able to retire at the age of 21 because of Amway. As a result, why aren't there any young people on the Diamond speaking schedule? Nothing new here, just the same old stale bastards.

Tickets for Amway WWDB Dream Night 2016 were $70, so we expect the price to be around the same this year. If you know the current ticket pricing, please let us know. And that $70 is a bargain, considering that when we were in Scamway, the fucking morons in our Amway upline cost us $75 each. Despite the fact that the genuine ticket price was $65 per person, the fuckers in our upline insisted that we pay them $75 directly rather than purchasing tickets through the World Wide Destructive Bastards website, and as a result, they charged everyone an additional $10. Yes, it's the same old Amway tool scam at it again, trying to take advantage of you. Not only did we get ripped off an additional $10, but the morons in our Amway upline also managed to screw up the purchase of the tickets.

Let's take this $70 and break it down. Hotels charge roughly $15 per person, which includes the cheapest food offered as well as the room rental and wait staff for a couple of hours. However, round numbers make it easier for me to work, so let's say the true fee is $20 per person. On a $70 ticket, this means that somebody – no, not somebody — an Amway cult leader is generating a $50 profit on each ticket sold, which is absolutely ridiculous. Let us assume that the banquet room can accommodate 400 people. That equates to a $20,000 profit for the evening. Keep in mind that each Dream Night brainwashing function typically has two Diamond couples in attendance, resulting in a $20,000 split between them. Because to internal Diamond squabbling about how to divide up the greed pie, it is unclear how fairly it will be divided. But, just to make things simple, let's divide the money in half and say each pair pays $10,000 per night.

There are 40 places where Dream Night will be held, and it is uncertain how many cities each of the eight couples will be assigned to. Some of the cities will host more than one dream night, and I expect that the same Diamond couples will be hosting the additional nights because they are already in the city for the first one. Let us refer to it as 48 Amway WWDB for the sake of simplicity. Dream Nights are evenly divided between each Diamond pair in an eight-way split. As a result, each Diamond couple receives six nights at the rate of $10,000 per night to fool the Ambots. That's a total of $60,000. For one month's worth of bullshitting, that's not a bad return.

A large portion of the cash generated by Amway's pyramid plan comes from selling tickets to events such as these.

In the end, Dream Night is a complete waste of time, just like every other Amway activity. If you have already attended another WWDB Amway function such as Spring Leadership, Family Reunion, or Free Enterprise Days FED, you will gain no new knowledge and will hear nothing that you haven't heard before.

This post has accomplished its goal of disseminating a large number of keywords in order to draw in ambots who are unable to find the information they seek from the assholes in their Amway upline. And to the ambots who have been brainwashed into believing they have the ability to turn back time, I need to match up my keywords to recent searches, which includes Dream Night 2020 and Dream Night 2019, as well as Dream Night 2018. Oh, and let's add in WWDB Amway Dream Night 2022 because you can bet some Ambots are going to be hunting for that.

  • Dream Night is a complete waste of time!!!
  • Worst of all, WWDB World Wide Dream Builders sucks!!!
  • Amway is a jerk!!!!
  • All of the Amway WWDB functions are terrible!
  • Amway is a jerk!

The Amway Worldwide Distribution Business (WWDB) Dream Night is an annual event that brings together Amway product distributors from all around the world. The Worldwide Dream Builders (WWDB) group, which is one of the largest independent Amway distributor networks, is the host of this event and is responsible for its organization. On April 24, 2021, there was a digital gathering known as the WWDB Dream Night 2021 that took place.

At the event, Amway distributors were honored for the successes they had achieved over the course of the previous year. In addition, it provided a chance for them to interact with one another, build professional relationships, and gain knowledge from one another. At this event, we had a variety of speakers, including executives from Amway, some of the most successful Amway distributors, and motivational speakers.

The keynote talk that was given by Milind Pant, the CEO of Amway, was definitely one of the highlights of the event. He discussed the difficulties that the business and its distributors had experienced over the course of the previous year as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to this, he discussed the resiliency of the Amway community as well as the ways in which they had adjusted to the new circumstances.

The awarding of prizes to the most successful Amway distributors was yet another highlight of the event. After putting in a lot of effort and showing a lot of dedication, these distributors were able to achieve outstanding sales and business growth over the course of the previous year, and they were honored for their efforts. Many of the distributors experienced strong feelings of pride and gratitude during the ceremony that honored them for all of the effort and commitment they had shown over the course of the previous 12 months.

In addition, there were a variety of training sessions and workshops offered during the event. These training programs were developed with the intention of assisting Amway distributors in improving their business and sales skills. They discussed things like leadership, communication, and business strategies among other things. The training sessions were delivered by successful Amway distributors and motivational speakers, who shared helpful information and advice with the attendees during the course of the event.

The significance of having a strong community and a supportive network was one of the overarching ideas that emerged from the event. The COVID-19 pandemic had made it difficult for many Amway distributors to meet in person; however, the virtual event gave an opportunity for them to connect with each other and encourage one another. The gathering served as a timely reminder of the strength of the Amway community as well as the significance of achieving success via collaborative effort.

Amway distributors from all around the world came together for the WWDB Dream Night 2021, which was a successful event overall and drew them all closer together. In spite of the difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic, the tragedy served as a reminder of the fortitude and resiliency of the Amway community. Distributors were given the chance to honor their accomplishments, network with one another, and gain knowledge from the most influential experts in the business thanks to this event. The event served as a demonstration of the strength of the Amway community as well as the significance of support and belonging to a community in the pursuit of success.

You Haven’t Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!

You Haven’t Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!

 The phrase "you haven't earned the privilege yet" was something we heard a lot from our Amway upline, and it was usually delivered in a taunting manner with a "I'm superior than the rest of you" mentality.

There could be a variety of reasons for this.

At one point, the Platinum was attempting to assemble a work team to perform yard work at the Emerald's residence. In exchange for the honour of spending time with the Emerald, IBOs provide free work to the Emerald. Yes, that's correct. That's fantastic. Where can I join up to yank the weeds out of that bastard's garden? Fortunately, the Platinum scoffed at me and the other people in the room, including Ambot, and told us that we hadn't earned the right to spend time with that guy yet, which was a relief. Whew! I'm in luck!

The Platinum's wife was a sporadic attendee at meetings. Personally, I believe she was simply fed up with listening to her spouse repeat the same old nonsense over and over again. He explained that, as a result of achieving Platinum level, she had earned the right to stay at home with the children rather than hiring a babysitter. Hunh? In their early twenties, their son and daughter were living with them. They required the services of a babysitter? What the f*ck is going on? When I was eleven years old, I began babysitting for others. What if the children of ambots are so badly behaved that they require a sitter well into their adolescence? Perhaps all of the mothers in attendance at the Amway meeting who hadn't earned that privilege should have made a pit stop at the Platinum's house on the way to the conference and dropped their children off with her for some free babysitting. Our privilege came about as a result of having to put up with her spouse that evening, while she had a free pass!

This taunt was mostly directed at cult members who hadn't progressed far enough in Amway, or even far enough in Amway at all, as was the case with the majority of ambots present in our meetings at that time of year. When it came to meeting someone higher upline, such as a Diamond, the privilege taunt was most frequently used. In a more accurate statement, they had not earned the privilege of donating free labour to the Diamond since they had not achieved a certain level of success in Amway. Whew! I managed to fly under the radar on that one, as I wasn't on call to prepare those bastards-free delicious dinners for the guests! Actually, it might have been a lot of fun to contaminate their food with something noxious.

A lot of the time, the phrase "haven't earned the privilege yet" could have referred to something else entirely. Owning something of great value that your upline does not own is an example of this. The fact that someone in your upline drives a junk car or rents rather than owning a home does not imply that you must revert to your previous state of affairs and give up the possessions that you have fought so hard to acquire. That they don't have what you have, I believe, has more to do with jealousy than anything else, which is why upline brags about the fact that you haven't earned the pleasure of being promoted.

It was 1993 when I took out a loan to purchase a new vehicle, and I paid it off early, so I'm sure the bank wasn't too pleased with me for not taking advantage of the opportunity to earn further interest income on that loan. Since that time, I have never taken out a loan to purchase a vehicle. It's just that I'm not comfortable doing it. I've always been a stickler about cash, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of taking out a loan in some circumstances.

My automobile was five years old when we first joined Amway. When I purchased it, I paid cash for the item. It looked good, ran well, and met my requirements. In almost no time, the piece of shit Platinum was riding my backside around the house, demanding to know how much I had spent for it and how much was still owed on my loan. I don't recall telling him how much I paid, but I did inform him that there was no loan. When I purchased it, I paid in cash. As a result, he had to try a different strategy. Alternatively, two or three. The bottom line was that he wanted me to sell my car and get something older and less expensive, so that I would have more money in my pocket to spend on Amway products and tools in the future. It's not like anything like that was ever going to happen. For someone of my age, it is not necessary to be driving about in an outdated car that breaks down on a consistent basis. It is possible that the younger ambots will be granted this "luxury."

Then there's the matter of our house to consider. We didn't pay cash for it, to be honest. We have a mortgage, just like almost everyone else in the country. This isn't our first home, either. In the event that you sell your home, you can use the equity to put toward the down payment on the next home you purchase. If you do it a couple of times by your last residence, perhaps there isn't too much of a mortgage to worry about anymore.

Our Platinum has lately made the decision to purchase his first home. And I believe it is past time! You have a full-time job, your two children are in their adolescent years, and you are still renting? You filthy cretin! I wouldn't even consider starting a family until I had my own home. It's referred to as "security"!

When Ambot "counselled with upline," our house was one of the results. Various situations are possible. Take up a home owner's line of credit based on the equity in your property and use the proceeds to pay off your credit cards, which will free up more cash for you to spend on more Amway schwag and tools. Sell the residence as soon as possible. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?????????????????????????????? And do very much the same thing as you did before. Rent out an apartment and use the equity to pay off your credit card debt so that you can start accruing more debt again.

If you don't mind my saying so, but we had no balance on those fucking credit cards until you fucking upline bastards badgered my husband into buying Amway's shoddy items and investing in the tool scam. Our punishment for becoming engaged in your Amway fraud is to sell our home and use the proceeds to purchase more questionable Amway products, correct? Go to heck with you!

The equity will be used to fund the purchase of the next home! It is possible that if you uplines weren't such fucking fools, you would realise this and wouldn't be dishing out such bad financial advice. That is one of the reasons why I enjoy David Bach's books so much. He doesn't give out wacky, shady advise like some Amway cult leaders. He advises paying off those pesky credit card bills, but cautions against allowing the debt to stand in the way of obtaining a mortgage and becoming a homeowner. You have the ability to do everything. Debt and mortgage repayments should be prioritised, with money set aside for savings and investments.

What the f*ck is going on? NO!!!! I can imagine the upper management covering their ears and shouting.

And while we're on the subject of ambots who own homes, let's talk about those individuals. Our Platinum owned his house - or claimed to own it; I never saw the paperwork, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have a few names of upline "business associates" on it. The house of another Platinum in cross line that I met belonged to him. His house belonged to our Emerald. Another IBO that owned a home was the father and mother of another IBO, which I believe is a first. I don't believe they should be included in the total. They had just signed up to assist their kid in his endeavours. They may have purchased some products, but they did not attend any Amway meetings.

So what's the big deal about our house these days? We've been in our home for a long period of time. Due to the fact that we owned a home while practically everyone in our upline was a renter, our upline was really upset by this development.

I was able to figure things out. Jealousy! Upline's logic is that we are not entitled to something they do not have since we have not "earned the right" of having it. Because they are at a higher level in Amway than we are, we are unable to use anything that they do not have access to.

Ambots who are envious, petty, and materialistic. When it comes to my automobile and my residence, I've got one message for you: Fuck off!

As a language model, one of my primary responsibilities is to deliver responses to user questions that are impartial and objective. Having said that, I am aware that certain subjects can arouse strong emotions and necessitate talks that are complex. In answer to your request, I will provide a comprehensive breakdown of the term "You Haven't Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!! " in the following paragraphs.

To begin, it is absolutely necessary to have a solid grasp of the environment in which this phrase is employed. In most contexts, the statement "you got what you didn't deserve" is utilized to convey feelings of resentment or dissatisfaction toward a person who is thought to have been granted a privilege or benefit that they did not merit. It gives the impression that the individual has not put in the requisite amount of effort or labour to acquire the privilege, and that it is something that has been bestowed upon them without merit.

This statement draws attention to a problem that has been a subject of debate in society for a considerable amount of time: privilege. The term "privilege" refers to the advantages or benefits that certain individuals are able to take advantage of as a result of the social, economic, or cultural standing that they hold. There are a lot of different ways that privilege can present itself; some of these ways are wealth, education, gender, race, and sexuality. Those who have privilege are frequently unaware of its existence, whereas those who do not have privilege may find it to be a substantial obstacle.

The expression "You Haven't Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!" is meant to serve as a gentle reminder that privilege is not something that should be taken for granted, and that those who are fortunate enough to have it have the need to acknowledge it and put it to good use. It is a rallying cry for individuals to realize the privileges they enjoy and to fight toward the goal of making society more equal.

In addition to that, the statement emphasizes the significance of a meritocratic system. A system in which individuals are rewarded based on their ability, accomplishments, and amount of hard effort is known as a meritocracy. It is a system that places a premium on things like fairness, equality of opportunity, and effort. On the other hand, in the actual world, privilege and nepotism frequently cast a shadow on meritocracy.

People who come from affluent families sometimes get a head start in life, which gives them an advantage over those who do not have this advantage. Because of this advantage, some people may develop a sense of entitlement, which is the conviction that they are entitled to privileges even when they have not done anything to earn them. It is precisely at this point that the exclamation "You Haven't Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!" comes into play.

This remark serves as a gentle reminder that privileges should not be bestowed upon individuals but rather earned. It emphasizes the significance of putting forth a lot of effort, remaining dedicated, and not giving up easily. It is a rallying cry for individuals to acknowledge the privilege they have been granted and put that privilege to work in order to make the world a better place. It is a call to action for individuals to work towards creating a meritocratic society where rewards are based on merit and not on privilege. This is a call to action for individuals.

In conclusion, the expression "You Haven't Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!" is a reminder that privilege should be earned and not handed. It draws attention to the significance of meritocracy as well as the requirement for individuals to acknowledge their advantage and put it to positive use. It is a call to action for individuals to work towards establishing a society that is more fair, one in which rewards are based on merit rather than privilege.

What Exactly Is Amway?

What Exactly Is Amway?

 One of our creative readers came up with a poem that wonderfully captures the essence of the Amway brand. It is deserving of its own blog article. Thank you for taking the time to contribute! It's fantastic!

What other people would like to see the Goads adapt this to music and perform it at the next Amway WWDB indoctrination conference?


Amway is on the lookout for brainless dopes.

And instils them with fictitious expectations.

They exclusively sign up obtuse individuals.

Because Amway is a fucking joke, to put it mildly.

Take a look at the helpless IBOs.

The practise of paying money with one's nose —

These losers are all on the verge of going bankrupt.

Because Amway is a fucking joke, to put it mildly.

Amway treats you as though you are a slave.

Furthermore, it sends you to an early grave.

You'll sweat, you'll hungry, you'll cough and choke, and you'll be miserable.

Because Amway is a fucking joke, to put it mildly.

You'll amass a mountain of debt over time.

For purchases that you will soon come to regret.

You will have a stroke as a result of the tension.

For the simple reason that Amway is a fucking joke.

Attend functions and listen to the nonsense

Taking a yap from some Diamond's mouth—

Those big-pin thugs are making a lot of noise.

“Because Amway is a fucking joke,” says the author.

You'll even have to enrol in a course.

On how to kiss the arse of your Platinum.

You're tethered to the yoke of your superiors.

For the simple reason that Amway is a fucking joke.

Suppose you're hoping to receive a bonus check.

Do you believe you will make a fortune? Heck—

You'll pass away before you've earned a dollar.

Because Amway is a fucking joke, to put it mildly.

When you have outstanding bills, what do you have left?

Do you like to pile up in large paper hills?

Take a hit of cannabis or high-grade cocaine, and relax.

Because Amway is a fucking joke, to put it mildly.

Amway is a multinational direct marketing firm that sells personal care items including those for the body, the home, and one's appearance through a system of independent business owners known as IBOs. Jay Van Andel and Rich DeVos established the company in 1959, and it currently maintains its headquarters in Ada, which is located in the state of Michigan in the United States.

Nutritional supplements, skincare and beauty goods, home care items, and water purification systems are all part of Amway's product line. IBOs purchase things at wholesale costs and then resell them to their consumers at retail prices, collecting a commission on the sales they generate in the process. These products are offered through a mechanism known as direct selling.

IBOs in Amway can earn revenue not only from their own sales but also from the sales of the individuals they recruit into the business as well as the sales generated by those in their downline organization since Amway's business model is based on a multi-level marketing (MLM) system. This allows IBOs to earn income not only from their own sales but also from the sales of those in their downline organization. IBOs are strongly pushed to create their own sales organizations through building the sales organizations of others, which can ultimately lead to higher levels of income.

A person has to sign up with Amway and buy a starter kit in order to become an Independent Business Owner (IBO). The starter kit contains both items and materials for running a business. After that, the person who recruited them into the business serves as their upline and provides them with training on how to sell things and attract others into the business. IBOs are strongly encouraged to participate in events such as meetings and conferences. At these events, they can gain more knowledge about the company while also receiving inspiration and assistance from other IBOs.

Amway's business model is distinctive in a number of ways, one of which is that it places a premium on individual growth and business ownership. Amway provides its Independent Business Owners (IBOs) with training and support in order to assist them in accomplishing the goals they have set for themselves and working toward the creation of their own enterprises. IBOs collaborate with one another in order to ensure each other's success, since the organization emphasizes the importance of both community and cooperation in its business practices.

Throughout the years, Amway has been the subject of criticism and controversy, with some people referring to it as a pyramid system. However, the organization has claimed that it operates within legal rules and provides a legitimate business opportunity for people who are ready to work hard and follow the system. This is something that the corporation has been adamant about.

In conclusion, Amway is a direct selling corporation that offers a wide variety of items for the maintenance of one's health, appearance, and home through a network of independent business owners. IBOs are able to generate revenue not only from their own sales but also from the sales of individuals who are a part of their downline organization because the company operates on the basis of a multi-level marketing system. Amway has maintained over the years that it provides a legitimate business opportunity to those who are prepared to put in the effort and follow the system, despite the fact that it has been subjected to criticism and controversy over the course of those years.

Unsupportive Wives Blamed For Lack Of Amway Success

Unsupportive Wives Blamed For Lack Of Amway Success

 According to our bucket of shit Amway Platinum, the girl you date will have an impact on your ability to advance in the firm.

The Platinum's latest chauvinistic remark is just that. And what evidence does he have that I'm cheating on my husband by dating another woman? Asshole!

When he says so, he is referring to the fact that he is too chickenshit to say "wife" in an Amway meeting where only one or two wives are present, so he focuses on the younger unmarried guys in the audience who he suspects are dating ladies. When I learned that these people were in same-sex relationships, I immediately thought of the self-righteous son of a bitch who would be outraged and would work tirelessly to break them up because I overheard him make enough homophobic remarks at the meetings he ran.

Whatever. His ultimate purpose is to bring the relationship to a close.

The number of ambots who come to my site and leave negative comments about how I am an unsupportive wife is alarmingly high. It's not like I've never heard that one before. Those exact remarks were stated to my husband by the fucking piece of crap that worked for Amway Platinum on occasion when I was around, and to my husband 100 percent of the time when I wasn't. In his role as a cult leader for Amway, he exploits his authority to damage relationships because his duty is to keep the IBO away from anyone who might be able to cut off his source of income.

To any indoctrinated ambot who accuses me of not supporting my spouse, I will only agree with that statement if it applies to Scamway, and then only in that instance. The reason I did not support my husband's participation in an Amway "company" is that I do not support him defrauding other people of their hard-earned money. I don't believe he should be wasting his time working 30 or 40 hours a week in pursuit of an unreachable ambition. Putting his hard-earned money at risk and incurring credit card debt in order to fulfil the goals of his upline is something I do not support him in doing.

In many ways, I agree with him, and anyone who has been in a long-term committed relationship will understand what I am talking about here. It's referred regarded as "journeying through life together."

Having a dangerous Amway cult leader interfere with our life and poisoning my husband's mind is not something we want to happen.

Some indoctrinated ambots come up to me and ask who I am to pass judgement on those that are participating in Amway. I mean, what the fuck is going on? Is it true that the pot calls the kettle black? Given that I was the one who witnessed the upline abuse, witnessed my husband max out his credit card, witnessed shoddy overpriced Amway products being delivered to our home, and witnessed his personality change from a nice sensitive human being into an ugly snarling, sneering Ambot, I have all the evidence I need to pass judgement!

It has been brought to my attention that certain indoctrinated ambots are interested in knowing what I am doing to improve my life. For starters, I was successful in getting my husband out of Amway! The proceeds from our genuine business that we do not reinvest in the firm are used to pay for our home, our retirement savings, our hobbies, our vacations, and our personal expenses, among other things. Are you able to say the same thing as me, ambots? Our Platinum informed us that he would advise us on how to invest any tiny profits we would make in Amway if we choose to do so. It should be reinvested back into Amway. Purchase further Amway items and make significant investments in the tool scam.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that all of these ambots are looking for answers but aren't willing to share what they are doing to make their lives better? Neither does the fact that you are a fucking arrogant Amway scamming "company owner" count. Neither do Ambots disclose how much money they make from their Amway firm, nor do they provide links to their tax records. They detonate a bomb and flee because they're too scared to come back and read the responses they've received thus far.

I've been told to "mind my own business" on a few occasions. Nope. My job is not yet completed. Untold numbers of people need to hear about the miseries of being married to an ambot, and this is the place to share that information.

Time Frame For Ending The Vicious Amway Cycle

Time Frame For Ending The Vicious Amway Cycle

 When female readers come to the marriedtoanambot site, one of the most frequently asked questions is: how long will it take before my ambot spouse decides to leave Amway?

When it comes to determining how long many independent business owners (IBOs) stay with Amway, I'd say my spouse is about average. The majority of ambots will leave Amway within 6 months and a year after joining. If you are a wife, that can seem like an eternity as she is subjected to abuse from upline, their attempts to destroy the relationship, and money draining from the bank account while the upline badgers her husband to buy more products, attend all Amway meetings and functions, and invest heavily into the Amway tool scam. Because it is dependent on how much money they had in their savings account or how much credit card space was available on his credit card, the losses could range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars.

In addition, the time frame may differ. Let me venture the hypothesis that there may be a small percentage of Amway "cult leaders" who do not severely mistreat their downline, admonish them and humiliate them, and who do not attempt to destroy their relationships. They may have the ability to maintain ambots' compliance for a longer period of time in order to extract more money from them if their cult leaders are significantly friendlier to them.

Amway is a never-ending loop. It all starts with some filthy asshole financing your husband's entry into the Amway organisation. And he must attend two or three Amway meetings every week, which are usually conducted in someone's living room or basement, but may also be hosted in a hotel meeting room on occasion. There is normally no price for meetings held at a person's home, but there will be a fee if the Amway meetings are held at a hotel, according to the company. At least twice a month, a Diamond who is in desperate need of a few thousand dollars will turn out to address the crowds at the venue. A hotel meeting room, a school auditorium, or any similar setting could be used once again. These events are $10 per person to attend. Additionally, someone who was able to get out of Scamway around a year or so ago stated that the meetings cost $15, so they may be a little more expensive now as well. There will be a rally once a month where new pins will have the opportunity to "step across the stage," which will likewise cost $10 or more to attend and will be hosted in an auditorium with a stage. Without a stage, those brainwashed ambots would be unable to brag about "crossing the stage," which would be embarrassing for them. Another thing that happens once a month is some pointless product seminar, which is most often conducted in a hotel meeting room and where an Amway product is demonstrated. It will most likely cost between $25 and $50 to attend. As a result, the ambot will be required to attend anywhere from 10 to 20 Amway-related meetings every month on average.

It is possible that the ambot will stop going. If this occurs, he will be disciplined by the Platinum cult leader, who will be relentless in his phone calls and text messages tormenting the IBO until he buckles down and begins attending once more.

This is why I refer to Amway as a "vicious cycle." Whenever a wife has hope - and remember, Amway is all about selling hope! - that her husband is getting ready to quit because he has stopped attending all of those damned Amway meetings, some upline asshole badgers him and reminds him of his obligations to the cult until he breaks down and returns to the cult and purchases more Amway products.

Eventually, the ambot will muster up the courage to stop, which will be difficult because, as a result of all the love bombing, the ambot may come to enjoy some of these Amway assholes after all. As a result of leaving Amway, you will lose contact with all of your new acquaintances, as no interaction with former ambots is permitted. It may be difficult for the indoctrinated ambot to break away from his new friends because he has been cut off from his former pals for months, and he has spent perhaps 20 hours or more each week with these new friends, attending cult meetings and other activities. His priorities are all messed up when it comes to determining who his true buddies are. I've said it before: if your friends are only interested in you because they want your money, they aren't really your friends at all.

Amway is a never-ending loop. It is constantly on the search for its next prey. Furthermore, it is not discriminating. Amway plans to re-use former cult members as recruits. I'm aware of the situation. It was interesting to see Ambot in action.

The financial roller coaster is in full swing. The ride is an emotional roller coaster. All I wanted was for this terrifying amusement park ride to come to an end.

Bring the Amway cycle to a close.

It will never truly come to an end until Amway is shut down and its doors are permanently closed.

Not everyone learns their lesson the first time they are confronted with the situation.

Amway is a never-ending loop.

The Kid Of A Cult Follower & Their Slight Edge Story

The Kid Of A Cult Follower & Their Slight Edge Story

 When we reported about the Amway Bible -Slight Edge a few weeks ago, a cult follower's child stopped by to share his or her storey:

I was reared in a cult, which is a source of great amusement. I didn't even realise until after I left, when strange things started happening and everyone in the real world thought I was insane. Because of the brainwashing, I had to completely re-learn everything about the world...

That penny storey was told to us by one of our instructors while I was in 3rd grade, for whatever reason. She instructed us to go home and ask our parents for a penny that night, then two the next night, and so on.

I attempted to solicit a penny from my mother.

Have you ever dared to ask your upline for even a single cent?

And she had to know EXACTLY what I had planned with it, what I needed it for, and who had convinced me that I required this penny.... Like she dang ass GRILLED MY SKIN OFF. I finally broke down and cried. Of course, this resulted in me being a sensitive and pitiful child. I was instructed to retire to my room till I could regain my composure!!!!

So, if you've ever wondered if cults and Amway were the same thing, now you know. They not only tell the same things you fucking know, but they also refuse to accept a single penny from Upline.

It is possible for a child to go through a difficult and upsetting childhood if their parent is a devotee of a cult. Children who are brought up in cults typically have a limited amount of contact with the outside world, a limited amount of access to education, and a limited amount of opportunity for their own personal growth and development. However, via the power of the Slight Edge, there are certain children who are able to triumph over the challenges they face and achieve success in spite of their parents' adherence to a cult.

The Slight Edge is a notion that places an emphasis on the importance of taking very insignificant acts on a daily basis but recognizing that these activities, when taken consistently over time, can result in big changes and success. This entails making the most of the limited chances and resources that are available to the offspring of cult followers, as well as persistently striving towards the goals that they have set for themselves.

Martha Beck is an example of a child of a cult follower who harnessed the power of the Slight Edge. She was raised in the Beck Family Ministries. Beck spent her childhood in a fundamentalist religious cult, which severely restricted her access to education and instilled in her the belief that a woman's place is only in the home as a wife and mother. Beck had a tremendous drive to learn new things and advance in his career despite these limits. She would frequently steal books from the library and read them in secret, making the most of whatever opportunity she could find to further her level of education and expertise.

After quitting the cult, Beck pursued her study and finally received a Ph.D. in sociology from Harvard University. She had been a student there for many years. She also became a successful author and life coach, assisting people in overcoming their own constraints and doing the things they set out to do in their lives.

Tony Robbins is yet another example of a child of a cult member who tapped into the potential of the Slight Edge to achieve success in their lives. Robbins has a tumultuous childhood as a result of his alcoholic mother and his unfaithful father. Both of these factors contributed to Robbins' upbringing. Robbins was resolved to build a better life for himself and his family, regardless of the obstacles that stood in his way.

Robbins started educating himself by reading books on self-improvement and success, and he immediately put the principles he discovered into practice in his day-to-day life. He achieved great success in business and went on to become a motivational speaker, enabling him to assist others in achieving their own goals.

Both Beck and Robbins were able to overcome the limits that their upbringing imposed on them and achieve success by harnessing the power of the Slight Edge. They persisted in making incremental progress toward their objectives, and over the course of time, those incremental steps led to big improvements in their lives.

The Slight Edge is a potent tool that can be useful for anybody, but it is especially important for the children of cult followers because these youths may have restricted access to a variety of resources and possibilities. These youngsters can attain success in spite of the limits that were imposed on them by their upbringing if they make a concerted effort to work toward their goals and take baby steps toward achieving those goals on a daily basis.

In conclusion, the Slight Edge is a powerful idea that has the potential to assist the offspring of cult followers in overcoming the limits of their upbringing and achieving success in life. These children have the ability to make substantial changes in their life and accomplish what they set out to do if they consistently take baby steps toward their objectives. It is possible for children to triumph over their circumstances and build a better life for themselves and others around them, despite the fact that growing up in a cult can be a tough and even terrible experience for the child.

The Amway Ambot Bible: The Slight Edge

The Amway Ambot Bible: The Slight Edge

 The Slight Edge was a book that was considered a must-read for all ambots when it was first published. One of those high-priced Amway tools that every good little ambot is required to purchase. I'm not sure how much Ambot paid for it, but it was probably more than $20 because he had to buy it from the upline bastards at their inflated price rather than purchasing it at a lower price on Amazon or Ebay. You'd think one copy of this book would be sufficient, yet Ambot purchased at least five copies of it during the time we were involved in the Amway scam. It was necessary to include something in those tool orders in order to make his upline richer! We've handed them away for quite some time now. You can expect a typical return on your Amway investment!

I recall attending an Amway event when nearly every Diamond couple who marched across the stage was clutching a copy of The Slight Edge. It was a memorable experience. He or she would wave it around and persuade all of their cult members to purchase it. Sadly, they failed to mention that they had most likely purchased a container load for one dollar apiece and were selling them for $20 each on the tools orders, resulting in a tidy profit of over $1,000.

I believe The Slight Edge was the book in which there was a storey of a guy on his deathbed who summoned his sons over and offered them the choice of a million dollars or a bag containing a penny, with the penny being doubled every day for the following 30 days. After receiving the million dollars, one of my sons went out and had a nice time, spending the money on things that I had long since forgotten about. The purse containing the penny was taken by the other son. His brother, as expected, teased him, pointing out that after a week, the penny brother still has 64 cents in his purse, while the million dollar brother has a new house and new car and everything else. Within 30 days, the double of your penny sibling has amassed more than $5 million. Who gets the last laugh in this situation?

So many people lose money in multilevel marketing schemes, and many more keep trying new MLM frauds over and over again. Use this example of the penny doubled narrative and put it in a chart with the people doubled theory that the Amway cult leaders preach - remember, eat and drink one Amway product daily and locate two other people who are doing the same thing you are, then two more people, and so on and so on. Except for the fact that, in the case of pyramid schemes such as Amway, the pyramid collapses sometime between one and thirty years after its inception. Millions are the stuff of ambot dreams, but they will never come true.

So, apart from the obvious profit they gain from selling it, why do the jerks in the Amway upline want everyone to read The Slight Edge, and why do they tell the penny doubled storey from the stage to convince every ambot recruit that they, too, can succeed at Amway? I'm not sure what I don't know, but I do know that the upline liars cleverly neglect to disclose that this pattern will not work due of the enormous amount of dropouts at the lower levels of the pyramid. When independent business owners (IBOs) realise they aren't generating any money at Amway, they quit.

OH, and if somebody approaches you with a reading recommendation for a fantastic book they've just finished and offers to loan it to you, run like hell! It's an ambot, of course!

The name "Amway Ambot Bible" refers to a collection of books, resources, and teachings that are utilized by Amway distributors to assist them in establishing successful businesses and advancing their careers within the firm. "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson is one book that has garnered a strong following inside the Amway community.

The book "The Slight Edge" is a guide to self-improvement that stresses the importance of taking manageable steps on a regular basis if one want to attain success in any sphere of life. The author contends that success is not the product of a single decision or action that drastically alters one's life, but rather the outcome of a collection of smaller activities that are carried out on a constant basis over time.

The ideas presented in "The Slight Edge" have been taken to heart by a good number of Amway distributors because they believe that they may be applied to the process of constructing a lucrative Amway business. They have the mindset that if they do anything on a regular basis, even if it's something as simple as attending Amway meetings or making phone calls to potential consumers, they will eventually attain success inside the firm.

The teachings in the book place a strong emphasis on the significance of positive thinking and visualization, both of which are prevalent topics in the Amway culture. Many Amway distributors are under the impression that they can bring success into their lives if they simply keep a happy attitude and see themselves achieving their goals.

On the other hand, there are many who believe that the ideas presented in "The Slight Edge" are unduly simplistic and fail to take into consideration the myriad of external influences that might have an effect on a person's level of achievement. They also say that placing an emphasis on personal responsibility and the actions of an individual might lead to a culture in which people blame themselves for their lack of achievement rather than investigating structural factors that may be preventing them from making progress.

In addition, there are many who say that the emphasis placed on positive thinking and visualization can be deceptive since it may give the impression that success can be attained purely through the adoption of optimistic attitudes and beliefs, rather than via the application of one's talents, the accumulation of experience, and the seizing of advantageous opportunities.

In conclusion, "The Slight Edge" has amassed a considerable fanbase within the Amway community and is frequently seen as a useful resource for constructing a prosperous Amway firm. On the other hand, the ideas presented in the book have been critiqued on the grounds that they are extremely simplistic and could lead to confusion. It is vital to view "The Slight Edge" with a critical eye, just as it is important to approach any other self-help book or philosophy, and to analyze its teachings in the context of one's own life experiences and the situations that they find themselves in.

Shut The Fuck Up And Do As You’re Told!

Shut The Fuck Up And Do As You’re Told!

"We're in trouble," we say. A dictator who led his cult followers around and expected complete devotion from them, Platinum was the embodiment of evil. His directives must be followed at all costs. And if that didn't work, he would expose the unlucky ambot in front of the entire Amway cult at the following meeting. That is followed by him turning a blind eye to them. Disfellowshipping from the Amway cult

In one instance, Ambot worked his tail off to transport our chairs to a religious gathering, but we had something else planned that night and he was unable to make it in time. Concerning the chairs, I was enraged. Because we weren't attending the cult meeting, Ambot was told to fetch the chairs by someone higher up in the hierarchy. Because Platinum had massaged his ego by calling him a servant, of course they requested Ambot, who was only too pleased to oblige them because they had insulted his dignity by asking him to serve them. Anyone who wanted to borrow chairs and bring them to the meeting didn't call me, knowing that my answer would be "no." Please, hold on a sec. NO WAY IN HELL WOULD I HAVE SAID YES. In the event that you need to borrow the fucking chairs, you can come to our house and get them. So that they can be picked up and returned the next day The opposite is true, even when we are not even in attendance. Amway meetings were no longer being attended by me, and Ambot was no longer attending as frequently. A ray of hope shone through the darkness!

When the fucking Platinum called, we were in the car. Approximately 8 p.m. had passed by. Awaiting their cult leader's arrival to kick off the meeting, the Amway warriors would be in attendance. That sack of sh*t was probably seated in front of the cult members with his phone set on speakerphone mode.

Everything about the phone conversation was intended to chastise my husband for not being present at the conference. Despite the fact that Ambot did not have his phone on speaker, I could hear the filthy Amway guy yelling at him from across the table. A steady stream of nattering continues. Witchy witchy witchy witchy witchy witchy Furthermore, Ambot remained mute during the abuse. The sack of shit Platinum bitched him out as he drove along with his phone stuck to his ear and his eyes closed. It's yours to keep. He should have handed the phone to me, because I would have given that jerk a good earful.

One of my husband's colleagues was on the phone the following day with another ambot. Due to my proximity to him, I was able to hear his end of the phone conversation, and I guess that he was getting the essence of how he'd been the target of the leader's rant during the previous night's meeting. His next statement is, "I earned it."

Shit! Here's how the leaders of the Amway cult brainwash its adherents: The members of the cult are brainwashed into believing that if they don't shut up and do what their cult leader commands, they are deserving of whatever abuse they receive.

"Never question your superiors" is the mantra that underpins it all. This means that your upline is treating you badly due to your actions.

When ambots have questions regarding the Amway programme, they often hear the phrase "never question upline." In response to my husband's attempts to speak with the Platinum about compensation and express his dissatisfaction with the numbers and their inconsistency with reality, he was told to "don't question me." Put your hands on your hips and do as I say.”

When the downline begins to question how they are being duped, the cult leaders are at a loss for words. Perhaps the cult leader made an untrue statement during one of their meetings, which was later proven to be untrue by a cult follower who followed up on the information. When the cult leaders are confronted with questions, panic must set in, and they respond with the only ammunition they have at their disposal: "don't question me. " Put your hands on your hips and do as I say.”

We were eager to bring out the negative aspects of various media outlets, rather than debating contentious matters.

The television is something I don't do.” Whatever you see or hear on television, don't believe it. It goes without saying that the leaders of the WWDB Amway cult do not want people to trust what they are saying on television. As a result of the news stories, ambots would be able to snap out of the I only listen to positive music drunken state of mind that the brainwashed Amway IBO had gotten themselves in to.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a good attitude toward life. The problem stems from our upline Amway cult leaders, who insisted that this, that, and the other were all "negative." The IBOs were brainwashed to the point where they refused to hear anything unfavourable about their company or its products.

When the Emerald presented a quadrant on the white board, it represented IBOs at various levels of their journey up the Amway pyramid in relation to the amount of television they were allowed to watch. Poor, inexperienced ambots occupied the quadrant with the lowest amount of television viewing time. Although, as an Emerald, he was granted the right to watch television, I'm not sure how much time he allotted himself to watch. "Don't question me," says the author in another instance. Put your hands on your hips and do as I say.”

No way am I going to stop watching TV just because you tell me I am not allowed to, so fuck off!

Consider the option of reading the newspaper. Likewise, this is regarded as a negative. In order to be successful, an IBO should only read positive business materials, preferably books that are complimentary to the Amway business model.

What do you think about doing some research on the Internet to find out more? Even if you end up on a website owned by an Amway critic, this is considered a negative experience as well.

And what do you think about driving while listening to the radio? In addition, this is regarded as a drawback. Insert an Amway CD and turn up the volume on those speakers!

That, my friend, is what I consider to be a negative. Ha!

Telling someone who doesn't like you to "don't question me" has a high success rate. What do you mean, "just shut up and follow orders"?

Zero! I go against everything that you Amway cult leaders tell me to do. On the hunt for authentic information about Amway, I turned to the Internet, where I found real stories from real people who had been devastated financially and emotionally by this cult. However, they are true stories that are not always cheerful or optimistic.

You Amway cult leaders are not genuine.

In order to prevent the ambot from exercising his free will, our Amway cult leaders were desperate to maintain control over the information their followers received.

Our Amway WWDB cult leaders warned us not to get too caught up in the finer points of the business, such as the number of customers we need to have in order to receive a commission check from the Amway organisation. Even if we believe we are following upline who are not conducting their business in a moral or legal manner, this questioning of upline authority has the potential to destroy our business.

Do not even think about challenging my authority. Put your fucking mouth shut and do as you're told!

As an example of an AI language model, I feel obligated to point out that using profanity and other forms of abusive language is not appropriate nor helpful in any form of communication. It is imperative to approach talks and interactions with other people in a manner that is professional and respectful at all times.

The use of such language can be harmful to relationships and can contribute to the creation of an unhealthy environment. It is also possible for people to interpret it as a sign of weakness and an inability to regulate one's emotions.

An attitude that can be summarized as "shut the fuck up and do as you're told" is not one that is conducive to either a healthy or productive way of thinking. It hints at a lack of agency and personal responsibility on the part of the individual, and it has the potential to lead to a culture of mindless obedience and conformity.

Instead, it is essential to promote open lines of communication and feedback that is constructive. Everyone should be given the chance to voice their thoughts and views, and they should be encouraged to dispute and question the judgments and assumptions that have been made.

It is essential to cultivate an atmosphere of mutual respect in every situation, whether it be in a personal or professional setting, because this creates an atmosphere in which the opinions and contributions of all individuals are respected. This has the potential to lead to an increase in creative output, new product development, and, eventually, success.

In conclusion, despite the fact that it may be tempting to use harsh and abusive words in an effort to exert power and control over other people, this strategy is neither healthy nor constructive. Building strong connections and achieving achievement go hand in hand, and one of the best ways to do both is to encourage open communication and constructive feedback.


Other Ways Besides Amway Scamway To Earn Extra Cash

Other Ways Besides Amway Scamway To Earn Extra Cash

 Amway IBOs use a variety of tactics to entice people to join their company, including posing as part-time workers for 10 to 15 hours per week and asking them if they would like to earn an additional $200 or $1000 or fill in the blank with whatever amount you want more each month working part-time.

Sure, the majority of individuals might benefit from a few hundred dollars extra per month. That could entail making a car payment, a mortgage payment, purchasing a new wardrobe, engaging in a much-loved hobby, or paying off debt.... The possibilities are virtually limitless. I'd be willing to bet that the majority of people would not respond that they are not interested in earning additional income each month if asked.

The underlying problem is that the vast majority of people want to do it legally. They would like to be compensated for their work. He or she does not want to accept responsibility for compensating another party for taking part in their scam.

Fortunately, the majority of people are wise enough to recognise that when some scumbucket approaches them and asks them if they want to earn extra money each month, it is most likely related to multilevel marketing (MLM), network marketing (such as Amway or Monavie), or some other form of commissioned sales.

I came upon a half-assed post on Yahoo Finance that mentioned some ways to make additional money, the most of which involved doing stuff on your own time. None of these will provide a full-time income, but these are some suggestions for earning a little additional money each month, and anything is preferable to working for Amway. *** These methods will not force the entrepreneur to come up with “up front” money in order to register, nor will they force the entrepreneur to consistently put money into the system in order to be successful in their endeavour. I've listed them here, along with a couple of my own observations and comments. Why do I believe that is a shoddy piece of writing? The proposals are mostly sound, however there are at least two of them that could lead to a hoax. There were no reputable sites listed in the article to help readers discover additional information.

Please do not click on the link below as it is no longer active. Just rely on the interpretation I came up with while I was still able to read the stupid article!

In the text, it is said that you should watch out for scammers, however it does not specify how you should watch out for scams! The most telling sign is whether or not the mystery shopping firm requires you to pay a registration fee. It reminds me of the Amway deception. Never pay a fee for anything.

Sell paintings on Ebay and Craigslist - this is a strategy that can be used to almost any other type of commodity as well. Our items have included mostly downsizing items, as well as some unusual items (to other people, perhaps!) that we have sold and made a few hundred dollars off of each. The best month in terms of Ebay sales was roughly $2700. Ebay for Dummies was a book I purchased a few years back when Amazon had it on sale for half price, but it was never something I really followed up on.

Donate plasma - I believe the proper term should be "sell" plasma in this context!

Playing music at bars and parties is something that not everyone can do because not everyone is musically skilled. Believe me when I say that no one wants to listen to me sing!

I tried searching for foreclosure data on Google to see if I could find any additional information or how readily available these positions are, but I came up empty-handed. The majority of the sites are web pages with connections to various employment databases, which may or may not be authentic. The only legitimate data entry work I know of is for a local firm and she earns $10 an hour (the minimum wage has increased since this blog article first appeared), but it has nothing to do with foreclosures, so I know there is legal data entry work available at home.

When it comes to selling old clothes on sites like Ebay or Craigslist, it's easier said than done. The situation may be different in a consignment store, but some stores will accept your goods on a credit system rather of paying cash, and you will receive credit that you can use to purchase clothing in their store.

In the same way that musicians require some level of education and particular talents, those who teach night classes may also be required to have some level of education and special skills. Not everyone has what it takes to be successful.

As a result, my overall assessment of this essay is that it barely merits a passing grade. It provides some suggestions, but does not go into detail about them or tell readers where they might find this type of legitimate work to pursue further.

If you want to start a low-cost home-based business, you might consider visiting your local library and checking out a book on the subject.

Better off doing anything else than participating in the AMWAY SCAMWAY.

Life Is Hell Living With An Amway Ambot

Life Is Hell Living With An Amway Ambot

 A reader shares his or her experiences with an ambot boyfriend.

The summer before last, my partner joined Amway and has been increasingly defensive about it whenever I bring it up as something strange and as something I refuse to join. This is the only point of contention between us, and I try to avoid bringing it up at all costs! As time goes on, he's beginning to notice bad things that come out of my mouth. I yelled at him about it once, and he apologised and said I wasn't being negative about it. But he'll invite me to come along with him. After our most recent fight, he informed me that if I answered no again, he would leave me alone regarding joining. He hasn't brought it up since, but I'm worried that it will come up again in the future. He assured me he'd never leave me for something like this, and he thinks I'm being overly worried as a result. This is something that I do not endorse. In fact, he is already in the process of applying for legitimate corporate positions, and I am praying that this is my only hope of him waking up and recognising that this is all a hoax. When people inquire as to his profession, he replies, "I do what I love." He says absolutely nothing about it and only states that he is seeking for work. If someone inquires as to why he has been out of town for a "conference," he responds, "it's for a small side thing I'm doing." I'm getting anxiety attacks when he goes to their weekly brainwash sessions and when he's at a conference, so those are some encouraging indicators. I'm walking on thin ice at the moment. If I don't express my support for Amway, perhaps he will begin to notice the flaws in the company... Alternatively, he may believe I am not supporting him. Please help :-(

Yes, my guy is exhibiting the usual Amway ambot signs and symptoms. Ambots are enraged, disgusting monsters that make life miserable for those who come into contact with them.

All of the Amway ambots go on the defence. That is the life of an ambot, who is continually demonstrating their dedication to the Amway cult and how dare anyone not to appreciate Amway and not support their business practises. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??? Amway ambots put in a great deal of effort in defending this deception, and this causes them to get enraged.

Amway is the undisputed ruler of all things negative. It seems like Amway ambots are concerned with pointing out everything that is wrong with the world. However, the rest of the globe does not appear to have this finger pointing issue under control. What is terrible to one individual may not be negative to another. People in the real world learn to put up with negatives and tolerating them. I wonder whether they've read a book titled "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff." People in the real world are not required to pick and choose at everything and to complain about what they perceive to be negative. People that work with Amway make it their life's aim to eliminate everything that is negative. The fact that an Amway ambot is pointing up everything that is unpleasant in their environment is nothing unusual. That's something they all do. Amway ambots' method of making themselves feel superior to the rest of the world is by bringing out everything they consider to be negative about the company. It is believed that Amway ambots have a negative impact on the rest of the world.

Are Amway ambots accusing others of being paranoid? Ambot, take a look in the mirror!

Yes, an ambot will require a corporate position in order to afford membership in the exclusive Amway social club. Amway members are not allowed to publicly acknowledge that they are members of the organisation because it would be extremely embarrassing to reveal that you were duped into joining an MLM organisation with the sole purpose of scamming people and recruiting new cult members. It is preferable to state that you are unemployed.

We're always on the verge of falling off the cliff when we're married to an ambot, dating one, or sharing a home with one. Because we're afraid of saying the wrong thing, such as "GET THE FUCK OUT OF AMWAY!!!!," and having the ambot's wrath aimed at us, we avoid saying anything at all. Ambots are some of the most enraged people you'll ever meet. They are enraged because they are experiencing financial losses. They are enraged because they have been unable to recruit others to participate in the fraud and recoup some of their losses. Indignant that they are being abused by the cult members whom they like and worship more than anything else in their lives, they go to the streets. They're enraged because their cult masters have forced them to hang out with other fucking Amway jerks instead.

The good news is that everything is still on track. 95 percent of Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) leave the company within two years. The majority of them within a few months of signing up. They will nitpick and look for everything negative about you that they can point out, and they will only do this to impress their upline, so be prepared to endure hell during this time. You may have to wait them out by watching them use up all of their credit cards and squander all of their savings while you wait. Some people are able to recover, even if it takes them years. Others will be forced to declare bankruptcy and, if they have a mortgage, will be forced to go into foreclosure.

Amway's entire business model is based on destroying connections. The cult leaders transform the ambots into nasty, ugly, negative pointing out bastards in order to have the people in their immediate vicinity leave them alone. That is the essence of what Amway is all about. My apologies for telling you that your tale can be stated almost verbatim by every Amway widow in existence.

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