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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Mr Amway Ambot Louse – Don’t Touch That With a 39 And A Half Foot Pole!

Mr Amway Ambot Louse – Don’t Touch That With a 39 And A Half Foot Pole!
 Thank you to one of our readers for sending us this Christmas poem set to music from The Grinch!Mr Louse, you're a jerk to say the least.You are, without a doubt, a jerk.You have the cuddly qualities of a cactus.You have the same allure as an eel.Mr. Louse, you're a terrible banana,...

Here’s Another Way To Lose Money In Amway – Selling Amway Shit For Christmas

Here’s Another Way To Lose Money In Amway – Selling Amway Shit For Christmas
 This is a ghost from the past... a ghost from Christmases past!That's not going to happen. Make that this is an old post from years ago, but given how near Christmas is approaching and how weird Amway is, I'm bringing it back for any new readers who may not have seen it before. This...

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass. Don’t Buy An Amway Christmas Tree!

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass. Don’t Buy An Amway Christmas Tree!
 Some ambot came to this site looking for information on how to purchase a Christmas tree from Amway.Why in the world would you want to do something like that? That's my first thought.Then I began to wonder if they were artificial trees or actual trees in the first place.In any case,...

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass Amway Ambot Christmas Tree Pusher

Don’t Be A Dumb Ass Amway Ambot Christmas Tree Pusher
 One of our readers recounted his experience of breaking his asses to sell those crappy Amway Christmas trees, and we are grateful to him. In addition, she made the wise decision to leave the Amway pyramid scam as soon as possible.When I was at AW, I created 200 fliers to promote the...

You Haven’t Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!

You Haven’t Earned The Fucking Privilege!!!!
 The phrase "you haven't earned the privilege yet" was something we heard a lot from our Amway upline, and it was usually delivered in a taunting manner with a "I'm superior than the rest of you" mentality.There could be a variety of reasons for this.At one point, the Platinum was attempting...

Unsupportive Wives Blamed For Lack Of Amway Success

Unsupportive Wives Blamed For Lack Of Amway Success
 According to our bucket of shit Amway Platinum, the girl you date will have an impact on your ability to advance in the firm.The Platinum's latest chauvinistic remark is just that. And what evidence does he have that I'm cheating on my husband by dating another woman? Asshole!When...

The Kid Of A Cult Follower & Their Slight Edge Story

The Kid Of A Cult Follower & Their Slight Edge Story
 When we reported about the Amway Bible -Slight Edge a few weeks ago, a cult follower's child stopped by to share his or her storey:I was reared in a cult, which is a source of great amusement. I didn't even realise until after I left, when strange things started happening and everyone...

Other Ways Besides Amway Scamway To Earn Extra Cash

Other Ways Besides Amway Scamway To Earn Extra Cash
 Amway IBOs use a variety of tactics to entice people to join their company, including posing as part-time workers for 10 to 15 hours per week and asking them if they would like to earn an additional $200 or $1000 or fill in the blank with whatever amount you want more each month working...

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