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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Amway Bullshit Mantra – Be Dead Or Broke By Age 65

 Remember sitting through tedious Amway meetings while some sack of sh*t Amway jackass babbled on about how 95 percent of the people will be dead or bankrupt by the time they were 65? And what about the remaining 5%? They were in charge of their own enterprises.

From whence do these liars get their information? Is it possible to get it out of their asses? Inquire with the cult leader about where they obtained that statistic. Never put yourself in the shoes of your superiors! You'll be shamed at the next ten Amway meetings for committing such a sin, holy fuck. Platinum, our bucket of shit, stated that he believed it was on the census. Those were the questions on the census form that I recall seeing: "If you are under the age of 65, are you still alive?" as well as "Are you in financial trouble?" LOL!!!!

As for those who die before the age of 65, unfortunately, people die for a variety of causes, and there is no point in getting into depressing detail. However many Amway ambots attempt to offer you some snake oil medications to save your life, do not fall for it! I couldn't discover any information on the Internet about the percentage of people who died before they reached the age of 65. If I can't find it, how can those dishonest Amway Independent Business Owners (IBOs) discover it? They are unable to do so! As a result, the rest of us who haven't been brainwashed ambots have our bullshit metre activated, which tells us that we've been screwed in the head for believing the nonsense that they're spewing.

People are surviving for significantly longer periods of time these days. We have made significant advancements in medical and scientific research, and, on the whole, people are leading better lives by watching what they eat, exercising, and refraining from smoking. People who maintain a healthy lifestyle are able to live well into their 80s and 90s with ease. Unlike today's youth, they grew up in an era before credit cards and the concept of debt existed. They own their own homes, receive Social Security benefits, and have savings and investments from which they can supplement their income.

What does any Amway ambot know about the actual percentage of people who are broke by the time they reach the age of 65? What government survey inquires as to whether or not you are broke. I'm not sure how many people would admit to it if asked in a survey, to be honest!

According to my research, no government statistics demonstrate that 95 percent of the population is dead or bankrupt by the age of 65; therefore, it is easy to draw the logical conclusion that any Amway ambot who spews this garbage is lying and is most likely repeating lies that originated from some Amway asshole higher up the corporate ladder.

There are a lot of people that make poor decisions about their future. That does not imply that they will be bankrupt or dead before the age of 65. There are a lot of folks who are not in the business of running a business. That does not imply that they will be bankrupt or dead before the age of 65. What you're seeing there is just some amway jerk attempting to generate fear so that people will sign up for their Amway fraud scheme.

Other events may take place as well. Death of a spouse might result in other financial difficulties such as being unable to pay the mortgage and eventually foreclosure, while illness or injury can make earning a living practically impossible.

The individuals described in the preceding paragraph are the types of people who IBOs frequently prey on in order to recruit them into Amway. Awful ambots lure people into the Amway system by instilling false hopes of financial independence in their minds while they are already in a bad state of affairs and a terrible financial situation. These are the people who can least afford to lose their hard-earned money.

What about the Amway ambot lie about the 5% of the population who are neither dead or broke by the time they reach the age of 65 just because they run their own business?

Ownership of one's own business creates an intangible barrier around you, protecting you from being murdered in an accident, dying from a sickness, or losing all of your money before reaching the age of 65?

According to ambots that have been brainwashed, this is the case. Ambots who have been brainwashed also believe that if someone owns a business, they will be successful and will never go bankrupt.

Amway's upline assholes continue to spread their lies to the public. Businesses fail for a variety of reasons, often resulting in significant personal financial losses to the firm owner from which they may never be able to fully recover. This includes bogus Amway enterprises as well!

Abots are brainwashed by their uplines into believing they are legitimate business owners since they have paid $200 or whatever the current registration fee is, $300/month minimum for Amway products for personal use, and a few hundred dollars more a month for Amway tools and functions. Because of this, the upline Amway jerks preach that they are members of the fictitious 5 percent of business owners who will live until the age of 65 and will never be out of money.

Anyone considering joining this Amway dream business who has heard the old Amway mantra about being dead or broke by the age of 65 should urge the ambot liar to provide them government-documented substantiation of those numbers before signing up. To see what they come up with will be intriguing to watch. It's going to be difficult to get out of that deception!

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