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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Signs Of An Amway Zombie

 It occurs to the nicest of individuals from time to time, and it usually happens quietly and subtly. These are the indicators that you are becoming indoctrinated, and you are most likely causing irritation among your family and friends as a result. One of the things Amway uplines are skilled at is indoctrinating their downline members with their beliefs. They employ sophisticated psychology to persuade you to agree with them on minor issues, gradually increasing your trust, and then, once a certain level of trust has been established, they introduce some of the more bizarre teaching methods. Many people give up after realising the scam is a hoax, but some are stubborn and continue to fall for it. Although my old sponsor has remained in Amway for more than two decades, while he was once a platinum, he is no longer in the top tier of the company. I hope this is of assistance to someone:

*You're driven to recruit as many people as you possibly can. Even misrepresentation or plain lies may be used to entice individuals into attendance at your meetings. Within a short period of time, your family and friends will avoid you like the plague. You do this because it is the only way to obtain "diamond" status and "residual income" in the business world.

We want you to build an unreasonable and irrational enthusiasm for the products. Even going so far as to justify the high quality of toilet paper or to refer to the products as prestigious is an extreme measure. You might even fight over the quality of energy drinks or about phytonutrients, which are things you might not even be aware of at the time. You'll try to justify the higher prices of Amway items by citing the company's concentration or by using some other argument.

There are several demands, promises, and subtle threats of failure presented in the promotional materials and motivational seminars if you don't put up enough effort to achieve your goals. i.e. If you give up, you are a loser who is condemned to die poor and miserable.

*Because the method is promoted as the means by which you would become enormously wealthy, you will be under intense pressure to give up any conflicting or competing interests, such as your bowling league or golf club membership. Except for the pursuit of financial independence, there is nothing else that matters in life. All of your activities in life must contribute to the success of your Amway business and have an impact on your financial future.

*Your upline quickly establishes itself as your most trusted friend. Your thoughts and sentiments are influenced in part by the CDs, meetings, and functions that you attend and attend. Many personal decisions, like as purchasing a new laptop, a new car, starting a family, getting married, and so on, necessitate the approval of your upline. In other words, you're being advised on these options by someone who joined Amway before you.

Do any of these actions ring a bell with you? Hopefully, none of these habits are being displayed by you.

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